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Wolverine vs Raiden Yes, Raiden still had that sword but it was him having that plus strength and speed advantage that gave him the win. Logan has been alive long enough that he’d quickly realise he needs to avoid sword swings and wait out for the toxic blood (which he could smell) to do Raiden in


Yeah that entire fight was so one-sided statwise it was pretty much just Adamantium vs the Murasama.


Goku vs Superman mainly since A. The sun wouldnt benefit Superman and B. Goku's martial arts ability would allow him to create the opening needed.


Since both could blow the universe away any second then the Sun won't be a factor


Yes but that also means even if Superman does go in for a sun dip Goku would gain that powerup as well


What about all of Superman's wacky Silver Age powers like shooting out mini Supermen from his hands?


He would still have that, just not sure if he would remember or even actually use it


Why are you equalising Base Goku to a sun-dipped Superman instead of Base Superman?


I'm not specifically saying a sun dipped Superman but since superman can continue as long as he has solar energy he theoretically would in a normal scenario have much more stamina but if they get equalized no matter what then Goku would also he able to do the same or Superman doesnt get that benefit


eh I disagree, superman still has a TON of bullshit abilities and hacks.


Bullshit abilities yes but hacks?


Uh yeah he does as well Superman has a ultra instinct equivilent (that doesnt have a time limit), has the ability to boost his strength WITHOUT the sun (injustice has him use this as his regular power called kryptonian strength, similar to a super saiyan form), is WAY smarter and has much quicker thinking/processing ability (idk if that goes under equal speed but eh), and a LOT more


If we're going CC, then Goku would absolutely outhax


im cc goku was used in pt3 and still gave ability's point to supe as to many counters and resistance to goku hax


if we do CC goku we would probably use an alt superman which giga outhax. I was considering standard versions of both


eh maybe there still that narrative power supe has that goku has no counter to, if we including "story of superman" ability


I mean if we want to add the crazy stuff let's add Goku's ability to break the manga panel as a child as a feat


Yeah... No, that's not true. Superman has plenty of martial arts training of his own and is more than capable of keeping up with Goku in skill.


True but Goku even as a kid was able to easily find weaknesses in his opponents strategies or just outright copy their moves. So any martial arts Supes does have will have something Goku can figure out or Goku will use


goku cant just magically copy anything though, it definitely has limits


Well yea but any basic martial arts or physical abilities he absolutely can


Superman’s abilities are still superior to Goku’s. A fairly broken healing factor with the Sun, phasing through physical attacks, counters or resistances to pretty much all of Goku’s abilities, a fighting style that we’ve seen counters Ultra Instinct (attacking vital areas like Granolah did), and his own form of Ultra Instinct that gives him reality warping powers.


not to mention his own form of super saiyain with kryptonian strength from the injustice series, also I dont see why he couldnt re-buff up with the sun if he was nerfed to goku's strength.


I don't see much of a difference with equalized stats. It's not like Superman hasn't fought a bunch of martial artists before, and Goku wouldn't be very different.


But arent most of Superman's villains just brawlers?


Not really? Superman's rogue gallery is diverse. Some of his villains are martial arts masters, while others are interdimensional gods of evil (e.g. Darkseid).


Deku vs asta because deku was the more tactical fighter


Chosenborn Jotaro vs Kenshiro Diocard Deku vs Asta


Time stop and Dio’s own healing really just force a stalemate I feel.


IIRC the original reasoning was that since DIO was so much faster, he could waste all of Alucard's souls before daytime, since time stop has a cooldown and the stats are equal, I don't think Dio could permanently put down Alucard before the sunrises or he gets killed.


Time stop doesn’t really have a cool-down though, as shown we he just spams it to troll Polnareff. The duration was also constantly increasing with every use. I don’t think Alucard can really pin him down


Didn't they say Star Platinum had a cooldown for time stop in part 6? That should carry over to The World, but I might be misremembering.


IIRC the world doesn’t have a cooldown because Dio is a vampire.


>IIRC the original reasoning was that since DIO was so much faster, he could waste all of Alucard's souls before daytime Wouldn't make much sense. Assuming Alucard dies once per second, it would take weeks to kill him. And he could simply choose to not regenerate and just stay "dead".


They calced Dio at 15,000 x ftl (a calc i greatly disagree with but whatever) while calcing Alucard as massively hypersonic. We have a speed difference with an order of magnitude in the trillions


That really doesn't matter for Dio being able to kill Alucard in a single night. It's up to Alucard to regenerate, you know? I also heavily disagree with those stats nyway.


there isn't cooldown with dio timestop only with jojo star platinum, the World doesn't suffer from this and with how each he uses it increases it duration, before it sunrise he would have likely given himself time needed to escape and put the battle on hold for while


Kenshiro would still go trough star platinum and fold jotaro like laundry. Neither is a martial artist at his level


Batman vs Spider-Man. Peter still has his spider sense, but Bruce comes through with combat expertise and gadgets


If we take to the fact Rouge vs Wonder Woman is wrong in all accounts and take that into account, their may be a slimmer of hope Rouge could legitimately since she just takes Wonder Woman's stats and adds it to her wonder woman level stats So she wins via stat stomping a equalized matchup


Is that how her powers work?


Cole vs. Alex: Cole won due to power.. Without the power advantage, he'd get cooked. CU vs. Dragonborn (via DB's logic): Dragonborn won via stats.


Strength and durability aren't why Cole won. He won because Alex has been shown to struggle against more mundane electrical weapons like a cattle prod/taser, and Cole is waaaaay above both of those in terms of electricity output. Plus there's little proof Alex could infect a Conduit, especially one shown to resist similar mutating infection. We've only ever seen Alex infect regular humans or consume other Blacklight virus variants which were off shoots of himself anyway. Conduits aren't humans nor blacklight and have natural disease resistance and cell regeneration of their own.


The issue with the argument of Cole resisting Blacklight that Death Battle made, is that it misinterprets how the Ray Sphere works. The Ray Sphere was made to specifically give energy that's beneficial to conduits, even if an excessive amount of it can hurt them. [We find out that Cole did temporarily die from later from it](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/infamous/images/d/da/1-2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090627035514), but in the comics that came afterwards, we see [Kessler was aware Cole was going to live](https://imgur.com/a/4bMr2cY). Even if Kessler wasn't completely 100% sure that Cole would survive it, he had the Ray Sphere thoroughly tested to make sure Cole would live. And before anyone brings up John White, he was pulled into a [vortex of energy](https://youtu.be/4Y3wHmYsuKM?t=734) caused by the destruction of the Ray Sphere. While he did die from a Ray Sphere blast in the evil route, it's non-canon, and we consistently see the Ray Sphere not kill conduits afterward, even in non-canon material, which would make that scene an outlier. We've seen [Nix and Bertrand survive it](https://youtu.be/eGIrFFQKKmY?t=684). And we've seen that [random Conduit survive](https://youtu.be/woD7JszioeM?t=610) the one that John created. And if we did go off the non-canon evil ending of InFamous 2, we see when John gives his powers to Cole, a Ray Sphere blast is caused. While regular humans are killed, [Conduits aren't](https://youtu.be/73jv66Fns18?t=517). It affects Conduits differently because [it rips the neuro-electric energy from regular people and transfers them to Conduits](https://imgur.com/KRO30tw), which empowers them. It does damage the environment, but it doesn't kill Conduits. That's a main plot point of InFamous 2, and why John White is going around creating Ray Sphere blasts. Cause he's killing regular humans, while people with the conduit genes survive and are then immune to the Ray Field Plague. And no, Cole being able to survive a specific type of electrical energy that was made to grant him superpowers does not make him magically immune to everything that can only affect molecules. He's not immune to [drugs](https://imgur.com/J5YS0l9). In fact, [Cole](https://imgur.com/Iss2NaJ) and [other conduits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWXAIf_jvsY&t=483s) are just as [affected](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWXAIf_jvsY&t=483shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pObzP0Ez8H0&t=2685s) by common drugs as normal humans. The best feat Cole has for resistance against foreign substances/pathogens is not immediately dying from exposure to the Black Tar. And that's not something that can only be done by conduits. We can see plenty of normal people on the streets, [like here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBI1ZQ3rQJg&t=65s), without any superpower being exposed to the tar but not immediately dying to it. Cole gets his power reserves crippled by being briefly exposed to it. A [single canister](https://imgur.com/ccQTnky) of it would [effective](https://imgur.com/tHMytER) to defeat him/knock [him out cold](https://imgur.com/fpdCFLn) and a long exposure to it would kill him. It's also very worth noting that the Black Tar is something that can easily be [counteracted by common solvent cleaning products](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBI1ZQ3rQJg&t=107s). The Blacklight virus, on the other hand, is [far more violent](https://imgur.com/a/LSNQeGz) and was shown to be able to resist [a Parasite](https://prototype.fandom.com/wiki/Parasite) that was designed to neutralize it, and was then later shown to be able to infect [Whitelight](https://prototype.fandom.com/wiki/Whitelight), which was an anti-virus designed specifically to cure Blacklight. This is even shown in the game, [when Whitelight barrels are brought to non-infected individuals](https://youtu.be/15guqWX-Y9c?si=4viATckTuU-tBIN-) He's vulnerable to many other things that don't operate on the atomic level. Because resistance to a specific type of energy ≠ resistance to foreign substances, pathogens, and anything else that affects molecules.


I think it's more 1. We've never seen Alex infect something above human level. We can't just assume he could infect something above that. Same reason you can't assume someone like Voldemort could one shot something like say, the Universal Studioes version of King Kong, when at most we've only ever seen the killing curse work on human wizards. 2. Cole specifically is a Conduit with ELECTRIC powers which is something we know the Blacklight Virus responds negatively too. Even if Alex could infect other Conduits, Cole is the only one with a power that can fend off the Blacklight His whole body is COARSING with a lot of electricity to a point he'll even passively shock people standing in puddles near him or absolutely fry car engines by just sitting inside a vehicle unintentionally. A walking power grid is probablg the least suited place for the virus cells to try and spread.


>We've never seen Alex infect something above human level. We can't just assume he could infect something above that. I still disagree with them. If Cole and other Conduits can be affected by foreign substances and pathogens in a similar way regular humans can, then the Blacklight virus would absolutely be fatal to them. Not to mention, Cole and other Conduits don't have any feats of being able to resist something as potent as Blacklight (The only exception being John White, but that's only because he can rebuild his body on an atomic level). >Cole specifically is a Conduit with ELECTRIC powers which is something we know the Blacklight Virus responds negatively too. Not really. Alex is more just vulnerable to it. The stun baton Alex dealt with was [High Voltage](https://imgur.com/a/LbCQ3XG), and we see if he hardens his body, he [blocks it with no trouble](https://imgur.com/a/yVRTC5Z).


Blacklight is able to infect beings that are specifically made to not be infected by it, as with the Hunter Leaders I think they're called from the first game. Also... Alex Mercer was never weak to electricity. He never was. It was never something he has specific weakness to. It was just a weapon that was used during that boss, and was never utilized again because wow! It's almost like he doesn't have specific weaknesses to electricity! Beyond that, if they're both equal stats, Mercer would be smart enough to just launch a water tower at Cole because he's made of electricity, and would likely be weak to it. He could very easily just drag him under the water of Manhattan too


What do you mean by Death battle logic? Normally in game the chosen undead tries to learn his opponents moves to avoid them. But he cant really do that with the Dragonborn since he could have 1000's of different styles of attacks in different variations.


yeah I think equal stats DB still wins. The hax diff is just too high, and vow of silence only has a small range/cast time which they didnt even mention. Not to mention powers and shouts are separate to magic and shouldnt be silenced to begin with


True plus it's not like Chosen undead would fight just the Dragonborn on his own considering the Dragonborn could easily summon an army with Summon Durehviir shout


Yeah plus DB got the verdict right but the reasoning wrong IMO. If we buy that the chosen undead NEVER gives up, the DB still has bend will, and the elder scroll to make the chosen undead go insane/hollow. Not to mention paralyzing forever, using etheral form, etc. The stat diff was the least of the chosen undead's concern.


Not to mention the literal army of minions the DB could have at any point


Yeah I honestly feel like thats the least of their worries but definitely another wincon. Also could buy time for the DB to patch up inbetween the chosen undead's respawns


True plus I think he does also passively heal although it's been ages since I've played


he does as well yeah, you can also increase the base regen. chosen undead can also do this with a talisman but its much less


So basically it would never end until chosen undead gave up lol I love it


Let me be specific: They said that DB only won due to the MASSIVE stat gap making CU go hollow. While realistically, DB has hax that can likely permakill CU, UT wasn't mentioned in the post-analysis afaik, which meant that DB was facing someone that was just as powerful as him, but could come back as many times as he wants.


And the Dragonborn could easily just keep summoning minions or his army to help turn the tide every single time. Cause let's be honest what is the chosen undead gonna do against DB, his follower with dragon aspect, Durehviir, like 10 bonemen some archer some warriors, 2 atronachs more than likely lightning and ice, oh and if they fight near any animals boom animal allegiance has those animals follow DB and fight CU


bend will would just instandly make the chosen undead hollow also DB focused on the stat diff (which was relevant) but tbh isnt necessary at all for the DB to win. the hax diff is CRAZY between the two


In the Ultraguy blog he mentioned that DB could incap CU and has ways to install win with his hax


I was specifically talking about the episode.


Akuma VS Kahn, I think?


Discord and Bill Cipher: ![gif](giphy|1l7GT4n3CGTzW|downsized)


>Megatron would easily defeat Frieza if stats were equalised. I don't think so, even if stats were equalised Megs' only advantage over Frieza is being a better and more experienced fighter, but since Frieza is also strategic as well and has faced better fighter like Beerus (who is also millions years old), I don't think that would be a big factor. Frieza still have way wider weapons/tools choice with his ki control compared to Megs' only canon and a energy spike mace. The DB team also said Megs is the bigger of the 2 actually made him an easier target. Plus, Frieza's telekinesis and ki barrier seems like a great counter for Megs' antimatter.


Yeah and there's also that paralysis ball. I was actually surprised it did get shown in the animation but didn't get brought up at all in the analysis.


Here you just said several things that are wrong and Megatron has much more abilities to counter Frieza's abilities than those of BFR, SEALING and etc. Also, I wouldn't rely on that fight too much because in the analysis they minimized a lot of the extensive things that Megatron has, even the ability to energon.


>Megatron has much more abilities to counter Frieza's abilities than those of BFR, SEALING and etc From what I understand Megs' BFR is just limited in summoning his weapons and armors and his sealing ability is just to people to dust/or other materials with his fission cannon shot (as it was shown in G1 movie he turned Starscream to dust). If I was right then Megs' BFR tools summoned are still less versatile than Frieza'a ki control which can create weapon/energy blast/barrier and shape by his own. And Megs' sealing ability still a shot based on energy and require him to hit his opponent, Frieza's telekinesis or his own Ki attack can just push it back to Megs. But I could be wrong tho, I'm not a fan of transformers


Gamera is much more versatile than Godzilla. He might even be able to eat Goji's atomic breath but not absorb it since he eats nukes


When has Gamera eaten nukes? He was awakened by one in the original film, but there is no indication that he drew strength from it. Only that the force and heat of the explosion freed him from hibernation. Gamera feeds on fire, not specifically radiation. And while typical radioactive fallout isn't likely to hurt him, he has been injured and damn near killed by nuke-equivalent explosions as we saw in *Advent of Legion.* We've seen Godzilla's atomic breath packing a similar kinetic punch, depending on the incarnation of the character. Honestly, even with equalized stats, I still say Godzilla takes this through sheer tankiness and raw power, assuming we're going for composites as we saw in the *Death Battle* episode. Even if we don't, I say most individual incarnations of Godzilla still beat most Gameras for similar reasons.


It is stated he eats nukes in a Showa guide book but its validity its not clear, hence the "might". With equal stats Gamera has more tricks up his sleeve like flying, fire balls, vanishing fist, making vulcanos, elbow knives, the mana cannon and also a protective shell, while Godzilla only has atomic breath and pulses. His regeneration his top-notch however and would give Gamera a headache, but I still see the turtle winning


By the episodes own logic Hulk vs Broly.


Dio vs alucard would become a megastomp in alucards favor


Depends. Does Alucard's fodder army get buffed too? Even if they did would that really stop Dio from blasting them with the Space Ripper Stingy Eyes given it's piercing power is above his own durability? In fact if Dio wanted to be a cheap fucker he could spam SRSE and timestop in tandem. Just not allow Alucard to even get close.


alucard would realistically not go level zero against dio (or really any single person) so his army is kind of pointless to mention (it was probably put in the animation because it looks cool which is fair) Time stop would only delay the inevitable considering alucard would only need one good hit to take him down (both of them have pretty bad durability) and alucard can delay his regeneration as seen in the very first episode of ultimate which makes it so one time stop can only take one of his lives This is not even taking alucards illusions into consideration which would distract dio long enough for alucard to turn him into dog food The stat gap being gone just makes it far easier for alucard to finish dio off compared to the normal debate where dio can zoom around him and use the world to try and whittle him down before sunrise


Can Alucard resist being frozen solid? Cause along with SRSE that's another of Dio's vampire abilities I could see being useful here. Won't matter how many lives he's got if his regeneration is impeded from even functioning.


I would assume he could probably regen from it The only thing i don’t think he can regen from is a full on disintegration (unless its post schrodinger but thats not being used here)


What if Dio freezes him and then blasts him with the SRSE eye beam until there's nothing left? Even if he can regenerate after he gets shattered it means nothing if he can't resist the freezing to begin with because it still completely immobilizes him and let's Dio do whatever he wants with him while he's in that state.




my 2nd favourite black fictional character knuckles would beat donkey kong to death also curse you DB for knuckle's weird ass analysing


I still don't get why the hell they used fucking Sonic Boom's opening to calculate his strenght


calculated his speed as over 100mph like dude he's a sonic character


Megatron wins because he was minimized in all his attachments. However, Frieza had all his weapons, I’m not saying make a gigantic ball of weapons out of Megatron but still he has way more weapons. Also, transformers is a small universe that’s why you need to put all his weapons on display


basically any MU where the loser had better hax and IQ IE Tanjiro vs Jonathan


alex vs cole, that whole fight is kind of basically a gohan sjj2 vs cell situation, Cole wins due to raw power to vaporize and end Alex quickly and being safe from infection as his energy makes his body uninhabitable for virus to survive in, equal stats he likely going to lose the war of attrition being unable to keep to alex down for good


Wario vs King Dedede would’ve highly likely ended in a stalemate, ~~(which I still really think that it does.)~~ as neither can really hurt each other good enough to put their opponent down for good.


Really, in that fight, Megatron should have won. Also, sometimes I don't understand how so many people take the opinion of death battle so seriously. In that fight they minimized Megatron a lot, leaving him to Universal and only FTL from then on, nothing else, they didn't even talk about the cosmology of Transformers They didn't investigate anything else about that and are left with the slightest thing that they misunderstood a lot about how the Transformers continuity works. They took more into account the cartoon and comics of Marvel's Transformers g1 and that is wrong because they are not the same continuity, they are two different continuities Another thing to note is that they also used double IDW, they used three different continuity in a composite that didn't really work and they only got more involved in the cartoon and the Marvel comics. They used very little from the IDW comics for Megatron and still watered him down too much to exorbitant points when literally in this continuity Megatron is literally one of the biggest heavyweights. I know this comment is going to be controversial but what I'm saying is basically what I myself looked at and determined from that fight and the truth is they didn't do a good job. I'm aware that they're going to call me an idiot who couldn't stand seeing Megatron lose, but the truth is I'm just saying what I think and anyone who isn't is going to agree, that's up to them.


Megatron wins either way




Megatron really does beat Frieza in that battle, they minimized it quite a bit to Universal and FTL they literally made it look as if Transforme's cosmology was so small. And besides the fact that Megatron can deny Frieza's durability, antimatter doesn't even compare to Hakai.


It's the truth. The death battle had sloppy research equivalent to the first prediction blog years ago and was crap unlike the recent one


Megatron gets no dif by T.O.P tier characters.


Megatron one shots frieza into infinity


Betting 100 bucks you have him at outer or some shit.


Lmao did you read the prediction blog


I agree Megatron should have won that fight I don't know why there are so many people who take DB so seriously sometimes when they have already been wrong so many times


They downvoted you for telling the truth just cause dragon ball is more popular lol


Goku would more then probably beat Superman given the reasoning Death Battle gave