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Optimus Prime for sure.


I don’t believe Optimus Prime can wield it Not because he isn’t worthy or something, but his giant body trying to pick up the tiny hammer would definitely be a sight to see


I want to believe it would just magically increase in size to fit in Prime's hand.


I mean the hammer has magical shirking for Frog Thor so the opposite can be true


If I am not mistaken, Frogjolnir, the hammer of frog thor, didn't shrink but was a sliver of Mjolnir, but their might be some time thor got turned into a frog and his normal hammer came with him.


Does he count as a person or a machine? Would him picking it up be like an elavator lifting it?


Cybertronians are pretty much sentient, so they definitely count more as people than machines


Cybertronians are pretty much sentient, so they definitely count more as people than machines


Cybertronians are living creatures, just made of metal


thor :)




Nahhhhh that's such an outrageous claim. Absolutely no way Thor can lift the hammer.


Shit with how many stories there are about him not being able to lift it, I believe that look


Marvel(Jason Aaron) in 2010's be like


I honestly think Vegeta could lift it. He’s done his best to repent for the atrocities he’s committed, is a “righteous warrior” according to the SSJG ritual, and has tempered his massive pride and ego with humility. He recognized the horrible parts about himself and literally went to hell and back to work on improving himself. That covers at least 2/3rds of Thor’s “unworthy” storylines, so he should be golden.


While you're probably not wrong, I will say that Vegeta grabbing the hammer and getting yeeted with it was the most Vegeta thing ever.


I haven’t even watched dragon ball but I agree so much


Perfect timing. Or was this intentional


I ended up having a convo with Friends that inspired this and that convo happened because of the remaster dropping


Makes sense.


Why is it perfect timing?


Because the post came out immediately after Princes of Pride was re-released on YouTube.


Ah gotcha


This is a lot of speculation, because we don't actually know what makes someone worthy. Even Superman himself, in the JLA/Avengers crossover, was only deemed worthy because the Hammer deemed the need great enough, but the moment the danger passed, he was no longer able to lift the hammer. The enchantment in the comics after all, seems to have originated from Odin cursing it out of spite when the Hammer proved unyieldy when the All-Father tried to use it. But that being said, there are some things we can glean from the few people who have canonically been deemed worthy. Of those canonically worthy without some sort of magical BS to circumvent the enchantment, we have Wonder Man, Captain America, Beta Ray Bill and Loki during that time he was good. So, the hammer seems to indicate that it looks for a warrior who knows when to pick up the hammer up for war, but also knows when to use the Hammer for peace. People like Aang definitely wouldn't be for the same reason Spiderman can't lift hammer. Aang is too kind. He doesn't want to kill even when everything says he should. He's a pacifist at heart. Korra is actually more likely to be worthy than Aang. Ignoring the confirmed Worthy that have been featured in Death Battle, such as Wonder Woman and Captain America, I would argue that characters like Optimus Prime, Cole McGrath (Good Karma), Jonathon Joestar, and Samurai Jack would all be worthy wielders. (Samurai Jack's sword almost seems to work like Mjolnir honestly, abandoning Jack the second it felt he was unworthy to wield it.)


As you said at the beginning, there is a lot of speculation. I went off what seemed to be the most consistent and that was Sacrifice, Selflessness and Doing Without Thinking all of which fit Aang perfectly.


Superman,goku,Jonathan Joestar,tanjiro


I agree with all of these except Goku. Bro has put others in dangers due to his need for a tough fight multiple times. Like when he let Frieza power up to full strength, or gave Cell a Sensu Bean before he fought Gohan


He is worthy for the nimbus he should be able to life the hammer he is pure of heart


Nimbus need pure heart but mjolnir need qualities of a king to lift it which honestly goku doesn't have.


Kid Goku was innocent he didn't even know what a girl was. DBS would let Frieza alive to fight him later, even if Frieza would end up destroying Planets. Goku is still a manchild who loves fighting. Meanwhile, Xeno Goku is a different Goku that I think is worth of Mjlonir


It's worth remembering that we are talking about if Odin would find him worthy and I don't think he would after seeing Goku constantly put lives at stake just so he could get a fair fight.


Doesn’t Thor do the same?


He did at one point but that got him banished to Earth because he needed to be humbled


I don't think the conditions are the same. Worthiness is determined by Odin's enchantment, so by Odin's standards for being a warrior and the king of Asgard


Dude cell would have just blown up the fucking planet if it weren't for that bean (freiza and vegeta DNA) and Goku knew that it'd be the only way for Gohan to unlock his potential seeing as Gohan was the only one who could beat Cell it was a smart move


"Not fucking up" isn't a requirement for Mjolnir.


If it was a one time thing, I would agree. But this is a consistent thing he does, something Odin wouldn't approve especially considering how that same behavior is what caused him to banish Thor to Earth


This is just a poor argument all around. A) Goku never intentionally endangers anyone, and despite not being the cause of a lot of evil ends up being the one to dive on the metaphorical grenade when the metaphorical shit flies. Ex: tanking SBC just to ensure Raditz is dealt with, being the last person on Namek to make sure Frieza is dealt with, teleporting Cell when he tried to go boom, risking an eternity fused with the ball of rage and anxiety that is Vegeta 2) I bet Odin has much more important things to worry about than constantly monitoring whose playing with some bauble he created for his kid. Mjolnir's magic probably works like an ai, preprogrammed to scan beings for intent, self-control, etc.


>with some bauble he created for his kid Ah yes the same "bauble" that was created from a living cosmic storm that rampaged and nearly destroyed the universe and gave odin a run for his money. The same "bauble" that allows its user to time travel,revive the dead,become intangible along with a massive power boost.


So we agree. A trifling to a being claiming the moniker of Allfather could be well beyond the fathoms of mere mortals. Doesn't change the fact that Goku doesn't callously disregard human life for a "fair fight" or that a preprogrammed enchantment that finds Thor worthy would also find Goku worthy.


Yes it would it views it as worthy in odin's eyes which Goku isn't Thor was exactly like Goku which is why odin banished him in the first place.


Just because you say so? Nah.


Because Goku is a dumbass who has 0 properties of being a ruler? Tell me do you think he is capable of ruling a nation?


![gif](giphy|Ala8Pjo4RN9kY) Seems like a Leonardo thing


The way I see it, the hammer is based on both nobility, if you're of good character fit to be a King of Asgard's people, and necessity, if as a warrior, you do what needs to be done, without hesitation and without reveling in wanton bloodshed. Just a few that I think would fit - Omni-Man - Kakashi - Leonardo - Yoda - King Mickey - Po - Macho Man Randy Savage - Vegeta - Hercules - Ryu - Samurai Jack - All-Might - Might Guy - Tanjiro - Johnathan Joestar - Trunks


I always found it was based on three qualities. Sacrifice, selflessness and doing without action. Which is why I think Aang would fit


I love Aang, but Aang not a killer, hell that's what his big thing with Ozai was, and it's also why Spider-Man isn't consistently worthy, because he won't take the lives of his rogues


I think it all depends on how you view what makes someone worthy in the eye of Odin, as there is a lot of debate on that.


I also feel like the thing with Ozai people often overlook at how Aang didn't just decide not to kill him and walked away, he made sure he wasn't a threat to anyone and he pondered on how to spare Ozai without letting him start everything all over again


Aang is not a killer.... He drowned a bunch of fire Nation soldiers But he isn't a killer: *Action is louder then words* ![gif](giphy|GbUrFXadBryQ8) He is... He just keeps denying it in the show...


Omni man is an absolute monster both in capabilities but also in morality. He isn't worthy of the hammer.


I'd say so, once he goes through his redemption, like obviously not Viltrum Empire Nolan, but down the line, yes


Okay. Yeah, that makes sense. That 1st season version of him was just...rough. Morally speaking.


Dimitri. Despite being a ruthless killer, he has a noble spirit and a strong sense of duty and justice, and has proven capable of atoning for his own wrongdoings.


It depends on player character stuff vs what you think is always canon but I feel like generally the Dragonborn would be able to pick up Mjolnir if not by default then by the end of the main quest in Skyrim. Now of course there's many playthroughs where this also doesn't fit, so he's/she's more of a wildcard.


Always been kinda salty about vegeta being unworthy he saved a namekian child and died protecting earth and took a lightning shot from zamasu to protect trunks


His ego is too big man


Not anymore to think about it he’s just different in super he’s more calm he can get pissed but he’s just not that antagonistic then he use to be


In Super Vegeta legit said he would rather die tha humilate himself, definitely not something Odin would find worthy


Just because someone is unworthy at one point in their life doesn’t permanently bar them from wielding the hammer. Hell, Thor has been found unworthy multiple times and he’s using it just fine. The current Vegeta has changed a lot and is much more humble than the version that nearly got the entire planet destroyed.


Vegeta also would let granola to kill him for a crime he didn’t commit to from his pepole vegeta legitimately felt guilty of the autrocides from the sayians


It's about more than being willing to fight. I think the Hammer also judges their capacity to accept peace as well. Superman has failed to lift the Hammer too. In JLA/Avengers crossover, he lifts the Hammer only briefly but once the battle is over, he finds he cannot lift Mjolnir no matter how hard he tries. Thor explains that Supes isn't worthy, and that the earlier battle was because Mjolnir deemed the need great enough to allow him to wield it.


If you think about it, in his battle against Thor, Vegeta was worthy for a moment. Mjolnir doesn't stop because someone tries to stop it unless the person in question is as strong as the hammer, as seen in "Banner of War" where Mjolnir broke Thor's arm when he tried to hold it in the same way Vegeta did. I believe that in that brief moment, Vegeta was truly worthy, but his ego and pride quickly took over, making him unworthy again. But it's just a personal theory.


Before anyone says Caboose, I’m saying Church This is mostly Epsilon I’m talking about but I will bring up Alpha Church’s sacrifice in season 6. Epsilon is the definition of pushing for a result that leaves all threats punished. He pushed himself to his limits during the Sharkface fight on the mountains, he pushed to help Carolina’s goal on finding the Director, and just like his original version, he sacrificed his life to make sure his friends would get out of the final assault alive.




She has cannoalically lifted it.


Chosen Undead would lift it like a weapon they can’t properly use one handed.




Superman and Wonder Woman have both lifted it in crossovers, though the degree of "worthiness" varied between them: In the *DC vs Marvel* event from the 90's, Thor lost Mjolnir during his battle with Shazam. Wonder Woman later found it, lifted it and gained its power... only to immediately discard it when she was challenged by Storm... for the sake of fairness... despite the fact that these battles would decide the survival of their respective universes. WW promptly got her ass handed to her, and she later returned the hammer to Thor. Years later during the climax of another crossover titled *JLA/Avengers,* the heros are being blocked from their goal by a barrier erected by the antagonist, Krona. With the fate of both universes at stake, Thor throws Mjolnir to Superman, who uses it to batter down the wall separating the heroes from Krona. Later, after the battle was won, Superman tried to lift the hammer to return it to Thor, only to find it wouldn't budge. Thor says that the circumstances allowed Supes to briefly wield Mjonlir, despite the typical worthiness enchantment, but assured him that the hammer had been in good hands.


I’m not sure about who can lift it but as for who can’t Homelander is definitely at the top of the list. If there are requirements for lifting the hammer he doesn’t fit any of them.


Hear me out fellas, but I think the Doomslayer could actually do it


Yeah, Slayer would be seen as Worthy to Odin and Thor due to the sheer brass balls Slayer lugs around


Wonder Woman and Captain America.




Heart me out.. Mega man...? Is there any reason the main line mega man would not be worthy? Just a random shot in the dark


I actually think X would be worthy. Maybe Classic too


Captain America


The Doctor…No, I’m serious.


Jonathan Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)


I think Cole could. Though, I’m not sure how pure of heart Mjolnir wants someone to be. Cole, despite his moniker, isn’t really a “saint”. Strong moral compass for sure, but not a completely infallible person the likes of Superman.


It's not really pure of heart but moreso if you fit certain qualities. The three most consistent are Selflessness, Sacrifice and Doing Without Action. It's been a hot minute since I played Infamous so I don't remember if Cole fits these attributes but I remember in the good ending of Infamous 2 he sacrificed his life to cure billions of people


Then Cole’s hurdle would be the doing without action part. Cole isn’t someone who just jumps into a situation without at least thinking it through a little. He may canonically always choose the good options, but the fact he has to think about them and consider the bad karma options as well means good is not his automatic go-to-option and that he tussles with the notion of selfish, eviler options at least a little. I’m not a Marvel person, so I don’t know if Cole would qualify with that in mind either 🤷🏽‍♂️


Doing without thinking is basically just doing something without being selfware of your actions. Like when Thor went to grab his hammer to save someone but didn't realize he did so until after the fact. It doesn't have to be a constant mindset, just something that can happen with the character. However, seeing how this is a pattern for Cole, he probably won't be considered worthy


Then I guess Cole would be able to, technically. Good Cole is totally the type to save people without a second thought, it’s just the tougher more nuanced crossroads that he hesitates a little on. Saving people in the heat of the moment and giving no thought to it or his safety is something he does more often than nought. Chalk it up to Good Cole definitely can lift Mjolnir, while Neutral and Evil Cole cannot.


Prime (Optimus)


Naruto for sure


Wonder Woman, Link


Goku, Vegeta(possibly) pinkie pie, rainbow dash, twilight sparkle, Optimus Prime,


Silver surfer and Martian Manhunter






Superman. Venom. Caboose. Tucker. 


Venom? You mean, the symbiote that eats people?


Yes. He’s worthy now, iirc. 


Wonder Woman could and not just that crossover.


obi wan kenobi:Hello there


Captain America.:)


Wonder woman








Superman. He did so before.


Superman, Wonder Woman (both canon) goku, I will say vegeta. Magento could, but it cause he checked. Captain America (cannon)




[Superman, huh?](https://imgur.com/a/NKtJ11D)




Goku since he’s Pure of Heart and honestly about as righteous than Thor has been at a lot of points. The Doctor can definitely do it as he is almost the perfect definition for being worthy. Superman might be the only character more worthy than the Doctor. Although they definitely aren’t worthy Bill and Discord’s reality manipulation can just remove the restriction. Hulk has on many occasions been so strong that the Hammer can’t keep increasing in weight quick enough to keep him from using it.




Definitely Goku comes to mind for me


![gif](giphy|vKOY98CLBQk9O) Sonic has always been purely good in the game canon, he would definitely be able to lift mjolnir


The two that first came to my mind are Deku and Goku. Maybe Tanjiro and Jonathan Joestar, maybe Jotaro, definitely Kenshiro, Definitely Ben 10, maybe Hal Jordan depending what era, Sonic yes, Shadow definitely, Mario because why not, Mickey because he owns Marvel.


![gif](giphy|YlRpYzrkHbtSYDAlaE|downsized) This absolute Hero


Probably Mario or Superman


DBS Broly. The man harbors basically no ill intent until he loses control in a fight, especially without Paragus or Frieza influencing him. Then, he’s been on a solitary planet for nearly 3 decades and likely hasn’t had a chance to commit sins which would make him unworthy.






This really depends on if they have the three qualities required to lift Mjolnir. Are they pure of heart? Are they noble of mind? Are they willing to kill? Even just having one of these missing will make it impossible to lift Mjolnir.


Jonathan Joestar, (and probably jotaro kujo too), wonder woman was worthy in the DC marvel crossover,


Aang definitely can't wield Mjolnir. The little guy ain't willing to kill anyone.




Deku, All Might, Tanjiro, Jonathan Joestar I’m fairly certain the restricts were: Noble of heart and pure of soul, with a hidden caveat being a willingness to kill, which is why Spider-Man was never worthy


Uncle grandpa for sure


Sonic, Optimus, Superman, Wonder Woman (canonically did too if the Marvel vs DC Crossover is allowed), Billy, Aang, Jonathan Joestar, Gonpachiro Kamaboko, Yoda, King Mickey, Naruto, Ichigo, Courage, Scooby, Megaman X, and Princess Peach come to mind


Saitama could probably lift it enchantment or not, lol.


Xeno Trunks, Woder Woman, Jonathan Joestar, Optimus Prime, The Doctor, Silver Surfer, He man, She Ra, Obi Wan, Yoda, Mickey Mouse, Sora, Poepeye, Martian Manhunter, Maito Gai, Rock Lee, All MIght


Xeno Trunks, Woder Woman, Jonathan Joestar, Optimus Prime, The Doctor, Silver Surfer, He man, She Ra, Obi Wan, Yoda, Mickey Mouse, Sora, Poepeye, Martian Manhunter, Maito Gai, Rock Lee, All MIght


The hammer would probably hold Discord... Given his sense of logical powers...






Alright, explain? I don't doubt there is something in Ragnarok that could prove your case, I am just genuinely interested in why


He literally lifts Mjolnir


Like he is the fucking god of war , he is stronger than his version of Thor , and literally was able to lift mjonir for a moment Also he would def be worthy of such a weapon


Who can lift Mjolnir is not decided by Strength but by worthiness, at least in the comics which this discussion is taking from. In the movies even Hulk couldn't lift Mjolnir.


Yeah , he would still be worthy regardless after everything he accomplished in Norse saga . And just the fact that he indeed lifted mjonir is too convenient to not mention it


Different versions of Mjolnir. As I said before, I was going by the comic version. I don't think that version of Odin would find someone like Kratos worthy after killing all the Greek Gods for revenge. One of the factors to be deemed worthy is selflessness.


That would be ignoring the fact that he changed a lot in Norse saga, Yk, character development. He literally became a god of peace at the end of the game , that’s the embodiment of selflessness


That is fair. What about Sacrifice and Doing without Thinking? (Because performing an action without being self-aware of it)


Sacrifice ? He literally killed himself with the blade of Olympus to give the power of hope to the remaining humans of the Greek world


Alright, I am convinced. I am not the most knowledgeable on God of War