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Is he crawling in diapers? What's the context? I'm confused


Yeah. He crawled up the stairs of the parliament house while wearing a diaper and being whipped. It was apparently supposed to be a protest against mandatory Swedish teaching in schools.


What an elaborate cover up for his kink


So he thought Sweden was "colonosing, opressing and stealing" Finland? As a non scandinavian i've never heard of that so i'm still confused


It's not even that. He said it's supposed to highlight how painful studying Swedish can be for some youths. It's no less confusing for us. The guy is an utter idiot and a desperate social media clout chaser. I cannot overstate my distaste for this man.


But why would you need to learn sweedish in schools? It's not a international language. As a romanian If the parliament would tell us that hungarian will be mandatory in school the revolution would be way more violent than the one in 1989.


Finland is officially bilingual Finnish/Swedish.


Yes, must learn because must.


Yeah. Imo useless waste of time and resources. Pretty much nobody can even introduce themselves in swedish even tho it was and is taught to everyone.


Finland used to belong to Sweden and much of the upper class only spoke swedish. We still have a pretty significant swedish speaking population and it's the second official language.


I wouldn't call ~5% significant.


It's a very vocal minority.


It is significant, Romania has the exact same amount of ethnic Hungarians living in its territory and they are a majority in the centre of the country. But Romanians don't learn Hungarian at all, it is only possible to have another "main" language optionally taught at public schools, so the Hungarians there study their own language while any other place in the country won't have that option available.


The swedish speakers in finland are not swedes. They are ethnic finns.


What's funny is I've practically never heard swedish being spoken except in schools during swedish classes and I live in 3rd largest city of Finland. I hear immigrants talking their own language weekly; arabic, russian, you name it. But swedish? Nah. They are concentrated quite a lot on one side of Finland. I honestly don't get why we have to burden kids with this nearly useless language that 99% will never have to use properly, even Swedes don't get it why we do it. It would be more useful to learn arabic than swedish at this point. Hundreds of teaching hours wasted that kids could use to relax and focus on more important parts of studies, but instead we are just bloating the school system for practically no gain.


I would. They are unevenly distributed. Some areas are predominantly swedish speaking.


Around the times were the laws were created, I think the minority was about 15-20%, and they had a continuous history of living here for about a millennium by that point. On top of that, much of Finnish nationalism and nation-building was done by the Finnish-Swedes, and a good deal of the Jaegers were Finnish-Swedes as well. So, you had a significant minority (even more so in the fields of science, culture, politics etc. than just demographically), that had been and was crucial for the independence movement - and so it made perfect sense to properly account for them too.


Romania was partially ruled by Hungary, we have 1.5 million hungarian ethnics, 6.6% of population. They get to study hungarian in school besides romanian. But that's it, we don't force the rest of the population to speak hungarian. And as I said I have no doubt that a law to make hungarian mandatory in schools would end up with millions of people storming Bucharest and any politician who voted that would cease to live. At least from my POV it sounds extremly humiliating. Also Finland was ruled by Russia too but no mandatory russian. At least from my limited knowledge the diaper guy doesn't seem insane. Apparently the sweedish population in Finland is only 5.5%, 290.000. I'm sorry but the diaper guy seems the only sane person there. 🙃


Swedish speaking population was larger when rules were made 100 years ago. Now it's really fucking useless and very rarely people can actually speak swedish well enough. Still we need to suffer from them. At least make it so we could learn some other more useful language instead like idk Spanish,french or German.


Mandatory Swedish teaching on all levels of schooling was only introduced in the 1970s, though.


Agreed! I mean, Finnish people having to learn Swedish is for me insane.. English and Spanish would be a lot better for the kids to learn.


Finns also learn English, and mostly start learning it way earlier than swedish.


Being awful at swedish can also ruin your life. You have to pass it in college and highschool if you want to graduate and I know few people who never got their papers because of swedish


What's preventing you from learning Spanish, French or German today?


Nothing really except limited time and classes. I mean everyone already has Finnish,swedish and English classes as compulsory. Swedish is total waste of time so many would rather study more useful language.


Learning swedish sucked the fun of learning languages


When I was still in school in Finland, not having enough time prevented me from learning those. I would have happily learnt Spanish, German or French instead of Swedish. Now as I have graduated and started working, I'm learning Spanish in my spare time. Funny enough any of those three languages I wanted to learn would be more useful for me in my work than Swedish. Even though I work for a company that has headquarters in Sweden.


Finland was ruled by Russia for 100 years, but there was never a significant Russian-speaking part of the population. While there still are many primarily Swedish-speaking places on the West coast And why would it be humiliating? It's a compromise meant to respect the Finno-Swedish minority, to put both languages on the same level Actually, if Hungarian was treated the same way in Romania, maybe relations between Székely Hungarian and the Romanian majority would be better


>It's a compromise meant to respect the Finno-Swedish minority, to put both languages on the same level In practice I don't think it really works though, because a lot of people who learn swedish at school will quickly forget it as they rarely need to use it. Back when I was in school a lot of students also had very little interest in learning it and would get poor grades even if they did well in other subjects.


I actually got pretty good grades in Swedish, but I don't speak a word of it because I never actually WANTED to learn it, because I live on the border with Russia for fuck's sake. Oh, yeah, I might need it the one time in my life I encounter a Swedish speaking Finn or Swede who doesn't ALSO SPEAK ENGLISH. Fuck this stupid fucking shit.


Being a Hungarian originally from Romania, I 100% agree with you. Romanians are in general just so nationalist and/or ignorant of minorities that they just cannot comprehend the level of respect such a compromise shows. I very much respect the Finns for doing something like this - good job! Only if some other countries would follow that example...


Oh what a crock of shit! Minorities in Romania have best rights out of any EU country, especially the Hungarian minority, and Romanians are nationalists? Well that's rich coming from a Hungarian


When russia ruled finland we still spoke swedish, and were pretty autononous of russian rule


i agree that the diaper guy is more sane that the people that maintain the mandate




It was not really that Finland used to belong to Sweden. Finland and Sweden were the same country, belonging together. Russia destroyed us.


We might all be speaking Swedish if the Russians hadn't. Sort of forced us to polish and appreciate our own culture to differentiate our selves from our neighbors.


Meh, the rise of nationalism (which was happening around this time) would've probably raised the status of Finnish I mean, after like 500-600 years of Swedish rule, only like 20% of people spoke Swedish (and a good few of them due to immigration as well as intermarriages) - which is to say, the Swedes weren't really trying to forcible "swedicize" us.


As saying goes, swedes fight to the last finn. That is what they did when we were "same" country.




It's true though? Before 1809 Finland and Sweden was just... Sweden.


In a sense, but that was before nationalism grew to be a dominant ideology. I think people would have identified more locally


I don't know what your problem is but responding with a "fuck you" is a bit exaggerated. Don't you think? Finlands sak är vår!


It's a remnant from ye olde times. Nowadays we have a single issue political party for the Swedish minority, and they fit into any government that promises to upkeep the mandatory Swedish in schools. It's never the most pressing concern so it's easy 8-12 seats in 200-seat parlament for the winning party.


It's a political and historical artifact. Mandatory Swedish was introduced around 60s when Finland reformed the education system. At the same time it was the Cold War and Finland was heavily, um, influenced by Soviet Union. Finland wanted to strengthen ties to the west, to prove it still is part of west. So mandatory Swedish was introduced to tie Finland more into the other Nordic countries. Note that during those times, English was not as dominant and more regional languages had much more importance. Also, the Swedish party of Finland supported the full education reform when they got mandatory Swedish. Even today the Swedish party is known as a single cause party. It is willing to go into any government and support anything, as long as the status of Swedish language is not changed. It's a rather small party, but in a multi party system is an important factor in getting a coalition government. Like the current government. The Swedish party is generally rather progressive and liberal, EU-oriented, pro-migration and such. But now they are in the same government with the right wing populist, anti EU, anti-immigration, conservative Finns party. The Swedish party agrees to be in this government because without them in the government, the status of Swedish is threatened and also the government would be a smaller coalition on the brink of breaking up.


There are no logical reasons for mandatory Swedish in Finland and it's widely disliked here.


I wonder if it's similar to how in the Netherlands we learn English (international language), German (neighbouring language), and French (legacy of Napoleon) in addition to Dutch. Depending on education level and focus, German and French become optional in later years, but everyone learns some basics.


It is a bit different. The languages you mention are fairly similar in many ways and they can be very useful. Finnish and Swedish are very different languages and share no similarities except Finnish has loan words originating from Swedish. However in Finnish schools you are taught Finnish Swedish so you can serve roughly 5% of the population in their own language (out of whom most speak Finnish anyway. Everybody needs to pass Swedish language even at university level and most people cannot actually even speak it more than few sentences. I do not agree much with this idiot in a diaper, but the mandatory Swedish studies are stupid for most of the population.


Seeing the recent pisa results, Finnish kids definitely would benefit studying other subjects than language they will never use. Waste of potential


Well biggest issue has been the cuts in education funding.


The idea that no one uses Swedish is nonsensical.


I'm a swedish speaking finn, and it isn't really as simple as that. I would totally agree with you if it weren't for one single point... swedish speakers are also forced to do military service ,and if need be, offer our lives for our country. Then we also should have the right to get service in our language too. If you remove swedish as an official language, limiting our rights to service/health care, then you should also remove compulsory military service for swedish speakers.


Oh but I would not touch your right to have those services in your language. I would rather have it being a language that every school would be required to have it as an optional language, but not force each student to study it. Certain positions would still require language skills and eventually the language would gain prestiege and as such, motivate enough students to properly learn it. A majority of students at this time are not proficient enough in the language to properly provide the needed services anyways.


Finland was part of Sweden for 900 years. All of our old elite was swedish speaking. There is lots of swedish speakers in Finland. Swedish is official language with finnish.


Finland was part of sweden for over 600 years. Tho the swedes were admittedly not the best overlords. Hungary and Romania don't have that history.


Transylvania, 42% of Romania's landmass was occupied by the hungarians for a 3-4 hundred years and the romanians enslaved and any revolution attept cruely punished. They were such horrible overlords that even after 106 years after WW1 there is still animosity about it. Also at various points in history other romanian regions were vassals to the austro-hungarian empire.


Interesting. Did not know that. But in the case of Finland the entirety of it was Swedish (and parts of what is now russia) and was considered an integral part of sweden. This was before the concept of nationalism existed. I'm assuming the period which you're talking about was when Romanian and Hungarian "national identities" were established. Ie when the peasant was part of a country and not the serf of a lord.


You didn't hear about it, because it's not true. I'd say it's a Romanian nationalist myth but that would be unfair because I've never heard even from them that Romanians were enslaved in Transylvania.


Article 17 of Finnish constitution (English translation): *The national languages of Finland are Finnish and Swedish.* *The right of everyone to use his or her own language, either Finnish or Swedish, before courts of law and other authorities, and to receive official documents in that language, shall be guaranteed by an Act. The public authorities shall provide for the cultural and societal needs of the Finnish-speaking and Swedish-speaking populations of the* *country on an equal basis.* *The Sami, as an indigenous people, as well as the Roma and other groups, have the right to maintain and develop their own language and culture. Provisions on the right of the Sami to use the Sami language before the authorities are laid down by an Act. The rights of persons using sign language and of persons in need of interpretation or translation aid owing to disability shall be guaranteed by an Act.* Swedish is the other official langauge, and as long as the RKP (Swedish speaking people's party) gets constant about 5 seats every election, and are willing to join a government even if was lead by Hitler 2.0, as long as that government quarantees the ~~"equal"~~ (priviledged) position of Swedish language. Tynkkynen is an absolute idiot, but until recently the far-right Persut have had no other policy worth pushing than: 1. hate foreigners (Nationalism), 2. hate LGBTQ (Social conservatism), 3. and oppose mandatory swedish. The general opinion among the majority of the voting population on the topic of mandatory swedish can be summarised by two views: 1. "non-issue, whatever... I don't care, there are more important things to deal with. I didn't learn it because there was no need to use it anywhere ever" 2. "Fuck mandatory swedish".


*I cannot overstate my distaste for this man* I think he might be into that 


For a second I thought he was that german politician that filmed himself licking an toilet. Shit hes probably in the EU Parlament as well...


Studying swedish was way more painful than gettin whipped on some stairs is. Anyone who defends mandatory swedish deserves a sentence i dont want to say here since i might get prosecuted.


The stunt is ridiculous but he's not wrong.


Swedish is bloody strange subject. It was mandatory for me in elementary school, high school AND university.  Usually idiots defend Swedish because "math is mandatory, history is mandatory". I didn't have mandatory history courses in uni. 


I never learned swedish, I never liked it and it took time out of learning english properly. I had no choice to choose other language than swedish.


Personally I would had wanted to learn spanish in high school but I failed so hard on swedish courses that I didnt have the time.Doesn't help that in order to pass a test in swedish you have to get atleast 50% right, having the highest % required to pass.


50? I'm pretty sure we had 55% for swedish in lukio


Well it depnds on the teacher most had 50% but one did have 45%. Might also be a regional thing, then again I live in satakunta


When Sweden was colonising Finland they tried to destroy the Finnish identity by eg. not allowing any government documents in Finnish.


There were government documents in Finnish since the 16th century, and since the 18th century there was even an official in Stockholm who translated decrees into Finnish. Source 1: [https://www.kotus.fi/kielitieto/vanha\_kirjasuomi/vanha\_laki-\_ja\_saadoskieli](https://www.kotus.fi/kielitieto/vanha_kirjasuomi/vanha_laki-_ja_saadoskieli) Citation: "1500-luvulta alkaen suomeksi käännettiin myös asetuksia ja kuninkaan käskykirjeitä virkamiehille" (From the 16th century, some decrees and king's letters to officials were also translated into Finnish) Source 2: [https://kielikello.fi/kansliakollegion-suomentajat-ruotsin-vallan-aikana/](https://kielikello.fi/kansliakollegion-suomentajat-ruotsin-vallan-aikana/)


Well there wasn't really an official written form of finnish until the 1500's but you couldn't use finnish in official positions and the people were forcibly converted to christianity.


"1500-luvulta alkaen suomeksi käännettiin myös asetuksia ja kuninkaan käskykirjeitä virkamiehille" (From the 16th century, some decrees and king's letters to officials were also translated into Finnish) Source: [https://www.kotus.fi/kielitieto/vanha\_kirjasuomi/vanha\_laki-\_ja\_saadoskieli](https://www.kotus.fi/kielitieto/vanha_kirjasuomi/vanha_laki-_ja_saadoskieli)


Those are actually really cool to look at, and certainly they demonstrate that Finnish played a role in administration already 500 years ago. But those translations are exactly that, translations. Ruling and administrating based on the Finnish versions alone back then would've been chaotic, because written Finnish was so nonstandard. Sometimes you'll even see several different ways of writing the same word in the same document.


And most people in what is still Sweden today weren't, despite how history is taught at the grade and middle school level, cheerfully and voluntarily joining the Swedish kingdom all while enthusiastically converting to Christianity en masse. Hell, up until the 20th century most parts of Sweden didn't even speak what we today consider standard Swedish but rather dialects of the language that are frequently borderline mutually unintelligible. This is what bothers me the most about the whole "Sweden colonized Finland and treated them worse than the nobility in Stockholm". Like yeah, but that's what Stockholm did to most of our ancestors, that's how kingdoms grew back in those days. The difference with Finland is that Russia invaded and managed to take Finland from Sweden and then actively tried to drive a wedge between Sweden and Finland to minimize the risk of the Finns wanting to go back to being ruled from Stockholm.


Sweden also until like 40 years ago inflicted corporal punishment for kids speaking Meänkieli/Tornedalsfinska in schools among other things.


Yup. And full on eugenics programs. I have no idea why we keep sucking up to those cunts.


Also that some people today act as if "Sweden" and "Finland" as they exist today already were some strictly defined seperate entities in 1809. The border was drawn after negotiations between Sweden and Russia, with no regards to the people living there. Large parts of what ended up as Sweden spoke Finnish, in the north along the new border of course, but also in the western part of Sweden. Just like large parts of what ended up as Finland spoke Swedish. My home county was split in two with some people ending up in Finland and some in Sweden. No matter what language you spoke or where in the kingdom you lived, unless you were the king or part of the nobility, you were oppressed! That's how authoritarian monarchies work.


Is that true? I don't know anything about the history between Finland and Sweden. Even if that happened in history does that reflect modern day Finland? Is Sweden trying to replace the finnish language? I think that pretty ridiculous so what is this mandatory swedish all about?


It's still the second offical language in Finland so it's mandatory.


Oh ok, is that a specifically bad thing? It's pretty normal for european countries to learn 3 languages so what's the problem?


Many are in general just annoyed of having to learn it as you are propably never going to need a word in swedish in your entire life here.


Well that would be the same as Romania with french, it's mandatory as 3rd language but nobody uses it and pretty much nobody is interested in it. It used to be in the past but not anymore. I haven t heard people act this way just because it s mandatory though


Having to learn a completely pointless language just because it colonised your country 200 years before... Yeah its a bad thing. What even is this comment.


Just to be clear, Sweden has no part in this today, this is purely internal Finnish politics. If anything, it seems like Swedish is slowly being replaced by Finnish in Finland.


Think it was Löfven who as the prime minister said that discussion about the removal of compulsory Swedish studies in Finland was "unfortunate". It's clear that Sweden has some interest in this.


The diaper has nothing to do with this btw, he just tends to have little accidents.


> colonosing. I was wondering if this is a typo or not, because it actually fits pretty well.


What the fuck. In my region we learn Italian, French, German and English in mandatory school. We should be crying blood according to this guy...


Those are internationally useful languages. Learning Swedish is not the issue specifically, but rather that it can’t be optionally exchanged to some other more useful language. Since children can only be taught a limited number of languages, why pick such an obscure one as MANDATORY learning?


Idk, I don't think you have to know a language only in terms of its usefulness, it's also a cultural thing.




Emphasis on "apparently supposed to be". If memory serves correctly, this was before he came out as gay? No judgement, but this whole sorry ass performance looked like exhibitionism a lot more than a "protest"


Get in line. We are still waiting our turn here...


No kink shaming here


He is also a gay right-wing nationalist with an African boyfriend and who originally was known for shitting his pants in Big Brother Finland and who has built his brand about fighting woke on social media so make of that what you want.


how does this sentence manage to get wilder with each word?


Won't get too deep into the lore, but just telling you we're dealing with an extra special case here.


after consuming these posts religiously for the past day, I decree that Finland has sent the worst representative to the EU Parliament by far


Not sure if he's worse or better than some of the previous ones. There was Laura Huhtasaari from the same party, an ultraconservative weirdo who's an anti-vaxxer, anti-choice(fairly rare for Finland) and COVID-19 and global warming -denier who doesn't believe in evolution, claims that the US "has been taken over by communists" and likes to hang around with far-right groups. Their party had two MEPs in the previous parliament. The second one besides Huhtasaari was a convicted thief and sex pest who (luckily) did literally nothing there outside constant drinking. In the recent elections they had a massive loss and lost one of their two seats. Diaper Gollum from the OP is going to fill that remaining seat.


Haha this is not even the worst. The problem is that only 40% votes as not many gives a damn about EU Parliament so this kinda people get through. Many even voted for a good politician from outside of the usual party.


Also Tynkkynen went to big brother house as teetotaller... and to promote christian values. They wanted to prove that you could have fun and be entertaining, without drinking alcohol and having sex in BB-house.


He forgot to mention that he shit his pants in Big Brother because he was attempting to fart onto the face of another participant.


Well then I guess he successfully achieved his goal…just with some unintended consequences


The diaper crawling while whipped thing was definitely a kink based thing for him. Seeing that sentence written down it seems even more obvious in retrospect.


Yeah no, once people take their kinks public, they deserve the shame if they are walking around in diapers like this guy.


I would not be one bit surprised if the humiliation and shame was part of the kink


He's just a whore for attention.


Crawling in diapers up the steps of a cathedral and getting whipped by these other dudes. Some sort of anti-Swedish performance, I don't think it's supposed to make sense unless you are a die-hard Finnish nationalist.


Sweden in shambles


I think diapers communicate goverments need to nanny grown adults on choices they have to make, and the whip is the stick instead of a carrot and stairs are the effort and difficulty people have to go through. Up to university level of education, you have to go through swedish language studies so you can serve 5% of population of their own language.


Whether relevant to the diaper or not it's worth mentioning he shat his pants on TV when he was a Big Brother contestant.


Crawling stairs in diapers while getting whipped and reciting Lord's Prayer.


It's part of his parliamentary election campaign. Needless to say he got elected.




I remember him laughing and complaining when Sanna Marin, the PM of Finland at the time, was a cashier in a supermarket when she was 20 years old or so. When he was around that age, he was on Big Brother making wet farts. Literally.


But was he wearing diapers? Also is he far right? The european parliament is definitely going to be a clownfiesta the next years. They should actually do a payperview or make a netflix series out of it


He is far-right yes. He's also homosexual and dating a black man. A weird combo, nothing wrong in being gay though.


Usually these dingdongs don't get a lot of air there and for this one I believe he'll probably get homesick quite soon.


Also his co-workers might have some strong words about his husband.


Explains the diaper.


Oh, wow! I think we have a winner.


He's still a loser, even after he wins.


Good point


We are a bunch of clowns aren't we ?


A whole new species.


Making simplistic, half-baked Tiktok content for teenagers gets you far. I’m all for joining the US ban at this point, this is getting fucking ridiculous.


This man’s politcal role model is Jesus btw


Nah, he just poops in his diaper. And farts on people's faces: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=874UYhADwtw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=874UYhADwtw)


No, he wrote that as his answer for his "political role model" to be Jesus.


€100k+ a year plus pension. There's loads of these useless turds living off our taxes.


100k is the salary. They also have loads of deductions for shit like rent + "advisor budgets" which they can kind of just..take. This... man won't be returning from his escapade with anything less than a mil.


Funnily enough, Sebastian seen in the above image is one of the more active younger politicians in our right wing populist party. He has been around for several years now, gets votes etc. He is also part of the anti-immigration, mostly anti-lgbt party, while being openly gay with a black boyfriend.


He's there so Persu's can say: "We couldn't *possibly* be homofobic! We have Tynkkynen, see?".


They get around 5000 euros a month for expenses like office rent, but MPs can just pocket the money of they wish.


I'd have my ass whooped for that as well. Just once.


He is part of the right-wing populist party that opposes immigration and same-sex marriage. He is in a relationship with an African immigrant man. He also holds the record for the longest speech in the Finnish Parliament with over 8 hours.


> He is part of the right-wing populist party that opposes immigration and same-sex marriage. He is in a relationship with an African immigrant man. This is the same level of shameless hypocrisy as the leader of the German fascist, anti-immigration, anti-gay marriage and homophobic AfD, who's a Lesbian living in Switzerland with her Sri Lankan wife. (TERFs and being right wing, name a more iconic duo.)


Do you really think Alice Weidel is a feminist? I don't know much about her tbh


And let's not forget him attending a Putin youth camp in Russia before, you know... it became socially unacceptable. Or let's say more socially unacceptable. Seems like invasion of Crimea was not bad enough.


Can you post a source to the policy about the same sex marriage?


[https://www.eduskunta.fi/FI/Vaski/sivut/aanestys.aspx?aanestysnro=14&istuntonro=129&vuosi=2014](https://www.eduskunta.fi/FI/Vaski/sivut/aanestys.aspx?aanestysnro=14&istuntonro=129&vuosi=2014) His party voted 35 against, one for, and one absent. This is one of those rare nice occasions when a reliable primary source was really easy to find. Can't get much better than actual voting results for the exact law that made same sex marriages legal. [28 later voted for a citizens initiative trying to overturn the decision.](https://www.eduskunta.fi/FI/Vaski/sivut/aanestys.aspx?aanestysnro=1&istuntonro=9&vuosi=2017)


Is he crawling up the stairs in a diaper while saying the lord's prayer? Looks like someone is also whipping him?


Or is it next years Eurovision entry?


Wish it was, less damaging.


I'm feeling better after seeing this. I thought our clown Petras Grazulis is the worst. You win Finland. As we say, we Lithuanians are happy when the neighbor's barn is on fire. Well, not really. But you get the idea


We Finns also love our neighbours. One saying goes: "A Finn will rather pay 50 Euros than see the neighbour gain a 100 Euros". Another, more extreme form of this mentality is expressed in the saying: "A Finn will rather pay a 100 Euros rather than see the neighbour gain 50 Euros".


I'm pretty sure Romanias Sosoaca is still the worst, but she does seem like she is in rather familiar company


God help us live through these 5 years


English "Misery loves company". Or medieval Galician "Mal de moytos, comforto he" (the misfortune of many is comfort).


As we say in Portuguese, hot pepper up someone else's asshole always feels refreshing.


As a Pole I'm relieved Grzegorz Braun might actually not be the worst


EU parliament is starting to look like Eurovision contest with all the weirdos that got elected.


Alright. We might have a lot of crazy idiots, but it's over, the contest is done. This is the winner.


I hope. There is always room for worse.


Apparently, anyone with a pulse can become an MEP. To become a cashier, you need a university degree and five years of experience.


Someone needs to make a compilation out of all these wackos


Most normal politician in the year 2024


Is this Human Centipede larp




I thought this was a screenshot from modded Skyrim


The European Parliament is following in the footsteps of Eurovision.


Here in Finland we call him Tamagotchi. Once people stop clicking on his stupid whining, he'll die.


Downside of democracy, the more people support these ideas the more you get these people in parliament


Battleship Potemkin remake looking weird.


The same party had [this guy](https://alueviesti.fi/files/2012/08/Teuvo-Hakkarainen-kantoapuna.jpg) as a MEP. But he was so useless in his role that his party didn't allow him to run again this time.


They also had [this guy](https://youtu.be/e0LLHDDgQns?si=3ukIVRyqSPPhpdYy&t=47) as an MP 2003-2007.


Here in Finland we call him Tamagotchi. Once people stop clicking on his stupid whining, he'll die.


and here I thought Eurovision was a freakshow... Looks like the EU parliament is basically Eurovision on steroids (or in diapers).


The EU Parliament for the 7th time in a row this week: *"Oh, lovely. They've sent me a mo-ron."*


There's at least 3 fetishes there


What is his name?


Sebastian Tynkkynen


Let me explain the this thread for non-finnish people. Basically, the replies you see here critizising this person are very diverse. This person belings to a right-wing conservatist/nationalist party, but he's also married to a black man. He advocates for free speech and freedom of expression and supports gay rights. He's a conservative right-wing nationalist who is critical of immigration (mostly due to asylum seekers and a child grooming ring exposed in Oulu). I think he is also a christian, but I don't understand how that works being in a gay marrige. I guess he's sort of a liberal in that sense. He appeared on a reality TV show (Big Brother) years ago where he shat himself. So leftists can't hate him for being homophobic or racist, so leftist keep bringing up the fact that he shat himself on TV and that's why he's a bad MEP and an embarrasement. Furthermore, despite being democratically elected, he belongs to a right-wing party so that's also why he sucks. Also he got prosecuted for advocating hate towards muslims by saying that islam should be removed from Finland and basically called Muhammad a pedofile. So the muslim population in Finland hate him for this and the homosexuality does not sit well the most devout muslims. I haven't really listened on his politics, so everything I know about him is mostly from social media and newspapers. Some controversy linked to him for sure and sensationalist clickbait media love that. I guess he has a varying set of values on different things so he's hated by every extremist group there is. Before TV and politics I met him once briefly. He seemed like a pretty normal person.


Maybe people dont like him because he's a hateful demagogue? Him shitting his pants is just hilarious


He's not a bad MEP because he shat himself, he's a bad MEP because he's an idiot.


if you ever want to annoy him, keep reminding him about this. "... is this the point where you change to diapers, aye?"


On behalf of all of Finland, I want to say that I'm sorry for this clown.


Why did the liberals not vote?


It's kinda the opposite actually. His party was predicted to win 2 or 3 of our 15 seats. Instead they lost a ton of support and he was the only one to get through. Meanwhile the most left-leaning party had the best election in their history and won three seats.


Ok that’s fantastic actually.


Reminds me a little bit of the movie Salo... Except for the diaper...


Mistä tää kuva on? :D


So, the joke is on Fins? They are going to be led by an absolute moron?


the term is "represented"




The municipality of Närpes is actually the one with the highest percentage of people with Swedish as their mother tongue. And that is in comparison to Sweden itself. I do not endorse forcing Swedish into Finnish schools, but for companies next, som people in Finland have a hard time getting by in Finnish. So maybe focus on that part. Finns speak good enough English to be understood, and Swedish is, population wise, the same size as Chicago...


lol thats pathetic


Translate the text please




Is this some joke or got real ?