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The facepalm is believing Trump is going to spend even one second on tip taxation if he wins.


Trump isn't even paying the $28.62.


Heck, he even stiffed his lawyers.


He stiffed everybody except Stormy Daniels, who he flaccided.






Dammit, take my upvote. Edited for spelling*


lol! He’s holding Mimir!


Been playing MK11 Mimiring someone is now officially a thing. Opening act Radon Killed lord wall decoration.


OK, let’s not loose our heads over this…




And I approve this image…


HE didn’t even pay her, the campaign did….that was the whole issue.


That's why she actually got paid.


I heard he wants to stiff his daughter...


Wouldn't doubt that he already has.


The blonde one or the whiney one with the beard?




Rope pushing Donnie they used to call him. They still do, but they used to too. 


r/unexpectedmitchhedburg . . .


Savage burn. SAVAGE. ![gif](giphy|FnatKdwxRxpVC|downsized)


That’s too big of a mushroom. It was more like: ![gif](giphy|RqCN3OsDqcwRZtbp9D|downsized)


This is his root problem. Micro dick energy. Everything else he does stems from this insecurity.


His insecurity especially revolves around Obama.


Thought it was more of a shrooming.


That subpar weinering cost him a whole lot.






Thought it was more of a shrooming.


Bro, could you imagine leveraging your house to pay your supposed billionaire boss' hooker?


And most of them are not even lawyers anymore.


MAGA - Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


Yeah it always surprises me how he seems to have no trouble getting new counsel given that his former lawyers tend to end up stiffed on the bill, unable to practice law anymore, or in jail…


He still would stiff his lawyers, but the campaign is taking care of it. But I have no idea why those lawyers would accept the job anyway. John Gotti probably had easier access to effective counsel.


He still owes tens of thousands to several construction crews he hired years ago.


Not just them, he damn near owes every states police force money caused they protected him during his rallys, last I heard, those invoices still haven't been bottomed out.


He'll get lawyers to fight it, then stiff them too.


At some point you gotta wonder are the lawyers dumber than the client...dude known for bot paying his lawyers and you still try to get employed by him


The smartest one was the guy who got $5M up front and then immediately got fired for behaving like a lawyer instead of going along with whatever dopey scheme his client was on about that day. Even if he did pay his bills, no one who wants to keep practicing law is going to represent him because they’ll get disbarred.


At this point the only lawyers he can get are the terrible ones who have got nothing to lose, and the notoriety of representing him might actually be an advantage.


Remember the time he ordered a bunch of food for his supporters and then left, so that they had to pay for it? EDIT: it is, unfortunately, [not true](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-trump-offer-buy-food-miami-leave-without-paying-1807346) Apparently he came in, yelled "food for everyone", then left 10 minutes later. That much is true. But the kitchens didn't actually make any food, no one was stiffed. There's enough true stories about him, I will stop propagating misunderstood ones.


Reminds me of the new Boys episode with the supporters being shafted by Homelander.


Wasn’t Homelander based off of Trump?


No. Not in the comic, and not in the show *at first* either. But well, Trump sorta gave them so much to work with and he all too perfectly lined up with what Homelander was supposed to be. The most powerful man in the world, who also happens to be the most fragile and insecure man in the world.


I like to think of Homelander as how Trump perceives himself versus how he actually looks and behaves.


Have you seen the image his supporters paste on their penile compensation devices?


Yeah, they really gave them the short end of the stick.


Clever. I didn’t want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet so I didn’t go into too much detail.


I just finished the third episode of season four this morning. Holy shit it’s so good so far. The parallels are creepy.


Its the same thing though. He is trying to take credit for something he didnt do. Yelling food for everyone, he is now the generous guy in the room. Then leaves and food never came. But the image is set. Whatever happens after is ignored by the mindless followers.


He has done this so many times now it's impossible to keep count


Great clarification, however it still is a great example of how he grifts. How he pretends to be something he is not, all the time. How what he says cannot be trusted. We can’t forget, and must remind people that he is, and always will be a conman and nothing else.


I figure he's got at least one restaurant that tried to sue him for a tab and it was put into appeals court for years.


Of course he would... with the tax payer's money


He's already said he wants to abolish income tax and replace it with a tax on imports. This is a monumentally stupid idea and it would increase the price on just about everything.


Those are just his words. Remember Mexico will pay for the wall and to spray ammonia into the body to cure Covid? His business fraud is also just words. If you listen ti what Trump says, does, or did, then you don’t get Trump.


But the thing is. He expected another country to do what he said. He will have absolute authority over the US and what they can do. Just like we heard justices say they won't touch Roe V Wade and absolutely lied and done it. They cannot be trusted and if it outcome benefits the wealthy, you better believe he will do it.


He will not have absolute authority over how our tax system is structured. That alone should be enough for reasonable people to know he’s lying, per usual.


Bleach, not ammonia. But both would have similar effects. Death.


Yeah but it will save the ultra wealthy millions to offset the increased price of goods (and screw everyone else)


He'll work on legislation to let the restaurant owners keep the tips first...


When I worked in restaurants, Obama put in place a regulation to protect middle & lower class salary workers. I was a salaried manager at the time. I won't remember exact numbers, but it was something like this. Any salary worker making less than $55k a year may not work more than 45 hours in a week. The previous limit was less than 20k. This made it so employers could no longer take advantage of the salaried manager making $30k a year and force them to work 60+ hours for what equates to less than minimum wage. I was a restaurant manager for a long time, and it is very common for us to be taken advantage of this way. Employers had to decide. Do we pay everyone hourly, or give everyone raises to above $55k? Trump changed that regulation and brought the threshold back under 20k. So yes, he already has worked on legislation to give more money to CEOs at the expense of the middle class.


Just a heads up, it goes to 43k in 2 weeks and goes up to 58k later this year.


The facepalm is stupids believing anything he says after the mountain of evidence that he lies about everything. If you still believe Trump at this point then he isn't responsible, you are.


They take the things he says they agree with at face value The things they disagree with you need to read between the lines and find the true meaning... and you guessed it will always be something they agree with. This skill is taught every Sunday to them.


Two weeks! We’ll have it all done in two weeks.


Have these people not paid attention? If it doesn’t directly benefit Trump, he doesn’t care. He promises stuff like this to trick people into voting for him and then he acts like he has no idea what they’re talking about when asked about it.


Or “oh I never said that” when there are videos of him saying that exact thing. His supporters must have massive headaches from all that mental gymnastics. “Oh he didn’t say that.” Shows proof he did. “Oh he didn’t mean it like that, he was just joking.” 🤦🏼‍♀️


I have a few "conservatives"(I don't even think it's appropriate to call them that anymore) in my family and I can tell you, if they do pay any attention they just, simply, do not care. They just want the other side to lose and suffer as much as possible, even if it is against their own best interests.


The last sentence is the root of it. They have built a party philosophy of simply being anti-liberal. I have friends who were all for women's rights, but now they are anti-liberal and are anti abortion. They used to believe in humans effects on global warming, but now they believe it's all natural. They used to see how oil companies manipulated gas prices, now it's always just democrats fault. They will say it's because they have grown up, but when they talk about it, it's clear they are simply becoming anti liberal and literally all of their biases come from sources that are echo chambers.


The facepalm is believing Trump is going to spend any time on anything apart from enriching himself.


He will 100% sell our national security secrets to the highest bidder, if he hasn’t already…


Technically they’re right though… he’s just going to take the income in general away from the “poors” so they’re will be nothing to tax them on at all.


Of course he will. Right after he's done trying to throw everyone who voted against him in jail for reasons.


Congress passes the laws on taxes not the president. The magas believe everything that comes out of his putrid lying mouth and it is pathetic.


Well trump and his followers think the president has the power as a king.




No no, they have pictures at their Cult Rallies showing him as their GREAT MAGA KING. I wish I was joking.


*They* think it’s the powers of a king. *He* thinks he has the powers of a dictator.


What's the difference tho


Kings inherit, and it was usually assumed they rule by will of God/Heaven. Dictator typically takes over, by force or thru election, creating their position. The way they rule is not mutually exclusive mind you, as kings can end up acting dictator-like by ruling thru force and fear, and some dictatorships now have become inherited.


In simpler terms, all dictators are tyrants, but not all kings are tyrants.


Ancient Rome had a few dictators that weren't tyrants, but that's because it was a position that their assembly would vote to bestow upon someone for a set amount of time during wars or times of crisis.


There's photographs of MAGAts bowing down and worshipping the golden idol (which was made in *China* or Mexico ) of their Mango Messiah. Edit: added Mexico


Actually I thought the golden idol was ironically made in Mexico? Yes I have seen them bowing, and doing their praise be to it, MTG grabbing its crotch as she always does to his cutouts....


Mango messiah is a banger one... gonna keep using that


Which is so weird because they scream about republics *and* want a King yet a republic is just a government without a monarchy. Go figga.


To be fair, definitions are not their forte.


Trump did say he wanted to create a unified Reich


Tbf that’s exactly what they’re trying to accomplish. they want him to be king trump.


And that's what Project 2025 is hoping to achieve.  They already got their loyalist judges in place, the next step is to install loyalists all over the executive branch.  With 2/3 branches of government under their full control, they can basically just bypass any laws that Congress passes.


As far as everyone in my area knows, the president also wakes up every morning and decides what the gas price is going to be


If the schedule F plan from Project 2025 get enacted, there’s almost no limit on the horrors his administration will be able to enact


I don't even think Trump even really understands project 2025, I think he's just getting told the good stuff for him and so if anything goes bad from it which pretty much everything the Republicans can just blame him.


Do you think they'll really do that? Even the ones that did turn on him eventually backtracked to supporting him again. There is nothing that shows that any of this will change.


Trump did force through a tax bill, that is where a president's power lies. The captain of the ship. I mean, it was a fucking horrible bill and fucked most people over, but they are right. He did do *something* with taxes. Just not what they think he did, and he sure as hell won't bother making sure anyone not a billionaire doesn't pay more. Quite the opposite.


You asking for Trump supporters to understand the way govt functions? Hell, regular right wingers do not understand how the govt functions. Tommy Tuberville doesn't know the branches of govt (and he's a senator!).


If I remember correctly, if the math is wrong, use the total to account for the intended tip amount. So this should be a $6 tip. Or it's the other way around.


Math is correct, the total is $0.62 less because DAMN BIDUN TAXED THE TIP!!


Just the tip, just to see what it feels like


Total is the total amount they agree to pay for services. So if tip and amount due is less than total, you *could* increase the tip (actually you just input the total)if amount due and tip is more than total, you have to go by total still, meaning less than listed tip.


Not saying I support their views, but I think it was just a brain fart. Clearly they meant $6 tip but carried down the .62 by mistake for the tip line.


Absolutely. I've definitely made brain farts like that. But I don't write stupid, political statements to bother servers with on my receipt.


If you’re gonna get political best to make sure you’re not going out of your way to make yourself look extra stupid lol


Trump supports whole brain is a fart dude..


Idk they also couldn't spell "of your" correctly. They might be struggling a little.


Eh just go with whichever one is higher


No, you take what would be the bigger tip and throw out the receipt


I don’t understand why people think Trump would get rid of tax on tips. It’s literally income.


or how it would work with the current tipping wage system


WI legislators tried to codify not taxing tips a few years back, saying that no one is reporting their tips anyway. Which I don't care if cash tips aren't reported, it's none of my damn business but don't pretend like it's the right thing to do. But realistically it should be reported, like that's your income just like someone with an online shop or going into a chemistry lab to make a wage. Just more starve the beast to shrink government shit.


He's said he wants to get rid of income tax and all taxes be on sales. You know, so us poorsies spend all of our money still and can't save because the sales tax will sky rocket.    Meanwhile, the wealthy hoard even more as they're not being taxed on all that money that they're just saving (or investing). 


Not to mention the tariffs he's suggesting as replacement skyrocketing already artificially inflated prices


Trump is going to promise anything and everything to get elected. He's not actually going to do any of it. His only concern is getting into office to hide from legal consequences. But even a lot of the stuff that he's promising, such as eliminating the income tax, would be *devastating* to most americans. You think "inflation" is bad now? Just wait until he tries to replace the income tax with tariffs.


> He's not actually going to do any of it. Remember when he drained the swamp, built the wall and locked her up? Me neither.


Remember when he built 1000 miles of wall to stop illegal immigration? He built at most 50


You mean the fifty or so miles of existing border fence that was upgraded under his administration, but were actually ordered and paid for by Obama?


Obama, dont you mean Osama bin Barrak???? Guys is a immigrant from Africa. Why else has he not given us his birth certificate? Also his middle name is Hussein, HELLO. Freaking immigrant alert. Why would an obvious illegal immigrant build a wall. Only trump has the balls to do such a patriotic act /S in case it wasn't obvious


He absolutely never said any of that. He was being sarcastic. He…ummm…Biden is old!


>Biden is old -Trump. 78y old.


Yeah, but remember when he promised to get rid of Obamacare and replace it with something beautiful? And remember how he got Mexico to pay for that wall? Oh, remember how he ended the opoid crisis, and lowered college tuition? Oh damn, you mean he did none of these things. I'm sure 2024 will be different...


I remember when he pardoned Steve Bannon after Bannon defrauded Trump supporters who thought they were donating to build a wall.


A swap from income taxes to tariffs will sow massive economic chaos. Take home pay will go up, prices/inflation will go through the roof, government income will crater leading massive cutbacks, etc. US exports will crater to near zero as other countries will impose similar burdensome tariffs only on US goods. Pretty much any business that relies on exporting goods will close within 6 months. You would end up with regions with massive unemployment. The chaos caused by this would be “biblical” in its scale. It would likely be felt most by Trump most ardent supporters who tend to be rural, lower earners, and lacking advanced degrees.


but it will be Bidens fault for …mumble mumble… hand waving… reasons… see Im the best!


Well, then explain to me how Biden set the gas prices. /s


Or tip in cash. Then they can hide it from Uncle Sam AND no one will know you’re a moron who can’t add or use the calculator with which you took this picture.


Brain dead candidate, brain dead supporter.


Trump support is a sign of stupidity.


Stupidity exists in very large numbers in this country. Stupidity votes in very large numbers. It takes the effort of EVERY single non-stupid person to stop stupidity from becoming dictatorship


They’re proud of their stupidity, they even have flags to celebrate it


More like a sign of mental illness


She's so proud of herself.


Most stupid people are.


Tips are income. Income is taxed. I support service workers, and tip well, but this isn't controversial....the hell is even the point of this nonsense?


The point of removing taxes on tips is to allow the business owner to pay their employees even less. "If there's no taxes on tips, then there's no need for minimum wage of tipped workers." It's another way to pretend he's helping workers, but he's really helping owners.


It’s just a way for him to try to steal votes from people too stupid to realize he is never going to get this through congress, or even try for that matter.


Is this weird no tax on tips narrative some scam that billionaires and millionaires are going to use to say all their income is from tipped wages and not taxable?


No. They're trying to eliminate income tax altogether. Only taxed on why you buy. Which means our sales tax will sky rocket (making everything less or just as affordable), and the wealthy hoard even more wealth as they are only taxed on what they spend. The difference is the wealthy won't have to spend everything they earn to survive and will hoard more wealth.


I mean, the smart ones don’t really have income anyway. They simply borrow against their wealth and live on that. Qualifier: I am not a millionaire.


If she cared so much she could have tipped her server in cash. Problem solved.


And forego the right wing virtue signaling? Never.


Vote Biden to improve our education system


I don't understand what OOP "did"


Left the snarky MAGA note


And why is that an accomplishment?


It's social cred for the MAGA bros. She's a cool kid now.


Those MAGAts are so goddamn stupid




That doesn't make cents.




If I got this while I was working then I'd vote for Biden out of pure spite


Give them cash if you don't want them to be taxed...


There is literally zero chance of Trump (or anyone else) ever repealing income tax on gratuities.


That’s because they don’t *know* math on Fox News. 


"I love the poorly educated" - The Donald


Thank you Miss, for proving that Trump supporters are in fact stupid.


You need more proof than them being Trump supporters? There are only two kinds of people who support Trump: stupid people, and shitty people.


Remember when he stopped in a Little Havana Restaurant after a court appearance and announced “Food for everyone! “and then left without picking up the tab? https://youtu.be/68opF5dfj28?si=Wz51rFS40i-F60Rr


I've seen a lot of crazy shit in my 40+ years on earth, but the absurdity of Trumpers believing he gives a shit about them or actually does anything he says really takes the cake. The level of mass delusion around that man almost seems like magic. Tens of millions of people who are capable of seeing and hearing him and just absolutely changing it all in their heads to the exact opposite of reality. Its bizarre and should be being studied by scientists.


Wait…if we’re taxing tips, why aren’t we taxing churches?


We love the poorly educated


Tip cash and they can just not report the tip and keep the whole thing


Fuck anyone who brings politics into everything. They're just trying to do their damn job.


You expect to find logical and smart people among trump supporters? The fuck have you been smoking?


He clearly was just excited to write the message that he transposed what was supposed to be a $6.00 tip and wrote the last two digits of the actual cost instead…it’s not that deep.


Fuck tips altogether, Americans should demand enough money for the work…


The billionaires are planning another humongous tax cut for themselves that will wreak havoc on the economy and leave the rest of us to foot the bill. But, hey look over here, tips…


Great way to get your server to not vote for Trump (if they were even going to in the first place). And, Trump isn’t going to (if he’s even able to) remove taxes on tips.


I'm sure that waiter will now reconsider their whole political ideology off of that note.


"Vote Trump and trade your freedom for a few dollars.. then he will take the money later"


You are going to get your “no tax on tips” shortly after he announces his infrastructure plan. And gets Mexico to pay for the wall.


Does Biden actually tax tips in America or is this all just made up nonsense?


Biden doesn’t tax tips. Biden doesn’t do much of what people like to pretend he does/can. Tips have been taxed as income by the IRS since long before he was in the White House.


I bet next you're gonna tell me Biden doesn't control the gas prices either, hmmmmm?


Joe Biden made my gas go from .99 a gallon to $6.74 and IM ANGRY AS HELLLL


How the hell am I supposed to fill up my lifted RAM 1500 that gets 12 mpg?!


Put some more flags on your truck, DUH


That’s what all those nice people were trying to do on Jan 6. They were just trying to find the big red lever labeled “GAS PRICES” and pull it down a bit.


The entire country taxes on tips. Tips are income, there’s an income tax. You have to report all credit card tips. You technically have to report cash tips, but that’s more like the scenario of you finding a bag that has a 100k in it and you tell the police that you found a bag with 90k in it


Biden isn’t emperor of everything that happens in the country.


Your tips are income so they are taxed as income. But no president is taxing anything specifically. Is not how all that shit works


All tips are supposed to be taxed, the President has nothing to do with that. Though most people underreport their tips. Which works against them because it doesn't show up on income which screws you when trying to get credit.


“I like the poorly educated”.


“Let me turn everything I possibly can political. I’m sure this note I scrawled will sway undecided and Biden voters!”


Be a lot better if we just got rid of tipping culture and paid people a living wage.


Looks like that lie is getting traction. Anyone who believes Trump and Republicans would just eliminate taxes on a huge segment of the working class is living in an alternate reality.


Nice, a Double Facepalm


We gotta vote folks. These people are going to.


Lol. Boasts about Trump not taxing tips... then deducts 10% from their tip. Sounds exactly like a preview of what would happen if Trump won tbh.


This isn't even right. You have to report your tips. Especially credit card tips. Cash is king.


In his four years as president, what steps did Trump take to eliminate the tax on tips?


Here's a tip. Make sure Trump doesn't get anywhere near to public office ever again. Here is a list of reasons why. **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, Proud Boys On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) A few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and degrading embarrassment of the U.S. Presidency ·         [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)


Advanced gerrymandering smh. Also arithmetic too hard


"trump is not about the money, hes refusing his salary its about the people" me: hahahahahahaha 😂 trump isn't a socialist, dumbass. I feel like you're being brainwashed


Didn’t trump try to change laws so tips flow through the owner first and THEY get to decide how it’s distributed?


He would tax the non rich into poverty


Step 1: Make tips non-taxable so tipped employment becomes attractive Step 2: Make everyone a tipped employee so they only get paid $3/hr Step 3: Profit!


Ah I see you missed the point of the whole MAGA thing - they want to Make Arithmetic Great Again! And clearly, "great" means "completely incorrect"