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I'm voting in favor, and I don't even use it.


The Florida economy thanks you.


Maybe they can afford to fund the arts again


That’s not about being able to afford it. After all, Florida can afford to spend millions of dollars to send members of the national guard to the border and can afford to fly asylum seekers between two other states—both not the state’s role.


And pay the future lawsuit for violating human rights . Wish we could ship him off


The Arts are Woke, haven't you heard, arts turns the frogs gay.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ads6cztjlx9d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bb08e26d73fa3c6273c721de72cbe90f93396a2


For the Fringe Festival..what's that, been going 35 years? Thank Dog they sent Ronnie to save us!


The State can afford it but Gov Ron said no because his excuse was that the Fringe Festival is “sexualized” which it absolutely is not. When in reality fascism hates the arts


Marijuana has always been a huge part of the Florida economy. Now alot of it is taxed.


My epilepsy disorder thanks you


Why not just get a card? You don't need to wait for recreational. EDIT: I get it - if expense is a factor it isn't possible for some.


It's expensive for no reason. You have to renew it and see a md every year which is over $200 a year for literally no reason because it should just be legal.


I have to pay $200 every month to keep my prescription for my life saving medicine. I wish it was $200 a year.


My card cost $300+ and then every 7 months I gotta pay more to keep my "recs" active and then I can spend money on my "medication" that I could 100% just toss some seeds in the yard and have for free...but alas I currently have no money and can't renew my stuff so I have no meds :v


It's a shame they won't let people grow it for themselves like they do in so many other places.


![gif](giphy|fBM4ruLmB2pZHsgwtQ|downsized) /s


$300???? That is so expensive. Mine is $50 for a low income person and for veterans, it's only $20!! Desatan can't find money for the arts but he wants to turn down all the tax money this brings in. What an idiot and at least there are term limits in Florida.


You need a new doctor- r/flmedicaltrees


Most likely price, just guessing tho


Even if you can afford it, you must still register with the state as a user. I can't even imagine what Desantis will do with his list. But recreational would render his list useless and he can't have that, now can he.


I'm honestly surprised they haven't tried (even though it is illegal to do so) to cross-reference that list and the concealed carry permit list so they could find an excuse to seize guns.


Seize guns?? No way, not in Florida. He'd pull the medical cards first.


One way or the other, can't have those highly violent stoners out there with access to guns - they are ones doing all the mass shootings ya know.


Just the democrat ones, mind you. Cross reference the voters registry and Viola! Hell, trump, the convicted felon, admitted he still has a gun at mara lago. Desantis doesn't give a fuck. I wish he'd have some good indica to stick him to a couch somewhere. Permanently.


The card has literally almost no power. You can still be arrested. My docs at mayo clinic verbally approve me using it but because of laws, Mayo cannot "legally" perscribe anything nor give me a medical card.


The power to buy it legally, transport it within state lines, and use it at home.


You can still be arrested for anything at any time, but if you have the card there's a good chance the charge will be dropped as long as you aren't caught driving while toking


While true, you still have to go through the hassle of going to court and likely retaining an attorney to get it dismissed, and no one wants to deal with that


Unfortunately that can happen while just existing. A cop can say you did something and take you to jail. It's easier when you're in a car and even easier when you're driving the car. That's where the saying comes from, "you can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride." It doesn't only apply to criminals, unfortunately. Cops do things they aren't supposed to all the time.


That's not a justification to keep it illegal in any form


Would you want to have pay the state to drink a beer at your house?


You do, it's called taxes


lol funny way to not see the point here.


I see the point, I'm agreeing with you.


Same here. Never smoked a day in my life but pretty much everyone I know does.


Same. No interest in it, but if people want to smoke they should have the freedom to do so.


Ditto, I stopped smoking but plan to vote to legalize it. When this passes and then repugnicans block it in the FL supreme court due to “wording” as I know they will, I hope it’ll drive everyone to vote blue in the next state election. These people are robbing us of education for our children, destroying our beautiful environment, and taking away our freedoms that we VOTE for. vote blue: www.vote.org


That's why if you want legal pot, you have to vote in all the state elections against the GOP. They hate it and will do everything in their power to ignore the amendment passing. They did it with medical pot, they certainly did it with felon voting rights.


and these were amendments passed by WE THE PEOPLE…the three words their party all love to circlejerk each other about. WE voted for voting right, WE voted for patients to have access to medicine to ease their pain, or vets to help their PTSD, etc. Vote blue in every election! reminder DeSantis is in office until 2027. We must fight and vote until then and after!


What the GOP is trying to tell you is that you're the wrong type of We the People. Either vote blue or watch the US experiment as a democratic republic wither away.


The hero we need. I dub thee FreedomMan/Woman


Yeah as someone that doesn’t, and has no interest whatsoever, I’m still voting for legalization. I’m sick of seeing people locked up for something so fucking harmless. Also the revenue the state would receive due to our tourism numbers is insane. Maybe fix a pothole or two with some of that money.


Same, I personally think it’s a waste of one’s time, but it doesn’t make sense for it to be illegal. Hell, I’d be for portugalization, as in the legalization of most drugs, while creating a space where people can get out of addiction if they want to. Drug use actually went down in Portugal when it was enacted.


I use 1/4 dose of an edible to help with insomnia/anxiety/back pain at night. It has way less side effects than the muscle relaxants and anxiety meds my Dr prescribed and he agrees that it’s a good choice. But that I have to pay ANOTHER doctor hundreds of dollars AND a state licensing fee to get my 2.5 mg of THC that I take 3-4 times a week is ridiculous.


I'm very allergic to cannabis but I know it has helped a lot of people so I'm voting for it. I don't understand the "freedom" in Florida is only free if you agree with DeSantis.


Me too. I think cannabis has some negatives but not as much as illegal cannabis does.


Same here; grass is not for me, but it’s good for our economy & public health. And we just know this is another harmless human rights issue that he’ll use his new gestapo to hurt people with.


Thank you!


Thank you. I rarely use it myself, but that’s not the point. Adult should be able to use it if they want to.


I thank you!


Same here.


Same.  The actual Freedom bill .


I don’t smoke either but I’m all for legalization. I just wish the bill included legal growing…I’d grow a plant just for fun.


Thank you! My severe anxiety and panic attacks are hoping to save a little cash once stuff is legal and I don't need to deal with the whole MJ doctors scam.


So you believe in freedom, but not Desantis of freedom where he takes freedoms away?


I am not even sure what you said.


It's like he looks at what his constituents want, and then comes out strongly against it. Not sure how he figures that represents the people.


His only constituents are donor class Florida Republicans and the 4,614,210 votes he got in 2022; the remaining 18mln could die for all he cares.


Because lord knows he has the personality of a baloney sandwich with no cheese and too much mayo sitting in your lunchbox all day




Yes, that is his legal middle name.


Never forget that Ron DeSantis literally threatened to dissolve the City of Key West because a private pier owner who lived there donated $1 million to get DeSantis to threaten them. I guess that shows DeSantis can be bought by the highest bidder.


If only not voting counted as “we don’t want that turd, next please”


He just doesn't give a shit is al


He supported medical marijuana, so I don't get this. He has signed multiple laws for medical marijuana that are good for patients. The system is already being abused (see South Park: Medicinal Fried Chicken for reference) so they may as well open a second market.


It's just more culture war nonsense. I'd love for someone to total up how much taxpayer money he's wasted on culture war stuff. Small government my ass.


Exactly! We should sue this jerk for wasting our tax dollars so frivolously.


My intuition tells me there is likely laws put in place to specifically prevent this from happening


It’s got to be one or two things. Either the evangelists are whispering in his ear that this is a bad idea and for reasons known only to him, he still feels the need to work them… or this is a major grift on his part to get the Trulieve folks to fatten his war chest and they’re not paying the amount he thinks this is worth. My guess, based off the sheer corruption shown by his office over the past few years, is this latter one is what is going on. God help this state if his wretched human being of a wife becomes our next governor.


See, you're trying to bring logic into this. Try outrage and knee-jerk reactions, and things may become clearer.


Silly me, thanks. I'll keep that in mind. I do hope it passes, and I hope Rhonda has to smell the sticky icky every single time he steps outside in his platform heels with pudding on his fingers.


That’s been his whole M.O. since he lost the presidential run.


Since? 🤣 He's been fuckin' over Florida for the past Decade. First in Floridas House of Reps then again as Governor. It just got worse since he lost his prez bid...


Oh yeah, was kinda just nodding to how he has kicked it into hyperdrive lately lol.


Because he doesn’t represent the people, he represents the donors and small minority of Christofascists that are the core constituencies of the GOP


Trump, DeSantis, and MAGA in general is built on spite a fear. Fear of the "other" which is basically anyone not Straight, White, Christian Males and those who think they should be in charge like the tradwives. Spite for anyone who doesn't meet that criteria and denying anything they might want. Legal weed was seen by these folks as a "hippie" drug growing up, and they HATE hippies, even though few exist anymore as they are seen as being "outside" their previously defined idea of normal. They have no capacity to change their minds, so even if they could admit that a lot of even their own MAGA folks use weed and would like it to be legal, they will still fight it to spite everyone not like them. There's also the powerful alcohol/tobacco lobbies who donate to their campaigns and don't want it legalized as it cuts into their profits. Ironically, they are driving a wedge between themselves and previously reliable republican-voting libertarians over this issue.


Because he’s the almighty MoRon


I wish I still believed in representative government. Those were simpler times sleeping sound amidst my delusions.


Fuck DeSantis. This guy has done more to harm Florida than anyone else in its history.


Don't forget that piss ant rick scott, desantis is just one upmanship.


What about Jeb Bush in the 00’s, he let the Florida pill mills flourish for years and never did anything. Even Other red states had regulations on these pills but not Florida, he let it become the vacation destination for opiate pill scripts. Ridiculous how bad he let it get, destroyed lots of families and lives by letting it go on as bad as it did. Skeletor finally did something after much hand wringing but the destruction was already done.


Pissant is one word.


Are you forgetting about skeltor???


I dunno man, Rick Scott and DeSantis are neck-and-neck for worst governor ever... Edit: Never knew this but i find it funny that someone that hates the LGBTQ community has a middle name of Dion. Like, as in, Celiene Dion. 🤣


Yeah. I think Rick Scott was a tiny bit better. Not by much though


Largest Medicaid fraud in history , 1.7 BILLION of tax payer dollars…he’s a piece of shit too.


Rick Scott is up there


One side of me tells me this will pass even with the governor and everyone screaming “it stinks” because just so many blue and red people support legalization. But then I remember the size of the gray vote in this state and get worried. I’ve personally gave up weed awhile ago but still support it being legalized, watched more than a couple friends get their life ruined by miniscule amounts of weed. I had one buddy get arrested over a fucking stem.


The negative they use is it stinks. Legally, I don’t believe people can spark up outside Walmart anymore than people can drink a beer in public. What people do in their own home is their business as long as it does not infringe on the rights and safety of others.


I'd rather smell burning weed than burning tobacco any day.


I just can’t wait till it passes and the Florida GOP basically kills it before it ever even goes into effect. “sTaTe oF pEoPlEs RIgHTs” Even my super conservative parents want it legalized at this point, but Their parents live in the villages and are basically brainwashed at this point. I’m digressing at this point but it’s so bad, my grandfather hasn’t even called to say congrats on our baby, she’s over a year old, all because 3 years ago I told them Trump was a fucking retard. Now we are little whinny liberals. It’s cool my daughter can’t miss someone she’ll never know. *rant over*


The amendment includes a deadline for the legislature. It has 6 months after voter approval to do all the licensing, etc.


I honestly did not know this. I’ll adjust my thoughts about it in the future but I still hold some worries that they’ll try to block it with every ounce of their power. Just feel slightly better now. Thank you for the information.


Here is the actual petition: [Personal use Marijuana petition](https://initiativepetitions.elections.myflorida.com/InitiativeForms/Fulltext/Fulltext_2205_EN.pdf)


What happens if they just.. don’t? Thats my concern really


If smelling pot for two seconds is what you give enough of a shit about to drive you to vote, I want whatever life those people have.


Remember the gray vote grew up smoking weed. Walk through any retirement community and you can smell it. The number of medical shops up in the area around the Villages is hilarious.


My experiences are probably biased because the side of my family that lives in the villages are SUPER SUPER anti weed. Yet they drink 2-3 bottles of wine a day. We have barely spoke in 3 years and not at all in over a year so who knows. Maybe they’ve adjusted.


I don't smoke. I HATE the smell of it. I can't stand the people that I know that smoke regularly. But it's their right to smoke and I'll vote to help pass the amendment.


My parents who are in their mid 70s think the exact same way. They live in AZ and voted for it. And for context, if they lived here they'd vote for DeSantis AND vote for legal weed AND for a woman's right to choose. It's a weird time for sure


Oh wow, that doesn’t even make sense. A vote for desantis is a vote against legal eeed and women’s rights


No it doesn't make sense but they think their money is safer with GOP. That's it for them. They literally don't align with GOP on anything else socially. I show them my investments and how I've made some money under Biden and all they gotta do is shift some investments around but no, they refuse


So they put money over people’s lives. I think that’s much worst.


They're not alone. Alot of boomers who still vote GOP only care about their money


I met a couple in Florida where they were both drag queens yet they said they’d vote for trump. We were sitting IN A GAY BAR and they said they vote to protect their money and would go with trump. Literally voting away their own right to existence


Listen you are a walking pile of cancer. ![gif](giphy|SvKCizeGDGKbejTSp0|downsized) Everything you promised never came to any fruition. A lie is a lie is a LIE. This MAGA. BS is about over and so are you.. This piece of garbage changes the law that he can run for president while still governing the state of Florida and he's destroying it every f\*\*\*\*\*\* day. How was he governing the state when he was out on the campaign trail for months? 🤔 And then the first thing he decides to do is go after Disney that pays billions and billions and billions of dollars to the state which makes every ones life just a little bit better..


Jesus christ. That's fuckin creepy man


The man that helped him is a pedo... ![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized) Wow I wonder what he just said to him 🙌🤣


isn't Smiling like the one fundamental requirement for a good politician? This man can't even accomplish that.


Gee, it's almost like Republicans AND Democrat voters want the same thing for a change. How "woke" of us all.


Who were the corporations that provided the 10,000 dollars? I’d like to avoid giving them any business please and thank you


I checked it about 2 or 3 weeks ago on Ballotpedia, and it was $25 million in support, and $3,000 opposing. Like who even bothered to write that check? What a waste of money.


It's all from an attorney in PA lol https://dos.elections.myflorida.com/cgi-bin/TreFin.exe


“If legalized someone can bring what, 20 joints to an elementary school. “ I’d rather have that than prescription opioids in the schools.


Or a 24-pack of Natty lite.


Or a 30-round magazine


Inevitably, highest court already approved so when it passes no governor veto. Face reality


Can you elaborate on this?


When it passes it’s law No waiting No blocking


Let’s go Florida! Show these dinosaurs what it takes to save a state! Recreational use NOW!


What ??? This asshole calls it “The Florida Freedom Fund” Yes folks, you are free to not smoke weed. 😂🤣😂


Freedom for who fund? You voted for it but…freedom so, no.


I cannot get over the irony of the name. How is restricting some ‘freedom’?


Yeah I wonder why a group that lobby's against something 80% of Floridians are for can't raise money? Aside from the recreational side, there are a lot of cancer patients and people with chronic pain that don't want to be addicted to opiods for the rest of their lives that could gladly use an alternative.


How is not allowing people to do something considered “freedom?”


Wait, didn't he say like a month ago he wouldn't fight it? I smoke on a daily because I got a big owie in the Army and it's better than pills. I'd love to get it recreationally so I'm not spending $250 every 3 (ish) months to go see the doc for literally 60 seconds. Our last visit he walked in asked if everything was going well, asked if I needed more, asked if I was having any problems. Ok cool see ya later. Then I paid the doc $180 and then the state got their $75.


> then the state got their $75. Therein lies the reason he now wishes to fight it. Plus the lobby money he's getting from those doctors who want their $180.


For one of the most tourism driven states, having legalized weed (which typically has a pretty steep tax on it) would just bring in more revenue to the state. But no, good things aren't allowed to happen to Florida unless it lines Meatball's pockets.


Good. Freedom is on the other side lol


Even legal weed won't make Desantis look better. :-)


Desantis can F right off, I don’t know which rich old guy has a hard on for keeping pot illegal, but hat person of people can get bent too.


Trulieve is ass


Legalizing it could actually help Florida's economy and they would rather actively fight it and inact bills that make life tougher and claim they are better for us.


People like marijuana and the smell is easily dealt with by putting the same restrictions as cigarettes.


I think the folks against it have already donated a lot of their money to certain election campaigns.


If I was in the prohibition I would’ve supported the legalization. Despite medically being unable to drink. I see this as no difference, I’ll be voting in favor, and I know my family will argue with me but idc.


Just vote yes


The Party of Bans people, it’s all they do. Ban or keep banned, everything from marijuana to loud music to LGBT rights, just more projection when they mention “freedom”. Watch the news, almost every day the GOP proposes a new ban on something else, especially in Florida.


Still it’s enough for some nice jewelry for his honey.


Haha yeaaaah Ronnie boy. Turns out even retirees and the good ol boys you counted on to raise funds like to get good and fucked up-and also don’t want to see themselves, their close friends, and family potentially incarcerated for something as harmless as weed. DeSantis, you novice-this fight you lose.


I can’t believe anyone voted him in for a second term.


While I don’t use or plan to I’m voting for legalization. This is something that should’ve been legalized decades ago. Of course, like Colorado, DWI arrests will skyrocket from people thinking it is ok to drive since they weren’t drinking.


I'm wondering why so many in the GOP are against it. I live in Minnesota, and I didn't think legalized weed would be anything I'd be in to. However, after having some of the drinks and gummies, I can really see how it could help people.


Legal or illegal weed is not going anywhere, it’s been winning the war for decades 🤣🤣


DeSantis already milked all of his donors with his failed presidential run. And of course no taxpayers dollars were used.


Where can we donate to the AntiDeSanti fund?


I’ve had my medical card for years, I will be voting yes.


I don’t use it but I’ll vote yes for freedom. It’s safer than alcohol. Just everyone vote blue it’s obvious which side is really for freedom and patriotism


“Anti-Freedom Fund”




I donated money to help legalize it. I doubt it will do anything, but it was more of a "F you" to desantis


Emperor Ronald is back. Chasing the mouse, gays, cross dressers, denial of slavery, fears of vaccines, banning books, what you do in the bedroom, what colors are allowed for celebrations, denier of climate change and oh yeah, just a downright freedum candidate. All these things that make for a safer, healthier florida. Can you imagine this clown as [president?](https://imgur.com/VKacTKG)


"Barely a fraction" does not make sense.


How about instead of wasting millions on each side we just let people vote on it?


Meatball trying to rally the never been invited to a party demo.