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What the hell did you do 😭


I dont know i woke up and saw this that ruined my month


What does it say you did?


Damn, sorry to hear that


Kinda funny that I see all these accounts suspended. My account is older than 5 years and actually never got even a strike or something... What are all of you guys doing?


People got to be joining some suspicious servers or something, I have had my account since 2017 with no issues as well, or maybe it’s the normal amount but just a lot more prevalent of a topic because discord added the account standing so it’s easy to see strikes.


I am actually thinking about creating an anti-harrasment tool and offer it to Discord. It seems like they don't want to have the manpower to deal with what's going on their platform.


It is funny..they all say they are totally innocent and they have no idea why... Come on guys, you were definitely doing something shitty


i have a alt account dedicated to joining fishy servers. it’s been warned twice but no bans yet.




What did bro do? I bet u committed all sorts of cyber crime.


Discord thought i had lowe age than 13 and disabled my account for that i cant do anything nowthan just cry bc i know this means i lost all my friends and servers i just hate the mod that did that it could have been any other platform


You should be able to appeal that https://dis.gd/request


All you people do is downvote thanks always the same thing bri this downvote makes my day worse


Why are people downvoting you for this, are people that toxic


I know thats why i almost dont post bc i always be downvoted idk the secret these other people have to get upvoted


Don't know tbh, probably just agreeing to everything they do most likely


You know the thruth ypurr getting downvoted


Eh idc, it's a hivemind no one thinks for themselves


If it's an underage thing you can appeal it, if you say you are underage even as a joke Discord has to ban you for COPPA reasons


Ofc it has to be like that >:(


Just appeal it, if you aren't underage it takes like 10 minutes to go through their process and you get your account back in less than a few days. I've had this same issue before


It takes 30 days before Discord actually completely removes your account and its data, but since you didn't include any information why your account is suspended I cannot give any advice how you might get your account back by appealing.


Discord thought i was underage bc i wrote joking that i was 5 but later that day when i woke up i find out i was banned pls help


Yeah you should create a ticket (one ticket and keep it one only!!) to appeal your ban (at moment of writing someone else in the comments already pointed you to the website to appeal). Fill in all details needed (you will need to make a picture of your valid ID card to prove you are over the age of 13) and wait for a reply from Discord. It might take some business days for them to reply, but as said do *not* make new tickets for the same issue as you will be put back in queue again. Be patient, as afaik Discord prioritises age appeals over other support forms.


And don’t reply to the ticket, that moves it down in queue as well.


Replying many times yeah, sending one extra reply shouldn't hurt or move it down in the queue too much. But yeah, like Pakje said, create a request, show a selfie of you holding valid ID that contains your date of birth and your username on a piece of paper and you should be good to go. Don't make new requests, don't reply too much to the request, wait for a response. Hope you get your account back.


People legit need to stop joking about being x amount of age.




What are you guys even doing to get these suspensions??? I've had my account since mid 2016 and there's zero of this bs. You guys need to stop joining weird servers and all that.


That's what happens when you get in them discord community's lmao


My older account was terminated for no reason whatsoever, I'm not sure but if the case is serious enough, and you've done nothing wrong you can get a lawsuit against discord for emotional distress from separation from friends, but your case isn't likely to make it very far.


it happened to me too this morning! i got suspended for being under 13 even though i’m a few months from turning 16 and have only shared my age as 15 online…i submitted an appeal with my id and everything, so i hope you get your account back soon 🫂


And its permanent