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Ask your server if you can take a tour into the kitchen after your meal. They offered it to me and my wife after a Valentines dinner and it was cool to see the kitchen and the livestream of the French Laundry Kitchen as well.


They also have an extended kitchen tour that they’ll sometimes do. Their kitchen is MASSIVE and there’s lots of different rooms, it’s almost like a maze in there.


My memory is that the food was immaculate in an environment (service included) that was sort of austere to a fault. French Laundry is heads and shoulders a better experience and food is equally on par in both places. I’d be curious to hear your post-meal report and comparison after tonight!


>French Laundry is heads and shoulders a better experience Just a thought, but perhaps this would have been a comment more appropriately made after OP's meal this evening! I don't think your intention was to temper expectations, but it could have been interpreted that way.


I can completely appreciate that. I guess I’m usually more of a hard truths person (and tone obviously doesn’t translate well across text like this). I definitely don’t want to yuck anyone’s yum. My perspective is that the difference in experience between per se and French laundry from me was so head spinning that I wish someone had told me because I—if not regret going to per se, wish I’d known what I knew after the meal because my money and time would have been better spent somewhere else in NYC.


it's a great place. I request a non-alcoholic pairing when dining, and leave it up to the barperson to decide. It has given some great experiences and talks. Once, with friends, i requested the "coffee & doughnuts" as an extra dessert (if it was possible - not always offered) and they were very gracious and accommodating. The kitchen tour is always nice. enjoy!


I just wanted to jump in to say thanks for the comments and advice. I will try to remember to update this post tomorrow. Maybe with a pic or two, but I’m not a take-pics-of-your-food type of diner, so no firm promises. Ps: special thanks to the commenter who pointed out you can just tell your server you’re full and need a break/slow things down! So obvious, but something I wouldn’t have thought to do.


Per Se has a little more of a formal atmosphere but overall is a very similar format to TFL. Most (if not all) people in the dining room choose to dress up and wear full suits, so I definitely suggest dressing up to fit in with the crowd. Personally, I feel like the food at Per Se is more refined and well executed than it’s Californian counterpart, but expect a similar dining experience.


Thank you, super helpful - especially about attire, wasn’t sure what to wear (still not quite sure since it’s such nasty weather, but that’s a separate problem!)


I ate there about 15 years ago, so not sure if it's changed since then, but it was definitely a business attire type of place. Vibe was much more expense account-y than other 2/3* places I've eaten in. Very comfortable though, and had a great meal.


Everything everywhere is weirder and more casual post pandemic, IMO, at least in NYC….


Ate there over Thanksgiving and attire is definitely more casual. Sure there were men in suits but most were in sweaters or sport coats. Saw gym shoes and jeans too.


Happy birthday to you! Don't hesitate to take a quick break or 2 if you feel yourself getting full. The kitchen will delay the next course. Go outside and get some fresh air or go to the 1st floor and walk around.


I have done the FL kitchen thing, and seen the per Se kitchen on the monitor; thx for the reminder to ask for that!


Let the person you’re with go first as they enter the restaurant. You’ll see why when it happens.


Not sure your drink preferences, but I say don't skip over the cocktails! I've had some fabulous ones from there and they are always elegant and refined


Their white Negroni is the best I’ve ever had


Curious how it went! I’m going this weekend for my wife’s birthday