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They have said they are working on loadouts but it takes time and it won’t be ready for S5. My personal guess is it is in the expansion.


If it’s at expansion launch it’s fine by me, but if it’s later it’s unacceptable. They knew we wanted this even before the alpha, we begged for years in Diablo III. I don’t expect it at S5 but I do expect it at expansion launch. It has to.


I'm not even a D4 hater and I think it's fair to say the game launching without load outs was unacceptable. Like you said, they knew how loved they were once we got them in D3, and D3 didn't have 225 freaking paragon points to redo every time you wanted to try something.


Didn't have 225 paragon points? No you're right it had several thousand Edit: as I said to someone who commented, I was making a joke based on a fact.


Except after 800 there was literally only one distribution. Cap everything, everything else goes to primary stat. Even early on I didn't care about allocating incorrectly because it was a self correcting issue.


Absolutely, I was just making a funny, even though it was fact. My bad I guess.


But it was just max out the max outable ones, and dump the rest into the forever one.


yeah but shift click and hold up on one arrow to max at 255 or whatever it was, was easy to do in comparison to an entire tree


But you can allocate them all in 5 seconds and never touch them again.


The paragon in D3 is VASTLY different from D4. You can’t even compare the two dude. Doesn’t matter if it was 100,000 in D3. They are FAR easier to allocate in D3 than D4


Also a D4 enjoyer and I can say the lack of loadouts and dire social interaction tools are the games biggest weakness at the moment.


d3 and d4 must have been different teams/director because they really didnt learn anything between releasing those titles


Most definitely different people. But more importantly, they were shooting for a different concept in d4, where characters have a much longer and involved lifespan, decisions matter and all that. There's 10 years of d4 development building in that direction, you don't replace all that in a few months. It was a shockingly bad call to make, but it also deserves kudos to try something different than D2, D3 and PoE (and even WoW) instead of just going the easy route of "like them but 10x the production value." We often complain that AAA games take no risks... Well this one did, and it almost killed them.


That's a completely fair point that I don't see raised too often. I do give them credit for trying something different - however I also do kind of resent the D2 screechers that kinda made them take that route. Long lifespan characters can work, but only with a) enough content and b) doubling down on the MMO aspects and SOCIAL FEATURES. They had/did neither of these things. Still, you do raise a decent point and overall it's cool they tried something different, I just wish they didn't haha. I basically wanted D3 with better visuals, more QoL, and entirely different classes to play. I think some of the open world concepts could be really cool, they just need to be fleshed out.


... given how often things don't work and the tooltips lie, plenty of bugs left for the user to test / QA, glaring imbalance issues I'd argue about your estimation of how much production value they'd put in.


Hey, in Jurassic Park they spared no expenses either, and look what happened anyway


I consider production cost and actual production value as two separate things :) production value is overall quality and polish which I'd argue that some smaller studios are doing a better job of than Blizzard.


Yeah, I tend to think of "production value" as "money spent in ways that show", regardless of quality judgements. To each their own definition :)


BS. One of the biggest complaints people had in D3 was that specs felt meaningless because they were so easy to changez


Which is, to me, such a ridiculous complaint. I don't give 2 fucks if somebody else can change specs on the fly. Good for them!


True, I wanna have a speed farm build and a bossing build I can swap to quickly and not have to redo my entire paragon board just to do 2 separate pieces of content.


This. This. This. That’s all I want. I want one to speed farm and hit mobs and be buffed and then one to focus damage on single target for bosses since they refuse to design bosses for melee fights.


Making specs easily changeable doesn’t make them meaningless.


It's so silly. One of the great things about Diablo 3 was having your speedfarming build that was completely different from your pushing build. You might push with a trag'oul build but speedfarm with skeletal mages on a necro, or push with fetishes but farm with the angry chicken build. Being able to swap between completely different play styles on one character was such a big component in keeping the game feeling fresh. It would help with 'pointless' loot, too, because you're effectively doubling the amount of relevant gear you're on the lookout for.


Agreed… I have so much gear that I want to try, but I’m not about to respec to simply try out a new piece of gear. I don’t mind spending the gold to respec but we NEED loadouts.


They waited to make the main game playable until just before the expansion release was announced. I expect the expansion will have similar issues. They'll release the next batch of QoL updates just in time to announce next year's expansion.


Don't you know the devs suffer from memory loss? Once they started developing D4, they forgot everything they developed for D3 and need to rediscover everything again!


WE? i don't think everyone is in favor of implementing loadouts. Leveling another character is refreshing and part of the game. Those kinds of shortcuts to endgame proliferating should be kept at a minimum so the leveling is always a mandatory part of the game. One character doing it all would feel less of an accomplishment rather than having your roster of heroes pulling your seasonal playthrough.


I mean I guess? But what impact is there to you if people have a loadout option? Your preferred playstyle is already in the game. You still have the option to make multiple of each class per season. Not wanting to level up 3 or more of the same class to try different builds is a valid reason for a loadout request. Especially since there is a lot more than just reallocating skill points. * skill points * paragon points * tempers * (potentially) different gear entirely * enchants * gems


With the list you wrote and with the different progression system that will be added in the future, it will be a relevant addition to the game. That's for sure. Inevitably the game will have a loadout system. No doubt about that. At least, there will still be 6 different characters to level up even with the armory/loadout system. I just wish the game doesn't go full arcade mode like D3 was.


I get that, there were definitely some nice QOL they implemented in D3 over the years and *some* of them would be nice to have in D4. I think I see what you’re saying though, D4 shouldn’t be a reskinned D3.


I'm not sure if I'm in the majority or minority with this - but I have zero problems with the game being a reskinned D3 - because it already has baked in differences: a different art style, and some MMO aspects that I hope they improve upon. That alone already separates it quite a bit from D3. Other than that, lemme explode hordes of demons in a way that is *fun.* that's it.


I’m kind of in the same camp. I just want to blow everything on the screen to pieces and watch loot shower down all over the place. Even it most of it is scrapped lol


Thing is, though, most people kinda just wanna try the cool unique that just dropped for them. Not have a character that can do it all on the fly. Levelling a character to 90 to use the cool unique that dropped in order to *try* a meteor build, is fucking insane dude.


We had wardrobe in d3, we had dual spec in d2, now we have none lol


we had dual spec in d2?


2 sets of gear with a simple toggle 😄😄 i had one for pvp and one for mf Hence why i used "dual spec"


Yet again somebody that doesn’t know shit about the game franchise. You could swap weapon and offhand, which would be way more beneficial than a fucking character loadout.


> We had wardrobe in d3 After begging for years.


I'm sick of them making features that were in the prequel series and use it as a selling point for expansions.


I really don't think it'll be in the expansion. They know we're going to be there for the expansion anyway. When players drop in S7 or whatever, they'll have something to bring people back for S8.


Really no excuse as to why it wasn't in the game at launch. It's been in your previous installment for years before. It's a modern arpg released in 2024 with multiple classes and multiple builds for each class. How is there no loadout system?


Almost no aRPG actually have this feature so the only reason to expect it was D3 had it.


I just level a new character. I built a minion Necro and wanted something else so started anew. I did the same with bash barb then wanted a WW so started new toon. It is so much easier than spending 4-6 hours respeccing AND losing your last build.


And what if it saved all of that data so then you didn’t have to do it at all? That’s what I want. It saves what you had for gear as long as it’s in your stash your paragon and your skills


Yeah, the armory from D3 did that. It’s what everyone wants, but isn’t in the game.


I've seen plenty of people on this sub argue they don't want it because you lose your character's identity or some stupid shit like that.


It’s because they’re D2 purists who treat technical limitations at the time as gospel that needs to be carried over for every future iteration of the franchise.


its purist to like stuff that worked/works and not wanting to be carried for every little issue? What shall we call people like you then? Theres so many things we could start with =) Its easy just starting a new character.. you know,. like the game was designed to /shrug


Bro calm down. You d2 andys act like inconvenience is content. "I lIKe MaNaGiNg My GeMs."


Calm down? If i calm any more i shit my pants., Im not the one here crying like any other kid that cant keep up and want to be carried for every minor thing =D Im not saying there shouldn't be a loadout feature, but face it.. Most of the D2 mechanics have, (funnily enough) proved themselves and paved the way for so many other games today. Can we say the same for D3? No, dont think so,. That game will never stand 20-30 years and still be glorious as its the case with D2. So, calm down yourself & enjoy this game for what it is. Make a new character if its such a big problem. We have much bigger fish to fry /shrug


If the original D2 mechanics proved themselves as functional enough then why do mods like PD2 exist and why did D2R release with numerous QoL changes? People want them and it's not a small fish to fry. People have been asking for it and it shouldn't have launched without one. They're slowing bringing back all od the D3 content but butchering then in the process, like how pits are a severely neutered greater rift.


You seriously ask me why people make mods of 20+ year old games & dont find that is enough of a compliment to the D2 legacy? You know how contra dictionary that sound? You will still claim ''its soo bad??'' bla bla bla.. I dno what to tell you then lol. Nobody said it was perfect or pretend QoL was not needed. You make stuff up in ur eagerness to be ''right''. Some ppl will look at the color blue & keep insisting its green. People like you lmao. You can keep denying all you want. D2 has gracefully passed the test of time for plenty people. That you want to argue about it, is entirely on you. IDGAF TBH lol


D3 rules, you absolute chud


Lmao. "How come came me am obsessed with so gud?" Probably because you are letting nostalgia be your dopamine of choice and getting into any new hobby as an adult like you did when a teen is nearly impossible. You won't ever find a better game not because of the game but because of you. If you only want to play d2 go ahead. You don't have to make d4 worse for everyone else.


You make some fun assumptions, but i take nostalgia as dopamine over bloated loot and other gimmicks every 3 min as the likes of short attention span people like you prefer. I play & have been engaging in plenty other thank you very much so don't speak to me about ruining thigs for ''everyone else'' because that is what your simp narrative is about. We don't have to agree, we are obviously not the same & will never be.


Looks like my comment touched a nerve. If wanting a QoL fix is "wanting to be carried" in your mind and causing you to want to call me "so many things ", maybe go touch some grass or even another person if they'll let you get that close. 🤡


If you don’t like it then don’t use it :)


What? I would absolutely love a wardrobe or something equivalent.


I meant to the people that don’t want wardrobe functionality for whatever reason. :)


That concept is cool but really doesn’t work in a modern arpg. Single player games and shorter arcade-like experiences fit better with character identity.


you dont speak for everyone im afraid :/


QoL changes probably do that to you as well. You probably think the stash is too big and mounts are too fast and being able to favorite gear is a big problem. Tempering and the gear changes in S4 were probably almost insurmountable for you because of the change. You know, you could always just not use those things? Like, I’ve never once ran Gauntlet because it isn’t my cup of tea. I’m not advocating against it though, since others want/enjoy it. You’re bizarre to me.


"what, you mean i don't have to dedicate 2 of my 4 stash tabs to gems? well fuck me, trash game"


Yep, and when they do add it, it will be a season addition or an expansion addition. They are going to make us wait.


It's like things take time to develop. Particularly when they had to shift the focus of the game from what they thought people wanted to even past what people actually wanted.


Welcome to the club!


I have to start deleting my characters from previous seasons to have enough space. I would have preferred to preserve them but alas, 12 slots isn't enough to keep old characters and to make a new set for each season.


yeah currently leveling a 2nd Barb aswell one is gonna be for Boss Farming and the other for Pit 101 Speedfarm and Helltides. It just is too annoying to Repec everything everytime


Thanks, I didn’t *really* think of that. Guess I could.


If you want a power level just hit me up. I do carries all the time!


I actually enjoy levelling in this game. Have one of each class at 100 this season, and then 4 barbs to play bash, thorns, WW, and flay.


The real reason you enjoy leveling though, is that post leveling there is very little to do. If the game actually unlocked and you got to experience the true splendor that is the endgame, you probably wouldn't be saying you enjoy leveling, you'd probably say "it's good but compared to what we have post leveling it feels tedious that I have to do it 4 times so I can have the builds I want"


Problem is that I only have one full set of Ubers and I need to hand them over between each character when I switch


This is true. Takes waaaaaaay less time than respec’ing though. I still want an armory, don’t get me wrong. Leveling another character has been my solution until it becomes reality though. Works better for me.


This is the way


no it isn't, loadouts are


So whats next on the agenda to cry about? Not enough inventory space, not enough stash space, not enough X, not enough of Y. I wouldn't mind loadouts per-se, i just dont see the big issue in making a new character, especially since the XP rates have been adjusted. This has been the way since D2, maybe this genre is just not for you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


> Not enough inventory space agree > not enough stash space agree > not enough X, not enough of Y probably would agree. Fortunately this is a live service game so they can always react to the players' feedback and make these changes at any point down the road. > i just dont see the big issue in making a new character because it takes hours to get an alt up to the level of your existing char whereas making a loadout takes minutes. there's also an account-wide limit on characters that doesn't refresh with seasons. > This has been the way since D2 I don't care, this is D4. > maybe this genre is just not for you 🤡


This isn’t a solution if you play a class but there’s one build that makes sense for NMDs and another that’s better for Bossing.


I completely agree. I want WW in Helltide and Bash in pit. However, I’m happy I made 2 so I can switch in a letter of seconds instead of hours.


And for the love of God, let me rebirth a character


That is why i have 2 barbs/ 2 rogur and 2 necro in this season


It's fucking wild that it's actually easier to make a brand new character and leveling it up instead of spending hours with a respec


That's the whole point.


Shitty point. After spending 600mil on enchants, rerolls, and bricking multiple GA items, not super pumped to do it all over again just to use a different button.


Upvoted originally then downvoted when expanding upon the upvoted comment? Reddit is weird.


I ended up leveling a new ww barb so I didn’t have to keep changing my thorns barb. It wasn’t bad, gave me something to do and an additional resplendent spark.


I think eventually we well get it. Maybe in the expansion. I'd like to switch between bosskilling and speed farming builds


Definitely won't be the expansion. Probably a year or more out. That's a lot of work and we don't even have loot filters.


I'd rank loadout system as a much higher priority than loot filters. But that's just my opinion


They've repeatedly said they are working on loadouts though. They have also said they don't have any intentions for a loot filter (or a AH). So bringing up not even having loot filter is irrelevant.


Am I the only person that likes that each of my characters has a specific build? It really helps with the immersion for me. I know I could just not use multiple builds on my characters, but if they start balancing the game around people being able to flip flop between CC and single target, that will suck.


I'd be okay with it is we had more character slots. 12 is not even close to enough to actually have freedom to try out multiple builds without repeatedly deleting characters.


That’s valid, I’m someone who only levels 1 character to 100 per season, so I have no problem with that yet, but that’s definitely a good argument against what I just said.


I swaped my build after I did 60 pit. Once, I learned that one must redo pit because I wanted a 2nd set of gear for a different build. What sucked is the pit grind for the new set. I like the dual swap built in d3, but that pit grind is something I'm not willing to do again. Leveling another character is probably a better option.


Same! That would make the game way more fun. One of my favorite things about Diablo 3 is that I could have like eight loadouts saved per character or something like that. I had so many sets. I had like a speed gold farming set. Then I had like a push gr set. Then I had a speed gr set. Then I had a hybrid of the two for when I would carry lower Paragon players with me. Then I would have a bounty set. Then I would have an echoing nightmare set. It was wonderful. They could put any kind of content in the game, and I could make a fully custom build and save it in the wardrobe. God that game is so good. It is so underrated. D3 ftw!!!


I have made 11 characters this season, even deleting some to make more new ones lol. the 12th is a single eternal im keeping.


5 hours to make a second character too much ? It's already so fast to 100, might as well just make a couple alts to gear up differently.


I would like an Armory system in the game. But I would much prefer greater build diversity to be a priority first. Using Minions as the example, why can't I sacrifice my Warrior/Mages to have an extra golem? Or sacrifice my Mages/Golem to have more Warriors? Why can't my Skeletal Mages cast Blood lance, instead of Bone Spear? Why can't my Mages trigger spells like Corpse Explosion? Why can't I reanimate dead enemies to fight by my side? Or turn corpses into temporary minions?


I like your thinking! Most important for me, to start with, anyway, is minion direction control. Just like they implemented in DI. Works great for Controller & K/M!


Yep it's in LE and PoE2 also, yet not in this game. It genuinely feels like this is a game from 10 years ago, the amount of features it is missing compared to other games in the genre.


Loadouts are dumb. Game will get boring quick if everyone can switch builds with a click of a button. All free respecs no weight on build choices. It'll make it feel more arcadey. That's how D3's end game felt like, a boring Diablo Arcade game. No connection to any of your characters because they're all just templates that you copy and paste builds into. there's no real weight behind the decisions Into building it. So at least IMO... That's boring. That's just an Action game. Not an ARPG.


Yup. People forget what rpg stands for. All these casuals coming from the mindnumbing d3 and other modern games where the game tells you exactly what to do each single step. It’s stupid. They should play something else then. D4 will die as d3 did if blizz listen too much to these people. However I could see armory in the game but it should be expensive to switch and only possible in town. That’s what I’m hoping for blizz will do but lots of people will get mad over it so idk.


Yeah exactly dude, as long as it's not free I'm all for it.


> No connection to any of your characters Lmao this is the biggest crock of shit for a seasonal game. Don't pretend you have some connection to your character that you are going to play 90 days at most then throw away. If you are one of the very few that wants to play one character on eternal, then you can always do so and not use loadouts.


Why are you so aggressive lol chill I have my opinions you have yours.


So aggressive because I said it was a crock of shit? I'm sorry bud, but that's pretty tame. > I have my opinions you have yours Welcome to reddit?


Sure thing bud 👍


You and the other 20 posts we see every day. They know. They have said almost every single time they talk that they are working on it.


inb4 you have to load in everyones loadouts just like stashtabs


There are so many things more important than a dam armory and I really hope the devs are placing more importance on them with development time. The amount of effort it takes to level a second character is minuscule and far from “encumbering”. The fact you call them specializations and wont buy the expansion because you can’t be pained to level another character is hilarious.


My biggest gripe is the teenagers who want loadouts/dual spec.


Just level another character, there’s your 2nd loadout


Hard disagree. Being able to switch builds on the fly completely negates several mechanics of the game. It's easier than ever to level a character to 100. Takes a matter of a few hours. The whole point of seasons is leveling a new build, and each toon has their own identity. Leveling during this season gets you Iron Wolves gear for each toon, you level anyway. Respec scrolls would become irrelevant, and your build choices during leveling would hold no weight. There's definitely some areas of improvement, but the effort put into load outs would be a waste. In game matchmaking should be the number one goal right now.


I thought this was going to be an issue, but I've found it so easy to just level up new chars that it's no longer on my wishlist.


Yeah its really brutal when i want to test and theorycraft. I leveled a second sorc just for this


This is the way.. As we did back in the golden age of Diablo. Good on you!


If you want loadouts play call of duty not an ARPG I don’t get this complaint one bit


If you dont want loadouts, play something else? Because they are developing loadouts.


It's way too easy now to just make another character, when I reached the limit on my Barb I rolled a Necro to get the sparks for an item that will take my Barb further, and after that is gonna be a rogue for the tempers


Personally I feel like it just needs to be one way or the other, as it stands it’s easy but inconvenient to respec. But it doesn’t upset me in POE like it does here, there it’s nearly impossible and I don’t mind at all since it feels intentional but here it feels like they couldn’t pick a direction to go with respeccing


This isn't wow.


Load outs would be cool


I've made 10 characters this season because it's easier to do that because there are no load outs ;( Would've been 5 with load outs, but I admittedly would've had a lot less playtime so maybe they intentionally don't want it?


bUt yOUr BuiLD dEciSions NEeD tO bE mEAniNgFuL /s


I’d like 2 loadouts a character. And you can only switch at wardrobe. Gives me a little experimentation room.


I wish. I been gathering gear for a new build. Used a scroll of amnesia today and completely changed my character. Result? I hate the new build. Now I have to put everything back next time I log. I had lost patience and just closed the game. All that work just to try something out. The worst.


Agreed, they NEED to add loadouts in the game


I played a pyro sorc mainly until I saw a Frozen Orb build that made me want to basically make Elsa. Didn’t want to change up my entire build so I made a whole new sorc for the purpose of that one build. It would have been nice to just be able to switch to a different loadout. Instead, I had to get my new sorc all the way up to 100 all over again. Shit takes time. It would have been so much easier if we had loadouts lol


I don't understand how a feature that was a core part of Diablo 3 somehow didn't make it into D4. It's especially frustrating with how complicated the Paragon boards are and how many classes need to use completely different boards and setups for Pit farming and Ubers.


also no group synergies and group rewards. instead we benefit on playing with friends (u only benefit for the exp for leveling and boss rotations) we are being penalized, crazy for a game trying to be an MMO. Hope they bring back the zdps / support in the future. so that other stats for items that will benefit the supports will also have demand. Atm, everyone is just a carry. boring in the long run.


They’re ‘working on it’


Armory load out should be your extra stash space


Absolutely dude. If I gotta grind a boring ass pit at least let me switch around and play multiple builds!


You can thank the D2 purists who complained on the D3 forums during D4 development that not only should you not be able to change loadouts on the fly, that you shouldn't be able to change talents at all.   Blizzard thought that was what the majority wanted, and boy were they wrong, so now we have to wait for them to create the system from scratch.


Another ''carry me'' kid calling names & thinking he speak for the majority. Its so ironic


There are a lot of stupid af comments on this sub and somehow you are taking the cake for the stupidest one.


I would love this game, and play it so so much more if there wasn't a respec fee.


Yeah its one of the only negative things i have to say about the game. Im even one of the only people who has no Problem with the current Tempering Mechanic, but the lack of Loadouts is driving me Crazy i just want to be able to quick switch between Pit Speedfarm, Boss Killer and Helltide Variants


Help me understand. Im playing a lightning storm druid, and I can swap between all of these by changing out...like one aspect. Helltide isnt difficult content, and doesnt feel like it requires a specialized loadout for, and by definition, thats true for whatever tier of pit you have on speed farm as well, since speed farming is done on the highest tier youve trivialized.


Well actually i only need one for Boss Variant and a 2nd one for anything with AOE and Movement so a Speedfarm Variant. And it may be true that swapping out like one Aspect is enough to do those activitys but if you want to min max both you swap more than one Aspect, otherwise most Guides wouldnt have Variants for Boss Killing, Pit Farming or Pit Pushing


They have to wait till numbers are lower to add more QoL features like this that we had in d3. Similar to pets.


It’s being worked on but no ETA. We’re not getting it for S5 and that feature would be a major selling item for the Expansion so maybe not even S6. I’m thinking if the expansion releases cleanly then they will have a nice S7 for us hopefully with loadouts/armory.


best we can do is probably season 6 or 7, it was only begged for in their last game, and before alpha, so its not like they had any precedent of having one or knowing we wanted it /s


That minion necro build is so boring to play. I wanted to change builds too but when I realized it was too much effort I just started another character instead. Such a bad look for blizzard when they don't add basic features from older versions of their own games.


been asking for armory/loadout since leaunch, and all we have heard is "we are thinking about it" why wasnt this simple yet major feature in the game since early alpha currently it is "just lvl another character" and spend all your slots on single spec characters (rip server storage) OR have armory/loadout that allows you reduce the amount of characters we need to make and delete after each season since there the rebith option is also missing


They said loadouts will come before season 20


They should let you have two specs that you can equip anytime with doing any re spec


Yes, we need a closet like D3 with an initial cost. After that, you’re free to change your spec at will. Granted you have the gear in your stash. Let’s say you could have a total of two or three different loadouts.


I am curious, because loadout was introduced in D3 and never in any other arpg, not sure why people think this is a must when no one is requesting this in LE or POE. I don't think it should have more priority over contents in the game. I know they said they're working on it and should be available eventually, I just want to know why people don't ask for Loadout in POE where content diversity is much bigger. No offense, just curious.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say those games probably have a smaller and more hardcore audience.


From the figures I've seen since Diablo 4's release, PoE's audience is surprisingly nowhere near as small as people are making out....And it's certainly more hardcore. Take Twitch Metrics for example.... D4 Season 4 Peak viewership - 48,302 PoE Necropolis Peak viewership - 77,456 1st Week - 18,486 vs 29,166 2nd Week - 14,136 vs 18,632 3rd Week - 10,108 vs 12,065 4th Week - 9101 vs 11,653 I was shocked when I read that. People will claim "Twitch Metrics mean nothing", but what's very intriguing about that Data is four things. 1. Diablo 4 Season 4 does hold better retention after 4 weeks. Which makes sense as it it is a less 'Hardcore audience', there are still a lot of people engaged with the season because they play fewer hours a week. 2. PoE is pretty much a PC only game. It runs on consoles, but is considered such a secondary thought, that until recently, the league was released at different times on different consoles. This will not be the case with PoE 2, with them much more heavily focusing on Consoles too. 3. Season 4 was essentially the big 're release' of the game. It generated hype like no other season, especially because of the PTR and positive feedback....Yet still had less hype on release than PoE Necropolis, which by the way, is considered to be the 2nd worst league of all time, by many PoE players. 4. PoE 1, is currently a game that is for the most part, in maintenance mode, whilst PoE 2 is in the final stages of development. It's anticipated that there will only be 2 more Leagues before PoE 2 launch. Compare PoE 1 figures right now, to Diablo 3 figures before Diablo 4 release, and the difference is astronomical.


O yea I don't doubt poe isnt small. I just think D4 is much bigger.


Oh I thought that too, until I read the data. I was shocked how much hype PoE generated, considering it's a far more complex game and a weaker viewing experience as a result.


Dude twitch is a horrible metric for ARPG's they are absolute trash to watch stream 🤣🤣. I'm surprised these numbers are even as high as they are.


But they're both ARPG's, so they can both use that excuse. When you consider the huge marketing budget behind D4, it's incredibly shocking that it has worse viewership than PoE.


I'm just saying it's like judging how good a movie is by how much the soundtrack sold. Neither game is designed to be watched.


But even with that being true, almost every reason I think of, should make D4 more watchable. Firstly, the huge difference in marketing the games, did initially result in a huge spike upon release, with people wanting to see the game. Secondly, it's a much less complex game, and therefore is a better viewing experience as it's easier to understand what is going on. The fact it is being outperformed, and pretty significantly, is a huge surprise and quite worrying.


Path of Exile is a much bigger game in terms of endgame activities. It wasn't always like that, but nowadays the game doesn't expect your character to be able to do everything. If your build is made to run juiced up red maps, it's probably not a good boss killer. If you want to kill the uber bosses, you're probably not very efficient at farming maps. If you're focusing on deep delving, you're building your character differently than if you were focusing on going all in on Blight. And if you can do everything at breakneck speed, then you've probably spent a fortune on your character to get it so cracked. Diablo 3 and 4's endgames are not at all like that. There's far less to do in general. In PoE, you can take your dedicated Heist runner and farm Replica gear to trade all day long if you want. That activity has enough depth to allow that to not get insanely repetitive immediately. In Diablo 4, the endgame is fairly shallow because it's all supposed to connect and intertwine with summoning bosses. There's also the fact that item drops are tied to your class. If your main Pit pusher is a Flay Barbarian, doing Helltides and Tree of Whisper bounties are going to be a lot slower. But you can't simply switch to a Rogue to do those because then you're missing out on the possibility of several unique or legendary items with Greater Affixes. So your only options are to do Helltides at a much slower pace, partially redo your build for a speedclear variant every time you're low on mats or you want to farm items, or level a second Barbarian with a build that has really good AoE coverage. D3 solved that issue by allowing you to have your speedfarming build on the same character as your GR pushing build. D4 took a big step backwards.


Path of exile is a totally different ballgame. That game is much more complex. You can’t really compare the two.


What do you mean, I am not comparing the two, I am saying why people not wanting loadouts in more complicated games because you will need different builds for different content. D4 compared to D3 is more complicated too.


OK, sorry I was confused. Thanks for clarifying.


LE is incredibly easy to respec though. PoE not so much. LE works because you have a fairly simple unconvoluted passive skill tree and a very approachable skill point tree. Nothing like incremental changes like Paragon or the absurd PoE tree.


LE it's much harder to swap builds by design when you remove points you have to re-level and you can't swap your subclass (or whatever it's called)


For the same reason that it's not going to work in D4 with the current implementation of the game. If you added loadouts to the game right now, it wouldn't have the impact that many people are proclaiming. What will happen is that people will realize just how hard it is to put together a second set of gear for a different build. I mean, loadouts are nice if you are switching between two similar builds that use the same gear, but that's really limiting in terms of the available builds. In D3, your investment was into your paragon and to a lesser degree, your legendary gems. Gearing out a second, third or even fourth build in D3 was significantly easier than any of these other games including D4. How could they do it in D4? Well, it would need Tempering to be completely changed which I don't see as a bad thing. Instead of tempering the item, you could temper a gem and then put that gem into your gear, swap out your tempered gems, etc. This gives a higher chance that you can overlap gear between builds. Similarly, the Codex and legendary affixes would need changes as well. Again, using legendary gems that allow you to swap out affixes on a piece of gear would be useful. This is exactly why D3 had loadouts added. Swapping between builds wasn't difficult... until you realized that you needed to swap out gems on each different piece of gear. This was a core factor that drove the addition of loadouts in D3.


Season of the Armory DLC


Sadly, if they make us wait too long, most people will move on to POE2. At least everything you bought in POE store transfers over to the second game.


It took them a year to fix loot. I started playing last season and the first thing I asked myself at lvl 100 was "Why am I getting sacred loot? How did this even make past beta?" I am not holding my breath with these clueless devs.


IKR. I really miss old original blizzard. Those were the golden years.


They'll release that feature right before POE2 go live


You know I have a feeling you’re right. That game will be their biggest competitor. And I’m one of the people that went all out and got the hoodie and the tarot cards one of the tarot cards was autographed by one of the cofounders of GGG