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"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren’t able to get some form of connectivity, it’s called Xbox 360. If you have zero access to internet, that is an offline device." -Don Mattrick, President of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Division, when questioned about Xbox One needing to be always online. That was a dagger to the heart of Xbox for that generation.


Take so horrible, it managed to fuck Xbox over for nearly a decade ever since Don opened his mouth lmao


Xbox is STILL fucked. Spencer has openly admitted they lost the most important generation, when people were building their online libraries. Most people who bought a PS4 went onto PS5 because that's where their games are. The Xbox One launch killed the Xbox brand as we know it, after an immensely successful 360 gen.


Oh the irony. Promoting online game sales causes them to miss out on selling online games.


Extra funny for me when I read that because I abandoned the 360 around 2009 because I got sick of all the ads that were creeping in, and the updates (for the worse, IMO) to the UI. I know technically I could have just disabled online, but it's just funny in the context of that statement. I installed Steam that year, paired my XBOX 360 controller to my PC, and didn't touch another XBOX product until I grabbed a refurbished One X during the pandemic 12 years later.


Now he's at Unity lol


I still remember when Sony posted the video on how to share games with your friends on the ps4 and it was just a video of someone handing a game box to someone else. 10/10 ripped Microsoft to shreds


The marketing people who pitched it really cooked with that one


[For anyone who doesn't know.](https://youtu.be/kWSIFh8ICaA?si=wTK2R9yaAUHB5sQM)


Even funnier, it was literally something they filmed backstage after seeing how badly Xbox fucked up their conference; it was improvised.


[Geoff Keighley couldn’t believe what he was hearing.](https://youtu.be/J_JVVUnCWnY?si=DEEwSCvG5BfgsxZj) It’s still astonishing.


Is Geoff immortal? He looks exactly the same 10 years ago


As someone who had an internet cap of 6 GB, I was so pissed hearing that.


This one too. Xbox has never recovered from it.


One of the most disastrous moments in the history of gaming


Yeah, that gen was when I switched to PlayStation, was more powerful and better designed. Now I just use my pc for any Xbox games since all their “exclusives” are also pc games day 1.


To this day, they still havent fully recovered, considering what it did and the position they had going into that generation.


I also remember the reveal focusing on basically everything the Xbox could do *except* games. [Edited for comedy, but not inaccurate](https://youtu.be/nULp0pGKCS8?si=-g0BjKKQgIMnIEwz)


The "One" in "Xbox One" was intended to mean, "The One device you need for your living room," which is why they were so focused on TV and sports. The sad thing is that they really *were* primed to be that "everything device" in the 360 world, with Windows Media Center shipping as part of Vista and 7 and the 360 being the best extender (WMC was the only software platform that could handle DRMed cablecard streams, so you could ditch your cable box and use a PC with a tuner, have centralized recordings, and not have to pay $15-20/mo per room where you wanted TV). If they had rolled that all into one device, worked with cable companies to make it easy to onboard to cablecard, and drove it that way instead of piss poor HDMI passthrough + IR blaster, it could've taken over the Tivo space^(1). Instead, you had to keep your cable box and its $15-20/mo subscription and you only had passthrough control (all DVR remained on the cablebox, for example). That said, it probably shouldn't have been an Xbox. It could've/should've been a separate device that interacted with an Xbox, but otherwise lived on its own just so that you didn't run into the, "Oh no, lag!" problem because The Office started recording. ^(1) Irony: When Microsoft tried to justify the removal of WMC in Windows 8, they pointed out that only something like 1.5% of the Windows userbase used it. 1.5% of the Windows userbase at that time was ~7.5m users (500m total Win7 users at the time). At the same time, Tivo was a successful standalone company with approximately 8-10m users. What Microsoft saw as "too small to bother with" was Tivo's *entire* customer base. Microsoft was on par with Tivo, and just killed it all.


The strategy worked for the ps2 which doubled as a dvd player so for just a little more money the family could get a dvd player and a console for the kids. But in the age of streaming it was just tone deaf.


Ps3 era brought up cheaper blue ray players too.


I was thinking about this before I even clicked on the post


I’m not sure that Xbox ever really recovered after that. I think PlayStations have been consistently outselling them since this happened, and I’m 90% sure that they’re barely even holding on to any exclusives at all. Personally, that moment is when Xbox lost me. And since so many of my games are on my PlayStation, it’s hard to justify switching to a new company that I haven’t dealt with in years. There’s just been little to no incentive for it


I remember this blunder.


"Do you not have phones?" About releasing Diablo Immortal only on mobile - Wyatt Cheng, Blizzard 2018


I mean considering that game makes stupid money that fucker really got the last laugh:(


Gaming industries pivot to mass appeal phone shit is the number one reason I know god doesn’t exist.


Thankfully blizz has doubled down on their pc games since. They had a brief brush with consoles and diablo 3 iirc. Is d4 on console?


Thankfully blizz was such utter trash the last few years that they can't break my heart more than they already have...


Yes but it also sucks.


d3 sucked until ros. Im not gonna go on a crusade, especially for diablo4 but story wise, cinematically and gameplay loop wise its hard to feel like a dollar an hour worth of use isnt worth the price.




or maybe they remade d2 over d3 because it was already a 20 year old game.


It was a 20 year old game, that still surpassed d3 and d4.


is there a point to what your saying? Its pretty pedantic to make that statement considering d3 still had active development support, regular seasonal updates and new content as it came out in 2012 and reaper of souls came out in 2014...


Only for those who are nostalgia driven


Somehow they made worse story than "go east" from D2. Its only good if you're into Disney star wars shit.


Diablo 4 is on Gamepass, I have had fun with it. The console controls are a bit more fun than spam clicking a mouse in my opinion,there's more input to whats going on and I find it less boring. Gameplay is pretry too .


The negative reactions were not people aghast that blizzard made a dumb financial move. Everyone knows how wildly successful even a mid tier franchise can be if it goes the live service route.


Watched an essay from Noah Caldwell-Gervais yesterday about the whole Diablo series and the Immortal part was fucking wild.


Stupid being the key pun word.


Is this some sort of out of season April fools joke?


I feel bad for him. He was basically pushed out on stage with no real prep, and was told that everyone would love to hear about what he was working on.


Colossal Order's CEO speedrun of flushing every single bit of the goodwill the first Cities: Skylines game made with the fanbase right down the shitter with their absolute joke of a launch for the sequel has been both fascinating and infuriating to watch over the past 8 months or so. Doubling down on their mistakes and calling the fanbase 'toxic' for constructive criticism was certainly a choice too. So was prioritizing paid DLC over bugfixing.


Yeah at this point I'm waiting for it to become a freebie on epic or something


It was free on Gamepass on PC last I looked.


That's 10$ a month. The opposite of free


It could be free…in your mind. Imagine you don’t get GamePass just for one game….you get it for two games. One being CS2. But in your mind you convince yourself you are paying the $10 for the other game. So therefore CS2 is free. /jk


CS2 *is* free, silly. Just like Global Offensive


Divide it by the number of games on game pass and it's like 5 cents a month, pretty close to free 


It was day 1 game pass, and they're still getting paid for that.


Have never seen a company that sells only one (1) product fuck themselves in the arse so hard before. Truly a sight to behold.


And even aside from bugs it's still just not a better game than the first one, even now. I come back and try it every few months, but I inevitably return to the first. It's not SC13 bad, but it's not in a totally different ballpark either.


It's the problem when you're making a sequel to an already complete game, especially without massive financial backing. Any time it's cooking before release you're losing money on it, and you need to release it with more content than a game that already had a ton of content and updates applied. How do you make it worth upgrading rapidly enough to nog bankrupt yourself?


Cities really felt like a community with heart and imagination who really built each other up, and now we just all feel betrayed and angry and it has really ruined this once great part of the Internet too. Hope a game comes out and is what Cities 1 was for SimCity fans


I‘m so glad I didn‘t pay for this and sailed the old way 🏴‍☠️with this one. You are spot on with the fanbase. One of the few really good communities. What a shame.


So glad I didn't buy the sequel. Plenty left for me to do in the original and I bought it for like $7.


That Adam Orth idiot from Microsoft going into the xbone generation. Twitter exchange: Some dude: Did you learn nothing from Diablo III or SimCity? You know some people's internet goes out, right? "Deal with it" is a shitty reason. Orth: Electricity goes out too. Some dude: You've lived in LA, SF, Seattle...very connected places. Try living in Janesville, WI or Blacksburg, VA. Orth: Why on earth would I live there? Complete dick response. Shortly "resigned" thereafter.


Typical sociopath response. "I can't relate to this situation because it doesn't apply to me at all". Sadly very common among company higher-ups.


Have you looked around? That's common among *everyone* these days.


An ancient one is games workshop, they went to blizzard and wants them to make a 40k game. Blizzard apparently put something together, showed it to gw who turned it down. That game went on to become StarCraft.  There's honestly hundreds of stories about the absolute idiocy of the leadership at GW and the boneheaded things that occured there.


Blizzard went to GW twice to pitch games. The first time they were rejected (because, iirc, GW thought video games wouldn't last) Blizzard turned it into Warcraft, the second one they pitched a 40k game that eventually became Starcraft. Warhammer Online's failure is also mostly due to GW's meddling.


G-dubs is legendary for fucking up anyway. Finecast, anyone? Hell, the only reason we got Total Warhammer was because GW wanted to junk WFB in favour of Age of Sigmar.


"Wanted to" yeah they really wanted to actually make money from a product line, god forbid. Probably should have just let WF put them out of business as it nearly did.


I am not familiar with this topic - what are you referring to?


People just like to pretend that GW got rid of Fantasy for some vague malicious reason when the simple fact is that the line made bugger all money, so they came up with a plan to close it out (the plan was a bad one tbf with bad writing) so they could let something with more room to grow and make money take its place. The thing that drives me crazy is that people act like Age of Sigmar was some final step in an evil commercial plot, it wasn't, it was just a fairly desperate gambit to turn around an already failed line of miniatures.


I wasn't aware that the fantasy line made little money compared to the 40K line thank you


Take your pick: "We don't call them 'loot boxes' -- these are 'surprise mechanics'... a randomized content mechanic." - Kerry Hopkins, EA Vice President for Legal and Government Affairs or “The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes.” - EA Community Team trying to justify that an $80 game would still require 40 or so hours for you to earn enough credits to unlock Darth Vader skin.


>"We don't call them 'loot boxes' -- these are 'surprise mechanics'... a randomized content mechanic." >Kerry Hopkins, EA Vice President for Legal and Government Affairs What's also dumb is that she compared loot boxes to Kinder Eggs, hence the surprise. However, Kinder Eggs were BANNED in the US due to choking hazards. I would have loved if someone reminded her that *little* detail.


You can't choke on digital code so why care about the comparison?


They are choking your wallet :(


The ol’ Gluck Gluck $3000k. Splashing their faces with all your profit.


The criticism for the second one never really made sense to me. We've basically always had unlocks in full-priced games and that's arguably a big reason people continue to play, but we don't get mad at Activision for Call of Duty having weapons that are locked until you level up.(We certainly get mad at Activision for plenty of other things though )


Getting enough credits to unlock Vader took about 40 hours (certain number of credits earned per match; each match roughly 15 minutes)... I've never leveled up in CoD - does it take 40 hours to get the weapon you thought you bought?


Let's say roughly 24 hours to hit max rank on average, but I'll see your passive aggressive "thought you bought," comment and raise you a, "No one is surprised when a multiplayer game has unlocks, it is bog standard in multiplayer gaming since the late 2000's.' I'm not saying the time isn't excessive, though there are games where it takes much longer to unlock everything, but I'm just saying it feels incredibly disingenuous to hop onto EA for having unlockable characters in their game.


You're missing that you could bypass the grind at launch by paying money for whatever hero you want. "Pride and accomplishment" means nothing when you can pay to skip grinds.


Imagine if you could buy Damascus/Plat/whatever the “unlock all gold weapons” skin is nowadays


I mean, the Idea wasn't wrong *in theory*. Literally the whole point behind that Line was "you either tough it out but have something to brag about if you do it, or you just skip all of that but pay extra for it". What pissed people of (and rightfully so) is just HOW long the Grind would have taken, not that it was there in the first place.


I'm calling bullshit. That was a PR line to deflect the game's obvious attempt to entice players to spend money. They didn't care about "pride and accomplishment," the grind for EVERY character was inflated to an absurd level in order to extract more money from players. If they really cared about a player's sense of "pride and accomplishment," why did they allow people to spend money instead? Why did they change course when the backlash got hot?


Getting max level in call of duty multiplayer take 6-8 hours. And the guns at the top are not equivalent to Darth Vader. Every cod I've played, the best weapon is unlocked within the first 10 levels.


Except bo2, had to be max level to unlock the an-94


That criticism doesn't make sense because it was never about the game having unlocks. It was specifically because those unlocks took 40 hours of grinding to earn in a full-priced game. Or you could conveniently pay real world money to bypass it instantly.


No one is surprised that a multiplayer game has unlocks. But 40 hours is insane when matches are 5-10min long and the game advertises you playing as said characters. And that's kiet for one of them! Definitely ba


The whole story of Commodore. Yeah, that Commodore of Commodore 64 and Amiga computers.  Seriously, from start to finish it's an utter clusterfuck where immensely talented and dedicated people meet utterly incompetent and greedy higher management.  Imagine a CEO taking advice from a direct competitor at face value. Imagine his replacement starting to actually fixing things and digging the company out of a cesspool just to be suddenly fired by the board, because fuck him in particular I guess. Then his replacement funnelled huge amount of money out of company, eventually bankrupting it. Engineers burned his effigy in a company carpark on their last day. And that's just the tip of a shitberg.


Wow!! I had and loved my C64 and I've never heard that story before. Is there a particular breakdown/article about this you'd recommend?


And stuff like that gets ignored as hell, my Nephew the other day was telling me just how bad gamers have it now and how the 1980's, 1990's must have been the most perfect time to be a gamer in. Yeah okay... You had Atari pushing outdated hardware, and I think it was the head of Commodore who picked up Atari's computer division and really screwed them after the crash. Arcades where the owners would just speed up the game a bit to milk more quarters. Nintendo and their antics in the 1980's. The god awful marketing that everyone did. Acclaim/LJN. Note when I told him about the stuff with TSR, Dungeons and Dragons and Lorraine Williams? I got told I must have it wrong.


The 90’s was pretty great though. The first MMO’s, Team Fortress Classic, shareware that had entire campaigns, FF7, BG1


I feel like 2004 to 2012 was probably the best time game.


This needs to be higher on the post. For historical purposes


>And that's just the tip of a shitberg. Nice shit analogy, Randy.


The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes. As for cost, we selected initial values based upon data from the Open Beta and other adjustments made to milestone rewards before launch. Among other things, we're looking at average per-player credit earn rates on a daily basis, and we'll be making constant adjustments to ensure that players have challenges that are compelling, rewarding, and of course attainable via gameplay. We appreciate the candid feedback, and the passion the community has put forth around the current topics here on Reddit, our forums and across numerous social media outlets. Our team will continue to make changes and monitor community feedback and update everyone as soon and as often as we can. ~EA


I feel like I already downvoted this. 🤔


Given that it's the most downvoted thing in the history of reddit, you probably have.


Last I checked it was sitting around -600k downvotes I think


And only because I think Reddit themselves capped downvotes on comments as a result of the massive pile of hate that got (and rightfully so).


This: "We are truly excited by John Riccitiello's new vision for EA," said Ray Muzyka, Co-founder and CEO of BioWare Corp. in a news release Thursday. "This vision is consistent with BioWare's focus on crafting the highest quality story-driven games in the world. It will enable us to further the careers of the passionate, creative and hard working teams at BioWare Edmonton and BioWare Austin." https://www.ign.com/articles/2007/10/11/ea-buys-bioware-pandemic


I worked at Unity under this piece of shit as CEO for a few years. When he fired the CFO because he didn't like how she was in favor of slow, sustainable growth, we devs knew it was over. Everything turned to a pump and dump after that. I can't believe someone looked at his track record at EA and said, yep, this is the guy we want to put in charge. Funny it took the runtime fee shitshow to get rid of him, guy should have been gone long before that.


It is the curious thing, someone can have gotten golden apple to his/her hands, then ran it to ground in few years, and then several other very well doing large companies will be super hyped about possibility of getting that person to hold and take care of their golden apples. Even in cases where literally person cleaning their office floors might at that point have better track record and expectation in doing well in said job.. Sure experience and education have their benefits... but I mean those people who have gone chain ruining businessses, and still somehow get pulled to next job that is similar... how the heck does habit of reputation having some effect end in there, when it works in some other work related things and fields and positions.


If you read it as what he actually meant, "we think this will make our executives a shitload of money," he was telling the truth.


It made them a lot of money. And they’re not even in the gaming industry anymore.


Former head of EA wanted to make a FPS game where you had to pay real money for ammo. because bullets in real life cost money so they should cost real money in the game


It's even worse when you hear him describe it.


The most insane part of it to me is thinking the average player is ever gonna live long enough to run out of ammo. 


I think it was per clip. The guy was using the hypothetical of getting players to buy reloads as an example of pressure selling (when in the heat of things, they're not thinking about the price as much)


I refuse to believe this isn't satire


Unfortunately it's not, and it's the same prick who was behind the recent Unity Game engine fiasco.


Unfortunately Tarkov beat him to it.


This concept has been a real thing since 2003. https://www.entropiauniverse.com/


And then he went on to head Unity for the runtime fee fiasco. (Runtime fee-asco?)


EA and SimCity (forgot which year). Single player game. Needed to be online to play. Servers crashed the first day, making most people unable to play the game. Then EA claiming there was no way to play SimCity offline due to DRM or some stupid crap. Then Maxis released a patch that made SimCity being able to be played without being online. It was so bad that EA gave away a free game from their library.


They tried to claim the simulation was so complex it required external server resources. Then someone modded in an offline mode and showed everything ran exactly the same as when it was online.


Wasn't it just a value that you changed from true to false or something like that?


To top it off, it STILL was missing so many features seen in previous games. It felt so bad compared to it's predecessors.


[Remember when Randy Pitchford, CEO of Gearbox, left a USB full of porn at a Medieval Times restaurant?](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/01/gearbox-ceo-allegedly-kept-underage-porn-on-usb-stick-new-lawsuit-alleges/)




Maybe because it isn't true? Pitchford is a scumbag for many reasons but this would be high profile enough if true that it would have warranted investigation. Dallas FBI didn't respond when asked about an investigation and the local PD in Frisco confirmed it had no active investigation going. This has been almost ten years ago now and we've heard nothing from federal or local law enforcement about it. Just playing devil's advocate here. Again, Pitchford is a scumbag in his own right.


it's less about what they said and more about what they didn't say Capcom exec was working on a new game. Didn't want to go to Sony cause thought they intentionally make crap devices to make you re-buy them. And Nintendo was just toys so he had a meeting with Xbox. * Exec: Ps2 is killing it in the console business, Nintendo is a direct competitor, why should I give you my game? * Xbox: (crickets) * Exec: Sony sees games as entertainment, Nintendo sees games as ways to have fun. How do you see games? * Xbox: (crickets) Exec has enough, gets on a train, leaves straight for Nintendo and signs a deal. That exec was Shinji Mikami and the game was Resident Evil 4.


It released initially on GC after that meeting, but it was also ported to PS2, and later Wii. That just makes it even more funny that they ignored Microsoft THAT hard.


That's not really the full story. Shinji said Nintendo made toys and Sony was looking more at entertainment and beyond in general. (The truth is they just hated working on Sony's tech due to its unique nature) The microsoft translator never had a full grasp on Microsoft's position. So the English speaking xbox exec just got to see Shinji get more exasperated until he left. “I almost jumped out the window because we had said repeatedly over and over and over that we aspire to enable games that could be considered to be art, much like film,” Bachus says, “that because of the maturity of the development tools and the APIs and the power of the technology, game developers on Xbox would be able to concentrate on the finesse features that elevated games to being something more than they were otherwise. “So the guy who reported to me said, 'oh that's so great! I wish that I had known that.' But unfortunately it was too late.”


Kurt Schilling and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and how he mananged to get Rhode Island to pay for the game development and studio development, only to to declare bankruptcy and leaving Rhode Island footing the bill and leaving the state with millions of dollars of debt.


Great game though


With a name like Schilling, what can you expect


All the shit Nexon America and Nexon Korea have done over the decades. Nexon NA are just the localizers for games like Maplestory, but their incompetence cannot be described. Nexon Korea have a huge history of lying and rigging anything rng related. There was a 12 hour player conference a couple years ago where they got roasted live by player representatives. Koreans really take their mmo seriously I guess. But the biggest controversy was when it was exposed that cubes and potentials were rigged. Those go hand in hand and related to progression. Basically each cube you can reroll the stats of your equipment once. So basically spinning a slot machine except some combinations of lines (obviously the good ones) had comically low chance or was impossible (3 lines of boss damage). Riot and Blizzard's upper management horsing around. Such as someone stealing breast milk from the staff fridge. Farting on peoples' faces. Oh and all the sexual harassment lawsuits. Now that I think about it there have been a couple funny stories from Riot staff over the years but they weren't higher ups. * Riot Lyte. The psychology phd guy who was in charge of anti-toxicity or whatever. Couldn't even make properly labeled graphs for his presentations. Cheated on his wife and other accusations that he was toxic. * Riot Sanjuro. Is the reason why Tyler1 was welcomed back to LoL when he was prior permabanned for years. All because he made personal insults against Tyler1 in the LoL discord group with his official account * Riot Tryndamere. Founder of LoL but a PR nightmare. * The rioter who is the origin of "200 years of collective experience" meme. * Riot DZK talked shit about the playerbase, I think he said that the male playerbase should all kill themselves * Riot Pendragon. Drama with DotA community * The rioter who said implementing sand box (practice tool in lobby) would increase toxicity


Classic Sanjuro, I wonder what that homunculus is up to these days? Also who was the Rioter who said about the "League Rewind" project where someone was restoring old League something about "the chrono break is coming"?


"The first AAAA title" lol Ceo of Ubisoft is a douche. Wont be buying any of their products until hes gone.


I've already been not buying any of their products until their online account system is gone. I realize this means I will probably never play a Ubisoft game again, but oh well; there are a lot of games and I don't have that much free time anyway.


Only way I’m buying a Ubisoft game is if secondhand and heavily discounted


Yves has always been such a massive cunt, that i honestly swear that the only reason why he was so against Vivendi trying to take over was the chance that he and the rest of his ilk would be booted from the company Remember Ubisoft had just as much of massive HR failings as ABK did, but were able to sweep it under the rug


I remember seeing the prick at Gamescom drinking wine and talking to someone with a thought going: "If you throw something at him now, you could easily duck into the side areas and no-one would know."




I haven't bought a Ubisoft game since Far Cry 5 lol


George Lucas wanted to call a newly developed Sith Lord, Darth Icky. Yes, you read that correctly. LucasArts fell shortly thereafter.


Don't forget the other one, as there is always two. Tremble in fear of "Darth Insanius".


Andrew Wilson CEO of EA was like “no one cares about single player games” in 2016 when 2016 was one of the best years for single player games


Doom 2016 alone is like the GOAT of single player imo


I could be wrong but I think they ripped into Andrew Wilson when Doom 2016 was so highly praised Few companies made jokes towards EA cause of their controversy


"When the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there. They certainly weren't bored.""


"Video games cost too much to make" Said by some twat who worked at a multi-million dollar company, trying to justify microtransactions. If they cost too much then just don't fucking make them.


Meanwhile, concerned ape in his basement was slurping noodles during dev just chillin


Games cost too much when you're a publicly traded company and need to pay for share buybacks and exec compensation.


And let’s not forget the fuckton of middle management or just incompetent management that drags our development from something that could be done in an hour into months then says it’ll come together in the end


Everything I've ever heard about Lord British (the creator of Ultima, I forget his real name but he's actually gone by this one for decades now), is absolutely nutballs insane.


richard garriott i was looking forward to Tabula Rasa, but RG was like 'fuck you guys, ima go to space' and the game died. it didnt even get properly released, was still in fuckin BETA




That was Defiance. The game lasted six years longer than the show. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defiance_(TV_series)#Setting


Ah, my mistake. I'm not sure how I mixed those two up, cheers.


Both were forgettable Sci fi MMOs, it's understandable.


The words "vertical slice" from Gearbox. Randy Pitchford's jump drive of "magic" and records that he left at Medieval Times. Literally everything in the first year of Fallout 76. Ubisoft's HR team and their response to the CFO's sexual misconduct. Ubisoft not allowing female characters in an Assassin's Creed game because it was "too expensive" to have a second set of animations. "Nobody wants single-player games." "Games are too expensive to make" as Minecraft became the best-selling game of all time, overtaking Tetris. Every defense of loot boxes. Dev responses to a joke about how short CoD campaigns are. Diablo 3 real money auction house. Driv3rgate. Kane & Lynch and the Sony/GameSpot fiasco. The launch of No Man's Sky. The prices in studio cafeterias. Crunch. The list goes seemingly forever.


You think you do, but you don't.


Activision ceo keep having them make the same money scam every year


Another story that i want to add was the beef between SEGA and Gearbox over the mishandling of Aliens Colonial Marines Like, SEGA bit the bullet, bought the rights from Fox to make a couple of games, they realized they bit off more than they could chew so they axed Obsidians Aliens RPG so Gearbox could focus more time on Colonial Marines (The FPS title) But Gearbox were busy with Borderlands 1, so they took a bit of procrastination until they began to work on Colonial Marines.......but then they realized 'oh shit!, we can actually get more money if we lie to SEGA and we instead focus on Borderlands 2!', so they then contracted another studio to work on CM while they fucked off to work on their sequel But because Randy Pitchford is a Grade A asshole, he chose to scrap ALL of the stuff that the studio that THEY contracted because they felt that it was too shitty (Need i remind you, when they gave them the keys to the project Gearbox literally had just a couple of blank models and rough map areas and nothing else) So understandably SEGA was enraged at Gearboxes' incompetence and they threatened them with a lawsuit if they didn't haul ass and send the game before the fiscal year, which showed over how shoddily made the game was, besides Randy talking out of his ass about how the trailer would be the same as the game itself (A lie so devastating that it made everyone else in teh future put a tag that the trailer isn't honest about what the game might look like) After all of that, SEGA sued Gearbox because they felt that they basically robbed them from all of their money since they send money from time to time to work on Aliens, but they instead took it and (potentially) syphoned it for Borderlands 2, but because Gearbox had the backing of Take2, the judges instead slammed SEGA with a lawsuit of 2.5 million, meanwhile Gearbox got scott-free because they pointed fingers at them Fast forward to today and SEGA is in a way better spot than in the 2000s and early 2010s, and Gearbox is in decadence since they put all of their A-Game on Borderlands, and the few games that weren't borderlands were fat Ls


MvC:I producers stating that characters are just functions and that since Magneto and Nova both have 8-direction dashes that they don't need both


Remember when EA thought always-online was a good idea?


"Pride and accomplishment"


A company that flew their employees first class internationally to a con, and then berated them because though they worked 18+ hour days while there for the week, and getting in late at night, the employee (my ex husband) didn't magically know they were supposed to go into work the next morning after 4 hours of sleep (this person had worked for gaming company for years, ones who had always given a recover day off for things like this - so while it was an assumption, it was a reasonable one to not get home until after midnight and multiple time zone changes and think you'd just roll into work by 8.) It was one of the two founders of the company that berated my ex. They also hadn't set expectations that it was expected to be with the gamers during the day, and also accompanying them for tours and entertainment until midnight each day - so they got to go relax after the con but the employees had no such luxury. So their game has a new release coming up!!! But I sure find it hard to want to play it despite how much I liked it ;)


EA Lootboxes. Most downvoted comment in Reddit history


Bioware's higher ups trusting in "Bioware magic" for Anthem like it would magically save their mismanaged project.


Sony deciding to lock online play for 3rd party games behind a pay wall


To be fair, they were copying Xbox after two console generations of people rewarding MS by buying Xbox live subscriptions. If people had told MS to fuck off like they should have from the start, we wouldn't have pay-to-play-online subscriptions outside of MMOs.


ah gotcha i didn't own xbox


Capcom's Japanese team ignored warnings about piracy for Street Fighter X Tekken, saying, "No one would pirate at launch; that’s illegal!" The game got cracked fast, and fans were mad about the locked DLC.


Square Enix and their pre order progress to unlock more content. The more pre orders, the more content it unlocked. The backlash was pretty substantial.


I must be frank with Square here It was a greedy move that relied on a pretty complex gimmick to get extra goodies, but holy shit was it the most creative way to promote a pre order


I wont disagree with that.


A lot of this is hindsight, but Xbox/Microsoft passing up having exclusively rights to games like GTA 3, Genshin Impact, and Insomniac's Spider-Man, as well as rejecting a proposal for motion controls from the guy who ended up selling the tech to Nintendo for the Wii.


Digital games will cost less than physical games . Complete and utter B.S


Sony's Playstation was meant to be a CD-Rom peripheral for Super Nintendo, after Sony already developed the thing Nintendo backed out of the deal and went with Phillips instead, without telling Sony about it who then announced it at CES. Sony offered it to Sega and one of their execs said "That's a stupid idea, Sony doesn't know how to make hardware. They don't know how to make software either. Why would we want to do this?". Sony then decided to make the Playstation by itself.


Ubisoft messed up with Assassin’s Creed II. They made it so you always needed to be online to play, even single-player. Their servers crashed, paying customers couldn't play but pirates found a way around it quickly


**DMA Design, before they were called Rockstar (*****yes, that same studio behind Grand Theft Auto*****)** During the development of an N64 game called Body Harvest, the studio had so many troubles with both the console and Nintendo higher-ups that the game suffered heavily from bad design and poor sales. From that moment, the studio never worked with Nintendo ever again. If you're wondering why we didn't get a GTA title on a Nintendo console until GTA3 DE, that's why. They released Chinatown Wars on the DS, but none of their main titles. They eventually released L.A. Noire and Red Dead Redemption on Switch, as well as Bully back on the Wii, but that's it. --------- **Konami vs Kojima** This needs no explanation, especially how the company threatened to use legal actions if Kojima attended the Game Awards to receive a prize. --------- **FEZ 2** The creator and a former GameTrailer journalist went a Twitter war that led to the cancellation of FEZ 2, all that because the creator refused an interview. That creator was also renowned for his rather corrosive complaints about the gaming industry. What's a bit weird is that these days, the creator sold every part of his company, Polytron Studio, and even his rights to the game... yet no one at the company took over development and actually make FEZ 2. --------- **Digital Homicide LLC** The Jimquisition makes a bad review of a Steam game. The devs didn't take it and started mocking the host. The host defended themselves. The devs took the host to court over diffamation and revenue losses. The court dismissed the case in favor of the host. On a sidenote, speaking of the Jimquisition, to this day, Randy Pitchford from Gearbox still blames them over the poor sales of Alien: Colonial Marines... when that game was just a mess.


I love how James Stephanie Sterling basically lives rent-free in Pitchford's head, when Pitchford is rich enough to not care. Like literally all Pitchford has to do is not give a shit, but they don't and it's so pathetic it's funny.


The original Xbox one DRM envisioned allows for reselling digital games, and digital game sharing.  But the higher ups totally botched the messaging.  Now (uhmm since a few years ago) EU has said we have the rights to resell our digital games, but unfortunately no digital game stores has provided the ability to do so. As the EU doesn't actually force the game stores to provide the feature 


Ubisoft saying that we should get comfortable not owning our games; I hear about it every time I talk to my friends about gaming.


NFS World, MMO style racing game where you to buy the new cars with real money. Some cars were made to be pay to win with a nitros much stronger than other cars (aka cosmic nos). Can’t forget how the main Dev dude Marc De Vellis said how this nos is calculated based on engine output data….when clearly cars with similar engines had different types of nos. Yeah sure, calculation and not pay to win based on his whim.


I was in direct talks with the developers if DayZ and tried to tell them to put more money into the game before release, then after release and they announced they were rebuilding the engine, I tried to tell them not to do that as they might end up working on the Game forever... That was 11 or 12 years ago... My exact wording was 'worst case scenario you could be still working on it in 7-12 years'... EVERYONE told me I was being crazy... They're releasing a major update to it in June... 


"bungie is not that kind of company" when asked if the leadership could cut their pay/bonuses to avoid sacking people..


Whatever numbskull at Ubisoft thought calling "Skull & Bones" a AAAA title. The industry in general has a hard time convincing me to buy games at launch because they like to push stuff out to help their quarterly reviews. But S&B is barely functional. They had ONE job: Copy and Paste the ship combat from AC4 into a new game and build a world around it. Instead, they cut corners, butchered features, and have a premium store that is very much nickel and diming.


I have no story. Fuck Nexon and Konami


The whole book Blood Sweat and Pixels


Xbox One


The entire bungie fiasco that happened recently because the execs didn't want to cut their pay further. Letting go Michael Salvatori was a bad decision, and I don't think destiny's music will ever quite feel the same. The final shape was amazing, but the music was definitely missing a little something.


Back around the time of *Assassin's Creed III*, someone asked a higher-up at Ubisoft if there'd ever be a woman playable character and he said no, it would be too difficult. Within a few hours, one of the *AC3* designers had called bullshit on him, saying all he'd have to do was take the PC wireframe, modify it to fit a female body type, and tweak some of the movement physics, with a total worktime of maybe a couple days.


NC Soft had *City of Heroes*, and a passionate dev team working on it. The game was consistently in the black, making a profit every month. Then they took big losses from some bad investments, and their solution to this? Decide to shutter *CoH* so they could give those servers to *Blade & Soul* and *Guild Wars 2*. Kill a steady cashflow to try and save money? That's the kind of logic which would make a Vulcan cry. On top of that, when the people at Paragon Studios (the American team who were actually running the game) managed to get enough collateral to buy the IP, they were stopped by literally *one executive* refusing to sign, because he considered them wanting to go out on their own a sign of disloyalty. Ignoring, of course, that because of his company's decisions they were all about to be unemployed anyway.


Rockstar went overboard with anti-piracy for Manhunt and GTA IV after Vice City leaked. They used SecuROM, but pirates still cracked the games, making their efforts pointless.


That guy who said to make people pay for individual bullets in a fps game. Also when the Starfield devs tried to compare playing the game to actually being an actual astronaut and actually going to space.


Infinity Ward (IW) saying they put in “safe spaces” in the maps for MW2019 to help bad players. Its cod. There shouldn’t be “safe spaces”. Also IW said something after the beta for MWII (2022) like “We’ve seen a lot of feed back about not having dead silence or red dots on the minimap, but we’re not going to change it cause we don’t want players to get hunted” They basically said we hear your feedback but won’t listen because we want to help bad players. What’s the point of a beta if you won’t listen to feedback? TLDR: IW sucks


About those “safe spaces”, do they mean something like spawn rooms? That doesn’t sound like a bad idea.


What they mean is that there are WAY too many spots that could be used to skulk and camp in to ambush other people Doesn't help that the time to kill in IW games are total bs and you can get snuffed out before you could properly react


No, they meant random places in the map with 1 entrance/exit where you can camp. Just about every change in MW19 promotes camping


I worked at a store called Lechmere in 1987 when the NES game out,. We got calls all day long (it was Christmas time) from people seeing if there in, always no. A Nintendo rep came out, a kind lady in my mid 30's and told me they just got killed with supply and demand and she had people following her home at times.


*We stand up for the cause, because I think those people who don’t understand it, well, you have two choices: either accept it or don’t buy the game.* - Battlefield 5 developers on adding female soldiers.