• By -


Does his loot respawn? How does this work? First time seeing this lol


I do not know if it is an intentional design by Bethesda, but Caroni's body will automatically generate 9 fusion cells every 18 seconds. However, this fusion cell generation only happens when Caroni's body is in an active game cell and while time is passing. That's why I carried the body to Sanctuary where I spend a lot of time building and doing whatever. This also means that fusion cell generation pauses when you are in your pipboy menu. His body eventually respawned armor, caps, and some other loot. However, the time it took to respawn was too long to actually be worth it. I was just after the fusion cells which can be used or sold for 2 caps each.


That's a hell of an FEV mutation / special power. Professor X: "So... Caroni. What are your mutant powers?" Caroni: "I generate 9 fusion cells every 18 sec- aaarghblurgh" \*vomits 9 fusion cells\*


Probably a mutation developed by The Institute to create a fusion cell-generating population to provide ammo to the Synths. 


They need something like that. They lost over 10,000 fusion cells at ArcJet.


Uhhhhh how do I do this?


Once Danse is fighting the Synths at ArcJet just wait. He can't die and will slowly kill the Synths that constantly respawn. At some point you can activate the engine, kill the remaining Synths, and go in and loot their bodies/ash piles for ammo.


I’ve tried this and eventually the synths stop respawning and Danse says “I think that’s the last of them” and the quest continues.


This isn't counting the ones *fired* at Danse


I'm imagining synths picking settlers up and shooting lasers out of mouths like the laser cats meme.


So he's the Draupnir of the Commonwealth!


I like it, but wouldn’t that mean he’d generate more Caronis?


Okay, if you wanna be technical…


This feels a bit like "creatii" from MHA.


How fortunate they come out his throat and not any other orifices!


that's way better than this dead settler i captured outside sunset that gives me unlimited green hats and tatos


I've been reading a lot of Chinese novels lately, and the phrase "unlimited green hats" just hits differently.


You .ight have to explain this one to me lol


From Google: In China, the phrase "wearing a green hat" (戴绿帽子) can refer to a cuckold or a woman who cheats on her lover. The Mandarin words for "green hat" sound similar to the Mandarin word for "cuckold". The phrase may also have originated in the Ming dynasty, when prostitutes or people who lived off prostitution were required to wear green hats or wrap their heads in green scarves because green was considered a lowly color. So unlimited green hats had me rofl


Hey, if it brings the caps in...


Jesus man he said hats not caps learn to read.


no cap




I'd prefer the tatos. Three tatos, three mutfruit, three corn, and one water make 1 vegetable starch which is 5 adhesive. Also, another beneficial one is cutting fluid. Two acid, eight bone, two purified water, and three steel equals one cutting fluid which is three oil and one steel. 2 of the greatest overlooked recipes that are a tremendous help early on.


Sorry wait, who tf is Caroni?


Yeah! Who is this Jabroni?


You Keep using this word, Jabroni, and it’s awesome


Does he like macaroni?


While riding on a pony?


Dressed like a brony?


He ain't no phony.


Part of the next-generation update that Bethesda released not too long ago.


Oh yeah, I probably already killed him.


Is what they use at hockey rinks


(spoilers) He's part of the new dlc set that packages some workshop stuff I to the base game. Caroni is a dip shit gunner that attacks you with his mutant power of summoning flies and a Tesla cannon in the Glowing sea.


yeah i'm logging in and doing this now lol thanks for the post


I did the same, now I have a free Fusion Cell factory.


I suspect it’s a broken “don’t let this guy run out of ammo” mechanic. Not sure how it works with typical enemies, but it’s almost certainly meant to stop when he dies


That doesn't seem right because NPCs can just be set to not consume ammo.


But wasn’t best of three originally creation club? Maybe the original author couldn’t / didn’t know how to do that and scripted this instead.


Imagine being the NPC that's friends with Caroni and, one day, decides to go searching for said friend, only to find some crazed lunatic in a Vault 111 jumpsuit having pinned your best friend to a cross...to be used as means of producing fusion cells.


You carried him from the Glowing sea to Sanctuary? Mad mfer. I wouldn't have the patience.


It takes less than 10 minutes to walk from one corner of the commonwealth to the farthest corner...


The speed your character moves at while hauling a body is about the same as the overencumbered speed. This would’ve taken much longer than ten minutes.


Just put him under your floorboards Tell-Tale Heart style.


How far did you have to haul Caroni and how many in game hours did it take?


[Previous Comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1dq4gqh/comment/lalksjt/)


Definitely abusing this on my next play through… not a glitch, it’s a feature!


Fuck, I gotta find him again then


That's some crazy dedication lmao. How long did that take you from the glowing sea?


I did not time it, but I am sure it took over an hour. I was overburdened and had to drop the body several times when I was attacked.


If you ever do it again, carry the excess items in the corpse. You can still carry it as usual but without being overburdened👍


Yeah…I remembered that after I finished!  I used to do that trick a lot during my initial play-through years ago.  


The worst time to remember!


I mean, if because of one hard ride you never forget anymore, it's not the *worst* way.


Ah yes using the head of a raider to carry all of your inventory


He would be sworn to carry your burdens lol


Im dead 😂the way they said it in Skyrim they sounded so depressed


Lydia was a sarcastic bitch.


It’s the pro strat for a certain large pile of gold in NV


Back in the day playing FO3 I discovered this, and that I could dismember the corpse first to make it easier to carry. Be carrying 1500 lbs of gear in a raider’s eyeball


It's good that these things don't roll after you drop them. Imagine chasing an eyeball with 1000 lbs of loot rolling down a hill.


I was doing this once with a raider arm since it was lighter than the body to carry. Got like half way to sanctuary when it randomly dropped and fell into the floor in an unreachable way, with all my loot. Tragedy


Also, I think carrying the body slows you down on its own…..carrying just the head, however, does not.


Just so you know, that doesn't work in real life guys. A friend told me.


Nice tip! Thanks!


Note: for "normal" use this works with just a corpse fragment - you don't have to carry the whole thing (which is heavy and slows you down a lot). e.g. I wanted to give Dr Anderson's guards a better gun, so they'd be more help when fighting the Forged and Gunners near Finch Farm ...so I stuck a gun + ammo into a bloatfly fragment, followed the doctor's convoy, and dumped the offal when the fighting started. The guards could then access this "container", and one of them switched to a chunkier gun.


That is really good info. I don’t know how I missed the corpse tricks all these years.


I just get the perk to run overburdened and I'm always 2000lbs above my carry limit idk what sprinting even is


That's how I got the gold bars of Mother Mountain in FNV! Poor guy, 200 years old, and his corpse gets used as a suitcase because of game mechanics. (Also, you can use a body part, there are tiers of size, if you grab a smaller chunk, it still counts as the whole corpse)


Why not just take the head?


Settle down Lucy


Okey dokey


If it works, it works. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Laughs and falls out of chair in "Dungeon Crawler Carl's Samaethe (samantha)".


I'LL KILL YOUR MOTHER (Exceptional reference, thank you!!)


Couldn't you just carry a piece of his body?


You should be able to do that, but I dd not try.


How?? i tried doing it and before reaching the end of the glowing sea the body dissapeared!!


I've no idea what happened to cause his body to disappear. I just grabbed it and make the trek to Sanctuary without any issues (except for the occasional enemy attacks).


Oh wow... Idk why then mine disappeared, even if i tried taking bits of his brain in different directions they would dissappear 🙄


Was his body whole; i.e., not missing limbs, head etc., when you first tried to carry it past the glowing sea? Just wondering if that would make a difference in that the game want's to keep all the parts together.


The body was whole, the head exploded into a ton of pieces but generally in one place


I'm dragging him to Somerville Place right now and he vanished for me around when I reached the southern "border" of the map, but he's still there and can be looted. Just goes invisible. I'll build a small box for him once I get to Somerville so I know where to look for him. He's also headless for me, so maybe being in multiple pieces does have something to do with it.


a couple weeks ago I got bad news and for some reason walked the entire perimeter of fallout 4 map. took me a few hours I think, wasn't really paying attention though. I would guess 40 minutes from glowing sea to sanctuary if you don't stop. longer if burdoned or make stops


Huh? I walk accross the whole map routinely in survival, it takes about 10 minutes


Not with a bodydragging, you won't.


Oooooo i see. Chop off the head or an arm and u can sprint with that im quite sure


That is interesting, i dont know the answer if that actually works.


Just checked, yeap full sprint with +10% movement speed as well while carrying a container (mirelurk squidgy)


Could you just take the head?


Okie dokie, *revs up Ripper*.


hahaha i love that i know this reference


fallout 4 sub referencing the fallout TV series. yea super obscure I love that I know it too


no im just glad i saw it, that's like my favorite saying these days. okie dokie with a smile xD it's just so innocent <3


Sometimes they despawn. Can fit more cells in his head hole


THIS!!! ANYONE READING THROUGH THIS THREAD PLEASE STOP AND CHECK THIS!!! I'll try this the next opportunity I have, but it may be a few days before I can attempt. My update: my Caroni does not seem to refill on fusion cells :/


I've repeated what the OP did and dragged the whole body all the way back to Red Rocket. But now I have a save file with him in there safely I can either go back on an older save to try with just the head, or can try severing the head at Red Rocket and see if it stays there. Would be nice to just have a head on a shelf Fusion Cell factory instead of the whole body UPDATE: I severed the head and put it on a shelf in Red Rocket. I threw the headless body under the bridge to Sanctuary. Then I left base and tended to other settlements and completed a few repeatable quests. So far, the head is still there each time I've returned and is still ticking on the 9 cells whenever I'm in the vacinity. Next thing to test would be to sever the head at the Glowing Sea to see if it can be brought back alone which would be a much faster walk, however there's several times along the trip you have to put Caroni down to fight. One time I did this I struggled to find the body again which would have been even harder to find if it was just a head.


I killed Caroni ages ago, went back and the body was still there. Tried carrying the body, but the it automatically disappears near the border of the glowing sea.


Asking the important questions here




Who’s caroni? So that I can do the journey and move his body to my settlements


Part of the next-generation update that Bethesda released not too long ago. 


was he part of the locked down enclave building you had to clear? i remember there being someone w a shit to of ammo. quite a bit of time has passed; do you think his corpse would still be there if i went back?


He's the nut with the tesla canon.


This, idk how or why but I figured out if you disarm him of the cannon before killing him and you pick up the cannon, he will just spawn another cannon. Naturally I gave my spare cannon to my companion well before the enclave ambushing started to happen.


That's why I have 2 of them, I thought that's the way the quest was supposed to go


This one is from the glowing sea, around a crashed plane. Not that crumbling building.


Oh shit, I haven't played 4 in forever, I had no idea they released an update and was baffled at who this was. Good to know!


He's from the Creation Club's Tesla Cannon content, which you got free with the update.


Some day I’m going to kill Father on the roof of the CIT Ruins and drag him back to Sanctuary and put him in his crib. Bringing my baby boy home.


Dark, but reasonable. And the wife/husband?


Well they’re stuck in the vault unless a mod is used to spawn the dead spouse in the overworld. Another option is a good old fashioned Sanctuary Harem of everyone you’ve romanced.


I have a post on reddit that's exactly this. https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/40hxpz/fallout_4spoilers_i_finally_completed_my_first/?ref=share&ref_source=link


Thank you for doing this


I'm in the process of making his bedroom for when I find him, he can have all the toys and teddies still (would like at least 100 of each) plus all the jangles I can fund, but may tweak it and do this with pentagram of candles around his crib/all candle wall lights and lanterns instead of electric ones


This...is awesome. I just went back to Glowing Sea by the plane crash and even though I defeated the guy forever ago, his body was there and stuffed with Fusion Cells. Like 900+. And I then slow carried him all the way back to Sanctuary, dropping him as I went to kill anything that threatened me. He's now in his own little shed and making me Fusion Cells, haha. Wild stuff! If anyone else has already defeated Caroni - go back and look. His body was still there for me. Be sure you don't snag him in trees as you walk back, and when needed drop him on flat-like ground to pick him back up easier. It took me about 45 minutes total, with multiple saves in case something went wrong. The whole time carrying him, he was creating more fusion cells too lol. By the time I got him to Sanctuary, I was already about 2000+ up in fusion cells.


mine dissapeared after 10minutes... the pain


I know what I'm doing after work today.


Would it be easier carrying the body using a PA?


Oh my god I just dealt with Caroni one auto save ago! If I’d had known I might have stuck around a bit.


Go back and see if the corpse is still there. If so grab it and start heading to a settlement that you frequent a lot. 


Same here. Have close to 1000 hours and just saw him yesterday for the first time. Guess I'll need another playthrough...


I killed him ages ago, just went back, and found him with 400 fusion cells.


Leave the Cannon, take the Caroni.


Most well playtested creation club content


That's unusual, he spawns cells infinitely?


Unless there’s a coded limit to the amount then, yeah.  


Hmm, neat, is there a way to stop the body from despawning?


I believe the body never despawns, even if you leave it in the Glowing Sea.


Oh Bethesda, he spawns unlimited cells, that's either unlimited laser ammo or caps


Trying this and dragged his body back to Spectacle Island. Nothing to report yet though, he just respawned 9 Fusion Cells after the trek. Will follow up.


Local minuteman improves necromancy for better killing


Does anyone else have him despawn as you're carrying him? I can't seem to get out of the glowing sea before he just disappears while I'm holding him.


Yes, I have tried 5 times. They are regenerating, but I simply can't make it out of Glowing Sea. 😔


No he doesn't despawn he just goes invisible. I had this this, I tried on all directions but he despawned every direction I took him. I was still carrying him as I was encumbered. I took him to Summerville place, dropped his body by the workshop. He's was invisible, but was still producing the cells. I tried saving it and reloading, but he doesn't stop being invisible.


I tried taking him to Sommerville since it was the closest and mine just poofed away. Lol I didn't think about him being just invisible though.


How does this work?


I do not know if it is an intentional design by Bethesda, but Caroni's body will automatically generate 9 fusion cells every 18 seconds. However, this fusion cell generation only happens when Caroni's body is in an active game cell and while time is passing. That's why I carried the body to Sanctuary where I spend a lot of time building and doing whatever. This also means that fusion cell generation pauses when you are in your pipboy menu. His body eventually respawned armor, caps, and some other loot. However, the time it took to respawn was too long to actually be worth it. I was just after the fusion cells which can be used or sold for 2 caps each.


That's... wow. That is egregious even for Beth's lax standards on game/economy-breaking bugs. I might try it some day. Thanks for explaining it to me.


I am certain that a majority of the players would just kill Caroni, loot the body and get the weapon, and then leave.


Exactly, this is quite the discovery.


I don't claim to have been the original discoverer of this. In fact I think there are previous posts on this subreddit that mention this.


...how did you carry him???


Press sn hold the button that let's you pick stuff up


Hold your interact button. I learned it pretty recently, too, so don’t worry.


Well, shit. I just did that mission to clear it from my log. I need to go scoop his body up and drag it home.


If you’re on PC, [this mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/49162) allows easy carrying of the dead.


Does the corpse ever despawn? Or could I have a permanent dead generator in my settlement too


The body never despawns, even if you leave it the Glowing Sea


Where do you find this man and how far do I have to carry him


How do you carry


Lift from the knees


As mentioned by [u/Potato_lovr](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1dq4gqh/i_carried_caronis_corpse_all_the_way_back_to/lamp3n9/) and [u/dakipsta](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1dq4gqh/i_carried_caronis_corpse_all_the_way_back_to/lamof02/): press and hold your interact button.


I wanna do this. Where can I find him?


Part of the next-generation update that Bethesda released not too long ago. If I recall correctly the update automatically provides several new quests, one of which involves Caroni.


Which quest?


Best of three


Is he from that next gen gunner quest?


Who the hell is caroni?




I'm do not know if it is an intentional design by Bethesda, but Caroni's body will automatically generate 9 fusion cells every 18 seconds. However, this fusion cell generation only happens when Caroni's body is in an active game cell and while time is passing. That's why I carried the body to Sanctuary where I spend a lot of time building and doing whatever. This also means that fusion cell generation pauses when you are in your pipboy menu. His body eventually respawned armor, caps, and some other loot. However, the time it took to respawn was too long to actually be worth it. I was just after the fusion cells which can be used or sold for 2 caps each.


This is definitely a feature!


Can you spawn him in using console commands and still have the same thing happen?


I just tried this, and Im not seeing any ammo respawn so far. Still in the Glowing Sea, not sure if reloading would do anything.


I just did it and it's definitely incrementally increasing fusion cells on his body.


Is the effect immediate, or did it start after carrying him for a while? Did you loot everything or just the gun? Edit: Just got around to retrying and he still doesnt spawn ammo. Maybe the glitch doesnt work om PS5.


I'm on PS5. I looted the corpse and grabbed the gun while in the Glowing Sea. While I explored the aircraft wreckage I noticed he would occasionally have more ammo on him.


Wait... can he also generate other types of ammo?




I literally only completed this quest yesterday evening and I'm seeing this now. I'm wondering if I can go back and find his corpse.


I believe the body never despawns, even if you leave it in the Glowing Sea.


Does his body eventually despawn? Or can you leave it like a water purifier?


I believe the body never despawns, even if you leave it in the Glowing Sea.


Noice. Now to build a special room in sanctuary to keep his corpse.


I read this as ‘fusion cores’ now I’m disappointed


Does his body only able to essentially ‘hold’ 9 fusion cells at a time before they stop generating (i.e you have to harvest every 18 seconds), or can you go away within the same play area and do something else, and then come back to a ton of fusion cells on him?


As long as his body is in the active game cell it will generate and store the ammo. As seen in the provided screenshot Caroni is up to 62,118 fusion cells. That ammo was generated over time while I carried him back to Sanctuary and while I was in Sanctuary (building, trading with Settlers, etc.). Once you leave then the fusion cell creation stops until you return.


Caroni is fo4's Henrietta Jones immortal cell-line


Couldn't you have left him near a fast travel spot and just travel there once in a while?


The ammo generation only occurs while the body is in the active game cell. Once you leave the generation stops. That's why I took the body to Sanctuary where I spend a lot of time building and doing other stuff.


Who? Is he from a mod?


Pretty sure he’s from the enclave remnants creation club pack


I am late to this party.How do you carry corpses?on PC?


Wtf! I just checked and that dude is in the glowing sea! How long did it take to drag his ass home?


hold up where can you find it


He's the last step in the [Best of Three](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Best_of_Three) quest that Bethesda released as part of the recent update.


Where do I find this Caroni so I can cripple the fusion cell market


He's the last step in the [Best of Three quest](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Best_of_Three) that Bethesda released as part of the recent update.


How long did it take to carry his body back to sanctuary, bro?


Tried this and the body despawned after about ten minutes of walking. Reloaded and tried with just the head, again, despawned. I wonder if the body has to be intact, if so, I have been thwarted by my penchant for headshots and explosive weapons.


My hat’s off to you. How long did that haul take? I hate moving bodies.


[Previous comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1dq4gqh/comment/lalksjt/).




I crafted a [Gunner cage](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Cage_(Wasteland_Workshop)?file=Fo4WW_Gunner_cage.jpg) (not powered) and then just dropped the body inside. To me that made sense since Caroni is a Gunner.


Thank you so much,I'm in the process of carrying him now lol, man all types of stops I had to make to deal with every type of enemy in my path the game threw my way. Just about to reach Abernathy farm. Almost home. Thank you again!


I can confirm this worked for me. Interestingly enough, the loot did not start respawning until I left and came back later. I killed him in a way which did not dismember his body, and I think that is key to him not disappearing as you carry it. I experimented and blew up his body, then carried just a chunk of him. It worked great as I could sprint with it, but it soon disappeared, so i reloaded the save before that. I got it all the way back to Sanctuary though! 3 Deathclaws, a pack of Wild Mongrels, a few Raiders, a few Bloat Flies, and an hour or so later…


I tried this today and his corpse kept disappearing after I walked with it for a while.


What's the download pip boy option?


Between this and just learning that you can get BH as a settlement I don’t know what the hell is happening. Who plays a game for 1500 hours and still misses shit?