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I've always wondered what if Bill Murray wanted to do another movie and him and Harold Ramis never fought. How many movies would we have with the guys? What villains would we see? Would it become more and more like RGB as time went? As for stories, what if they brought The Real Ghostbusters to the big screen? It would be interesting to see the Boogeyman as well with all the inter-dimentional closet gateways and portals. Sam Hain would be another amazing villain to see that truly deserves his own movie. In reality, though, I would love to see a recreation/retelling of the episode Knock Knock with the doomsday door.


Same. Give me the timeline where we got Ghostbusters II in 1986 and Ghostbusters III in 1989 and it’s remembered alongside Back to the Future as one of the greatest trilogies of the 80s.


What if John belushi lived


Heck, what if they got all their original casting choices, Eddie Murphy as Winston. John Candy as Louis.


Scooby-Doo crossover


Me personally my biggest what ifs are: What if peck never shut off the containment unit? What if Winston applied at another job? What if the ghostbusters were still big in business at the start of ghostbusters 2? What if Dana and Louis saved Oscar from the ledge of the building before the ghost with the carriage snatched him? What if Vigo succeeded in possessing Oscar? What if Louis Tully stayed as a ghostbuster and joined Peter,Ray,Egon, and Winston during the events of the 2009 game? What if Phoebe never found the ghost trap? What if Ray and/or Peter and Winston believed in egon’s end of the world beliefs? What if Ray hanged up after Phoebe asked if was the ghostbuster/What if Phoebe called a lawyer instead of Ray? What if Answer the call was a good movie?


Yeah the GB2 continuity is a big what if for me. No one really knew how to write good sequels then. And I think that’s why it sort of tracks the same beats as GB1 including the double montage. But really, I would have been thrilled with Dan’s original idea: international ghosting thing just assume the boys are the international leaders in ghost hunting.


RGB tackled that with Scotland and Paris


We share the same ideas for what ifs!


Honestly, I want to see more of their average workdays during the time period between when they catch their first ghost and when they become famous.


This is it


What if Ray died instead of Egon?


Oh man...I love Ray's occult shop so that would be hard. But to have Egon back!!


What if the bond of the transformers and ghostbusters crossover is stronger and there being a movie or animated show instead of just a comic book and a toy.


What if Egon was alive during Ghostbusters afterlife?


What if gozer got the carnage symbiote


What if venkman got his franchise rights and you could see ghostbuster groups around the world. What if zeddmore got his doctorate like in the video game and uncovered some sort of conspiracy about ghostbusters through history. What if Egon stayed with his family and the kids grew up around the ghostbuster life.


Ooh I could see those 3 working well together. The franchise goes global! You could include all the different irl Ghostbusters teams:) And while they go global some of the old team focuses on family like Egon imagine phoebe mom working on a ghost trap. And during all these Johnny quest like tag alongs we get the reveal about how there's a Ghostbusters conspiracy now that they've gone global.


I dunno for you guys and gals, but reading the IDW comics and thinking afterwards about them, I can just picture those stories live, somehow. I let those stories live rent free in my mind as one long ongoing universe...


They were something special, that's for sure. I'd love to see Erik Burnham get a shot at writing either a new movie or series.


that long rumored animated film, perhaps?


What if it were possible to actually cover yourself in enough slime to walk through walls? (an old RGB reference) What if we found out that ghosts could either remain the same after death or transform grotesquely into forms of what hang ups they had in life? What if we actually got to see franchises in other places finally? There’s more that plague my head lol


What if the formula to follow also included focusing in a particular ghostbuster per movie? I think that if GBII protagonist was another of the OGs instead of rethreading Peter's arc it would have been better received.


Oooh yes! I thought that was gonna be the point of sequels when I was little. Each one had a different hero.


If garraka used fire instead of ice I could see him being orange and red specifically orange upper body and red lower body with glowing yellow eyes


Instead of light the candle, freeze the water.


What if Slimer possessed Peter by flying through him? What if the destructor took the form of a person? Bloodbath What if Dana walked in on Jenean riding the fuck ouf of Louis’ dick? What if Peter banged possessed Dana? What if they never made that pos woman’s movie? What if Samuel L Jackson played Winston? Who you gonna call mother fucker?!


What ifthey gave venkman some character growth in part two and start passing the torch then. What if janine garaffello played kylie. What if john Leguizamo was Edwardo. What if will smith was roland and chris farley as garret. What if shandor wasnt a through away joke and added lore To the main movie series like the game. What if they had cool ghost toys from the movie other than the one time neca held the license but not the likeness to the guys.


What if we got to see Extreme Ghostbusters live action?


What if they kept to the original vision and not make it a kid/family themed movie. There’s so many cool things they can do with the concept of ghostbusters but instead we get kids complaining about not being treated like adults and a lame girl main character that says some of the worst dialogue ever. “ I’m a ghostbuster, I saved the world” lmao


Ooh what was the original version about? I love the movie as is so you mean it gets better?


What if every sequel post 1989 didn’t suck.


What if someone else's theme song had been picked.


what if ghostbusters frozen empire was a good successful movie


What if frozen empire actually lived up to the hype and didn’t crap the bed on so many ideas


Is it really bad? Even though it’s been like 3 months since release I haven’t gotten the chance to see it yet


It’s fine. You can tell that the writers’ strike affected it because there is some dodgy dialogue here and there, but it’s mostly fine.


It's up to yours to decide, so watch the movie as soon as you can.


It just has so much potential that it didn’t live up to. Is it terrible ? No, but very frustrating to know what could have been


Sooo bad. It’s reminded me of Casper. They have fucking ghost friends. Lmao. Couldn’t get through it. It’s been dumbed down for 12 year olds.


Congrats on being this subreddit’s villain lmao


People are coping. It wasn’t a great movie. I wish it was! It had some great ideas but didn’t deliver


Frozen Empire getting cancelled