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Yeah, it is memorable. I stood there staring at the flames on the ocean waiting for the cutscene to end not realising it was not a cutscene for quite a while


For being an older game it does still look amazing


Id also argue the style helps. Like how some early PS2 games like Jak and Ratchet aged fantastically because the style stays timeless


Maybe you’re just talking about both games, but the fact that your brain combines Jak and Dexter + Ratchet and Clank, makes so much sense to me.


I only ever got to try one of those games, back when there were demo consoles inside Walmart (yes my back does hurt, yes my knees don't like stairs) and I don't even know which one it was.


I was there, and I am there with you. lol oh well. Alexa, play Chumbawba


As someone who hasn't played either of these games and just read the names over the years: I just realized they're different games


I’m pretty sure I only played one or the other, but I honestly couldn’t tell you which one it was even if I looked at the cover.


One is about a humanoid creature with large ears that enjoys big guns and his sidekick that rides arround on him while he does most of the work, the other is about.....waaait a second!


Jak and Daxter*


Yea I agree. Nintendo is the master of this concept.


Windwaker still looks decent.


It hurts my soul when this game is called "older"


Death comes for us all, friend! Embrace eternity!


Calm down Liara.


Some parts look dated (to me), but yeah it's still quite good for its age


This is one of my most favorite collective video game memories. So many of us had that moment, and it was AWE inspiring to so drastically realize how good videogames started looking


Same! My wife and I got the game with our 360 and we were just like… Okay the cut scene started cool, but what are they waiting for? And then we tried to move using the controller and our minds were blown. It was the first time in a long time I was wowed by graphics, and the transition from FMV to gameplay was seamless.


Wow same! I'm glad I wasn't alone in that


Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?


No, says the man in Washington, it belongs to the poor.


No, says the man in the Vatican, it belongs to God.


No, says the man in Moscow it belongs to everyone


I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different.


I choose Rapture!


...a city, where the artist would not fear the censor.


Where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality.


Where the great would not be constrained by the small.


And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.


And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.


"I chose the impossible, I chose.... Rapture!"


I chose Bikini Bottom! Arg arg arg arg


Mr. Krabs was Andrew Ryan the whole time? I can see it




He was actually voiced by Armin Shimmerman who was Quark, the money loving Ferngi in Star Trek Deep Space 9. But I doubt you'd find any gold pressed latinum in Rapture.


Plankton being a (failed) Frank Fontaine almost fits *too* well...


Squidward as Cohen Sandy as Tenenbaum Different versions of Pearls being little sister that are guarded by Big Daddies Why hasn't there been a Spongebob X Bioshock parody yet?


Maybe because it's not a parody. Maybe because the Krabby Patty Secret Formula's secret ingredient is...ADAM. Which is harvested mainly from a sea slug as it is. Hell, there's always that theory that Bikini Bottom exists because it's the result of the Bikini Atoll nuclear bomb tests, but maybe it wasn't the nuclear radiation but ADAM that mutated the sea life into being a mirror of humanity. Doesn't explain Sandy but maybe she just used sheer Texas willpower to become sentient.


Pikachu, I choose YOU


I choo-choo-choose you, and there's a picture of a train!


I chose the impossible!


No says the man who reads Ayn Rand, it belongs to the rich.


No says Quark, it belongs to Me!


Rules of Acquisition number forty one: Profit is its own reward.


Quark put in one of the best voice acting performances of all time


The first rule of acquisition is to write an 80 page speech to beat you over the head with your opinion.


Where the hell are you DC man?! We need you!


You're supposed to be the man in Washington, but you never tried.


I remember using that line for a debate in a class, and only one guys face lit up when I said it lol


Thats awesome lol probably made that kids day


And the cum in his balls?


No, because the man doesn’t sweat. Only the workers, the servants and the slaves do that.


No, says the man who needs only about tree fiddy. NOW it was about that TIME...


Ooo the LOCK-ness Munsta!


Bioshock is one of the prime examples of, “I wish I could play a game again for the first time.” Just a masterpiece through and through.


I just started re-playing through the BioShocks last week and this post was serendipitous. I wish I could play for the first time again as well, but there's a lot I forgot and the replays are still pretty damn entertaining. Even the big twists still feel like they have some weight to them. 


Would you kindly block your memories of playing Bioshock and play it later?


I started it 2 days ago and I'm hooked. This game is a work of art.


The first time I played it, I must have sat in the water for about 3 minutes before realizing this isn't a loading screen. They straight up went from cinematic to gameplay without a skip.


Yep, I was saying “when is the cutscene going to end?”


Same thing with waiting for joker to burn in Arkham Knight 


"A man chooses, a slave obeys". - A Bloody Faced Andrew Ryan Favorite game ever


A man whose dream was destroyed. So much so even his own DNA rebelled against him.


A perfect example of why biometrics should be used only for identification and never for authorisation.


He killed the dream long before Jack got there. He made it very clear that for all the talk of the free market, the important thing was that he be top dog.


Yeah. There was a recording somewhere along the way that said something like "Everyone thinks they'll be captains of industry, but someone has to clean the toilets." The fundamental flaw in this hyper-libertarian philosophy is that everyone assumes they are going to be the one that comes out on top - they are one of the strong held back by the weak. When someone bests them, they are all too happy to lean on government and regulation to put them back where they "belong." Ryan was happy with Rapture until Fontaine bested him. Then all of a sudden there were rules and regulations that Fontaine was breaking.


I know everyone beefs over the Bioshocks but I love them all. The first game I played after I got my gaming headset was infinite and the opening will live in my mind forever. The church, the water echoing, the eeriness of it all, it is my favorite open ever.


I love every game in the series. It’s just the first one hooked me. Kind of like the opening of oblivion


I agree completely. Oblivions open is amazing, when you leave the dark tunnel and emerge outside the imperial city it’s mesmerizing. These are some of my videogame core memories.


Agree. Each game has its own charm. And Infinite had many standout moments. Unpopular opinion: I feel the same way about the Dead Space series. I really enjoyed 3. 1&2 were obvious good too.


I also love Infinite's opening. The way it sets up so many callbacks without you even realizing it, the obvious mirroring of the original's opening, and the insanely perfect song 'Will the Circle Be Unbroken'. I still can't believe that song is over 100 years old. You could have told me they wrote it for the game and I'd believe it as it fits so perfectly. Ascension. Hallelujah.


I can't remember what YT video I was watching but there were gamers apparently pissed that there was no choice to refuse being "reborn" or christened at the start. They didn't want to play the game and clearly missed the entire fucking point of Bioshock.


Yup. The song and the intro is epic Ken Levine is a genius and I can't wait for Judas


The guys singing “God Only Knows What I’d Be Without You”


There's a few anachronistic moments like that, to go along with the Lutece Twins and the whole plotline stuff.


I always loved how the anachronistic music actually hinted at that later plot twist rather than just being easter eggs. *Girls Just Want To Have Fun* playing at the beach and the cinema in the future playing *Revenge of the Jedi* were other great moments like this.


It helps that it's a banger of a barbershop quartet arrangement 


"He doesn't row"


"He doesn't _row_?"


"No. He *doesn't* row."


"Oh I see what you mean"


Yes! The "bring us the girl, and wipe away the debt" line was epic! What girl? What debt? Why am I here in the middle of nowhere? It's such a great line that sets the scene and atmosphere of the game.


How can you play it? My heart rate gets way too high when the clown/first boss happens lol! It's an awesome series.


Yeah the opening of Infinite is my favourite.  In the lighthouse and the dark clouds start lighting up, then you get blasted up into the sky, before it all gets really colourful.  I was dumbstruck 


That opening sequence where the lighthouse pod blasts off up into and past the clouds, it's unreal.


Beefs over which is best do you mean?


Bioshock is kind of perfect and the only thing you can really talk shit about is the last boss, but I mean, oh well? I will say Bioshock 2 had the best ending mission, it was dark and haunting


I love the irony of Ryan hanging a banner with the quote “No gods or kings only man” under a massive golden statue of himself


Objectivists are not clever. That's why they pay someone else to think for them then claim the credit.


A masterpiece of a game. Every game has flaws. It is art tho.


Yeah I can’t really think of a game that is completely perfect. There’s a few on NES that I would argue are really close. Super Mario 2 comes to mind


That’s interesting because super Mario 2 was not even originally developed as Mario. But I do really like the game


It’s just a wacky setting and gameplay. Love the music, character selection, everything really. I’ve been trying a couple times a year for probably 30 years to beat it and I can never make it. Someday


This was the Half Life of its time (meaning, just the awe and amazement). Sooooo good.


> This was the Half Life of its time Except we actually got a third


This comment hurts my soul.


I think it gets the tone too. Every game aside from Bioshock and Half-life have cutscenes that break immersion.


Plenty of games don't use cutscenes.


Dozens and hundreds of games released between HL and Bioshock that took advantage of QuickTime events instead of standard cutscenes. Cutscenes being immersive was pretty common when Bioshock released, at least from what I recall playing back then. Stuff like Assassin's Creed used the same thing.


One of my top 3 games of all time, absolutely sublime, I Love everything about it to this day


Other two?


A year after I played it back in 2007 I learned that Andrew Ryan was voiced by Armin Shimerman, the actor best known for playing Quark on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I rewatched the intro and thought "Of course it's him! How did I not realize the first time?".


I didn’t know that!


Shimmerman also played the role of the slimy principal in Buffy.


I will forever battle with myself between Bioshock and Infinite for which opening I prefer. I think both are excellent (and I went into both blind so being launched upwards instead of down was a big shock to me) but I feel that the Infinite opening runs all the way up until the aftermath of your first encounter with Songbird while the original feels a lot more concise and well-presented in a shorter span of time. Infinite is like a great storybook leading you through a big prologue before you actually meet your main character, the original is like this awesomely disarming slap in the face before it shoves you through a cosmetic surgery theatre and into the broken dystopia with a wrench in your hand and a sudden fear of small children.


Infinite's intro was awesome too, but when it comes to the story it's really not even a contest, really wish they didn't take the time travel/multiple dimensions route, gun and vigor systems were pretty lackluster too


The story for infinite takes such a bizarre turn at the gunsmith, everything before that is stellar.


I cut it some slack because timeline stuff wasn’t as cliched when this game came out. It didn’t feel as stale as it does now. I thought the core gameplay of infinite was the biggest problem. I missed all the creep terror of system shock/bioshock. It was all arenas and bombastic fights


Infinite was amazing as well. But I was so hyped for this game and avoided everything I could about it. So it was completely new. Infinite I did the same, but I had more of an idea what it was going to be like.


Would you kindly.


Break that sweet puppy's neck.


Infinite's opening was a masterpiece, the sound, the mood, unforgettable. That church haunted my dreams


That one was great too. I couldn’t pic my Fav out of the 3 games but the beginning of the first one stuck


I agree


I’m replaying it for probably the 5th time, and the atmosphere just blows me away


My favourite thing about the games Is how it makes you feel like a small part of a big world, like the Rapture Reminders, which aren't directed at you, which makes the world feel so much more lived in. A lot like the half life franchise, which is also a must play.


Totally agree


oh man, bioshock's opening sequence was unreal! still remember the first time I played it. felt like a rollercoaster drop into an underwater dystopia - creepy yet fascinating at the same time.


Yes exactly. The first ride in the sphere seeing the city… amazing


If you like sci-fi you should try playing Prey- it gives off very similar vibes to Bioshock but you're in a space station.


Prey is in my top 10 games of all time, I love it. The Moon crash DLC is phenomenal as well


"Looks like someone just got their cherry popped"


“Look Mr Bubbles! Angelsss”


"No, no... no, no!"


The would you kindly twist was great man I wish for a fallout hybrid


this belongs in r/batmanarkham


Take your pills and go back to your cell, inmate. Are you stupid for coming here?


“HEY! You finally awake?”


Lol I do like that one. Never got old


Partly because they kept rereleasing it as a new thing and on every console generation since.


playing the microwave edition on my smart microwave right now while i wait for my hot pocket.


Got the game on my epic games account, but cant play it till i get a better computer(my laptops pretty bad). Been avoiding big spoilers for the game just to one day get ths full experience. This just hypes it up more for me, though.


You won’t regret it when you do


Would you kindly... Replay bioshock again? 😂


Do it


Why is only Man alive? Is he murderer?


It clearly says no gods or kings, everyone else is okay. Are you stupid?


The circle is now complete. The title has become the comment has become the title.


Why is man a murderer? Is he psycho?


I never finished that game, should i give it another try?


Would you kindly give it another try


Yes you should. I think it’s worth it anyway


Would you kindly finish the game, it's definitely well worth it


The ending is one of the best endings of any game I've ever played. Yes.


The climax/reveal is one of the best, but the falling action runs out of steam awful quick, and the ending was an early foray into Your Actions Matter™ gameplay, and it just sorta fell flat in its binary outcome.


Only “ MAN “ you say? Is he stupid?


Jonkler, would you kindly stop performing your infamous griddy?


This intro and game forever changed the way I view video games as art. Still one of my top 5 ever.


I'm man


Only.... Man...?


Definitely up there.


Yes it does.


Masterpiece game


“Would you kindly? Powerful phrase―familiar phrase?”


I see your Bioshock and raise you Prey


Ooo i had forgotten about that. The one in the bar with the jukebox playing? Yes that is a very very good opener


It's certainly good, but I can think of some more impactful than it. First on my list is Half Life 1 followed by Half Life 2, HL1 is slower, but shows 70% of the tech behind it that shaped the future of gaming (skeletal animations, the scope of the maps, storytelling and world building that doesn't take control away from the player), while HL2 does the same faster while introducing the physics engine and the new, post combine invasion world. Disco Elysium is probably my second favorite (considering HL1 and 2 as a combo), the game has a story to tell, it will tell you and you will listen to it, the absurdity of the situation you character is in, hearing the literal voices of his different motor, intelectual and parapsychological systems talk to and interact with each other is simply masterfully done. Bioshock 1 is certainly high on the list, but I feel that it's more about graphics and spectacle than meaningful gameplay, both are valid ways of going about it, I personally rather have an intro less about spectacle and more about teaching the player the maximum possible in the most natural way while exposing them to the story and the world.


I didn't like the bee part


Nah, Prey 2017 does. Bioshock is up there, though.


Objectivism is based, just as how the nature wants us to be.


One to remember for sure


True, completely agree. It grabs you and you're like,"well I won't be playing any others games until this roller coaster is through". No matter how many times I've played through.


I've nerded out on friends more than once showing them the intro of the game and how it's brilliant game design. The way it simply drops you in but guides you with the flames until you see the lighthouse. A flickering light leads your gaze to the stairs and even if you go past the front door it makes it clear there is no other path. Then this and all the environmental storytelling of the scenery until you enter the bathysphere and get introduced to "Rapture". Absolute masterpiece.


Thoroughly loved all 3 titles, for a Ling time 2 was my fav cause I loved the big suit, but 1 has since taken that crown, just the atmosphere and everything felt incredible!!! Infinite is amazing but being under the sea just felt so liminal.


I didn't play this game until 2020. But I totally got the hype once I did


I'm replaying (remastered) for the first time ever, I was 21 then... 36 now. The nostalgia is almost overwhelming, game absolutely holds up. Classic


this screenshot was my background on my old laptop for YEARS


No fucking contest


*Is there someone new?*


Nice work, boyo!


I wasn't much of gamer until this game came out. I bought a whole ass Xbox 360 and learned how to use two thumbsticks just so I could play Bioshock which seemed like it would be the coolest experience ever and at the time it definitely lived up to the hype.


I once got to experience this opening sequence while on mushrooms. It was incredible.  


It’s pretty amazing ngl and it takes A LOT to avoid all my nit pick bullshit but this crushes it all, it’s maybe the most brilliant beginning in video game history. Not even kidding!


I like this opening a lot but I think Fallout 3 has a really good one too. I love how you role play the character creation instead of it just assigning points in a menu.


My favorite of all time. The environment and audio is just top tier


The plane falling apart, the flames on the water and then elevator down through Rapture was truly amazing. The only old game that rival that experience for me was Half-Life.


Argentina: Hey we should try this


Is there a lore reason why Man is atheist? Is he rational???


Is that the taskmaster?


I love the irony of a giant gold statue of Ryan being right above the banner


A man chooses! A slave obeys!


BioShock 3. "He DOESN'T row"


Is that Greg Davies ?


Yes the game that ruthlessly mocked libertarians and objectivists and most of them didn't get it.


Looks like Taskmaster's Greg Davies trophy


It has one of the best opening and one of the worst ending. Perfectly balanced. Infinite opening is also great. It's pretty similar but i like more how they did it there.


Bro BioShock for me is one of the goat games, i wish i had the ability to lost memory only to replay it infinite times


I love playing through this game every five years. That ending though, gets me everytime. Played it on pc, ps3, and ps4. Cant wait to play it again on Steamdeck.


*sets himself up as a king*


One of the all-time greatest games in my opinion


One of the first games I binged and it was amazing


I wish I could forget this game so I could go back to replay it


What one was this in




Yeah I liked the infinite opening. It creeped me tf out too


Love BioShock so much I just got the chains tattooed on my wrists


Wrong ... Welcome to city 17. You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers. I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my Administration here, in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by Our Benefactors. I have been proud to call City 17 my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, welcome to City 17. It's safer here.


Just finished The Last of Us 2 and I am so disappointed in the lack of integration of the setting into the story. The Bioshock games are masterful at this point