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Hitting a great drive which you then cannot find for some reason


You just described fall golf in Alberta. I golf with a guy that keeps a 24V cordless leaf blower in his cart to clear leaves off the fairway so he can find balls under the pile


I got one of those, and I am for sure packing it in the bag this fall. Never thought to bring it.


It's jokingly referred to as the "15th club" here. The course I'm a member at actually encourages us to bring one at the end of summer because it benefits everyone. The group behind gets a cleared fairway and it speeds up the pace when people don't have to check piles of leaves on the middle of the fairway for their ball.


This man is a genius and I’m stealing this. Western PA golf is brutal with leaves.


Depending on my confidence level in where the ball should be, I’ll just take a free drop and move on. I don’t hit enough great shots to punish myself for the occasional unexplained disappearance


Professional golfers get forecaddies that find and mark their ball in all but the worst locations. It’s only fair that us scrubs should be allowed a free drop when we can’t find our ball in what should be a perfectly findable area, *especially* in the fairway.


My buddies and I will play the ole “gallery drop” rule in these situations.


And a gallery full of spectators that are happy to help too


happened to me one time at a random course my buddy took me too. Piped a drive straight down the fairway but it was uphill and I lost it at the apex of the hill. get to the top of the hill and realize in the middle of the fairway was a probably 30’x20’ patch of Clover. I was baffled that they’d have clover in the middle of the fairway but nevertheless I couldnt find my ball and I know it was in that clover


It’s amplified when this happens in a scramble and everyone following you takes the risky shot since you’re “safely in play”


Happened to us twice today at a tournament!


I did that the other day, I hit my drive like 250 dead middle down the fairway which is really good for me and my best drive of the day. I spent around 2-3 minutes looking and couldn't find it and dropped and hit another and found my original bright orange ball probably 300-310 down the fairway. It had got a little downhill roll and the perfect bounce and kept going and stopped about 60 -70 yards from the green... Man I was mad I took that drop lol.


Hmm unless I had a group breathing down my neck or this was a tourney or was playing for wads of cash, I’m never counting a drop for myself if I eventually found my ball within a reasonable amount of time. AND you hit from further back which is like a double penalty. I assume the real rules of golf say that after your allotted time elapsed to find your ball, you have to drop but maybe Im in the minority here for allowing myself to play my piped drive and count the dropped ball as a provisional? Lol over the weekend I teed off with an orange super soft Callaway and never saw it off the tee. My friends said it went down the treeline and bounced right in the woods. We spent 3 mins looking for it with no luck and I dropped about 150 yards out in the rough and ended up taking a double bogey. Two holes later we’re backed up at the tee and the group behind us shows up with my orange ball in their hand and laughing * one of you lose this? And how can you lose a ball right in the middle of the fairway??* apparently it got a favorable kick. I asked them how far out it was and they said about 135. You can bet your ass I knocked a stroke off my score! Like someone else said the pros have all hands on deck and helping them find their balls and Im at the mercy of my buddies saying its lost in the woods!


I just started and that was my first round where I'm trying to establish my handicap so I wanted to play by the rules lol.


All good - makes sense - welcome to this zany addiction!


Call it a provisional and you can play it until you find your original.


My brother literally just had this happen piped one probably 270 ish straight down the can down hill where you couldn’t see the landing. We were the only ones with in 4 holes each way and search and searched long short left right middle everywhere and couldn’t find it.


Close to my top feelsbad: When you hit a shot and think, "that felt good," then look up and can't even track the flight.


I’ll usually take a penalty drop bc where I assumed it was close, which feels shitty. Only exception when one time the fairway was almost as long as the rough to a point the ball would go in little pockets you couldn’t find it. Couldn’t believe they were busy


That’s bad, but I think hitting a beautiful dead center drive only to launch the next shot into the woods is a shitty feeling too. Happens to me literally every time.


It’s only happened to me a couple times but I still remember each time.. Vividly..


Like getting kicked in the nuts


Ummm, I'll take a lost golf ball instead, thanks.


Thats the cool thing about an analogy. You dont have to choose. Its just a point of reference.


OK thanks I had no idea what an analogy is. I'm new to English language.


Great response.


Missing a 3 footer to win the US Open.


Followed by missing another to not even force a playoff.


Followed by drunk idiots incessantly chanting "USA"


Tbh this aspect should not even phase Rory. He’s been a pro for how long? He should have to mental fortitude to block that shit out. Yes, those asshole should be kicked out and are super annoying but in no way should that be an issue for him. It’s just a stupid ass pity excuse


While having to play the entire round with a caddie who did a totally out of place and disrespectful « celebration » in front of him at the last Ryder Cup.


Too soon


Stop, he’s already dead


Perfect drive followed up by topping the 2nd shot.


better yet playing an entire hole perfectly and then the next hole you can’t get the ball in the air. maddening sport


Ugh this has to be up there for the worst feeling. As a generally ~100 for 18 golfer, I recently went +2 through 6 holes (3 bogeys, 2 pars and a birdie) only to finish nine at +11 with a quad, double and triple. Only the double even had a penalty, I was just suddenly topping my long clubs 80yd down the course repeatedly.


Perfect drive, nice wedge that rolls off the green, chilli dip 2 chips to 20ft out from the hole, 3-putt, walk off with a triple. lol


I had this happen to me in the last round: 391 Par 4 Tee shot : 270 yards and found the fairway 2: 120 yards left over water, promptly hit it into the pond Drop at point of entry 4: 80 yards left, again over water; hits into pond again 6: drop #2 andddddd hits 3rd ball into pond. I took double par and quit the hole lol.


This was me all day yesterday and good lord I wanted to break all my short clubs over my knee.


That’s my specialty, absolutely ruining my nice tee shot 😭


Are you me?


ugh this is the story of my life at the moment. 2nd shot is always a toss-up


Every. Single. Time.


The instant mid-air when you know you’re gonna hit a building


The instant mid-air when you know the golf cart’s center of gravity has been crossed.


This struck a nerve


When the group ahead of you lets you play through, and they watch you hit it 20 yards off the tee


This one cracked me up




for me its when you take your medicine from trouble, play it smart but your layup goes to the trees on the other side of the fairway and you wonder wtf is the point of playing it safe


God I can relate to this. I decide to take my medicine but I don't take that swing seriously enough and half-ass it which goes all the way across the fairway into more trees or totally miss-hit and hit a dribbler that doesn't get me out of trouble.


When I try to play it safe with a bump and run and duff it, or totally miss aim it. Im pretty good with my 56. But try to “play it safe” with an 8i bump and run and totally ruin it. Should have just flopped it with my 60 with how bad I ruined some bump and runs. Whenever the “play it safe” turns out bad just hurts more.


yep. the worst one i can remember is when I played at a link course, it was early cold morning, and the first hole had narrow fairway even though it was a long par 4. I figure I keep the driver in the bag, and use my trusty hybrid. Topped that motherfucker into the thick rough in front of the tees and lost the ball


This is my #1.


1) 3 putt par; 2) 3 putt bogey; 3) lipping out a putt; 4) developing the shanks for multiple holes; 5) getting hit into; 6) hitting a great shot and the ball is nowhere to be found; 7) hitting a shot and watching a person/cart mysteriously emerge from the trees heading right to where your ball is going; 8) getting rejected by a left in flagstick; 9) losing to your brothers; and 10) being in the group with a ridiculously slow player(s) knowing that you are part of the group slowing everyone down.


Bogey after driving the green on a par 4


I've done that. It hurts. Fortunately it was the 18th so I could immediately cry in my car.


The one time I drove pin high it was just off the green. Proceeded to duff my first chip. Then get on and 3 putt. Walked away with a double after the best drive of my life.


I hope to never experience that one.


In the moment I thought it would be easy to get over it because I still had the satisfaction of driving the green. The more I play, the more it drives me crazy knowing what I’ve done :’( I’ve actually done it 2x, although the second time I technically “only” drove the fringe.


For stat purposes I consider a putt from the fringe a Texas wedge. But still hurts about the same.


I did that, but have the addendum that I only two putted. 😎


Eagle after driving the green on a par 5 and then missing the double eagle putt. Man, I hate that.


3 putt par for sure


#7 😂😂😂


Number ten hits home for me. Played in college and I could walk a 7mile track in about two hours. Playing partners were doing that on the front nine with nobody on the course. One time I eventually told them, I’m sorry but I’m going to keep playing through on the next hole. Feel free to hang back and play at your own pace.


This happened to me and my son on Saturday. One of the guys was really slow and I didn’t know how to address it with him. The group in front of us was moving quick and the group behind was moving equally as slow. But it still made me anxious.


I am not very good so I've learned to take bad shots in stride and try to keep emotions in check. But there is one thing that instantly sends me into fits. Skulling a chip shot over the green. You were so close and you just needed to plop it on there and now you look like a fucking idiot having to walk to the other side to try the same shot again. Then god help me if I skull the second shot and walk BACK to where I just was holy shit the rage. A distant "Runner Up" would be landing a decent drive on a tricky fairway followed by a wide straight open fairway on the next hole which I then banana slice into the trees.


- Not getting out of a bunker in 1 - hitting a perfect drive and losing your ball - leaving a club on a previous hole - having a fast round ruined by a super slow group in front - laying up into the shit


First one I saw saying leave a club. Wasn't my first thought but that is an awful feeling lol. I rarely play alone so I've been saved by playing partners. I've lost 2 clubs over the last 20 years of playing and both times it was because I didn't use the club. First was a wedge that I decided to putt when I got up there. Other was a elevated tee box. Brought 7&8i, hit 7 and left the 8. Realized it both times the next round


When your shot ricochets off of a tree and winds up further back than it started


Pure at the range, shanks on the course


When you realize you’re missing a club. Usually that is closely followed by one of the best feelings in golf when you learn the group behind you picked it up and gives it back to you!


As a teenaged hacker this scarred me. Walking back along the course cluelessly, worried someone would’ve adopted my Pal Joey wedge. My brain still raises an urgent club roll-call, every now and then.


Waiting at the tee box for the group ahead because "you might hit them", then topping the ever living shit out of your drive.


and you also feel like any shots you take with your old clubs feel like 'waste' because you've already mentally moved on from them lol


The old clubs know you moved on too.


When you have to shit on hole 6


Felt like I finally got the swing down for my new driver. Was crushing it at the range. Hit the first tee a couple days later and absolutely smashed one. That ball went 400 yards. 200 yards down the fairway, then it took a right and went 200 yards into the woods.


The worst for me is that moment during an easy chip, when you feel the leading edge grab waaaaaay too much turf before the ball. Time stands still for a moment. You know you fucked up, and there's nothing you can do except hold on and watch your ball make it about 20% as far as you wanted it to go.


I feel attacked! And usually happens right after you take 5+ practice swings to get the shot perfect.


When you are golfing and the doctor calls and you find out you are dying.


Always annoys me when this happens


Correcting your swing one season, only to have it disappear at the start of next season. Three years ago my drives were brutally slicing. I corrected it enough to change it in to a moderated hook two years ago, and last year I had it ironed out and was hitting a nice little fade (my natural shot is a fade). At the end of the season last year I was nailing fairways like never before. My last 3 rounds of the season I only missed 3 fairways out of 21. This year my wild slice has suddenly reappeared and I fricking hate it


This is a great feeling because it’s excitement! Worst feeling is clubs getting stolen from the course, your garage, or wherever.


GIR bogies are the worst


Getting worse after many lessons and years of grinding (head case).


Shitting your pants when you thought it was a fart.


I waited 7 weeks for my 923 forged last summer. Not saying that will be your wait, 2-4 weeks seems quite optimistic


2-3 weeks is standard assuming everything is in stock at the manufacturer. 7 weeks probably means they were behind build schedule (possible labor issues) or they were having supply issues. The pandemic screwed lots of stuff like that up.


My fitter emailed me today and said 3 weeks so I’m hoping that stays the case


The face of my 8iron cracked and I’m waiting on the warranty process to get it replaced. Of course o have needed an 8 iron for an abnormally large number of shots since then.


It’ll be worth the wait though, I love mine


I was fit for some MP245s recently and was told 2-3 weeks and got mine in 7. Different model so maybe you’ll get lucky. Really sucked because I left for a golf trip and two days later my new irons arrived.


When you’ve been driving/getting off the tee really well round and you suddenly top it or mega slice it 50 yds right


Hitting a big drive down the middle and hitting your second fat 🤦‍♂️


When you have a great front 9 and fade from the high temps on the back. Slow group of seniors who kill the pace of the round. First slot on a early Sunday morning and that group plays a scramble and still can’t keep pace.


Scuffing my putter on the ground is by far the worst for me.


Hitting a shot that's tracking directly for the pin that falls way short Improving an aspect of your game dramatically and screwing up elsewhere so your score didn't improve. 2 rounds ago, I hit so many incredible tee shots and messed everything up around the green. Last time out, I had practiced chipping with my gap wedge and was very tidy around the greens, but I struggled off the tee. Both rounds were a 94


18th hole.


When you layup off the tee instead of being aggressive and you fuck up your layup shot.


You see Rory yesterday?


When you have to break the news to your 47 year old friend that the 18 year old driving the beverage cart is just not that into him.


1. 3 putt bogeys 2. 3 putt anything else 3. Hitting approach shot fat from middle of the fairway 4. Duffing a chip 5. Blading a chip over the green 6. Over correcting driver. (Going right then hooking one OB, or vice versa....now you have no clue where the next one is going lol) 7. Wrong club...short or long but perfect line 8. Pin high but pulled like crazy 9. Leaving my range finder (I think I'm on my 3rd or 4th now) 10. Losing a ball from poor course management / being a moron


Going 496 for 496 on putts inside of 3 feet just to miss 2 in a matter of 3 holes and lose the US Open


I bought the same clubs a couple months ago and the wait was worth it. Unreal difference in approach game.


Just wait until they arrive and you get slammed at work or have to travel, or get sick and your new clubs sit and taunt you from the corner of the room!


Right now there set to be delivered to my fitter on July 4th weekend. Which is the same weekend I’ll be 4 states away visiting family. So already feeling that pain lol


Missing a 3 footer to lose the US open?


Right there with you. Got fit for some irons in early May and still waiting because the shafts are on back order.


Hitting a sh#&k. It almost makes you nauseous


Because they're like Lays chips. "You never have just one". Might not be the next swing or even the next hole for me, but if I do it once, there is at least 1 more before the day is over


Ouch... I feel your pain


I'm in the middle of waiting for my HM Pros. Leading up to my fitting I obsessively looked at info on clubs, and now that it's decided and I'm just waiting I don't know how to fill that time.


Hitting a beautiful punch draw 200 yards out to a foot and missing the birdie putt


Walking to your approach shot on the 4th hole and realizing you left your Wedge on the 1st.


Thinning over the green into a cart full of people who just got to the tee box behind your green. Oops


Mine was yesterday. Drove it onto the fringe on a short 272-yard par 4. 30 foot right to left slider for my first Eagle. I read it perfectly, but hit it just a touch too firm. It did the u turn lip out.


I got fitted for the Hot Metal HL's yesterday and they told me 4-6 weeks.


Having the lowest score out of everyone and still owing money


Duffing literally any shot


Looking for your wedge and realizing you left it greenside two holes ago.


I’m not as good as all of you, but I went to buy a new putter, found one I loved. Turns out it was accidentally put out before its street date so I had to wait two weeks to buy it. Naturally I got hurt three days before I could buy it and couldn’t swing for the last 6 weeks, during which life things have caused me to repurpose my “new putter fund”.


I think Rory McIlroy would have a different answer.


Laying up and playing the “smart” shot and hitting it OB


Dude I literally just got fitted for the exact same clubs. Immediately after the fitting he says “it will be a 3-4 weeks wait”….. Kinda sucks. But the clubs felt amazing to me.


following up the best shot of the round with the worst, i hit the best 4i draw 210 to about 130 and then thinned my P wedge through the back of the green and lost the ball i also had the shanks and the tops for the first 15 minutes of my iron fitting. never felt so embarrassed in my life even though the fitter couldn’t have been nicer about it


Worst feeling is shooting an 85 consistently on an easy course. Then going to a hard course and duffing nearly every ball. I shot a 110 yesterday…… I actually considered quitting


Laying the sod over a chip shot, and it goes about 5 feet.


Even worse, I got fitted for driver and irons. Got driver in roughly two weeks after fitting. Irons 3 weeks after fitting. Opened the box and they put the wrong shafts on. Had to take them back and now the long wait for them to return to me. Pure agony over here for me.


Clubbing up for wind, pure it, and watch it hold a perfect line at the pin to land 10 yards past it


Putting your tee in someone else's tee hole


Birdie a hole and proceed to send your next tee shot OB or in a hazard.


Sounds like 2-4 weeks to dial in your wedges and putting.


Mine is getting penalized for a great shot. It's one thing to shank one into the woods or duff one into the water. But when you rip a drive or pure an iron, and in the air you think it's gonna be perfect, then it takes an odd bounce into a hazard, or it's a blind landing area and you had no idea there was a creek right there ... that feeling sucks.


I was waiting over 5 weeks for my ping i530’s ….. but man they were worth waiting for 👍


The instant you know you just hit that bunker shot thin. Birdie on one hole, absolutely garbage tee shot immediately following. The feeling over a short putt after pushing and pulling your 3-4 foot putts all round. All of these happened to me this morning.


Brother, you are preaching to the choir!


UPS delivered my first Callaway preowned package to the wrong address. Then they somehow lost the third Callaway preowned package which contained a putter that I was eyeballing for two months prior. I can’t bring myself to try again. I wish that you have better luck. My worst feeling has to be finally hitting a decent drive that doesn’t go into the woods just to immediately shank the iron shot into the trees anyway.


Going to the range, realised you forgot you’re glove and have the decision of either going back home to get it or paying over the odds in the pro shop….


Taking the glove off and putter out of the bag… can’t wait to 5 putt what could have been an eagle..


Stuck playing with random total beginners who shouldn’t be out on a golf course. Add in hot weather. Add in 5 hour round. It’s pure hell.


Thinning a pitch shot and shooting it way over the green


It took over a month to get my jpx forged. But was worth the wait 😀


Hitting good drives all day only to have to tee off in front of strangers only to slice/top/whiff.


Waiting at the airport baggage carousel, the carousel stops and your clubs aren't there.


When I got my custom mizunos, I had to wait 11 weeks because of the Covid delays. It was bruuuuuuuuutal


I definitely feel this post right now. Got fitted for the new P790s on the 5th. Been sitting around waiting for them for almost two weeks. It's agonizing knowing you have the perfect clubs for you being built but have to wait so long to get them.


My speciality is turning a birdie opportunity into a bogey.


This isn't a bad feeling per se, but if this happens, it does take some of the shine off of the moment; I hit my tee shot on a par 3, not what I wanted; I hit a second and it goes in the hole. I think most, including me, would still consider that a hole-in-one, but it's also a glorified par.


- Blading an easy chip from just off the green - 3 putting from a few feet - Topping the 2nd shot after a great drive


My brother from another mother!


Mine was very similar. Ordered new Titleist T-200’s. They arrived the morning of Father’s Day last year about 15 minutes before I was set to go on a two week work trip. Then when I got back to swing them, there was an issue with the epoxy so I had to send them back for repair. Had to wait another 4 weeks after that to even play with them.


Got fitted for new irons on 5/31. Other people's clubs have been coming in but not mine. Pro checked & they still show "in production."


Driving the green on a par 4 and walking off with a bogey


I would say waiting forever for those new clubs only to hit nothing but chunky fat shots your first round out 


Hitting a great drive/tee shot and the skulling/chunking the second shot for 12 yards.


Drive an hour to the course for a specific tee off time, then look in the back and find out your wife took the clubs out of the trunk to make room for a Costco run the day before. Happened to me.


Man, that is one of the saddest stories I’ve ever heard… I think I would have nightmares about that for quite a while, but I would also never ever ever ever leave for a round of golf without putting my hand on each of my clubs! And probably my golf shoes too


Umm yeah that too. Once I forgot my golf shoes. I normally put them on at home and drive to the course in them. Once I stepped out of the car at the course, I was looking down at a pair of slippers on my feet. Luckily my wife was able to drive over with my golf shoes in time for my tee off.


Good wife!👍🏻👍🏻


Wait until they show up and that butter feeling is nonexistent.


Then when the box of clubs arrives it is bent in the middle. You open the box and all clubs are bent, severely. That is the worst feeling in Golf.


I’m in the same boat brother… Got fitted for T150 (6-PW) and T200 (4-5). Been checking the front door multiple times a day like a psychopath


Chipping pretty good the whole day, then getting to the last part 3 to hit a decent shot just off the green to then three wedge.


It’s gotta be lining up your shot in the fairway for a while as the green clears. You get a good stretch. a few good practice swings. An accurate distance and feel for the wind…just to chunk it and watch the beaver pelt go further than the ball.


Getting the shanks.


When you shank one right off the hosel, and think you know what you did wrong, but with your next shot you actually shank it worse while trying *not* to shank it. Ugh yuck it hurts just thinking about it.


Tie: 1) topping a drive 15 feet into a hazard and having to hit 3 from the tee. 2) Duffing a chip greenside 1 foot.


Shoot 39 with a quad 8


lol. I’m in the same boat, same clubs. Went with the 105 g shaft and zip cord grips.


Hitting a great drive on a par 5 and having to wait for the green to clear so you can go for it but there’s a group waiting on the tee box who are all going to see you top or chunk that shot.


-Blading a chip straight across the green -topping a drive that goes 30 yards and being so frustrated you don’t watch to see where it actually went


Knowing you sliced it as soon as you hit the ball.


Asking to play through with the group your passing at the tee box, and then gakking your tee shot.


Waiting for new clubs is a great feeling. Stop being a spoiled brat


In the same boat. Did a fitting last week and ended up in Mizuno pro 245s with graphite shafts. Felt azaming and no elbow pain.


Losing your swing. By far. That period of time where you’re lost is so difficult.


Being smart and not hitting driver off the tee, only to miss the fairway


Hurting yourself right before teeing off and golfing in pain. The first round I ever played with my FIL, I somehow strained my right rhomboid taking my clubs out of the car and proceeded to both suck even more than usual and be miserable due to my back hurting. I started always carrying Advil in my bag after that experience since I found out the hard way many pro shops do not carry any painkillers. Seeing your ball in a somewhat dry looking hazard, going to grab it, and burying your foot in wet mud deep enough to have a drenched sock for the rest of the round isn't fun either.


Hole in one alone


Waiting for the green to clear to go for a par 5 in two, then topping the ball 50 yards.


Blading it over the green after a nice drive on a par 4.


The worst feeling in golf is being paired with someone who whiffs several times on the first tee.


Have these, you're in for a treat.


And then the really bad feeling comes when you get the new clubs and find out you don’t play any better. But it was a good 2-4 weeks of fantasy.


Nailing a long iron shot on a hard par 3 and then 3 putting from less than 10 feet out.  Makes me want to jump in a lake.


I was saying the other day that my worst feeling in golf is having an awful session at the range. I’m used to having poor rounds on the course but at least with most poor rounds you’ll at least have a few good holes or even just shots to look back on. However there is nothing worse than heading to the range knowing you’re making a conscious effort to improve your game, only to make poor contact throughout the entire bucket.


Just got fitted last year, and I know this feeling. I think what would be worse is if they came and you couldn’t hit them. Enjoy the wait with that little thought in the back of your head.


When you ask who's available for a round this weekend on the golf group chat and everyone is unavailable.


I have been fitted with 923 Hot Metals. Stay calm. They’ll be here before you know it!


I just went through this. Four weeks for my irons. Six weeks for my driver. Shaft was on back order. It was pure torture. Checking every day for UPS.


"Waiting for the clubs you ordered to arrive" Wow spot on 😂 Legit feel like I can't golf until they come in, I bring them to get re-gripped, and they are in my bag.


Ordered my new raw sm10's 4.5 weeks ago. One came so far. Other's still processing. I just want my wedges and I am inpatient ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)