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Yes, and it makes me talk in my sleep as well


Yes! I forgot about talking in my sleep and being half awake sitting up in bed then like…what the hell am I doing?


I talked in my sleep for my entire life. It was a common topic of conversation at family get togethers. I went gluten-free in late 2016, and stopped dreaming and stopped talking in my sleep. I was accidentally glutened once in this past February and my husband said that I talked all night long. Weird.


I also have stopped dreaming since gluten free. But I am not sure about the correlation.


Its apparently a thing


Omg!! I was just thinking about posting something about this. I feel like I've started noticing that for a couple nights after I've been glutened I have STRESS dreams. Like those dreams where you're constantly running away from something. I used to think it was just stress from daily life manifesting into my dreams, but recently I'm not so sure.


Yes! I think for me the feeling weird and being in pain makes me anxious, and being anxious causes me to have bad dreams and restless, surface-level sleep (which results in more talking in my sleep).


Yes, even the liver pain! And then bilirubin shows up in my urine lol. I also get bad flushing and itching. The mood changes and brain fog are very evident. When I stopped eating gluten my anxiety and mood swings went away mostly. I have MCAS so it’s basically an allergic reaction for me plus other weird symptoms