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Fries on pizza, tf? Do Italians allow this?


Italian here, yep it's very popular, I usually take that + prosciutto since forever (30+ years), funnily enough it's called "Americana"


you litearlly lost all your rights to complain about hawai pizza.


hahaha got me there -


let me educate you further. have you ever tried to make pizza with garlic-ish sourcream as sauce, gyros meat, cucumber, olives and onion?


i did not... actually i did not try hawai pizza it does not look tasty to me(not italian)


It's usually asked by tourists and kids. If you order it when older than 12 you're kind of frowned upon, but after all who gives a crap. Either way, some pizzerie have it on the menu. In most places it's called "Americana".


Funnily I have ONLY seen it in Italy. Maybe its just a tourist thing?


Seen it in Sweden. Kebab pizza with fries and garlic sauce.


All kids eat pizza with fries


Chips on a pizza wtf


Chips wtf




wtf... (hmm...need to try this)


u cant Wtf here m8


Where? In a kebab place?


are those fries on a pizza? I thought we in Germany were criminals for eating Hawaiian pizza but that is really crazy


I feel a big misunderstanding is that Italians think Hawaii is about fresh pineapples which indeed would taste weird.


No mistake. Fresh ananas is not the problem is that tomato AND ananas doesn't match well. Some italian pizza chef made their versions all are without tomato. Most notable the one by Seu: dried pineapple carpaccio paired with black olive cream, mozzarella, cooked ham salted in sea water, mixed salad, olive powder and jalapeno gel and fermented pineapple. [https://www.gamberorosso.it/notizie/notizie-ristoranti/pizza-con-ananas-si-puo-tre-grandi-pizzaioli-hanno-con-successo-smontato-un-tabu/](https://www.gamberorosso.it/notizie/notizie-ristoranti/pizza-con-ananas-si-puo-tre-grandi-pizzaioli-hanno-con-successo-smontato-un-tabu/) In Rome there is a sweet and savory pizza that is considered "traditional" that uses figs and ham but is white [https://www.puntarellarossa.it/2019/09/23/pizza-e-fichi-a-roma-dove-mangiare-un-classico-della-tradizione-romana-ora-anche-gourmet/](https://www.puntarellarossa.it/2019/09/23/pizza-e-fichi-a-roma-dove-mangiare-un-classico-della-tradizione-romana-ora-anche-gourmet/)


looking at success of Hawaii pizzas and baguettes, much of Northern Europe seems to disagree that it "doesn't match well" though ;) there was also the recent story of Naples' Sorbillo offering a pineapple, likely for PR reasons pizza https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/pineapple-pizza-italy-naples/index.html personally I like the combo of cooked ham, cheese, and sweet tinned pineapple (not the more acid, watery fresh version)


You said it right...Northern Europe. You cannot be expected to have the same tastes in Europe, especially those who have a certain solid culinary and food tradition. As for taste...pizza in Italy is traditionally a savory dish, and there are very few dishes in the Italian tradition that mix sweet and savory. As for tradition in Italy food is traditionally divided into courses: appetizers, first course (pasta, rice) and second course ( meat, fish) always savory, and dessert (always sweet). There can also be just one plate course but it is always savory and separate from the dessert which is sweet. In many places in the world, however, they like to mix everything and something that drives Italians crazy. Sorbillo's Pineapple Pizza is white... without tomato and uses grilled pineapple because it is less sweet (again to try to respect that division I told you before... it cannot be as sweet as a dessert).


Meanwhile the romans put honey on everything, used figs and dates, and stewed pork with apples


What's the point? For that matter, Latin hasn't been spoken in Rome for several centuries. Do the Germans still challenge each other in blood duels to prove guilt or innocence?


I just mean that’s a fully arbitrary cultural phenomenon. And that less than a hundred years ago some assholes were leading the country and claiming to be the successors of Rome. And futurists were going around saying pasta was bad because it was too Arabic and reliant on imports. The so-called unified Italian mindset to food is modern, artificial and arbitrary.


It is difficult to explain this to someone without the same food culture, but essentially, for Italians, food is like a language.Even language is a cultural and arbitrary convention shared among its speakers, with correct and incorrect ways to pronounce a word or construct a sentence. There can be creative ways of cooking just as there are creative ways of using language. In both cases, however, you need to know them well, otherwise, you come across as odd in both instances. Authenticity is not a matter of history but of cultural sharing as language. One of the most renowned Italian chefs is actually German-born Heinz Beck. He once mentioned, "It took me 3 years to adopt an Italian mindset in cooking, moving away from my background as a German pastry chef." When asked about whether three Michelin stars lean more towards Italian or German cuisine, he firmly replied, "I have no doubts: they represent the quintessence of Italy. In my kitchen, there isn't a single ingredient, cooking technique, or tradition from my country of birth." And actually he can innovate what he wants and still be legit because he master the grammar behind the italian cusine and taste.


>looking at success of Hawaii pizzas and baguettes, much of Northern Europe seems to disagree that it "doesn't match well" though ;) No offence, but Northern Europe is not a qualitative unit for measure. What I would look for is Michelin restaurants and gourmet pizzerias. And even in this case Hawaiian pizza is kinda neglected, I heard about versions using caramelized pineapple though or as the other guy said non tomato pizza


Super common in Italy


Honestly I've never seen it without wurstel though like this one.


Alright this might be controversial: pizza with fries is ok, pizza with wurstel or fries and wurstel should be punished with jail. Fries are nice. The mushy wurstel sitting on top of tomato and mozzarella is not


Ngl the worst pizzas I've ever eaten were all in Rome and this is fine. But this abomination with the french fries has to be banned with a law. This sht can't be allowed in Italy


Guys there are very bad place everywhere. General advise like "avoid restaurants for tourist" it's important also in Italy. Fries on pizza are just horrible, but usually is a pizza for kids


My dad still likes to tell the story that he had the worst pizza of his life in Rome some 30 years ago (though in my opinion he is not an expert on pizza quality at all). And he also likes to say that he had the best pizza in his life in Florence.


It was the same for me in a travel I did 20 years ago. Food in florence was great, food in Rome was shit.


I found a way around this during my last visit to rome and came up with the one golden Rule: If the menu exists only in italian and the service only speaks Italian with very broken english, you're good.


also no photos on the menu, with all due respect to Stefano Rapone


Rome is a tourist trap, I also couldn't find a proper place to eat pizza there (and I'm Italian) - besides that french fries on pizza is super common, called Americana pizza and it always cracks me up that foreigners are unaware of that


Ci sono decine di ottimi posti. Basta evitare quelli turistici. Qualche esempio: Pizza napoletana: 50 Kalò Pizza gourmet: Seu Pizza Romana: L'elementare


sicuramente ci sono, ma ben nascosti, ricordo aver cercato un bel po per poi ritrovarmi in una pizzeria gestita da indiani lul


Apri lo smartphone cerchi pizzeria e ci sono decine di pagine con tanto di recensione dei food blogger. L'unica maniera per cadere in una trappola da turisti è uscire dall'albergo e cadere in una pizzeria sulla strada con tanto di imbonitore con il menù in mano.


ah sara' per quello tutti si lamentano del problema, tutti stupidi insomma. noted.


Magari non sanno fare una ricerca su google...fai l'esperimento cerca "buone pizzerie a roma" Ti esce come primo link la Cucina Italiana che cita giustamente le migliori a Roma e lo so perchè ci sono stato... l'unica che eviterei è Berberè perchè fa pizze piccolissime.


Good price for fast food pizza


Is that a traditional Italian Potato Pizza? Just like mama used to make.


Nevermind fries, that thing is really burnt


That is my main issue with this as well...


Kebab+fries pizza is best hangover meal. Common in sweden and finland


Great price and probably amazing food, even though I'm not convinced of the fries pizza lol. Where in Italy is this?


Everywhere, it's super common in Italy especially for kids. In some places it's called pizza Dragonball or Pikachu


The pizza lover in my despises it, but at the same time I kinda wanna taste it because I love fries above most things. I'm conflicted. but as an adult I wouldn't order this in Italy, especially since there is a huge selection of better options.


Of course, but if you're in hangover this pizza is perfect, better is only pizza kebab with fries


We should create the kebab with fries pizza then. Hangover killer!


You are on another level!!


It's called Americana (french fries + wurstel) and it's super common, not for kids only at all


I said especially for kids, not only for kids. And yes Americana is another way of calling it


I panicked hard after i saw the fries on pizza


Omw right now.


Americans masquerading as Italians.


So fries are fine but pineapple is death?


and they judge me when I put pineapple on mine. Lmao


bro u making me hungry


Is it with eggplants?


I see a big misconception. We, as Italians, put vegetables on our pizzas like potatoes, eggplants, zucchinis, etc. BUT NOT FRUIT!!! Why are you so surprised for some chips lol


You do put berries on most pizzas though.


Sorry but what berries


What is the sauce on most pizzas made of?


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA we can consider tomato a vegetable! But certainly we don’t use some pineapple, it’s an insult


A tomato is a berry though ;) But I agree on pineapples on pizzas, that's a crime against humanity.


Abbiamo la pizza con i fichi però.


Vabbè, parlo di pizze in generale non gourmet


Non è gourmet. Pizza e Fichi a Roma esiste da sempre. C'è persino il detto "non è mica pizza e fichi" perchè i fichi erano un alimento povero accessibile a tutti quindi poca cosa.


Ah, non so la Romana, io parlo di quella napoletana


Qui come pizza s'intende quella del fornaio simile più alla focaccia.


Eh, ma infatti il soggetto è la pizza, non la focaccia, perciò non ci azzecca molto


When chips are used as topping, do some italians also apply ketchup/mayo/mustard to the pizza?


No, not the sane ones


Why no pineapple?


Because thera are not many sweet and savory dishes in italian cuisine, there is a tradition of separation between courses: main coursed are savory, dessert are sweet, and italians doesn't like mix.






it's burnt, italians dont know how to do pizza? it really looks bad.....sorry just being honest....too wide bread edges....


Perhaps you have simply not been exposed to neapolitanean pizza. It is a special kind with fluffy edges that is baked very quickly in hotter owens than usual pizza.


The crust should be big. Just because it's big doesn't mean the crust has a lot of dough. It's just fluffy.