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"Portuguese (Portugal)" Took them long enough


Wait really damn




In my experience ChatGPT is better at translation. It should also work with basically any language as long as that language is still used on the internet




Try Deepl. They use EU texts that are translated into all EU languages to train the translator tool so it should be a good European Portuguese translator.


Ah ok. Sometimes when I write in Serbian it responds in Croatian, but when I correct it it remembers


Finally caralho!!!!!!


Fucking damn time!


Fucking finally.


Is it really that different 


I don’t see the point tbh. Google translate mixes up British english and American English, european and canadian french, etc. so why create a whole different category for Portuguese? Especially so because it ignores all the other countries that speak Portuguese in Africa. Are they going to create an entry for each one? I don’t know, the previous system worked just fine imo. You’d fix a Brazillian term here or there, nothing that cumbersome. And this also reinforces linguistic divergence and splitting and I’m not sure I like that. I mean, I’ve been noticing some Brazillian words are ever more used in Portugal and that’s ok by me, as a portuguese. By creating different entries specifically we’re saying that “this is the correct way for brazillians to speak” “this is the correct way for the portuguese to speak” and I don’t think that’s something we should be aiming for. Languages are ever changing and that’s ok. Not even german has multiple entries lmao. One of the least unified languages in europe EDIT: Gotta love this sub’s obsession with downvotes without even addressing what people are saying lol. It’s easier to drop a random downvote and move on I guess.


No, just no. Portuguese from Brazil is not the same as Portuguese from Portugal. If you are Portuguese you know this. The grammar is wrong, we dont use words in the same order. I'm sorry but their language is not as beautiful as ours. "Eu me visto de termo" E "Eu visto-me de fato" SAO TOTALMENTE DIFERENTES. E uma delas pareces um retardado a falar.


Can confirm. Sometimes it’s easier to understand English than PT-PT. I follow some Portuguese content creators and I often struggle with some words when they speak fast. And some words in PT-PT are common day to day words while in Brazil they are totally offensive, like Rapariga (in Brazil it’s the same as slut), moço (in Brazil is basically ‘hey man’, but in Portugal IIRC is someone inexperienced) and for calling a restaurant server, ‘empregado’ IIRC too. If you call a restaurant worker empregado they will think you’re a snob Karen because empregado is a person that cleans houses. It’s better to each one have their own tab.


Call 🇺🇸/ring 🇬🇧, truck 🇺🇸/lorry 🇬🇧, vacation 🇺🇸/holiday 🇬🇧, apartment 🇺🇸/flat 🇬🇧 and so many others just off the top of my head. About word order or prepositions: “He is in hospital” 🇬🇧 vs “he is in the hospital” 🇺🇸 “Write me soon” 🇺🇸 vs “write to me soon” 🇬🇧 You’re just not aware of the major differences that also exist in all english dialects lol We’re not special. There’s just a huge love-hate relationship between Portugal and Brazil for some reason. Totally uncalled for imo.


> “He is in hospital” 🇬🇧 vs “he is in the hospital” 🇺🇸 Ah yes, big difference, one doesn't use "the", which tbh is useless.


Exactly… same with “eu visto-me” vs “eu me visto”. Same thing, “me” is simply before the verb


Why are you arguing though? Want them to remove Portuguese? Even though they have lesser spoken languages like Manx?


I just don’t like how people keep separating Portuguese from Portugal to Portuguese from brazil. It’s a really toxic relationship for some reason and I don’t get it. The same isn’t done to English, Spanish or others. Imagine if British people kept saying Americans or other former colonies couldn’t speak English. The english language is a huge asset to the UK. The brits can communicate with a huge number of countries and have deep ties to multiple nations from the US to Nigeria to Singapore. What annoys me is that the lusosphere instead of accepting that different accents and vocabulary exists in all regions and countries similar to the anglosphere, gets defensive and nationalist. Some of my fellow Portuguese feel like brazillians aren’t “worthy” of saying they speak Portuguese. Instead of embracing the size and influence of the language, people just want to discuss who has a better accent or something (cock measuring). It’s so shortsighted and xenophobic. (Some brazillians do this too btw, I’m just referring to my countrymen) If there’s no English (United Kingdom); English (United States); Spanish (Mexico); Spanish (Spain); etc. then there should be no distinction between Portuguese (Portugal) or Portuguese (Brazil) either.


I don't speak Portuguese, but I can say that the differences between UK and US english are tiny. Like a few words are different but we all know which ones so would never be unable to understand. Theres greater difference from city to city slang or age groups than collectively across the Atlantic. It seems like from the other comments that there are more differences to Brazilian Portuguese to Portugal. I've just put a few sentences into each on Google Translate have have got different answers.


They aren’t. It’s pretty much the same to English, with the exception that in spanish and portuguese, countries in the Americas tend to attribute different levels of formality to the second singular personal pronoun. So in Portugal we use “tu” to say “you”, but southern brazil says “você” (the north says it like we do, and você is formal in Portugal). In spanish, ditto with “tu”, “vosotros” and “usted” for their own colonies. So it’s normal the sentences will look a bit different simply because the grammatical subject is different. And like you said, we’d always be able understand each other too. And, yeah, there’s also a bigger split imo between different regions than across the ocean. Who knows what people in the Azores are saying - I for sure don’t (and yet, no Azorian Portuguese in google translate)


OK. But saying 'you' differently still already seems a more prominent difference that US saying sidewalk and soccer.


Ok, but a) it's not that big of a deal and I'd even call it a regional difference as, like I said, northern brazil says it like we do. b) there are many other things in which english is further apart than portuguese is. For example: * the standard way of talking about the past using the verb "Learn" in American English is to say "Learned", while in British English it's "Learnt". I don't think there's a single verb in portuguese that isn't conjugated the same way. * In the US "Merry Christmas" is standard, whilst in the UK "Happy Christmas" is. In Portuguese, expressions like these tend to be the same (unless they were developed in Brazil itself later on). * Even numbers. "One hundred twelve" is perfectly acceptable in the US but it's considered gramatically incorrect in Britain. It should be "One hundred and twelve". Again, in portuguese numbers are always the same. * Even common prepositions. "The Cowboys won the game Saturday" is perfectly acceptable in the US and, yet, wrong in the UK. "The Cowboys won the game on Saturday" is the correct one there. In portuguese, it's the same for both countries. And so many others. The distinction between PT-PT and PT-BR is absolutely arbitrary.


"You're just not aware" Sorry? Of course I'm aware of these and the many others that exist. The example I used was mearly one where the word is completely diferent... Termo means a thermus that you put hot water in... not a fucking suit that you use. Nenem, ONIBUS? Do you want to argue that these words are the exact same as in Portuguese from portugal? And you think that these words "are the same" and could be used instead of the PT PT ones? In your examples of English, the words could be said by either participant. No way a Portguese from Portugal would say "nenem" The order of prepositions is super important. "And this also reinforces linguistic divergence and splitting and I’m not sure I like that. " They are different dialects (of the same language) spoken in diferent COUNTRYS ACROSS A FUCKING OCEAN. Why in hell would there not be a divergence in them? Se não gostas da tua língua então isso já é contigo.


Started learning PT-Br recently, how exactly am I to understand "então isso já é contigo"?


No brit would ever say truck, candy, flashlight, etc. they’re not used in both. They’re mutually exclusive to their respective countries. So I don’t see your point. Of course no Portuguese person would say nenem… so? It’s not like brazillians do either way lol. It’s “calão” (forgot the word in english). But point is: you don’t have to be able to use them in the other country for the variants to still be close enough to share the same language umbrella. What, are we going to create a whole new entry for portuguese from northern portugal? Is a northerner going to be upset because google translate said “ténis” instead of “sapatilha”? Lol In an occitanie french person going to be upset because google translate said “pain au chocolat” instead of “chocolatine”? Lmao Just edit it out


Honestly, you're just making a strong case for British English being added as a target language in Google Translate. It's already a localisation option across most of Google.


Then you are blind.


And we're just missing Cornish for the full set of Celtic languages. Manx and Breton were added now.


I've always wanted to compare Irish to Manx!


Spoken it's very understandable, the written Manx is a pain to work out as an Irish speaker but doable if you have some experience with it.


I've been doing the same between Welsh, Cornish and Breton.


Well good luck with Limburgish, Google. It is not a unified language. li.wikepidia.org has a mention for every entry which specific Limburgish dialect is used.


Same with Lombard and Sicilian, I guess they've chosen the most populated dialect for most words


I have a friend from Maastricht who happens to be specialised in languages and regional dialects. She often tells me how different each region, of both Dutch and Belgian Limburg, is with their dialect and how she can instantly hear where someone is from. She finds it annoying because this is the reason why Limbourgish is not an officially recognised language. Whilst Frisian on the other hand is unified (albeit also with regional dialects) and recognised as an official language.


The Frisian that's recognised as a language isn't really a spoken variant. You need a standardized language to qualify so some Frisians created that. A group of Limburgers was trying to do the same but they found it would be a disservice to the beautiful plurality of the multiple dialects. And frankly I agree, because this Google Translate version of Limburgs sucks, it doesn't even translate 'ant' as Zeksdempel, or 'squirrel' as 'Înkketske.'


Limburgs is now recognized as an official regional language.


Still no west-flemish support though :(


NOS said that you can translate from different dialects into other languages but not from other languages into specific dialects, it'll choose the most common words.


Oo, three new Italian dialects! I can finally talk with my grandma easily


Actually they've added 5 new Italian languages: Friulian, Ligurian, Lombard, Sicilian, and Venetian. Still no Neapolitan and Sardinian sadly


The fact that they haven't added Neapolitan is odd, considering that Neapolitan has more speakers than Ligurian, friulan, Venetian and Sicilian. Hopefully they'll add both Neapolitan and Sardinian in future


Oh, didn't even see the other ones, wish they'd also add Romagnol, but don't have high hopes as it's a lot less spoken than other dialects


please have mercy I don't want another "genius" texting a washed up modenese to me...


Ligurian seems hit and miss for me


Fuck Id love a Neapolitan addition


No Sardinian is a crime :(


Do they have Tischlbongarisch tho?


Theres more than one Italian?


Some arent Italian at all, friulian and sardinian for example are from completely different romance branches than Italian.


Pretty much any language with a little more than a few hundred speakers in one single place has several versions. For example for french, beyond the standard french taught in school in France and initially based mainly on the central dialects of langues d'oïl, there is belgian french (which has its own dialectal evolution and loan words and syntax from flemish and wallon), swiss french (once again, it has its own dialectal evolution and some loan word and syntax from other Switzerland languages), aostan french (a nearly extinct — because of forced italisation under fascism — dialect of northern Italy influenced by franco-provençal), meridional french (nearly identical to standard french, but with a pronunciation and syntax heavily influenced by the langues d'oc, it is the french dialect currently spoken in southern France), britonnic french (nearly identical to standard french, but with vocabulary and syntax directly taken from breton, it is the french dialect currently spoken in western Brittany. It should not be confused with gallo, one of the historical french dialect/langue d'oïl spoken in eastern Britanny), etc.


Yes, but they are mostly spoken by older folks, and occasionally younger people that didn't speak to a lot of people outside their village/area


Lmao not sure if the second part is serious?


Why? Is it not true?


It's not like once you start speaking with external people you lose the dialect. I know what you mean, but it's weird to mention only that as reason for local languages to disappear.




Occitan is finally available! Woohoo!


Crimean tatar lets fucking gooo


Still no Kashubian...


Damn, still no Polish (Podlasie)?


That's really sąd. I hope google add those gurgels and growls soon. I've heard they wants to send their scientists to Podlasie to do it. BTW your nick is beautiful, 2137 for life.


Yes, just imagine you hear some "Dla mnie się podoba" and you are completely confused because it sounds like "I like it for me" - the closest you can get in colloquial Polish is "Mi się podoba" (joke, properly it is: Mnie się podoba - I like it ;) We definitely need a Google translator for it, the same as Praga (the east district of Warsaw) and Łódź drunken bable, and especially Pyrski - Pyrish language from Greater Poland, as nobody knows what "tej" means.


at least we got Silesian still wish we got kashubian


Wait, silesian but not Kashubian? Doesn't really make sense


Silesian has 5x more native speakers according to 2021 census. 460k to 88k


Why not: - Polish Łowicz, - Polish Łęczyca, - Polish Sieradz, - Polish Wieluń, - Polish Opoczno, - Polish Łódź? And that's only Łódzkie, not particularly known for dialects. Jak zaprowadze gatke z narodem też nie rozkminisz co chachmęcimy. Kolega jak ciekał po Beskidzkich chynchach, chciał spotkanej na polu namiotowym siksie zrobić ekspres w śpiworze. Lajpo zarobił, bo siajowo intencje zrozumiała.


Zrozumiale 100% dla kazdej istoty z kazdego wojewodztwa. Specjalnje nie chachmecisz.


Koncepcji fałszywych przyjaciół nie znasz? To trochę jak powiedzieć do Czecha że się szuka dzieci w sklepie a on zrozumie że jesteś Josefem Fritzlem. Młoda dziewczyna zrozumiała, że mu chodzi o szybki stosunek w śpiworze, a on najpierw chciał zamek błyskawiczny naprawić by zimno im nie było - gentleman, a z podbitym okiem skończył. Gdyby google translator tłumaczył z Łódzkiego to by się tak nie skończyło...


Mowilem o istotach żyjących. Poza tym sie zgadzam.


Finally some north caucasian languages. No text to speech though.


Really wish they would add text to speech for Persian :/


Finally Crimean Tatar. I have had troubles even finding any online CT dictionary, there was one somewhere but I think it went offline at some point.


Heard there is Roma now which is great. Not sure which of the tons of dialects but anyhow it's a great step forward.


still no romansh is crazy


If its anything like what google thinks Maltese is .... then its not worth much


Well at least they’re trying. These things do slowly improve over time too.


I wonder how butchered and washed up they are. They are polycentric languages, if they fail to address the varieties they are not helping


At least add Hunsrik as a sister language of Luxembourgish






Google invented „Czechia“ instead of Czech rep. Maybe you‘ll just follow google with your flag 😅


What do you mean? There's belarusian in google translate or do you mean something else?


still missing Moldovan /s


Does Moldovan exist anymore? Considering that the president named the official language romanian?


Hence the “/s”


I really thought people know what /s means


It still exists in Transnistria. It has more Russian loanwords than romanian and is written in cyrillic Also, dont understand the downvotes. Im just stating what is.


Don't they speak just russian?


Transnistria has 3 official languages: russian, ukrainian and moldovan


Still a lot missing.


Uralic languages added: Meadow Mari, Komi and Udmurt. Nice.


No Kasëbë?


Still no Austrian German…


Does Austro-Bavarian have an official status like regional language? It is different enough from High German from my experience.


Yes, it has an official status. The differences are mostly in some words (like Karotte vs. Möhre for "carot", Topfen vs. Quark for curd cheese, etc) and some phrases. I think the grammar is the same.


I mean they also don’t differentiate between English dialects


Tbf between English dialects (say UK vs US English) most words are written the same, it's just how they're pronounced that's different Also if you want to differentiate between English dialects, say for text to speech... which specific dialect? Like "English (UK)" in London and in Liverpool are quite different


Zugehör vs zubehör was always mystifying to me.






I am amazed that Cantonese is only now just added, I never noticed but yeah, crazy


They are still missing bavarian.


Still no picard language.


They still need to add Toki Pona


What about Google Assistant?


Ladin language wen?


They add friulan


Thats like adding Sindarin, but not Quenya.


No Kashubian :(


Silesian, nationalist here in Poland are going to be so mad.


Isn't this Silesian... actually not good in the translator? As an example it translates "Śląsk" into "Silezyjo", not "Ślōnsk", and this is only the very surface of it; imho it requires a LOT of work and improvements to be accurate.


Montenegrin be like: yes


Venetian language? Really? I've been there, and they were speaking italian.


they were speaking Italian with you, actual Venetian is quite different


I remember hearing what we think of as Italian today used to be the dialect Dante Alighieri wrote his divine commedy in, is that true?


Yes and no. Modern Italian is largely based on Tuscan, and yes, Dante was Florentine and wrote Divine Comedy in Tuscan. However, there are centuries between Divine Comedy and Modern Italian and it has changed during that like all languages do. So it's not exactly the language used in Divine Comedy but rather a descendant of it.


Standard Italian is based on Tuscan, specifically on its Florentine dialect, and it became the language of culture throughout Italy because of the prestige of the works by Dante Alighieri, Petrarch, Giovanni Boccaccio, Niccolò Machiavelli, and Francesco Guicciardini.