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Here are several key laws that will be implemented beginning on July 1: * HB 21: Allocates $20 million in financial compensation for abuse victims of the closed Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys and another reform school in Okeechobee County. * HB 49: Relaxes work hour restrictions for 16- and 17-year-olds, allowing parents and school superintendents to waive the 30-hour weekly limit during school sessions. Teens can work up to eight hours on school days, with exceptions for Sundays and holidays, and between 6:30 AM and 11 PM on nights before school days. * HB 117: Permits the release of grand jury testimony related to Jeffrey Epstein if certain conditions are met. * HB 197: Requires the state to suspend the licenses of massage therapists or establishments if any employee is arrested for charges related to kidnapping, human trafficking, or prostitution. * HB 201: Allows pharmacists to provide up to three nonconsecutive emergency insulin refills without prescriber authorization. * HB 271: Mandates private parking facilities to clearly display their rules and rates at lot entrances. * HB 275: Introduces new offenses for tampering with or damaging critical infrastructure, including fences, generators, and energy plants, with potential criminal and civil penalties. * HB 305: Enhances evidence admissibility in minor sex abuse cases and increases penalties for sex trafficking of minors, requiring offenders to register as sex offenders on their first conviction. * HB 321: Bans the intentional release of balloons inflated with lighter-than-air gas. Violators could be fined $150. * SB 330: Establishes behavioral health teaching hospitals affiliated with universities to address mental health treatment issues. * HB 385: Allows courts to mandate the use of neutral exchange locations at sheriff's offices for child custody exchanges. * HB 415: Instructs the Florida Department of Health to create a website with information and resources for pregnancy and parenting. * HB 433: Prohibits local governments from imposing higher wage requirements or heat-exposure protections on contractors. * HB 461: Excuses women from jury duty if they have given birth within six months before the reporting date. * HB 487: Changes the notification period for law enforcement to inform owners about abandoned or lost property, derelict vessels, or public nuisance vessels. * SB 544: Requires the Department of Health to create a network of facilitators to join a swimming lesson voucher program. * HB 601: Limits citizen review boards from investigating police misconduct, transferring authority to state control. * HB 621: Allows immediate arrest of squatters and facilitates quicker home reclamation for homeowners if a complaint is filed. It also establishes penalties for those engaged in squatting.


* HB 623: Mandates builders provide a one-year warranty for newly constructed homes, covering defects that violate Florida’s Building Code. * HB 775: Extends the state’s “Safe Haven Law,” increasing the age at which a baby can be surrendered from seven to 30 days old. Infants can be surrendered at hospitals, fire stations, and EMS stations. * HB 917: Permits 16- and 17-year-olds to work in home construction with proper OSHA certification, excluding certain high-risk activities, and requires supervision. * HB 919: Requires political ads created with AI to include a disclaimer. * HB 931: Authorizes school districts to allow volunteer school chaplains. * HB 1029: Expands the My Safe Florida Home program to condo owners, providing grants for hurricane-readiness upgrades, with a $30 million budget allocation. * SB 968: Designates areas at Tyndall Air Force Base and former Homestead Air Force Base as "spaceport territory." * SB 1264: Requires teaching the history of communism in public schools starting in the 2026-2027 school year. * HB 1291: Excludes identity politics from college and university teacher-preparation programs. * HB 1503: Allows surplus lines carriers to insure non-homesteaded properties from Citizens Property Insurance Corp. * HB 1645: Repeals certain state greenhouse gas regulations, bans offshore wind turbines, promotes natural gas expansion, and reduces gas pipeline regulations. * SB 1764: Increases penalties for “street takeover” participants. * SB 7002: Permits school districts to publish budget adoption notices on their websites instead of in newspapers. * SB 7028: Allocates $200 million to continue the My Safe Florida Home program, aiding residents in storm-proofing their homes. * SB 7032: Offers tuition and fee waivers for high-school dropouts pursuing diplomas and workforce credentials at state colleges. * HB 7063: Prohibits individuals under 21 from working in adult entertainment establishments.


Why isn’t anyone talking about HB 1645 that’s really fucking bad, we need more clean energy not less.


That alone should be “Who voted for this? We’re going to siege their home and cut off water and power supply until they call for shit to be reversed and actually go reverse it. Their family can wait besieged until the vote passes, or they overturn Ronnie’s veto of their bill.”


* HB 601: Limits citizen review boards from investigating police misconduct, transferring authority to state control. -is there a positive angle to this that isn't presenting itself to me...?


Nope it’s exactly what it sounds like


Depends. Are you a fascist? No, then this is a bad bad bad thing. Yes, then it is necessary because.... Blah blah "God" or "kids" blah blah. #Vote (D)ifferently


Florida patch notes lol


Love the squatter law… dang em out by their hair and arrest those mf’ers


Mandates private parking facilities to clearly display their rules and rates at lot entrances. that been a needed thing for awhile now


Living in Tampa where 717 is one of the biggest private lot providers, I'm glad this is required. I started working downtown in 2017. 717 was charging $5.35 for the entire day to park. The abruptly and without notice, they raised it to $7.35. Now, it's up to $15+ a day, which they started about 6 or so months before COVID was even a thing so they can't blame the pandemic for their greed. Oh, and on days with conventions you'll get $25 - $35 listings. 717 is evil and greedy.


Funny part is... that why we had said requirement in state bill...


Banning offshore wind turbines to promotes natural gas expansion is nuts.


If Florida produced a huge amount of natural gas that would make a little sense but Florida produces very little but consumes a lot of energy through natural gas. Renewable energy has really improved over the years. Them restricting it's use says a lot.


This is about three things: 1) supporting oil companies drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and in Florida's coastal waters and running pipelines that would currently be illegal; 2) banning wind farms to avoid spoiling the ocean views for the tourists. 3) signaling to the Republican base that they did something to make the liberals sad.


Meanwhile we’re bombarded with floating billboards at the beach. Much rather a view of turbines than ad#377 for some random drug.


Why do Republicans love environmental disasters so very much?


Of everything I read, this is the one that just blows my mind.


Next we will be fracking and sinkholing


FP&L approves of this.


HB 931 Allows for schools to use Volunteer Chaplains


The Satanic Temple needs some folks to volunteer.


I bet a Chaplin from the ST would be a chill-ass person for this position.


> HB 49: Relaxes work hour restrictions for 16- and 17-year-olds, allowing parents and school superintendents to waive the 30-hour weekly limit during school sessions. Teens can work up to eight hours on school days, with exceptions for Sundays and holidays, and between 6:30 AM and 11 PM on nights before school days. Child labor is back! Hooray! /s


Get that teenager up 20’ on a ladder to put up that gutter! Hooray! 20 year old college student wants to work at the strip club to pay her bills? NO Way!


Text of the bill actually restricts seeing children up a ladder taller than 6' and many other activities. That being said, as a tradesman, I feel this law is going to exploit immigrants, the dirt poor, and migrants more than they already are being exploited.


So, is someone going to stop the kid from carrying something up an 8 foot ladder to get the job done?


Apprentice leashs, of course! Keeps the kids from going too far up the ladder and journeyman from sending them off to get a long weight from laydown yard.


My youngest quit his summer job and I encouraged him to. He won’t be working either next summer. I’m in a position to pay for every thing he potentially could ever need but other parents aren’t able to so my heart goes out to them and their families. He is volunteering only for his bright futures scholarship.


Best choice. Getting a scholarship to college is worth way more than any crappy job would pay. Let him study and get a high GPA.


That’s the goal. Both my children were able To take that money and soon to be third and apply it and use the rest of theirs we have saved for other items they need. It has worked out tremendously well. As parents and as a community that will rely on these children for the future it’s appalling to me the treatment of families and minor children. They will remember this and the now able to vote children who graduated and came Of age during Covid will be voting this year. The current government and the future government officials on the ballots should Be very worried.


They are very worried! They wouldn’t have an official party platform of dismantling democracy if they felt secure in their positions. They know they have to cheat to win because no one wants that darkness they’re peddling.


That's a feature, not a bug.


Seriously, kids today think the world is against them (thanks social media) this seems to be about burning people out before they turn 18


Thank god for the FREEDOM


I started working at 15 I believe. It was in TN years ago. I got a job because my dad thought it would be a good thing. What I missed was important childhood experiences and time with my friends. This bill is very similar to when I was a kid. I worked around 25-30 hours each week.


They can also build ur houses!


This makes me so mad, man. When I was in high school (class of 2015) the school day started at 7am. Teenagers actually need more sleep than adults and even younger kids due to how intensive puberty and adolescence are on the body. A kid getting off work at 11pm is gonna be going to bed so damn late. And if they go directly to bed after work with nothing but travel time in between, that means needing to get up earlier in the morning for showering, eating, etc. We're gonna send kids to school on maybe 4-5 hours of sleep at a time in their life when they need MORE than 8 hours? Its absolutely absurd. The whole thing makes me mad but they're setting the laws in a way that some kids will *have* to go to school sleep deprived.


Not being able to investigate the Sheriff's Dept and leaving it "in the hands of the state" virtually ensures that no cop will ever be investigated. Letting kids work 8 hours after school?! Allowing them to work in construction? Lack of education into evolving sexual trends will certainly result in problems. We don't have a "don't see, don't tell" society.


I would bet money that eventually, if not immediately, "identity politics" will include things like the history of racism and discrimination in the US, the civil rights movement, and the history of discrimination on the basis of sex. These are the same folks who have us using textbooks that are teaching that slavery benefited slaves because some of them could learn trades.


Since when did we not learn about communism? Also no turning back to the old way of cranking out workers like we did back in the day, that’s not how society works, no matter how many laws you write, if no one cares or follows them with your intention behind it, it just becomes a useless law. There is no way forward with any of this new extreme nonsense. It’s all childish politics, is all it is…. Sad….


It's more like the evils of communism. Fl already has a "victims of communism" day. I would say already most of the Fl textbooks and general US History story depicts communism=bad


FL teacher here. After the morning pledge of allegiance, suddenly we were treated to a monologue on communism that sounded like 1950s propaganda. Completely sidetracked my lesson for a good 15 minutes, and then when they were supposed to be thinking about how to solve a problem, someone would blurt out a quote from the communism thing and we would all crack up. Wasn't very helpful.


Tbh the fact that 99% of the factually incorrect, conservative created “communism bad” media is extremely silly is probably a good thing. If it sounds stupid, fewer will take it seriously.


I think they are probably going to go with logic like this: Communism is extreme left-wing ideology -> liberals and progressives are also on the left -> liberals and progressives are basically communists -> communism is bad -> all leftist political views are bad -> the opposite of left is right -> the opposite of bad is good -> conservatives and fascists are both on the right -> fascism, which is right-wing extremism, is therefore extremely good and the opposite of communism.


Ahh, WTF is this? SB 1264: Requires teaching the history of communism in public schools starting in the 2026-2027 school year.


I dunno but way back in the 70’s we were taught about communism.


It was a requirement to graduate in the 70's to have passed a course called "Comparative Political Systems" in Florida schools. I'm not sure I see the harm in activating this.


I think it requires teaching it at every grade level - not sure kindergarteners need to learn about communism, or even what they can understand of it.


I think it works as a high school class, but I agree, doesn't need to be taught any earlier.


So there are also K12 Holocaust standards and the Kindergarten ones are like explain how people are different . There are not standards completed yet for Communism, But I assume it will be something similar like explain what it means to be free, whereas high school level will be along the lines of Describe how Communism negatively affected global economics and politics.


Well, we'll see what kind of spin they put on it now. Like how they spun slavery into a good thing since it benefited the slaves.


The change will be “communism good! Socialism bad!”


By “communism”, I’m going to assume they mean anything to the left of Mitt Romney.


Well, they're mandating the teaching of the dangers and evils of communism. To prepares students to withstand indoctrination on Communism at colleges and universities And authorizes the newly-established Institute for Freedom in the Americas at Miami Dade College to promote the importance of economic and individual freedoms as a means to advance human progress—specifically in Latin America and the Caribbean. But teaching AP American History would be wrong.


They already teach it but I’m curious on how those new textbooks read. They’re all digital text books. Last year we had to fill out permission slips for Honor Lit and Science in high school along with any and all on campus and off campus experiences in Seminole county. Many of our teachers we had over the years were loudly against many of the changes.


The preliminary review by teachers was that like the prior changes in history, it had a lens of Christian Fundamentalism


My youngest text books become available in the first week of school on aug 10th. He is a sophomore this year. (16, 19 and 24) so I’m definitely curious on to see what this looks like. We had issues with hooks last year for Honors and AP courses. Including permission slips for popular books and adaptions of books to film. Animal farm, Romeo and Juliet, the help, 1985, and two others. Permission slips for on campus pep rally’s, football games; and away games. My kids were all involved in band and still are in some shape or form.


I feel like i definitely learned about communism in K12. It wasn’t bad or indoctrinating at all. But that was also back when times were normal. I’m sure this new curriculum will go above and beyond to strike fear in these 7th graders and make any kind of wokeness seem like a pillar of communism.


When I was in high school in the 80s, we had a mandatory class called "Americanism vs Communism". The propaganda angle wasn't exactly subtle.


Wasnt the Cold War also still going on at that time? That probably played a role in the lack of subtlety.


Turns out that the guy who taught the class spent his summers down in Guatemala and El Salvador training US-backed forces. That probably played a role, too.


That's going to backfire on the Repugs. Tough to use "communism" to scare people if they learn about it in school.


People that are 40 and older were taught communism was the devil growing up and it worked incredibly well. If it didn't Bernie Sanders might have been President.


They are to be taught American propaganda about communism. While, yes, communism is bad, there are reasons why it's bad, a reason why these revolutions came to be and almost never work in a humane way, and why there is almost always a period of famine and economic collapse after they are established. But, just dust off the Cold War rhetoric that will be fine. Also, this is going to be a shit show for teachers, with their kids fact-checking them in real time.


Can they put a positive spin on it like they did to slavery?


Wonder if it will backfire on them?


HB 197 isn’t half bad if enforced properly. The vast majority of those massage places use trafficked workers


Or, it will be abused to put the independent massage industry out of business. It's more virtue signaling than anything else.


As I said, if enforced properly. Honestly, any business found to be using trafficked labor should be shut down


The party of small government 😕


This is a perfect plan to keep the highly uneducated of Florida even more uneducated if it's such a thing..🙌 2/3 of this state are hard blue collar working people. Keep on voting for him You're going to be homeless in no time. Property taxes doubled, car insurance doubled, homeowners insurance doubled, try go shopping at Publix which is one of his best friends How much you getting there for a hundred bucks? A famous quote from a famous human being Forrest Gump: stupid is is stupid does. Keep on thinking he's on your side. A lie is a lie is a lie. You want to buy a bridge? 🤣🙌🇺🇲


Homeowner's doubled??? Mine quadrupled and I don't live on the water nor in a flood zone!


And those of us that see what's happening are already coordinating to move away, or if they're poor like me, they're trapped here terrified.


Do folks think these are good ideas? Some are OK HB201, but most seem like overreach by government into life and really the opposite of what the GOP claims


So much for less government “Ron.”


Easing regulations, huh shitheel? Her name is Danielle Smalley




Florida Republicans: The Party of Small Government /dumbass, inbred hicks


More laws equals more freedom, citizen. The "free" state of Florida.


Great info to have!


Welcome to the free state of Florida.


Isn’t Florida the free state?🤣🤣


You give money these laws will not apply to you


HB271 should have a monopoly clause because in Tampa there’s one mobbed up company that rules them all. Hopefully the amp’s changed the name of their services from massage to body enhancing services for HB 197.


Bans offshore wind turbines -- of course, because they detract from the beauty of oil rigs. /s


Fuck you Ron DeSantis


I don’t get why they are going to teach about communism they were teaching it in the 70-80 how much of history have they stopped teaching


Well they stopped teaching that is was EEEEEVVVVIIIIIILLLL So there’s that


And it’s still evil 😈 but they want the kids to know what Trump is planning and how they will be living if he wins because after his 4 years are up he isn’t going to give it up


HB 601, should be appealed. How can the executive branch of local dictate what the local branch decides how the local branch manages their department policies/punishment.


Someof these are obciously unacceptable... but I wonder what the real implications are on the ones that look good on the surface.Something really stinks.


That's a lot of "man dates", from the party of homophobes...


With the exception of a few, these actually all seem pretty reasonable and/or helpful.


HB 305 should make it impossible for a sexual predator to own property and force the sales of assets to pay to a victim’s fund separate from Florida government.


Sure let’s just allow schools to have chaplains … we need a satanist chaplain And of course he’s still attacking trans people.


I’m assuming that SB 1264 requires a state-created, insincerely propagandistic, Cold War throwback version of “teaching about communism” because last I was in high school, (6 years ago) they were already teaching about it as part of history class.


No one's talking about HB117? Release that Epstein information!


No one's talking about HB-117? Release that Epstein information!