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Fucking yawn. The morally corrupt blood money is all over the pga now too. Did everyone forget about the merger? Bryson moving to LIV was the best decision he ever made for so many reasons. If he was still on the PGA tour everyone would still be heckling him and calling him brooksy at every event. He got out of the spotlight, made a shit ton of money, worked on himself as a person and now he’s a beloved US Open champion. Get off your high horse Washington post. This article is embarrassing


The ironic part, going to LIV and having more off time, seems to have allowed him to start doing the YouTube vids which apparently has rehabilitated his image with the golf community at large.


Yeah, the high horse was lost the moment the PIF buying PGA Tour came up. They're all the same now. Some of them just jumped ship earlier than others. The whole thing reads like "oh I'm so butthurt because of traditions". The PGA Tour is a fairly modern invention when it comes to golf. It doesn't own golf. The game was there before, it will be there after. And I do enjoy lower level golf tournaments a lot, amateur, minor pro tours, club competitions (!), etc. Payne Stewart stuff was below the belt, considering Bryson modelled himself after Payne, but imagine Bobby Jones and what he would think of the PGA Tour today. It's all a lot of propaganda, and money talks. The game will survive all of this. And even after the LIV/PGAT merger, I hope they get competition, and don't just act like they own the sport. Because they don't.


The high horse was never there SA are American allies. Plenty of tournaments in SA for years.




A ![gif](giphy|mIvrv5Qe0kHlu)


lol someone write an entire article to cry about Bryson winning. What makes sports so great is that at the end of the day, your performance is what defines you


He got lucky. No denying that. Hard to root for a man that's MAGA, steroids, adderall, and liv


Hitting a 55 yard shot out of the bunker within 3 feet of pin on 18 with the US open on the line is… lucky?


Rory missing not 1, but 2 putts at a distance he was previously 496/496, and having that directly hand Bryson the championship... is not lucky?!


No that’s called golf.


The wrong guy won the U.S. Open. It happens sometimes. The better golfer from tee to green — and the stronger man of character — was not Bryson DeChambeau. His brawny-armed slap hugs and audience pandering to beery bro chants of “USA!” shouldn’t obscure the fact that he took Saudi blood money from a terrorism-financier government or that he stumble-lucked into a victory on one of the few courses in the world, Pinehurst No. 2, that would forgive his erratic thrashing off the tee. One great shot from a bunker to the 18th green — and credit due, it was great — is not the measure of someone’s moral constitution, and neither was that three-putt by Rory McIlroy. DeChambeau’s character isn’t defined by his idle, dimpled chitchat with spectators between tees or how he let fans swarm him to put mustard fingerprints on the trophy. “I want you guys to touch this trophy because I want you to experience what this feels like for me,” he said afterward, with not a small hint of narcissism. All of it was rich coming from a guy who betrayed American audiences and bailed on his U.S.-based PGA Tour colleagues to take giant bags of money from the sheikhs of the Kingdom, a reported $125 million for a four-year contract. DeChambeau’s frantic efforts at audience rapport all week long were so obviously a public relations effort to reestablish a connection with golf fans who have recoiled wholesale from LIV Golf. The glint of his smile or the glare of the victory silver should not blind anyone to his actual conduct. It’s a true shame because the 30-year-old with the cartoon superhero’s jaw and the chesty swing yet soft hands really could be the star the game needs to replace the aging, ailing Tiger Woods. As it is, there’s no forgetting he’s a phony. One who champions a regime with alleged connections to the 9/11 attacks that killed almost 3,000 Americans and was behind the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The cringiest moment of DeChambeau’s post-victory ingratiating was when he disgracefully invoked the late Payne Stewart, the vividly clad icon. After DeChambeau made that save from the bunker, he bellowed, “That’s Payne right there, baby!” as he walked off the 18th green. As if Stewart had somehow intervened from heaven — or would have ever given him a benediction. All of the evidence suggests that Stewart would have been disgusted by DeChambeau’s defection and would have reviled LIV Golf. Stewart was an ardent, demonstrative patriot who wept during “The Star-Spangled Banner” at the Ryder Cup. He specifically referenced the human rights violations of foreign regimes in discussing his American privilege. Here was Stewart in a 1999 interview with Golf Digest editor Guy Yocom: “I’m a patriotic person,” Stewart said. “For these people who disgrace the American way and burn our flag and do all of these things … I say, don’t live here and disgrace my country. Go live in the Middle East and see how you like it. Where if you steal something, they cut your hand off. Things like that. We live in such a sheltered environment in the United States. I’ve been fortunate enough to have traveled all over the world, and I’ve seen things you only read about and see on the news. Vicious poverty. That’s why I’m very proud of being American. I’m proud to pay taxes. I pay a lot of taxes, but it sure beats the alternative.”


Thank you for posting the text of the article so that nobody has to sign up to read.


You’re welcome.


![gif](giphy|IgsXOXGPxfT3O) Sorry Washington Post. Bryson was the best golfer over 4 days and 72 holes. No one can change that with words.


Can't read the article. What does it say?


Someone posted it below. Its just the same old blood money argument trying to make Bryson look like some kind of monster. Dumb.


I mean, the guy took the paycheck knowing the backlash he'd get.


And you would have too.


Sure, but that's because I don't really care about how they govern their country or their history of involvement things like the reporter guy, 9/11, yadda yadda. That's all stuff entirely out of both my interest and my control. However, because I would have doesn't mean I'd be sitting here going "golly, why don't people like me because this", because I understand that for a lot of people out there those things matter.


Did Bryson ever act like he didn't understand why people hated LIV and him for going to LIV? Don't recall him acting like that. And people in the golf community didn't care about the Saudis until LIV and until they were fed what to care about so they could regurgitate what they were fed.


Most of the them have acted like victims regarding the backlash at one point or another.


Nope. Haven't seen it. Any well known examples?


The freak out they threw over the suspensions is the one that pops into me head immediately.


Nothing to do with "golly why don't people like me." Nice try though.


Dude what? Do you just not pay attention? I’m happy Bryson won, it was awesome to see but he’s bitched about so many things he knew would happen since going. He was part of the lawsuit which is the most glaring example but there’s a laundry list of others. You’re being insincere or don’t pay attention to the sport


Rory has been taking those saudi and china invitational events money just like Tiger. These fucking overly progressive liberal writers are so fucking dumb.


Bryson rules. Standing on fake moral high ground against LIV is comical. This world is a shit show and the PGA isn’t perfect.


Why is everyone bitching and moaning about Saudi Arabia when the US govt is responsible for just as many atrocities, albeit behind the guise of spreading democracy and fighting fascism/communism?


Last I checked the us government doesn’t run the pga tour… Mind boggling how you have to explain that to a grown man


I like Sally Jenkins. But this is not her best work.