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So I just fall asleep or could I straight up just drop dead?


Depending on what you make you could just drop dead


Huh, I see. Not a problem.


Do I have to know how it's made or can I just imagine what it would do and the ability does the rest?


just imagine the object






What is the energy detriment based on? Like size?


Probably the amount of matter created. So, like, if you made a hollow purple glass ball, that would be less energy used than a large, unhollow purple glass ball.


A.. what glass ball?




🫸🔴🔵🫷 🫴🟣


That deserved an award lol


I love how instead of providing clarity you just yelled the description. 🤣🤣


I'd like to make a omnipotence button that fits in one hand


What if you had the parts, would it put them together for you?


You can construct the object but you will have to put it together yourself


Herrscher of Reason?


Well, provide examples. Would building a 3-bedroom house kill you? What about a nuclear bomb? Is the limitation size or mass? Can you build something where something already is, like a rod of tungsten into somebody’s spinal column? Saying you can build anything is too vague.


I’m gonna say building something bigger than the burj khalifa kills you


Now things get interesting.


The nerfing makes the ability too unreliable, specially as it can kill you if overused. It isn't construction if you can only manifest whole objects, but creation.


It only kills you if you create something bigger than the burj khalifa, so you’ll mostly just fall asleep


So I can make a TARDIS?




should be in r/shittysuperpowers , in this sub every power should be god tier


Read the info on the sub mate, no.


alright my bad


Well no, as I understand it it should be mundane powers that are accidentally OP


“Better than originally supposed” is the name of the game. By limiting it so harshly, OP is making the power *seemingly* much less useful, but in reality it’s usefulness isn’t diminished at all really.


This isn’t god tier.


Can I create food




I construct an infinite energy button that when you hold it you have infinite energy


Easy way to make this op in modern society. Use the power to construct solid gold furniture. Then you would be set for life.


Can I construct a bear?




Build-a-bear :)


first construction, more energy pill. repeat until profits


I’ll create a small drink that will grant me omnipotence when I drink it


So given the context of other comments, you could give someone a blood clot and kill them with next to no energy


yes basically


What decides how much power creating it uses? How complex it is, how powerful it is, how large it is, or something else?


Build something bigger than the burj khalifa, for example an imperial star destroyer you, will die


So size is the only deciding factor?


How much would my chronic fatigue/autoimmune issues nerf this further for me? Considering how easily I get sick doing basic simple tasks I'm a bit worried I'd go to make a Switch game and die LMAO


First I make something that improves how I use my energy and recovery time by a little bit 2nd through 10th creation is a more improved version of that. Until I can safely make my immortality device and superpower giving device.


Can I construct it in pieces so I don’t just drop dead? Do I get a warning if what I want to construct will kill me or am I risking death every time I use this?


Does “anything” mean that it doesn’t have to obey the laws of physics? In that case, a generator with greater than 100% energy efficiency. Outside of that, a miracle drug that can cure any disease with a single dose (including “constructing” a detailed blueprint for how to make that completely fictional drug).


When you say 'takes away your energy' what exactly does this mean? If you mean calories, this is useless and belongs in r/shittysuperpowers because even just a 1in by 1in by 1in block of wood is going to drain most of your calories.


If you use construct something big you can just fall asleep or die if you build something bigger than the burj khalifa


Please use a reference that the majority of your readers can understand. When I see the word Khalifa, the first thing that comes to mind is a Lebanese-American porn star.


Something like an imperial star destroyer


Which class?


Imperial I-class star destroyer


In That case, an imperial I-Class star destroyer Von Neumann probe. I'll name it Bob.


First make a band that shows my energy. Then make a device that tells me how much energy something would cost to make.


First things first, construct an artifact that will revive \*Me\* any time I die, completely healed and full of energy, and completely fine (So even if I die by making some huge artifact, I'll just come back anyway). Then I'm constructing a book with every truthful answer to any and all question asked to it. And I'm getting the answer to MANY of humanities questions, along with many other things. Then I'm constructing a ring that makes the wearer both Invulnerable and REALLY strong, that way, when I go to some special scientific place, I'll be able to negotiate the asnwers that I got, without fearing for them to try and kidnap me. But just to be safe, I'm also making a marker that when passed over someone's name, will bend the laws of causality to make sure that no bad things will befall over then, so that my family and friends wouldn't be targets of the government. Along with also making a Bag that, when bound to someone (Me), it's impossible to get it off, along with having access to a pocket dimension of which time doesn't pass and have the size of a hundred warehouses, and that only the owner can get access to. That way I can store my things without having to worry about someone trying to steal them from me. But oh boy, after everything is done and ready, I'm making sure that humanity is speedrunning the Kardashev Scale, in one year we're getting to Type 1(Harnessing the entirety of the energy of the planet), in four more years we're getting to Type 2(Harnessing the entirety of the energy of our Star), and five more we're getting to Type 3(Harnessing the entirety of the energy of our Galaxy), and yes, all of those in one decade, because Im aiming HIGH. I'm also cleaning the planet, taking care of poverty, starvation, homelessness, global warming, pollution, making health care better, technologies better, making sure we can live longer, making cat girls real, and many more important things. But above all else, I'm making sure to keep myself at the top of the power hierarchy, so that no one tries to be funny and screw up the others while we are working for actual PEACE. Then when I feel we're ready, we will start interacting with other species outside of our planet (Yes, I'm making sure that we become a Type 3 civilization without interacting with anyone, because I don't think we deserve it yet). And when we can get into good terms with, AT LEAST, one hundred of them, JUST THEN, we will aim to go higher and try to become a Type 4 civilization (AKA. Harnessing the entirety of the energy of a galactic supercluster), so depending of how I'm feeling by then, it'll either take one decade or one and a half more, so oh well. Then we're going for Type 5 (AKA. Harnessing all of the energy of its universe), and since I don't like to wait too much, I'm probably make it happen in about twenty five years (Which means, all of those advancements in fifty years at most). And just then, that I'll start making sure that we're above and ahead of any other species when talking about technology, just so we're safe in case of any hostile advance against us. I'll be constructing and teaching stuff like full on spacial manipulation through which types of equipment, making weapons that would make an Ork blush, make transport that moves at zero time, and many more. After that, I'm taking us higher, by using two decades to take us to Type 6 (AKA. Generating more energy than the universe every second). But after all that work, I'll that a break, maybe a decade long vacation. Then when I'm back, I'm taking us to Type 7 (AKA. Generates more energy beyond any known quantification of joules), and from here, when we have the entire universe united, we're going from a "Universal Civilization", to a "Multiversal Civilization", then to a "Higher-Dimensional Civilization", then we just keep transcending until the top (Knowing how powerful Construction is, most likely two decades at most). And ONLY THEN, when I get humanity to the peak of it's potential, is when I'm retiring, known throughout all of Humanities Empire as the most important being in human history, the one and only that got humanity into it's "Golden Century". I'll spending my free time most likely messing around with a harem and what not, maybe go to some starting Civilization in some backwater planet and just be drawing circles in their wheat or somethiing. Who knows?