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“Suburban mom of young boys in 2008.” It’s okay to not have a super refined and decorated space, sometimes there’s just not time or energy to make it a priority (to the more negative comments). Even though it’s not the most attractive, I find it super nostalgic.


But no one thinks the sharks are attractive? Hm oh well I do and that’s what matters lol. Thanks I just lack money. And nostalgic is accurate too.


No, no. You own lots of cute things. They just aren't coordinated and don't appear to be chosen intentionally. There is nothing wrong with that. An individual item can be really cute and look fine in a room without giving a sense of identity to the space.


yes this!!


Yes that’s what matters! And it’s not UNattractive, I think most on this sub/interior design subs are turned off because it doesn’t look like it’s out of a magazine. If your home makes you comfortable and you love it, that’s all that matters at the end of the day.


I don’t see sharks / I see monkeys.


It’s not really an aesthetic it just looks very random but not in a bad way, it looks like you just add stuff that’s sentimental or has value/meaning to you without worry whether it works together or not.


That’s correct but I do really value matching and working together you can’t see everything but the throw pillows and blanket in there match the rug. Basically my main colors are blue pink and orange/yellow everywhere in the home. When I reno I wanna make the walls cream and the flooring grayish brown wood. I hate the wall color.


>I do really value matching and working together These photos don’t reflect that


That makes sense, it reminds me of my space because I really only like to decorate with stuff that means something instead of stuff just to be stuff. So often times my stuff don’t really match despite me trying. I do have my core colors for like furniture and things like that but lol idk I’ll get super wordy


Exactly! People saying they don’t see the colors are just incorrect I have those colors just not the couches chairs and tables they’re accent colors like the little pieces and like blankets shower curtain etc. people here act so dense at times and also super elite and condescending lol.


Ah yes this is the good ole, *I'll decorate when I move.*


Or when THEY move


I didn’t decorate?


Why did you take a picture of the oven? There is nothing in particular there?


Because obviously there’s a Lilly Pulitzer juicer and a SpongeBob mug.


Oh of course


Obviously! How could we not have noticed!


You made me laugh so hard god damn you lol


Girl stop


this made me laugh. i truthfully enjoyed seeing the spongebob mug


Thank you! 🐒🙂🐒


Not obvious because I had to double check to see those items. Also I don’t think either of them constitute an aesthetic as they’re basically tonal opposites.


Ok I know you don’t see it but pretend you’re in my kitchen there is 3 pineapples and a pink pitcher and a SpongeBob mug that wouldn’t be cute to you? I still don’t care to me my stuff is cute and does go together. 🐒🩷🐒


That would be absolutely cute! And if you like it that’s all that matters


Thanks! 🐒🙂🐒


No you see pineapple on the Lilly juicer? Songebob go with that. Also have two other pineapples on another part of counter. How much stuff do I need for you guys to recognize it as decorating? Yeah I’m not gonna do that whatever it is because I’m a less is more monkey.


What? 😭😭😭


Hahaha oh yeah, obviously. 🙄


This is like those girls on social media who take a picture with 90% cleavage but then get all pissy when people don't comment on the rest of her body/overall figure


Just finished college.


Alright thanks. Well it’s been ten years now but I still have the same style lol. 😹


Wait, really? How do you have so little furniture/decor in your 30s? Time to hit up some thrift stores and estate sales! ;)


I wouldn’t


I really like pleasant color and friendly cute animals and a smidgeon of floral or girly details is it not good or it just doesn’t have enough?


if you like it thats all that should matter! I think its cute


Yes, it doesn’t need a decor name


It’s just really empty and blank. It really looks like My First House because there’s no *living stuff.* Where are your pictures and art? Where are your knickknacks from your travels or birthdays or that random Tuesday you went to the zoo with Jill? This is your house! You’re allowed to put anything you like and want in it! If you like it exactly how it is, that is PERFECT! Honestly, I’d lean into more of what you like. I LOVE the shark shower curtain. But that alone, by itself, does not decorate a bathroom. It’s a very dorm-looking bathroom. Get a cute shark rug that matches, or the ones that [turn red](https://www.amazon.com/Murder-Changes-Instantly-Shower-Bathroom/dp/B0B9DR3HD2/) when you step on them or something. Get shark or nautical or even just *blue* decorations like towels and soap dispensers. If you’re trying to balance the Modern Beige Adult aesthetic with your whimsical side, make things the centerpiece/focus OR the background. Most of decorating is about intention and flow. Getting more established furniture pieces will help a LOT. If you’re still using the same IKEA furniture from 10 years ago, there’s only so much you can do to make it look stylish. Ultimately, though, you don’t NEED to have an ultra-stylish home. Ours is definitely not magazine worthy and we’re okay with that! It’s us and it makes us happy. We’re comfortable and enjoy coming home every day!


That’s why I picked these photos! It was so clean and calm and nice to me. I love when it’s like that. It’s too messy and chaotic rn.


I do really need to get around to my renovation the walls will be cream instead of silly beige and the floors will all be the nice wood floors and it’ll be much better I’m also gonna get new kitchen cabinets. I don’t care if SOME of my style is boring or middle American or mom or whatever you can always be calm about things being fresh and plain (at least I can) that’s why I add the whimsical and cute for the decor. You’re right though if I am comfortable that is what counts thank you 🐒🩷🐒.


No I do need ultra stylish. You guys don’t get it I’m poor and I didn’t have choices in everything I’m only on the beginning of el Camino to making my home into a place that is personalized and stylish. I have actually $0. The couch is actually new though I know it’s boring typical gray that’s why the accent colors in the room are pink and orange I’m done with this place I swear you just like to look down on people and make them feel worse about being poor.


Genuinely not looking down on you, love. I’ve been there before and I’m just trying to clarify some of the comments you’re getting. If you feel you need ultra stylish, then you can get there! You deserve to have a home you love! I was more saying that it’s not a requirement for life. There are lots of ways to get things that don’t involve money, like bartering, buy nothing groups, working for a thing, etc. Thrifting and Facebook Marketplace are amazing resources. I’m sorry if I came across as mocking you.


Fair enough what do you mean by that?


An aesthetic usually implies a degree of curation that is at least some degree of obvious to the viewer. It seems like you’ve got the starts of what could maybe be kidcore, but there’s so much empty space (which does not appear to be intentional minimalism) that it doesn’t seem finished enough to refer to it as any particular aesthetic. Which is totally fine! Not everyone needs to have a home that fulfills some sort of visual or design niche. It is enough for your home to be comfortable and functional to you. 


You actually get it though. I do go for minimalist intentionally. And I do go for a pleasant and cute vibe with a lot of animals and nature and a splash of femininity.


Girl that’s just called decorating.


No, babe. That minimalism is not coming across as intentional. Intentional minimalism is very hard to pull off without it looking dumb, imo. People are just telling you that your decorating is a “splash” in general. Go for the whole bucket!! You can do a LOT by thrifting. I decorated my first apartment, while I was in college, with like $20 for each holiday. If I had actually compiled that money and spent it on one or two genuinely nice pieces, our apartment would have been amazing. Go to a college or rich part of town and get thrifting.


Yeah I don’t have a car or money. But I saw you suggested monkey prints well Japanese macaques are my favorite of all I’d like to get photo prints of baby Japanese macaques!!! Did you mean photos or paintings? Do you know any good monkey paintings or prints? I also have even more monkeys and other animals now I have Georges brothers and sisters these little guys were all born in the 1980s like me. https://preview.redd.it/z8zr8syu0u4d1.jpeg?width=2134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04f42af738ba061f1318c786b3b481b581d98f65 The kitty and ducky are new they’re cute too. Besides monkeys and kitties I also like plants and succulents I need more of those. And honestly I don’t care if I “come across as intentionally minimalist” I just don’t like when there is too much clutter and dust I think significant and beautiful stuff radiates better without being crowded with other things that are mid.


I don’t know of any specifically, but I do see animal portraits all the time at Marshall’s/TJ Maxx/Home Goods/thrifting. Definitely check Facebook marketplace and buy-nothing groups! Sometimes you can ask local high schools/universities if there are any students who commission work and they can work with you! Your plushies are so cute! Perfect! You know what you like and that’s more than half the battle! As long as you have a clear goal, it’ll come together!


Why do you all hate me? I’m going back to malelivongspace even though I’m a female they are much less mean over there. I don’t get what’s so bad about my designs. I think they’re beautiful for a woman with very limited spending.


I don't think anyone insulted your space. The problem is that you're looking for some sort of label to apply to it--to belong to a genre so to speak. Just do you. Asking for your "aesthetic" comes across as somehow entitled. Your house looks cute and cozy and you have every right to be proud of it, but it's not a defined style you worked hard to create or mimic, and to treat is as a "finished piece" devalues the inspiration and hard work of actual interior designers. It's just you doing your best with what you can. Rock it.


People literally called her poor and told her it looked like shit. One asshole in an attempt to be funny even said someome must have died and she just inherited the majority of her stuff which it turns out she actually did. Her grandma and her big bro recently passed. All in all that's about as cut and dry insulting as one could hope to get tbh. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that maybe you didn't read those top comments but then why make such a ridiculous gaslighting statement about their very existence if you haven't even looked yourself. People also look for particular aesthetics so they can further cultivate their spaces based on very specific tastes, colours, shapes and whatnot. To call discussing aesthetic on a fucking home showcase/improvement themed sub "entitled" is beyond wild tbh. Like what are you even talking about?


I agree with you and I also think it's ugly. This is the internet. Not trying to be mean, but I'm not holding back my opinion once it was asked.


Are you able to read the rules of the sub? Literally rule number one like. "This is the Internet" Lmao


I don’t see anyone saying your designs are bad, they’ve just said there isn’t a discernible aesthetic and it doesn’t appear to be super intentional. If you love your space, that’s all that matters. I really like your soft textures and nostalgic elements, but I agree that there isn’t quite enough thematically connected items for there to be any aesthetic here. But there doesn’t have to be one. You’re Rich’s - all that matters is your opinion.


What designs?


Don’t be condescending


I’m not I’m just wondering what here is a design


Nooo I’m sorry people are being mean to you! This sub is my safe space everyone is normally so nice. Ignore the negativity


I wouldn’t really call this an “aesthetic”. It looks more like you’ve got a lot of mismatched things that were handed down, and it makes it look like maybe you’re pretty young and just moved into your first place. The stuffed animals and cartoon decor (sharks, SpongeBob) give a high school bedroom/dorm room vibe.


Family with a elementary school aged kid, probably a boy, so I guess I would call it "American Life".


Thanks! You’re correct it is American Life! 🙂


Midwest Kidcore (u/borgbie great term)


Yes I see that thanks. 🐒🙂🐒


Have you looked for monkey prints or anything? You seem to really love monkeys! (Sorry to keep commenting. I really want to take you thrifting with me and find some cool pieces for you. The more I read, the more upset I’m getting for you. There is NOTHING WRONG with your home!!! It looks cozy and comfortable and THAT IS WHAT MATTERS!!!) If you have friends and family that are crafty, maybe you could spend a day with them making something, or ask them for specific décor that makes them think of you! I’m in the process of trying to blend “adult aesthetics” with all of my plushies and Legos and stuff and it can be a challenge. I’ve really leaned into it in a couple places and that helps so much! My office is all pastels and cutesy/kawaii. I have a pretty broad mix of 60s/70s/kawaii/craftsman/wtf and it’s all about making it flow and fit and *you*. If you don’t spend a lot of time here, or you do but don’t frequently have guests, it’s harder to build an established “look.” That vibe will change over time, too! Also, know that a lot of people move in and decorate and then *never touch it again*. My bf’s house looked *exactly the same* for 10 years before we were together. Literally same ornaments in the *exact same spots* and the dust to prove it! He doesn’t care about any of the decorations. I decorate by sentiment *and* form. I prefer paintings by people we love to random prints. I prefer this knickknack we got on our first trip than the random prettier decoration at Home Goods (don’t get me wrong, I still LOVE Home Goods lol). I guess I’m trying to say that your home is YOUR home and whimsical/kidcore/nostalgiacore is probably what you’re looking for


Thank you so much! I’m got the curse today which makes me very tired so I am trying to give all these comments appreciation and just your intro makes me feel better you’re a super nice girl…I’ll get back to 6ou when done reading.




new favorite sub. thank you, stranger


What was it? 0.0


Probably home decorating circle jerk


Oh shoot that's where I came from - thought this was that sub haha 😅


Parents donated some necessities for a first place.


Middle-aged American who has no real interest in aesthetics besides finding random things at target that they think are “cute” style.


Id call it the: Regular person with kids or who is a kid at heart and doesn't have an aesthetic. Nothing wrong with your place, it's just a basic place with the necessities for a good living. It looks like you don't really care about decorating, but just want to be happy in a basic place and do care about having small child-like objects that bring you joy. They don't have to be part of the aesthetic.


Clean and frugal, 2005. You seem to be someone who buys what you personally love and aren't looking to impress anyone with a specific vibe or cohesive look. This is the home of someone who will retire early, and nobody will ever realize it. If you love this, definitely stick with it.


basic but I'm trying to be quirky


Random stuff isn't an aesthetic


There isn't one, but that's okay. It looks clean and intentional. If this were r/AmateurRoomPorn I'd be confused because it feels underwhelming, but in a sub focused on fem spaces that doesn't really care if things are Pinterest ready, this is a more than adequate Female Living Space I would say :)


Explain the monkees! My grandmother collected elephants.


It looks like "you just moved into your first house, and you are decorating with random items until you can afford to create something cohesive-core" And that's fine. There's no actual aesthetic here. As long as you're comfortable and satisfied, there doesn't need to be!


Do you see it here? 🐒💛🐒 https://preview.redd.it/6kmdrghzr05d1.jpeg?width=2134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=435e4145ad3933d3bbcbe708670449f63eca796a


Thank you! I’ve gotten more of the vintage monkeys I love them! And I collect nutcrackers but those only stay up for like 4 months lol. https://preview.redd.it/5c6wc5czp05d1.jpeg?width=3647&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e67fa5fee3127052e0abdbe0c43bd2ce72e9a95


Does this look random? https://preview.redd.it/uvlk7f5rr05d1.jpeg?width=1412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=418d3b1d25319f0f81b72991f262cbbc9f8cfc25


If you like it lol why not


Thank you! 🐒🩷🐒I like all the stuff I’ve picked out I just don’t like the wall color and carpet but I’m gonna eventually change that stuff.


There’s no discernible aesthetic or theme here




Basic but clean and comfortable.


I wouldn’t call it a particular type of look, but it looks cosy and from your comments clearly you made your choices with care. Enjoy your home, don’t worry what anyone else says!


Thank you! 🐒🩷🐒




Actually I did get a lot for free and I had two close family members pass since I moved in, my grandma and my dear beautiful brother he passed by suicidal measures when he was 37 and he was one of my favorite people in the universe and my greatest supporter (like person that understood and loved me). I do have a lot of photos of him and me and my other brother now.


And the lazy boy chair is from my grandma.🩷


That's great. Sorry for your losses. In that case I'd describe your aesthetic as "sentimental," and that's important.


Honestly thats a very sweet way to describe it.


I am so sorry for your losses. I hope your grandma’s chair is like a hug every day


Thank you 🐒🩷🐒I lived with my grandma for around 3 years before I moved here. Her and I each had a lazy boy recliner (the same chair) and we would watch tv together with her dog on her lap and my monkey plushie on my shoulder. It was really nice!!!


What a beautiful memory! Maybe you could decorate with a cozy blanket if you like to curl up with them! It would add more color and texture variance


Yes I have a rusty orange blanket on the chair now! It matches the rusty orange pillows on the couch and is a color in the colorful rug. 🐒🧡🐒I also wanna get another throw blanket for the couch either in cream or pink! 🐒🙂🐒


I'm so sorry for your losses and I'm so sorry there's so many people being absolute snobby dickheads to you on this post. They should be fucking disgusted with themselves, I'm embarrassed for them with their carry on. This used to be a much kinder sub, seems to have taken a rather nasty turn in recent times.


Goodwill Chic? Hodge Podge Collage? Casa de Colorblind? IDK so many good options.


Directly out of college and have a job so have some money, but not a lot in this economy and also I like things that make me feel sentimental.


“Just trying to survive and haven’t decorated anything since I moved out of my parent’s hoarded home when I was 17 so I don’t know how to decorate and am afraid of buying anything to do so.”


Nailed it.




the plushies give out grandma's style


Grandmas are the best thanks.🐒🙂🐒




Boring grandma aesthetic.


Alright thanks 🐒🙂🐒.Grandmas are what’s up.


They are. It’s cottage core now.


Oh yes I’ve noticed I like a lot of stuffed called “cottage core” lol. 🙈thanks 🐒👵🐒


I think that might be your style! You’re just not decorated enough for that to really show thru. Keep decorating! r/cottagecore for you


Alright thank you! I’ll join that community! I always felt like more of a city girl so I think the word “cottage” made me think of boring stuff but now that I know it means grandma core I will be looking into it 🐒🙂🐒.


Thats awesome! You’re gona love it!


Unstyled. There is no aesthetic


I’m just gonna throw this out here, she’s 34, apparently.




College student


Just Curious. Made by Giorgio.


Age is important


I’m 34. 😹


Not an aesthetic. But people are too obsessed with aesthetics these days. You be you, do what you like, and don't worry about boxes and labels. I like your alpacas btw


Thank you! Yes people are too obsessed with it! It’s gotten absurd. I’d call my aesthetic monkey core.


Alpacas are so cute do you have any alpacas or other stuffed animals?




Yes thanks 🐒🩷🐒


"middle American" were trying our best. And you had to yell at least 5 times to get this room this clean


I like your shark 🦈 shower curtain. It's very cute 😍.


Thank you! 🦈🩷🐒


You're welcome, sweetheart 😊




Adorable, love the shark shower curtain! ❤️


Fire hazard?


Ha ha. There was room to walk through you just cant tell from this angle. However I have tried several other furtinute locations it’s hard to get optimal with the size of the room and the size of the sectional lol is there anything you’d recommend?


No, I mean the rug and chair right next to the fireplace. I’d suggest leaving way more space in front of the fire if you ever plan to use it.


Ohh alright! Well I never use the fireplace. I don’t even know how to light it lol.


Have you tried putting the tv over the fireplace and leveling out the sectional to be parallel with the wall? Maybe putting the chair in the corner where the tv is with a nice table or lamp?


Oh yeah I do need more end tables and a new lamp in there.


I have thought about wall mounting but I’d have the get the wall mount the tv didn’t come with it but it has the potential. I might do this someday I have that tv in my room now on my dresser and in the living room I now have a mid century modern tv stand and a larger new television. https://preview.redd.it/cpfp8cyjyt4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7bbcc28038849a5bc34b264a3d3dd947aae22e2


You think it would be better above fireplace? I really like the table because mid century modern is one of my favorite aesthetics.


You can use the table elsewhere! You don’t have to get rid of it. Credenzas are handy and beautiful. I like the new table more because it seems more balanced (and less-precarious balanced, too! lol). It’s just worth a shot or at least a thought! :) might clear up some space for you, since you mentioned the couch being kind of tight


i like your monkeys and the big llama! as for aesthetic, this feels comfortable and cozy, like grandma’s house. the bed with monkeys feels like that to me too (my grandma had these monkeys at her house so my memories are tied fondly to that.) the green one on the bed is super cute btw.  it also feels like you have kid-core elements as well. the shark curtain feels too cartoony and new-school compared to the classic monkey toys, so it feels really out of place to me as far as the whole house aesthetic goes. if you could incorporate more sharks in the bathroom and accessorize with orange hand towel, i think that would be nice. even toy shark figures or a matching trash can, if you could find one. or carry over the SpongeBob theme a little in the bathroom. i am certain you could find shark stuff even at the dollar store. you could also consider painting the bathroom another color than the cream you had mentioned. maybe something fun like a peach, orange, or pink color. then accessorize with a colorful floor mat.  make the bathroom a fun room, then the sharks won’t feel so out of place. 




Has character, it’s so random but at the same time I really love it!


I’m sorry people are being so mean to you, this sub can be brutal.


I don’t see anyone being mean, correct me if I’ve missed something. I just see people saying that this space does not have an aesthetic, and they’re right.


Why are you being downvoted…people are definitely being so mean 😭


lol they really are! It’s okay to say that you don’t see a general aesthetic without straight up insulting OP. I’ve gotten used to some people on reddit just being mean, doesn’t bother me. I just hope it doesn’t hurt OP ☹️


Toddler or young child friendly?


Imo I would put the TV above mantle - it has the connections tgere


Idk why you were downvoted. I would, too. Then she could move the couch since she’s having problems with that anyway


Ppl in here hate hate TV above mantle . But I don’t think it’s too high bc now TV corner and looking down. There is a cable input as well as electrical outlook above mantle so this is the place for it . No brainer imo


Exactly. Sometimes it just makes sense for the space, too. In this case it would help so much!


This esthetic looks childlike. Which is fine if you have kids and it’s their room


I mean I think it’s fine anywhere lol. You just have to accept that some people won’t like it and be okay with that, if you decide to deck out your whole house in kidcore stuff


I dont know the right answer but by its looks, it seems you can have bohemian decor here.. it's about enhancing your interiors with the objects that depict your memories, personality and choices..


Alright thanks others have said this as well. I always felt like the word bohemian (but especially “boho”) is a little cringe but the way you describe it doesn’t sound bad and it fits.


I know what you mean, but I also like a lot of “boho” things. It’s a pretty comfy cozy style that plays with textures and works with other aesthetics well if you ask me.


Anti-OCD I’d say.