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Wait until you discover the 7 and 9 wood. My mind was blown.


What distances do people use for a 9 wood. Like a 4i alternative?


9 wood for me is my 200yd club. Launches like a rocket and lands with a thud.


I replaced my 4i with a heaven (7 wood, 3 wood shaft) wood. Nice and easy swing gets me 215 80% of the time as opposed to crushing a 4i 205 and rolling out to 215 60% of the time.


I like that people develop confidence with woods off a 7/9. However I did the same by hitting and learning off my 5w and getting gud with the 3.


I envy those of y’all that can game them. After a 5W, I end up losing too much yardage on woods as they get too spinny. So have to rock a hybrid inbetween the 5W & 5i. Even though I much prefer hitting a wood over a hybrid or iron.


I have been rocking a 7 wood for a few years and really want to get a 9 wood because I want something that carries 200, like my 5 iron, but also goes high and lands softly, unlike my 5 iron.


7w for you


Tiger looking like an absolute unit next to two children.


"I don't take divots" Woods. Scottie looking utterly baffled


I mean… you do see Scottie, right?


I've had a 5w in my bag for years and I won't ditch it. Didn't need a video, carried one in the bag when I started playign as a child, and put it back in 3 years ago when I started playing after 20 years.


I carried one as a child as well and when I picked up golf again 2 years ago I bought a five wood. My dad called me and asked what my current club gapping was,at the time 4/pw 5 wood driver. My dad asked why I wasn’t carrying a 3 wood ? I told him I had been playing with different options and hadn’t settled on that spot. My dad gets kinda worked up and says son how do you expect to reach a par 5 green in two without a 3 wood ? So I now go driver 3/5 wood then 4/pw and 3 wedges.


I got driver 10.5 and a 4w at 17.5 degrees. My longest iron is my 5 at 23 degrees. I like the gap and honestly I'm more comfortable with the 4w than the 3w.


My driver is 9,3wood 15,5 wood 18,4 iron 22 degrees. For my home course playing the whites off the tee my most used club is 4 iron.If I moved too the tips it would be 5 wood.Im not sure I would go 3 wood again maybe mini driver.


How long is the shaft? And what’s the total length?


It's a standard length 42.25".


Maple Hill Golf has the Wilson Staff D9 fairways woods for $79.99 each. Picked up the 3/5/7 woods and they are excellent. Far exceeded my expectations on feel and performance.


Yo I legitimately thought the post was how many times "wood" was used in the title and I was trying to find those missing two like a ball loss in the woods


Sim 2 Ti model was a revelation for me have the 3w lofted up to 4w and the 5w lofted up to 6-7w territory. Hot and easy to launch


I have a similar set up. 16.5 and 21 degree woods


Funny thing about this video is the only TaylorMade club I have is the m4 5w. It's got a steep face like Tiger was saying he likes too. Its a toss up between that and my 52⁰ Mack Daddy for my favorite club.


I’ve always played a 5w as my only fairway, seems silly to have two fairway woods IMO.


There are a lot of "silly" people out there who enjoy having two ;-)


7w! Completely replaces my 4i yardage and can’t hit a 4i for shit anyway. I don’t have a meaningful gap between my 7w and 3w (225 -> 250) so no 5w needed. YMMV.


Taylor made Marcomm working OT I see


G430 SFT ftw. I don't carry any hybrids or 3W but nothing like a 5W off the deck going for a par 5. I'm aware this isn't in my best scoring interest, but I most often don't even keep score and prefer playing for memories and in scrambles.


I have a 5 wood… and I’m in the market for a 7 wood


Been wanting to replace my 3H as the club in between 3 wood and 4 Iron. 3 wood goes about 240 and 4 iron about 205, can’t decide if I should go 5 or 7 wood.


When I was struggling with my irons I used to be able to hit my 5W on a dot from anywhere in between 150-220. I would play rounds that were driver, 5W, 9i, wedges, and putter. I would shoot in the 80s.


Totally natural physique for a 48 year old man