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Feeling like the 3 “Top 100 public courses” in Bend are looking mighty attractive…. based on direct flights and better weather alone. Has anyone done both and can opine? I know Bandon is special and a bucket list trip, but there’s diminishing returns after trip #3.


Bend is one of my favorite places on earth, but Tetherow can eat shit. It’s a ridiculous course for no reason.


Can you explain the Tetherow comment?


It’s a hard fucking course. Kidd made it when he was going through a divorce. It’s just hard for no fucking reason, gimmicky in some spots. Beautiful views though, probably the best of all Bend courses outside of Broken Top which is down the road a ways


I think both Pronghorn courses are better.


Fair enough, I only say that because I haven’t been lucky enough to give broken top a try but both Fazio and Nicklaus are just so good. I think Nicklaus might be my favorite course all time.


The conditioning is also as good as any course I have ever played. Tee boxes as tight as greens at my normal haunts.


Broken top is good, but I think Awbry Glen is more interesting also. Edit: Crosswater is also ![gif](giphy|2WH9DiLg2o1MYuKlEB)


Half the course has thick manzanita immediately off the fairways that is an automatic lost ball. 1/3rd of the green complexes have insane manufactured mounds and tiers that make portions of the green entirely unplayable. It’s already a difficult track and layout, no need to trick it up for no reason. It is beautiful though. Pronghorn, Crosswater (if you’re staying at Sunriver), Juniper, Aspen Lakes, and Quail Run are all good courses and much more enjoyable IMO.


It’s masochism.


I’ve never identified with a comment on Reddit more than


I’ve done both as I’m local, we’d always rather play Bandon but with the conditions I’m seeing here, Pronghorn clears this easily. Pronghorn has EASILY the best conditions I’ve ever seen in my life


Greens in bad condition are unacceptable for even a muni, and the fact the the supposed best golf resort in the country has had that problem for months now is unacceptable 


Oh I think the most recent problems are going to take a LONG time to heal. But I didn’t realize this issue started years ago. That’s messed up.


I was there in November, place was mint


I was there in March. Bandon had like 2 greens that looked bad but still rolled just fine. Didn’t play trails though.




Best in country ?? I don’t know about that - maybe top 10, and that’s mostly from name recognition


Bandon is absolutely considered one of the best, if not the best golf resort in the US lmao what


Please go ahead and name the better ones in the US. I'm genuinely curious your opinion on which are better.


Streamsong, Pinehurst,


Well that's 2 and the person I asked said "maybe top 10". I personally found Bandon far superior to Streamsong even though Streamsong is pretty great too. We had no issues on our trip in '21 to Bandon but I'm going back this July so definitely a little nervous about these conditions.




What do you suggest? Stopping the Oregon winter rain at the coast?


Stop overselling the course to death 


Sell fewer tee times


How about limit or eliminate play when the conditions will cause damage if play continues? Crazy concept I know…


Even my muni wont open on rainy days…I think it’s cause they don’t have walk ons but still…


You try telling groups of people who booked two years ago they can’t play their round because it’s raining


Pebble has done that for years.


No, the likely answer is that play should be stopped for a few months to let the course heal.


When there is multiple different 18s, this should always be in rotation. Can't believe Bandon has not implemented this despite the struggles on the green


Because they would make less money is unfortunately the answer.


Man. I've been to Bandon 3 times and the last time a month ago, they royally f-ed up my bill and the bills of the 7 other guys I was with. They said they fixed it and I think they tried to but I'm positive they didn't. I had to leave and get home so I didn't really have time to stand there and argue my bill with the people there who were just clueless about what to do about the discrepancies. It was an extremely frustrating end to my 40th bday trip. And although Ghost Tree was pretty good, it took more than an hour before a single dish came out to our table. I don't think that's a meal I'll be seeking out again on property vs going to the other establishments.


I just got back from the Bandon cup. Played 10 rounds in 5 days. Your assessment is spot on. Bandon and trails greens were pretty awful still. Pac slightly better but then some terrible green like 11. Sheep has always kinda been shaggy and bumpy. Overall the worst I’ve seen the property in my 15+ trips. Old Mac was running the most pure I’ve seen them in 10 years, which to your point, hints that it’s not just a weather/rain issue. All the caddies and staff I spoke to about it were sugar coating the issue a bit too. Also thought the food at ghost tree was meh. The actual building is amazing, but my steak was poorly cooked and took forever to come out. The oysters and sides were tasty. It’s still Bandon though. And I love it. Here’s Bandon 16 from yesterday (which was a freaking beautiful day) https://preview.redd.it/0zwxm6b5d4yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=220cb16a408571c2e42697329531a062e823d472


…and Bandon 2 green 🫠 https://preview.redd.it/b5rcydn4e4yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da8c27e5be403f01fe58dbcd6a3b307839625d54


greens worse than the cheapest muni in my LCOL midwestern city


Holy. That is beyond bad.


Worst green I’ve ever seen and I can only afford to play munis


That’s pathetic. I’m not gonna bag on people who spend the money and enjoy the scenery and all that but I have played some pretty low end courses whose greens didn’t look remotely that bad.


I can’t believe that’s a green. That’s awful


Better greens at the muni I play for $13.50


Holy cow, for the green fees this is terrible


Brown Fees


Holy shit that is absolutely egregious for what they’re charging


That’s crazy bad, they should close the course for a few weeks until they can get it into playable condition.




That looks worse than the $12 twilight tee time muni I play in Buffalo NY wtf


There’s a course near me my home that charges £4 with great greens, can’t believe that for what Bandon costs.


Where is this £4 round? Need to give that a go!


I played a muni last weekend for $50.25--a courses that receives way too much play. The greens were 100x better. You would think with all the money they print at Bandon they would have nurseries all over to replace damaged patches.


That’s Links at Victoria music


Thought that was the tee box, damn


Jesus. They’re really leaning into 19th century links golf aesthetic.










I’m an assistant super in Washington state and we truly had a historically bad winter up here. A few courses around us completely lost most of their greens. We are fortunate enough to be a private club and had half our greens on temps. Some of our members would come hang out at the club house and shame people that played the course in its weakened condition. We’ve still got one green mostly roped off, one green on a temp half the days, and lots of GUR spots on greens but they are coming back quickly now that temps are rising. I agree that the only way bandon will heal is to keep people off, but they just don’t want to leave the money on the table. It is sad.


How long do you estimate it would take if they kept golfers off?


Hard for me to say without any experience down there. Some of the pictures posted do not look good. Could take a full growing season at this point. They’ll need to head into next winter is good health so they can come out strong next spring.


Can't they transplant over the bad spots?


If you see pictures, no. The greens are completely done.


In theory yes. This is why most golf courses have nursery greens that sometimes double as practice areas so that small repairs due to things like hydraulic leaks can be quickly patched. 1) would still require the greens to be shut down while the fresh sod heals in, weeks to months potentially. 2) sod farms were equally decimated this year so finding the amount required in good quality will be very expensive. The competition for this sod is driving the prices up even higher.


That week stretch were it was in the teens was brutal.


I think this is a fair assessment, time will heal but not when you’re trampling all year long. No ones really also commented on my divot comment either. Bandon dunes, like the old course has a lot of collection areas where balls hit similarly collect. I can never remember there being this many divots either. Why the old course has 4 months a year with a mat you bring with to let fairways heal. 1 had bandon had I’d guess over a 1000 unhealed divots in the landing area short of the hill at about 100 out. Caddie said pull that one out of the moon and find some grass as I was in a divot. There’s a few spots like that at bandon, old Mac and pacific. Was fortunate to play the old course about a month before the open and they’d roped off the areas they knew balls funneled, I think they also need to something similar here. The 12 months of play, especially how wet it sounds like it was left some fairway craters too.


Mike Keiser should be embarrassed that we’re ripping his place but it’s earned. BD’s slogan says “golf as it was meant to be”. That’s not how spending our hard earned money is meant to be spent. That’s unexpectable, make you wait two years plus and you show up for that shit. You mean to tell me they can shuttle me around Willy-nilly. They can make a new restaurant and source fucking oysters from every bay of water on this green earth but they cant get the greens to roll properly. Save a dollar, play Florence links.


It’s not that simple. Bandon is booked out for almost 2 years in advance. To close the courses, they’d need to tell a few thousand golfers that they are shit out of luck for their once in a lifetime trip. Not to mention, we are still fresh out of covid closures where a lot of resorts had to eat costs for nearly a year as they waited out lockdowns. There isn’t an easy solution here. Doing the “right thing” and closing the courses for a season would disrupt reservations for likely 4-5 years and force the resort to endure a second “shutdown” in 4 years.


Then they need to build in rest periods for the course. If you waited 2 years to eat at a restaurant, and the restaurant was having issues that affected quality and service, would you rather they told you 3 months prior that they cannot honor your reservation due to supply issues, or chuff you up into thinking you were going to have a great time, lie about why the experience is bad, and take your money? sorry, but for the Bandon prices, I'd be furious if that was the conditions I played in. I'd much rather them pick a couple of weeks (at the direction of their superintendent, and with enough time for people to reschedule), and close the course to let it heal, give me a priority time when I'm ready to come back, versus come out, pay thousands of dollars and get those conditions.


Yeah, I get that, but it looks like they are at least discounting the already very reasonable prices based on a post I saw a few weeks back. Not to be a big Bandon D rider, but in the world of high end travel golf, it really doesn’t get cheaper than Bandon or SV. That’s not an excuse for the current condition of some of these greens, but we’ll need to see how long this problem persists. I was there last September, and the greens were in awesome shape. I agree that they need to start slowing down play across the board, but compared to other major resorts, they are actually on the low to average side of play.


>I agree that they need to start slowing down play across the board, but compared to other major resorts, they are actually on the low to average side of play. I actually wonder if they are already doing that. I was watching the Pac Dunes webcam yesterday and it looked like nobody was starting after lunch so I wonder if they are implementing some half-day closures in addition to the usual one day per week closure for each course.


Caddies said the courses have been doing close to 1000 rounds a day across the complex this winter.


Build in rotations for the courses. Give a course a break for a week, Not hard.


Would that have a meaningful impact thought? Lots of “greenskeepers” in this thread talking about closing the courses for a season and such…


I have a trip coming up in September. Hopefully the greens can heal up by then. It sounds like they really did get historically high rain falls late this winter but to your point they should have shut down for a few weeks for drainage and repair.


I went about a month ago and honestly didn’t think it was that bad. I could’ve had sugar coated eyes since I’d been dreaming about that trip for years, but overall I thought conditions were good to great. Not every green had issues, #2 on bandon, I believe was the worst of the lot.


Same, went last month as part of the SCGA member outing and i thought they were mostly fine/ok. I might have just been happy to have just missed horrible weather by one day though.


I went with the SCGA group as well the first weekend. That weather was seriously so unreal. I bought like 600 bucks worth of rain gear and used none of it, not complaining.


I bought some cheesy rain gear for $60 on Amazon and that seemed to keep the rain away. Ironically, I thought I left it at the resort and found it in my bag a couple weeks later, just outside the return window🤦‍♂️


Making my first trip at the beginning of August. Hoping for the same.


Was there last week, played all the courses. Largely agreed with OP on everything. Trails was terrible, Pacific so so, OG was mostly good but some terrible. Preserve was fine, Sheep was pretty much ok and Old Mac were pure. All in all it's still the best collection of golf in the world but definitely the worst I've ever seen it (been there pretty regularly since being an assistant pro out there in '00 and '01) and they can't be happy with where it's at for the 25th celebration. You still get moments like this, no matter how bad the greens are though. https://preview.redd.it/w2dryd0h84yc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0e3593bdbf318aa1ab88f6a220ab4097b756e1b


Agree 100%. I’ll be there next year and old Mac did play great. Also the course that gets the least amount of play :)


Ping me if you need a fill in!


I've never been, but have a friend group that makes a yearly trip. Do you go the same time every year?


The last three trips have been at the same time, yes. Up until the last couple years, winter play had been much less. Basically people who drove down from Portland or Seattle if it looked nice. Now it’s essentially open all year.


Interesting. The mid valley courses (Eugene CC, shadow hills, emerald valley) greens are awesome currently.


I played at pumpkin ridge late last summer and it was in incredible shape


Are you a member at either of the clubs?


Nope, just have a lot of friends at both.


That’s super disheartening to hear regarding the greens. If that is still the case in May, they neeeeeed to send out emails to everyone who has a reservation within the next six months offering a full refund of the deposit, priority rescheduling, or a deep discount if the party wants to keep their reservation as is. They should be able to handle a bad winter or two. If they can’t, they are not doing their job, and you aren’t getting what you are paying for.


If you are staying there you can get 100% refunds at any time more than 30 days out. This wasn't a "bad winter," it was a historically unprecedented winter but tHey aRenT doInG der jERb. OK, sure thing, bucko. "Priority rescheduling" wouldn't be available until winter of 2025, because they already opened booking through next fall.


I'm going there next month and I don't care what any of you say, it's going to be amazing and nothing can bring me down.  I doubt the greens and courses are worse than my local courses.


Enjoy it man


I'm going next month as well, about 6 weeks from now. I'm expecting some bad, but warmer weather improving the conditions. I've never been though so either way it's going to be great.


I got back from Bandon two weeks ago and thought all the concerns about the conditions were wildly overblown. We got a discount to play Bandon dunes and standing on the 2nd green I was like “wait this is the shitty green…?”


Yup, completely agree. Anyone who doesn’t cancel their reservation in the next 12 months is stupid. Go to Pinehurst. I totally wouldn’t be interested in going to Bandon in your spot.


I played it last December and the greens were perfectly fine. And I’ve been playing every year for about ten years. The greens have always been fine. The weather was a hot mess this year, which led to the current conditions. I know it sucks going there and having that experience, but mine has been different.


I think it’s funny people on here downvote you for simply explaining your experience and your opinion from the last time you was there, some people on this sub just amaze me literally everyday…


Like my sarcastic comment that got shit on. I’ve been playing Bandon for 20 years and this has been the worst winter the course has seen. I’m sure the play picked up but it’s what it is.


Yeah, I don’t get it either…water off my back. I’ve seen a lot of people complaining about greens conditions when the Spring has been historically awful for many golf courses. The weather is changing, so will the greens. I also understand how shitty it would be going all the way to Bandon to deal with shit greens.


I was there in December as well (first time) and I thought the greens were in good condition too. I played all 5 courses and actually thought Old Mac had some of the sandiest greens, maybe only slightly better than Sheep, but I thought they were all great. I remember thinking Bandon in particular probably had the best looking greens I had ever seen. The winter must have taken a toll, whatever the exact cause.


Do you o one of they were punched recently? I wonder if the originally posted aeration schedule has been changed due to the conditions.


I was informed on this sub like a month ago that you’re supposed to accept/expect dogshit conditions if you’re playing off-season and/or for a discounted rate 😂


Pebble only has "reasonable conditions"?! I've played pebble 8 times, and the conditions have always been superb.


That’s probably true. Bad use of reasonable. I think I have 30 rounds and the only time I can really ever remember them not being good to great was when they had to let the rough die due to the drought water restrictions. I think that was 2018 or 2019.


Was thinking of driving to sneak on as a single this Fall but I'm reconsidering, might just play another better maintained course on the coast instead.


I was there in early November and the greens were all in perfect shape so I don't know what the other commenters are saying about it being this way for "years".


So, about 7 months ago, you were there.


Yes. I was specifically replying to the poster who said that the greens have been crap for “years” which I did not experience when I was there back in November. Is that an acceptable post for you? Or is there something else you want to be a dick about.


Caddies are independent contractors. They wouldn't bullshit you to save face for the course. I'd believe their assessment of what's going on


Or they make most of their income on tips and don’t want to put their players in a bad mood by talking shit about the course


They’re independent contractors who can be bagged from the course at anytime. Given a few have now been bagged for drinking and smoking pot, you can tell they’ve made an effort to cool down on that quite a bit.


“Yearly the last three” WT actual F?! Mind-blowingly piss-poor. Not even a typo just pathetic writing. It is not cool to act stupid.


He probably meant the last three years consecutively. However, you chose to be a nit-prick. The Bandon dick riders always come out hard in these types of threads.


Thanks for proving my point. There is no way at all to know what poster meant. Last three visits within past year or what? Truly don’t care when the visits occurred but most of you do. It’s pertinent to the post. At the end of the day it’s simply despicable writing. Also it’s a horrible trend that you are more so calling me a prick than calling out sub par unintelligent behavior. Grow up.


Weird hill to die on but ok lol


Way to use a basic ass phrase you d nozzle. If asking/demanding our society to stop the trend of sub par unintelligent behavior is weird than let’s all be fuck!ng weird.


You have an inferiorty complex that you take out on strangers. Away and fuck with you.


A for effort. Good job looking up words (no sarcasm) But you’re trying too hard and you very well may hurt yourself. Be better, that is all I am simply asking.


It hit a little close to home didnt it though. It's OK. The world needs more grammar police and you are the right Alpha bro for the job. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Ok now go look up what projecting is.


It’s pretty clear he went every year, the past 3 years.


No it’s not. Could have meant three times in last year. The fact that it’s even debatable is my entire point. “Annually last three years”. “Once a year past three years”. “Once each past three years”. It’s unintelligible writing and way too common. The trend most be stopped and reversed. Idiocracy is becoming way too real.


What’s your stance on the Oxford comma?


Use. Don’t use it. Its simply preference and nothing else.


WTF I wasn’t expecting that


Not expecting facts? Now that’s weird.