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Calathea induced masochistic tendencies are a well documented phenomenon in the plant communities worldwide.😂 I nurtured a little bastard like that for two months in a terrarium until I chucked it in the bin.


Calatheas are my favorite plant. I'm in pain


>I'm in pain Are you serious? I've got five different Calatheas and they couldn't be more easier to grow!


I'm half joking I got a LOT of calatheas and most are so easy. But there's a couple that I love like pinstripe that Don't want to live 😭😭😭


In that case I'm very blessed 😂 never had any problems with them, except the one time when I almost killed my Fury Feather with fertiliser, but even that one survived and is just as happy as before.


Furry feather is another..... 🥺 I love it so much but please LIVEEEEE


My pinstripe was amazing till it got spidermites. I got rid of them about a month ago and she has not changed. My other calathea is kicking another leafe out. The pinstripe just said no


My experience with bratty plants like that is I leave them outside with threats that I’ll ignore them and THEN they’ll realise how much they really needed me! But then they start to thrive on the neglect T.T


>But then they start to thrive on the neglect T.T Relatable


that's funny I have a calathea with 3 half ass leaves left but it won't die. If I see a plant that wants to live and is willing to fight for it, then I'll do what I can to help it. I'm a little crazy.


I think we have the same calathea. Mine has hovered over the garbage can in my hand probably 3 times but I’m always like “naaah I can’t do this to him! He’s still trying”.


Mine also has three leaves. In her defense, she was a Lowe’s rescue.


I rescued some plants from Lowe’s last night. Any advice? They had a polka dot begonia stems looks good leaves questionable and soil dry. I hope they all survive!


I currently do not have advice because this plant goes back and forth between trying to die and pushing out a new leaf. I have no idea what it wants.


That’s my deffenbacchia. Omg the back and forth is crazy


I have a calladium that does this


We probably have the same calathea, too. Three leaves, never die…


well I got a new leaf coming in now so it looks like I'm stuck with it lol.


Change the soil to regular ole potting soil! You can thank me later❤️


I used some regular potting soil and added a few cups of perlite on mine. Droped some orchid bark ontop to make it look cleaned up. It's in a pot wit no drainage. The soil is constantly moist. If it gets close to the dry reading on the water meter I water it until the meter says "wet". It takes less than a week and its back to almost dry levels. I have had if for half a year now. The first 3 months it pushed out the odd leaf and recently it has started popping up new shoots every few days. The Image is from around one month ago https://preview.redd.it/yco7wop2witb1.jpeg?width=2084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c339403f4bb780ec38fb2da8d2c7e4198cc0ec00






That’s what it was in! I only recently changed it to a custom mix after it was dying. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I put mine in orchid soil in one of the pots that has a water reservoir connected to the pot so the plant can drink from the water whenever the f it wants. Works like a charm. Mine just shoots out leaves whenever it wants, and I just cheer it on. 🤣🤣


I've had a calathea pinstripe in leca for like over a year and it was down to one leaf and since it has grown. . . one and a half leaves. They can make a comeback, but very, very slowly. Check for pests. If it's pest free, basically your options are chuck it or have what looks like a thing of soil just hang out for months in case it comes back.


You have my encouragement to toss it.


They need bright, indirect light and absolutely zero direct sunlight should ever hit this plant. The soil should be consistently moist so once it starts to dry out after about 5 to 7 days, you should water with reverse osmosis or distilled water. It usually dies because of misinformation ☠️ do not keep near a hot vent or cool vent. No AC or space heaters anywhere near it. Make sure it has great drainage but just basic fox farm ocean forest soil is best for it. Anything lighter is WAYYY too moisture wicking. They're prone to mites when sick so always have a bottle of Neem oil ready if you can.


So don’t carry it around from room to room all day following the sun??? 😂


I recommend to go back where you got him and get a second one. Time to restart now that you know! 😂 idk if he has a chance. Even the sun in this photo is painfully too much for these plants. Prayer plants also need it pitch black at night.


I like this idea except I feel like I’d just be setting myself up for more heartbreak 😂


Nah. I got you.


Oh and if the leaves get stuck. DON'T TOUCH. Just put a lil warm water on it for a bit. Like spritz. New leaves are very fragile with these guys and you're almost guaranteed to cause damage trying to help them.


Definitely not 😭😭😭 rip buddy


I have an ornata that is an a-hole and a rattlesnake calathea that was recently downsized to a bitty pot. I totally get it


If i were there i would take it from you and pitch it out into the lawn, cup in the trash. Friends don’t let friends keep bad boyfriends or plants that don’t want to be with you.


I have so many other beautiful happy plants but I can’t seem to focus on anything other than this renegade one!!!!


LoL 🤣 I have one just like it, I was just about to toss it, and then I saw a new sprout coming out. Talk about excited!


Give it a chance it still got a leaf


The lows are crushing, but the highs are addictive.


So, I'm the lucky one who has never struggled with this kiddo, but it never really did anything until I mastered watering. I let it get the driest I think it could tolerate and weighed it on a kitchen scale, bottom watered it for about an hour, set it out on a towel until it stopped leaking, then weighed it again. I wrote both weights down. Now I weigh it regularly and wait until it's close to its dry weight, subtract that from its wet weight, and measure only that much water into a Tupperware. Set the plant inside and bam, it is now impossible to overwater or underwater. Since doing that + fertilizing, my baby has been putting out a new leaf every few days.


I am fascinated by this! Might try it with some of my plants.


This is dedication right here.




Don’t throw away, compost!


Because of hope. I've got a similar (Hoya) leaf stuck in a pot for the last two years. Hasn't done a damn thing. (Still doesn't mean that it doesn't get watered, though. I keep hoping it does something other than just be a leaf with a tiny root system.)


I just stuck mine in coco coir w/ a bunch of worm castings and a ceramic pot. 1 year later, all new leaves and going strong


This is exactly how one of my calatheaa looks. It's over 15 years old and refuses to die, yet refuses to live either -_-


Jesus Christ this is so funny and relatable.


These MFs, I swear. I have one that looks EXACTLY like this that I keep watering. Just a pitiful, half-brown leaf. When it drops, another pitiful, half-brown leaf takes its place like clockwork. 🔪🔪🔪


As long as there are signs of life how could you pitch her🥲🥲🥲 I vote keep trying and update us lol


Oh my Tanja looks the same, it's been 9 months of suffering to get to this stage and I keep asking myself why


It’s been a while since I’ve owned these plants, but I remember one time I got mad about it being so fussy and threw it in my fish tank (just the roots) and it had never looked so healthy. So uh. You got a fish tank you can throw it in?


So my GF had a Calathea that looked just like this. When we moved in together I started to rehabilitate it with proper soil/ drainage, proper lighting and proper watering/ fertilizing. That single leaf plant now has 6 leaves 3 months later! Any plant with a single leaf can be turned around into a success story. However, had my GF continued caring for it the way she had been it would have died by now My point is, if you continue the care that got it to this state then don’t even bother, but this plant can be turned around 100%


UPDATE! It’s gone. I tossed it. It shriveled up and started molding. I had it sitting on my kitchen island and it was just a constant reminder of my failure. 😂 My sister was swinging by with some of her friends to drop off my nephew so I could watch him while she did a girls trip and I was like I can’t have all these new people in my house and have them see this! So I threw it away that night. The next morning she came to drop him off and brought a thank you gift. IT WAS A CALATHEA. She had NO IDEA of my struggles with this one and just thought it would be a good gift. It’s a rattlesnake though, so at least a different variety. Let’s see how I do with this one. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/9fjzggkoievb1.jpeg?width=3023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a32e0d3641bc678352d33a190dc25d1b4550057


Looks like it’s getting direct sunlight? They don’t like that much. I’d try misting it daily and indirect light works best.




Oh wow!


Mine is currently doing better after i moved it from soil to water… wild bastard.(it even produced 3-4 new leaves although part of the base seems rotten to me, not extremely goey but still it doesn’t look great) i tried with soil, it didn’t work, switched to just water now after i cleaned most of its roots and it seems to be doing better than in soil…


Mine croaked, when I moved it from soil to water. I still cringe thinking of all the work I did to get all the dirt off the roots. Sigh.


You had a maranta like this, the amount of times it’s been brought bought back from near death is insane. I’ve names Gloria because she will survive!! Also try putting it into spag moss, Gloria came back from certain death when I did that. Got all the roots back and then popped her into a small pot.


Put leaf in dirt. Leaf dies. DESPAIR.


My calathea was the same. Just one leave because thrips killed the others. I didn’t want to give up because it’s such a pretty plant and I wasn’t sure if I’d find it again. That one leave is yellow now but it grew a small new leave and there are 2 small off shoots growing now


Lol I finally tossed my last calathea the other day. Never buying another. 😅


time for ye old corner method https://reddit.com/r/calatheas/s/SBag4ADEKa


I killed all of mine, just kept one cutting that I've put in pon. Now, it is doing better than ever. Still scared to touch it though 😅


I was gifted one. It doubles in size and then it dies half way then it comes back luscious and beautiful and then it dies half way again. I have changed nothing :(


You should care! It really does want to live!


Omg same thing happened to me I had a plant fell and still had roots and I was like ☹️ and then I put it in a bigger plant🤠