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I’d think someone was joking and I’d laugh at them if they asked me to chip in on an extra cart fee so that their wife/gf could ride along. That’s wild.


Isn't the problem that the guy OP was supposed to split the fee with will now split it with his wife instead, forcing either OP to pay for a cart all by himself, or the pesky dude says "we'll split all X carts among us all" Either way, dicky move.


Where I'm from it seems like the SOP is to charge the +1 for an additional 1/2 cart which normally gets eaten by whoever invited them. Everyone else just pays standard 1/2 cart fee. Only time that hasn't been the case is when they're short on carts and then it's just a flat 'no'. I've got 1-2 buddies that do it occasionally and I love it - same price but I get a cart to myself and we play a bit faster.


I play in southeastern PA and if you get a cart the course is collecting cart fees from every player. Like if it’s $40 to ride in a cart they are charging me $40 and my riding partner $40. If I am solo it’s still $40. Is it different in other places that they are only charging half to each player if you have a full cart?


What most places do is exactly what you wrote out. But that 40 price is green fee plus half of gas cart fee. When a 3 some shows up they all get charged that fee even though 1 person rides alone. Its just normal for this to happen. However, i have been at some courses where 3 different senior players refused to share carts and the course charged them a 'full price' but i was ok with sharing with anyone and let me take a regular half price.


The only time I've gotten a cart here in Seattle it was like that. I thought it was ridiculous, why not just have two carts then if it's the same price...


Im definatley not splitting a cart fee and im definatley not inviting him back after that first round. Mighty nice of you to do this THREE TIMES.


You have defin**i**tely made your position clear.




Bro really loves his wife or she doesn’t trust him one bit. I would probably find another fourth that fits your group vibe better.


She just *knows* he’s lying about his handicap


Or she is insecure and needs to do everything with her husband.


Or he is insecure and needs to know her every move.


It’s 100% the second one.


A guy that really loves his wife would want his wife to be happy doing one of her hobbies while he’s doing his hobby. I love my fiancé which is why I want her to read or play video games or hang out with her friends while I golf. She doesn’t need to sit in a cart for 4 hours doing jack shit


Yeah I'm surprised she even wants to come along. How little must you have going on if you're choosing to take 5-6 hour out of your day just to ride around in a cart on your phone while your husband and 3 other guys golf


I have a friend who occasionally goes with her husband and birdwatches. Pretty convenient overlap of hobbies. 


My step mom will occasionally “caddie” for my dad when they go on vacation but hasn’t done that at home since they were dating decades ago.


Id understand if she was good friends with the rest of the group and just wants to hang out while drinking with them. But just sitting in your cart by yourself on your phone for 5 hours doesn’t seem that enticing


my wife likes to ride when we are on vacation somewhere with great scenery, but she could care less about riding at the home course with the guys.


Y'all are so pessimistic. Maybe she just likes hanging out with her husband and friends outside on a nice day? Chillin with drinks in the cart is fun. Weird for him to ask to split her cart fee though.


I would uninvite him in a heartbeat. Don't care what her reason is - golf is an escape and she trying to reel us back in.


Or the other way around. Bro doesn’t trust leaving her alone because he knows as soon as the pro sees him there solo he’s hoping in his car and heading to pound town


Got u down for this Saturday at 08:08


My girl has an office job and doesn't get much time in the sun. She likes to tag along just to get some sun. But she isn't on her phone. She'll help look for balls. Will just throw and extra ball on the green to putt for fun if we have time. And I'm definitely not asking anyone to help pay for her cart fees


Fuck him and his cart fees


Fuck his wife!


To establish dominance


Gotta do it on the green though


What a shot!


Wow, that really escalated quickly....


This guy fucks


And his wife coming along


Especially if she's hot!


That wouldn't fly in any group I'm in unless it's a couples round. It goes the other way too. A random husband tagging along on a girl's night doesn't go well.


My wife always thinks husbands are invited to shit. The number of times we’ve rolled up and it’s just her friends is too many to count. I’ll have one drink and bail.


Ha my wife has done this to me a few times. We're all mutual friends so it's whatever. I'm like you I'll have a drink or two and bail. I just text my buddies now before every event and ask if they're also there or if my wife just assumed it's a full, both genders friends kickback.


This is true. If another woman asks you to do something you don’t being your husband


You actually paid for half his cart fees? Also, this "co-worker buddy" actually hung up on you? Fuck that clown and remove the word "buddy" from his description.


*fuck that clown* Ya if he does that maybe the wife will leave him. Problem solved. 😂


I love golfing with my wife. I love golfing with the boys. Those two things are separate.


My thoughts exactly. I set that expectation early. Luckily the wife is hooked and now I get x2 the playing time.


I love golfing with my girlfriend riding along. She loves coming with when I go with my friends and they love her too, we still have boys trips of course. That being said, I'd never bring her without seeing if my friends are okay with it first. The cart fee is crazy and almost unbelievable, OPs coworker is loony




RIP Independent George


I love to go out on the golf course with my fiancé and not play because I don’t want to slow people down. Him and I go together and he plays with a random threesome or whatever. We really like doing that together. I also know how to act on a golf course and I’m actively engaged in the round. But, if he wanted to go with his buddies or brother or something, I would definitely stay home.


I enjoy both, if my wife wanted to join I wouldn't care, but she's much more casual and thinks my golf crew is too much. My buddy brings his wife she's fun, brings snacks and is a decent golfer. I don't care honestly as long as I'm out. They don't have to be separate and they don't need to always be mixed either.


Everybody would have definitely said something the first time. I saw that once last summer. 8 guys in front of us at 6:00 AM, and the last guy shows up last minute, with his girlfriend. Guy was taking a lot of shit. These guys were late 40's.


Splitting her cart fee? Honestly, I’d bail on this guy as a friend all together if he thinks shit like this is inbounds. They’re delusional and the asks will keep coming.


Bring a female friend who plays one week, have her make eyes at him during the round but don’t overdo it. Dude won’t be back next week.


Evil. I like it.


Here's the thing. I don't care if you bring your wife, dog, child or the fucking Dalai Lama. I care about being able to play at pace and at peace. If the guy has accoutrements that don't spark joy, you must drop him. The last thing I would want to do is play while some golf hater is shitting all over everything. Nothing personal to your colleague, but if he doesn't realize that this is fucking up the vibe, then he doesn't understand the vibe. Sayonara.


I heard the Lama was a big hitter. LONG.


Dalai Longma? Daly Lama?


Gunga Laguna. Gunga Galunga


I have never seen the word ‘accoutrements’ before. This is my new favorite word


Wait until you learn the fun way to pronounce it


F that. She shouldn’t be there to begin with nevermind splitting the cart fee. If they can’t be separated for 6 hours then there is a bigger problem.


If he ever loses a ball when playing ask him to check his wife's purse, that's where the other two are.


I wonder if the dude has to go to book club or wharever wife's girl centric events.


Wife tagging is cool but splitting her cart fee is bullshit


No. It’s not cool. And I’m a wife. It’s crazy clingy behavior by both of them. You can either complete a foursome and enjoy a round or you can’t


Wife/GF tagging along occasionally because it's awesome outside or something? Totally fine and a good time in my experience. Wife requiring herself to be there every time? Now you're (both) a pain in the ass and probably gonna drop down to the bottom of my list.


Yea I'm saying in general, I have no problem with a cool wife tagging along to shit on or root for our shots and heckle us or cheer us on. But I'd definitely have a problem with someone, guy or girl, who affects pace of play or is loud on the phone or doesn't respect the game.


Exactly. I don't care if everyone wants to pay for an extra cart for their GF/wife/boyfriend/husband/paramour whatever the fuck - the people I play golf with are cool so I assume their partners will be too. But if those extra folks act shitty or impact play then yeah, they're out.


God bless you. Way too many people are supporting this and it’s fucking weird. I love my wife and I’d play golf with her. But having her tag along while I play with my friends sounds fucking weird. And if a friend of mine did that everyone else in the group would be like WTF? Couples who can’t separate for a few hours are as bad as couples who fight nonstop. 


I love my wife. It’s still not cool.


I love your wife too and I prefer she doesn't join you on rounds


Win win win!


I’ve had my gf ride with me before but I’d never ask others to split the cart fee for her.


that's because you're not a tightwad. LOL Wth who does that?


Right, and honestly the last time I did this, I just asked the pro shop and they just let her ride for free. Prob a different story if it’s super busy


I bring my girl every now and then. She drinks and heckles and last time made hilarious signs. I would never for one second ask anyone to split her cost with me and I always call the course to see if they even allow it. It is not a regular thing but at least she fits in, for the record she cannot physically play due to a back injury and I like to get her outside when possible. This on the other hand sounds horrendous.


Sounds like you landed a good one, man.


Definitely weird, and it shouldn't be a big deal to ask them to not bring spectators every time. One of my buddies will bring his dog with us golfing. Doesn't talk on the phone, doesn't even understand the concept of salad and takes a single 10 second bathroom break the entire round. See if they have a dog they can bring instead, it would be a big upgrade and is worth the cart fee.


I love bringing my wife with me, when I'm golfing by myself. I would never in a million years ask her to come when i'm going golfing with friends


This can’t be real. They brought THEIR wife who doesn’t even play, and asked YOU to split the extra fee? I would have assumed they were joking and started laughing.


Is she playing or just riding along to be with him? Either way you should cut him loose. The older I get I see more of these couples that cannot be seperated. It's truly weird since they are either super codependent or somebody previously cheated and cannot be trusted outside of the house. Either way it sounds like she's bringing the mood of the group down and if his reaction is just to be an ass you are 100% better off just having a random single added at checkin.


Splitting the cart fee = “our wife” now


It may sound sexist, but my friends and I wouldn't want one of the wives there either. And we're not shy about saying it. There's nothing wrong spending time with the boys.


Yeah, it's just strange for him to want her there and for her to be there. If you're not playing, why on earth would you want to be there


I’m confused is she playing or no?


No. Talks down on it


Makes it even more strange that she wants to be there but hates golf. Time to find a new buddy to fill the 4th position.


“…if you know what I mean.”


Not strange at all. Sounds highly predictable to me: she demanded to tag along because she doesn’t trust him, he acquiesced hoping she’d have a different perspective after being at the course. Neither has changed their mind. Woman sounds like a battleaxe hoping for an opportunity.


Doesn’t trust him with what? He’s golfing


Thinks when he’s out golfing maybe he’s running around on her? Idk. Just saying there’s not too many reasons why a spouse would accompany their S/O to an activity they have no interest in and talk shit about. Hell, idk, maybe she thinks he has eyes for the cart girl 🤷🏻‍♂️


Haha she’d be right about the cart girl. I’m thinking she has no hobbies or activities that she likes to do by herself so she tags along because she doesn’t like being alone and needs her husbands attention.


Yea this is odd. So she just comes out to keep an eye on you all or something haha


Wtf? Drop this dude from your friend's group. Also if the wife insists on coming out and then talks bad about it just snap back with "well you don't have to be here.".


Ah hell no and I'm a wife! I would lose it on her. Shut up, shut up shut up shut up. As for splitting her cart $$ ahhhh double hell no, your monkey your circus dude!!!




The correct response/reaction


I’ll add that I feel the same way when playing partners bring their kids. You want to teach them and spend time with them? Awesome! Do it on your own time. Let the downvotes begin!


If he asks again about the extra cart fee, offer to bring a head of lettuce so she won't slow everyone down trying to buy a salad.


Need to find a new player. Inexcusable!


nah thats weird asf. even weirder he's asking you to split the extra cart fee.


Yah fuck that. I'd never pay for my friends wife to ride. Let alone some a co-worker. Guessing the poor sap can only go if she goes too


I’m lucky and have a great golf group of about 15 guys. We have played together for years. None of us would ever think about bringing our wife and we would be laughed out of the group if we did. We are in our 40’s and part of the enjoyment is simply getting out of the house and being away from our wives for a few hours each week. That’s healthy for us and the wives.


I am always jealous of the couples that golf together. They are pretty rare sight where I live. I don't even have a stable group to play with. A few guys I know but half the time I am playing by myself (which I am totally cool with).


Golfing with the wife is a lot of fun. Golfing with the wife tagging along as a 5th with the boys is stupid. My wife has the right of first refusal for any time I plan to go golf because we have a good time together but if I'm invited by a buddy she doesn't even bother asking because she figures it's as much about the golf as it is seeing my friends.


Im bring my wife and baby when appropriate (aka when in golfing alone🤣)


Salad on the turn clearly she doesn’t get it


How hot is she?


I hate when couples can't do things individually. A guy I used to hang out with is in a codependent marriage where they're basically conjoined twins at this point. They literally don't do anything without each other and as a result I basically never see him. Used to see it more in high school and college where couples were inseparable and your buddies would bring their fun vacuum bummer girlfriends to everything, but that tends to go away as you age and mature and people realize they can be with someone without always being together. I love my wife and I love golfing with my wife, but I would lose my mind if she was always around. When it's a foursome with the dudes she doesn't come because she is not a psycho. That's weird behavior.


lol how is this even real, why would he ask you to split her cart fee? fuck that


Yikes find someone else or just play as a three some


Wife riding along (mine does sometimes too) if others are cool with it is fine. Her behavior is no where near this girls though. My wife blends in and makes it about herself zero. Just happy to be there.


Only allowed if he is sharing


Absolutely not, find a new playing partner.


Def on the no-call list. It's one thing to bring a 4th PLAYER (even if they suck), it's a whole other deal to bring a fifth wheel that slows everyone down.


Why in the hell would he bring his wife??? My wife and I majority WFH, share interests in events and travel, and so a lot together. Real talk, I get tired of seeing her sometimes. I need to have time where I’m not with her and being at work doesn’t count, IMO. I play golf in part to have me time. I suggested it as a couples activity 3-4 times and she’s declined so yeah…now this is definitely the fort of “Me Time.” Sounds like either she threw a fit so he brought her to shut her up, he’s trying to convince her that golf is fun and she should also play, or he’s just codependent. See if you can get a different 4th person?


He hung up the phone? Perfect, problem solved!


this seems like a fake story for engagement. Nobody brings their wife and asks you to pay for their cart.


I would never play with a guy like this, ever


He’s no longer invited


Your coworker sounds like an absolute pussy


I can’t see why she would even want to go. Maybe he doesn’t trust her to be alone while he golfs.


That’s a weird unhealthy relationship, sounds like there is trust issues.


Better to find these things out early on, so you can find your fourth.


Tell bro I'd his wife is coming she's the reason yall need a whole extra cart, all 4 player should be paying a 1/2 cart fee and wife can pay for a whole ass cart in her own


There was a short lived adult swim cartoon called China, IL. In one episode three male characters start a band and are ask by a female character why they have no females in the band. After thinking about, they respond that it would defeat its own purpose. Bringing a wife just to tag along with a with a foursome of buddies golfing is kinda the same thing. It defeats its own purpose.


Bringing a non player is always a dick move.


My wife rides in the cart often, but only if there is an odd man out and we can share a cart do I bring her to play with others


Nah that’s not cool haha


Dude, stop inviting him


As someone whose GF rides along frequently I think if it’s a foursome is rude, solo or a threesome go for it. It’s about cart balance. Also he needs to teach her golf etiquette.


Tell him if his wife comes she has to forecaddy and rake traps.


Man I love playing with my wife...but I have also trained her to keep pace ..after 5 years she wins all the money..first year was rough but she understood and gets it


The cart fee is obviously on him to pay…if she’s screeching tik tok laughter then just ditch that 4th and you have a solid 3. That’s an easy choice.


Why is this necessary to post on social media? This is pretty self explanatory.


Find a new 4th. Nobody wants a straggler when you’re golfing


Why would you take your wife with you on a buddy golf round.


How can people be this fucked up?


This one’s easy: no ride along for the missus, and find a new fourth.


This has to be trolling


Dawg who tf u golfing with


I have a day off during the week, my wife comes with me. It’s a way for us to get away and just be with each other with nothing else going on. But with the boys……nope


Why would you want to bring your wife golfing if she doesn't golf? My wife golf's and we go together, but when I am with the boys then no. Same when she is with the girls.


Why the hell should you split the extra cart fee? It's his choice alone to bring her, it's at his cost.


I don’t even understand the question. Who brings their wife. Ever. So offside


find a new friend


Yea the audacity for him to ask you to pay for his wife to come was what did it for me.


In nearly 10 years of marriage my wife has never joined me for the 8 hrs it takes to play a round of golf.  Now that I’ve stopped drinking my rounds now magically take just over 4.5 hrs and “I’m home early.”


I just don’t understand the whole having your gf or wife ride along with you. I feel like it’s becoming more of a thing.


NEVER INVITE THIS CLOWN AGAIN. Sorry about the caps but it was warranted


Who the hell would ever play golf with their wife


Up to you to decide whether or not the friendship is worth the baggage.


Where can I place a bet that she's cheating on him / they are both cheating? Well either way, I wouldn't want to associate with someone that splits it in a way that everyone has to subsidize their SO that isn't even playing.


What’s this split rider thing? At the courses around me either you’re walking or you’re riding, and the charge for the cart is the same regardless if two people are riding or one person is riding in the cart. So in this case they’d charge for 5 riding fees and 4 rounds, and each golfer is paying the same amount


There are only 4 paid golfers, but 3 carts, so there's an extra cart to be paid for. Different courses handle this differently. Some would just charge a rider fee for the wife.


Many courses I’ve seen, if it’s busy, wouldn’t even entertain the idea because they need that extra cart.


I agree it’s odd behavior and you should find a new fourth. But he only kept doing it because you guys never said anything in the first place.


I thought you meant brought her to play. Just riding along is.. OK, I guess, but splitting the cart fee? Laughable. Just stop inviting him, this won't get better.


My buddy's wife golfs and he doesn't bring her with him all the time.


My lady had a freak stroke at an early age and is now disabled. Golf is one of the few times she gets to enjoy the outdoors, so she rides along. The difference is that 2 of my usual foursome is a married couple AND I never ask anyone to pay extra cart fees. If the group were all guys, I think things would be different.


Yeah after three times I’d ask the same thing. Looks like he can’t read the room and don’t want it to start messing with the game or the bros.


Sounds like a bit of a controlling relationship to me, either party doesn't trust the other to be alone for that long


Why would you pay any part of her cart fee? She is not even playing. Don’t communicate with him any further. The guy is an idiot and hen pecked


hard no. how did you even allow this once? and you split the extra cart fee?????


Oh hell no.


You handled it the right way. The only caveat would be if you actually paid her cart fee for round #2. In that case - what the hell, man.


Oh no. This is not good. Gonna guess this dude cheated on his wife at some point and is no longer allowed out of her eyesight.


Kind of jerk move to even ask you to split cart fee! Cut him loose and find another fourth! I’m sure one of us commenters live nearby and would be a better fourth! 😎


Salad?. . .and she's gone.


My wife has no interest in golf, but if she did and wanted to play a round with me, I’d be totally into it. That said, rounds with the boys would be a strict spousal no fly zone. Sometimes you just need to play a round with the boys and do hooligan shit.


On occasion the GF invasion with the usual Boyfriends is fine. If it’s on the regular, that’s rough as you describe it. If the lady would play and became a lady-boyfriend that would make some sense at least instead of being a cart-rider. Splitting the cost is absolute nonsense. Most of the courses I play require a paid greens fee and a set of clubs to be on the course. Helps take care of this weird scenario.


60s-something dude brought his girlfriend to the first round of our big 3-day intraclub tournament last week. So dude's partner (assigned, not chosen) had to ride 3-abreast in the cart. People are insane.


I have no interest in having a buddies wife just tagging along all the time, vibe killer. I would find a new dude to play with.


Time for a new foursome.


Are you not down for a fivesome?


After he hung up on you that tells you all you need to know about your “buddy”. So many red flags- sounds like he’s lacking every bit of emotional intelligence and has a very selfish mind. To the wife- make some friends so you don’t have to follow your husband around


How is this golf related. I'm half joking, half not. Don't bring your wife with the boys to anything unless the boys are bringing their wives. Problem solved!!


Regardless of the fact that she's his wife, I wouldn't want anyone in my foursome who behaves like that and has no interest in learning the game or improving.


You thought wrong


I read this as “banging ur wife” and man oh man I was imagining a way different story here


I had a buddy who insisted on bringing his wife everywhere.


Unless this is some kinda stag-vixen situation that’s a na for me brother.


I like my wife coming with me, but that’s just when I’m playing solo. if I’m playing with the boys, we both know we want it to be just the boys and she’ll go hang with her friends.


As long as she doesnt care if I drop "F" bombs LOL!!


If he was a 3rd then it’s ok for the wife to come along, not really doing much. The stuff at the turn is a bit annoying but if it was a dude who needed food yall wouldn’t say much. Also bathroom is moot point too. But her being a 5th is kinda unacceptable. Unless it’s a very special case, it’s 4 people per group, doesn’t matter if the 5th isn’t playing it’s just more traffic on the course.


I thought this said “Banging ur wife, every time, with the boys”


I got a buddy that brings his wife. I never invite him to play. If he invites me and I go, I act just like always including taking a piss on 8.


r/golf daily fan fiction


How are some people so dumb and able to even put up with that themselves


Thankfully no one would ever do this and no wife would want to.


Homie is not reading the room. If she's coming along she has to integrate at least a little


That’s not the bro for you, let him free


It’s a foursome, four people. Period


Could you imagine if you always insisted on tagging along to your wife’s wine night or book club? Not participating in any way, just on your phone the whole time. Pretty hilarious


Unless she lets you guys have extra fun at the end of 9th hole, no more




Find a new buddy


Leave whoever is not playing with you at home including kids wife’s. If the kids can play if the wife can play they can join. Tell that dude leave his fucking woman at home.