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Yanosz flew, had stretchy arms, and flashlight eyes. A pyrokenetic is one of the less strange elements in the franchise


Oh my gosh, the movie series with summoned gods, possession, firing lightning from hands, summons giant marshmallow man, magic possessing painting, a corpse coming back to life has a dude who can move fire around with his mind! Not create fire, just move existing fire.


Don't forget the mod slime that can summon the dead if you're pissed off around it or animate objects if you play it happy music.


Telekinesis is established in the Ghostbusters universe, is it not? Why not pyrokinesis then?


What next? Kaiju??? ...Oh wait.




If we're going to complain about "superhero movies" show me one way the Ghostbusters are different than Batman. No powers, just brains and gear.


I did not particularly like this one either. This is one of the few complaints I had with it. That being said, the overall film was enjoyable


GB 2 has a dude with eyes that lit up like flashlights and could fly through the air and extend his arm to grab a baby off a ledge, which he had summoned there telepathically.


Everyone shitting on OP but refusing to admit the movie has a goddamned Avatar Fire Bender in it. “But ghosts and possessions!” Yeah not even the same and you know it’s a bad faith argument.


Yes man. Avatar did invent pyrokinesis and Nickelodeon is suing Ghost Corps because of that.


It's almost as if they can't admit to themselves that it was a bad idea in a bad movie.


Sometimes I wonder if the real complaint people like OP have but are too cowardly to say is that an important character is (gasp!) not white!!!!


There's always that one guy here that thinks that, what a terrible thought you have. It has nothing to do with his skin color, I love the actor, I just think having The Fire Nation from Avatar in a Ghostbusters Movie was a bit weird, The Ghostbusters are the main heroes with their proton packs, why do we need superheros to stop ghosts now?


Well, like a lot of other folks have been pointing.out, it's far from the weirdest thing in this franchise, and barely anything new.


I don't mind all sorts of supernatural stuff in a Ghostbusters movie. Where they lost me though it's having a superhero on the side of the "good guys". To me, Ghostbusters should be about weird technology vs. supernatural forces. Even in GB2 the slime has to be modified and experimented with before they could harness it into their tech. I dunno, it just doesn't feel the same.


It felt like Casper. I couldn’t get through it.


Yea this was one of my biggest qualms with the movie. Superpowers were never part of the mythos. Spells, rituals, and sorcery? Sure - magical access to humans is learned or brought to them through a magic item, but never innate Edit: it would have been much cooler for the busters to figure out the bronze weakness sooner and make more special packs that shot the green stream. Great to nullify Garraka but weak to actually tether. Would allow one team to weaken and the other (new and old) to actually trap


You're telling me this isn't sorcery?


I suppose it is, but my issue stems from it being innate as opposed to being a learned ability


I guess I could see that, I never liked frozen empire on first viewing but the second time it grew on me a little. I just focus on the parts I like like the suits the action ect. Just a shame the story is forgetable or unfavourable but I've got 3 other films to enjoy


Pyrokinesis is a real life theory in parapsychology. Headlight eyes and becoming a nanny ghost while still being alive are not. You should have more qualms with GB2 than FE.


Believe me I have my issues with 2. And pyrokinesis itself is not the issue. It’s the fact that a human in the GB universe has superpowers. Headlight eyes and ghost nanny-ing were powers bestowed upon a human by dark magic - magic whose user is never explicitly stated to be innate and from my understanding of the film heavily implied to have been earned. The GB universe is full of supernatural things, yes, but that doesn’t mean that anything goes. The supernatural is unnatural to humans and only accessible through outside means. To combat it, they use science and magic (again through outside means). I would be fine if the Firemasters’ powers come through an enchanted object, ritual, etc


At least one person will admit it