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You’re killing it mate. Keep on keepin’ on.


i wouldn’t say so but thanks i appreciate it. i don’t plan on stopping


Yeah. You ARE killing it!


i really don’t think i am. i’m disappointed with my progress


OK your brain is lying to you. You’ve got to cut this shit out because, believe it or not, this kind of self talk is what led to your weight gain in the first place. You averaged 2lb a week through an entire year. Not only is that what’s recommended by experts as safe, sustainable weight loss, but you managed to do that through an entire year of holidays, celebrations, etc. That’s absolutely remarkable. Give yourself a hug and say “well done”. You deserve it.


yeah i know i should cut it out but it’s so difficult. i should be proud of myself but i can’t


The mental aspect is by far the toughest aspect of fat loss. If you’ve tried changing your self-talk but haven’t managed it, please get some counseling. It’s important, and you deserve it.


yeah. i probably should


Over 100lbs in one year is awesome. Just keep doing the things you need to keep doing.




Attitude on point. Keep on, keeping on. 🤙🏻


i will


physically you've done so well! Mentally you need to give yourself more credit on the work youve done my guy! You were always a great person no matter what weight you were sitting at .. talk to yourself nice!


yes that’s true i really have to work on that. i’m just so insecure and self conscious


I feel you brother! its not easy... im sitting somewhere on the late 190kgs range and I feel the same. I put my own post up on this sub because I had lost motivation for awhile and the amount of kind people reminding me that I was already amazing, kind, great ALREADY which had nothing to do with my weight loss. The same can be said for you! Your weight loss journey is a fragment of the person you are... don't let it define you. Youre were an amazing soul before you lost the weight, currently and when you hit your goal weight. You're just healthier now


that’s nice thanks. i can’t really help it though.


Not something you'll be able to switch off straight away! Just try day by day to be a bit kinder to yourself and change the negative self talk. You got this!


i’ll try but i don’t know if that’s really possible


it's worth a shot.. cant really hurt to try


Difference is huge mate! Keep going! Greets from not smaller guy (also fighting) 💪


thanks, i sometimes have a hard time seeing the difference


As someone your height, looking great!


i don’t think i look good at all but thank you i appreciate it


Good stuff!


thank you


Youre so tall that is an average weight, my father is 6'4" and around 200-220, older man without a beer belly. Be kinder to yourself this new years & proud of what youve accomplished. Btw most ppl dont love their bodies, bout accepting what isnt perfect. Keep up the amazing work friend!


i don’t know… i still feel very fat for some reason. it’s very hard for me to accept my body


You are a big dude. Literally tall and looks like you have wide shoulders. You got a lot of reason to be large still. You may never be as thin framed as you wish. Im also have large features, larger bc im heavy now, anyway be well and accept your strengths too


i suppose. yeah i am tall and i do have wide shoulders. i like being big but i don’t like being fat, i’d like to be muscular ideally


In my experience turning fat into muscle is easier than from skinny. Get a routine and stick to it.


i’m already doing that but it’s not paying off. i just have to eat more i suppose


Well done (you lost my g/f!) slow and steady wins the race ....... Eat like the person you want to be for the rest of your life...... ;)


lol that’s nice. thanks


Amazing work!


i wouldn’t say so but thank you


Looking awesome!!!!


i really don’t think so but thank you


Looking waaaaaaay better buds. Good job. Stick with it.


thanks i appreciate it


Hey. I hear you about still struggling. I’ve lost fifty lbs with IF/diet/calisthenics. I still struggle with body issues as well. I just try to focus on how much more energy I have and how much I feel better overall. It’s a long road and you will get there. Use that dark energy (self down talk) to motivate you more. You’ve come this far! Imagine a year from now. You got this! Cheers. Best of luck.


it’s very hard for me to focus on that, i really hope i’ll get there soon because i’m in a very bad space mentally. i don’t think i’ve come far enough and i think i look terrible but thank you


You don’t think you’ve come far enough?! Seems to me that you put a year in and have shed 100 LBS!!! Bro. I’d be fucking ecstatic if I was in your shoes. What else have you done for a year that demanded mental discipline? You need to give yourself some credit brother. You might be in a dark place. Maybe you lost today…maybe you lost yesterday..but maybe you will win tomorrow, and the day after that.


i probably should but it’s just really difficult. in my head i’m like “why does the fact that i lost 120lbs even matter if i still look like absolute shit”


Shit. Mybad 120 LBS!. Read that statement again that you wrote to me. Think if you were reading that from someone else’s point of view. You’d tell them they are crazy. It’s a hell of an accomplishment thus far. That alone should give you the confidence and the ability to hold your head high. Of course your going to have negative thoughts that out weigh the good ones. As they arise you just have to shut them down. Easier said than done, I know. Stop having pity for yourself and go spend time doing something you love to do that gives you a solid sense of wellbeing and purpose. Doesn’t matter what it is. Just be proactive on it. Wishing you the best buddy.


that makes sense but i’m just extremely insecure and i have 0 confidence


My cousin went through the same journey, and eventually gained back the weight bc of little confidence. ‘I’ve always been fat, was skinny for a year and that’s it.’ He would say… My advice is- buy a new set of clothes, something cool and fancy. And take a picture, and print it for tourself


oh. well my confidence is something i struggle with a lot


Treat yourself with something nice, you’ve earned it. Start with celebrating the little things. That helped me


i could try. i’ll try anything atp tbh


You have come a long way. While it's important to be clear of the future goal, take a min and appreciate yourself for the journey.


it’s really difficult though i genuinely don’t see a big enough different and i’m really unsatisfied with how i look


There is a big difference between these two photos. The body-image we have of ourselves in our heads is always the last to change. But physically, you are very different now from where you began and you look great. Trust the process.


i suppose but i can’t see it. thanks though, i think i look horrendous though


👏🏽 Inspiring transformation


i really wouldn’t say so but thank you


Trust me it's huge. Wish I was as motivated as you


to me it’s really not but i appreciate it. the one thing i’ve never lacked is motivation, i just wanna be comfortable and happy in my own skin for once


You soon will be. Best of luck!


hopefully. thanks


Do you weight train or do any kind of fitness? I would suggest you start finding some active hobbies. First, you should consider talking to someone about your body image. It never hurts to have some mental checks. Strength can help a ton with body also. Especially if you have friends or a trainer or someone to lift with. Find something you can make progress in that you can track which will also impact your body positively.


yes i do weight train, i mentioned that in the reply to the bot’s comment. i lift literally every day and i work so hard so it’s a pity it doesn’t show


Found the next Jack Reacher


lol i wish


Bro your 17, you've lost over 100 pounds more than most adults could ever even dream of. If you hit the gym consistently you'll be unstoppable trust me fellow big man.


well i do hit the gym consistently and i’m very much so stoppable lol, in fact i don’t even look like i go to the gym at all


Haha nah man I'm same as you I know what it's like and I'm 35, I wish I was 17 and figured it out. You are legitimately Jack Reacher, keep going and you're gonna be more than fine


nahh again, i wish. i’m not gonna stop i just wish i saw more improvements by now


Well I don't know what your exercise regime is or what your actually expecting but I certainly wouldn't be hard on yourself. I'm sure you're getting way stronger etc


yeah i am pretty strong but it still doesn’t show, i don’t look like i lift at all. i can’t help but be hard on myself when i’m lifting every day and seeing no progress


All Comes with time but also possible time to look at the exercise regiment and your actual food macros and protein intake etc to feed that big machine for optimal results.


yeah i’m definitely not eating enough to be noticing major gains but i would’ve still expected to see something


You will understand one day just how much you've accomplished, sure it's good to have drive and motivation but it's also fine to love yourself.


hopefully. but that day is not today, i don’t think my progress is good and i hate the way i look. i can’t love myself while i look like this


Sure you can and that's the point. When you get older you will realize how good you actually looked, you will realize the false standards that you've been conditioned into thinking others have for you, you will have realized that others accept you and that it all would have been easier had you been able to have a little grace for yourself.


i hope so


I've been there and that's why I say it


i just hope it’ll somehow happen for me too


I get it. You've been through a lot and it feels like an uphill battle. But as others have said, your accomplishment is amazing so yeah, let that keep you motivated as you continue. Happy new year.


thanks, i just hope i’ll be in a better place mentally and physically in the new year. happy new year


You look fantastic! Edit to add- JUST LOOK AT YOUR KNEES, they are not buckling, like in the before, and are supporting you. That is a huge victory!


i really don’t think so but thank you


It is hard to self love when self hate has been the basis for so long. (Ask me how i know, 🤣) therapy has been wonders for me.


i’ll probably have to try therapy and thanks for your comments on my knees


You’re very young and are in a time of your life that there is normally great change. You are also making fantastic and positive changes to yourself. If you are struggling when you look at your own photos then it time to ask yourself what you expect/want to see reflected back to you. I would suggest that you join some volunteer groups, join a hiking or biking club and put yourself out there. Gain some experiences that are positive and over time you will begin to see yourself in a different light.


look like you are on your way to being jacked ! What's your work out ?


i would love to be jacked. i workout 3 days a week at the gym and they rest at home. at the gym i usually take advantage of the machines and equipment and stuff, i kinda just do my own thing so i’m not the right person to ask if you’re looking for a routine or anything. i have dumbbells at home and i do biceps 2 days a week, shoulders and forearms once and triceps once.


I was 315 pounds when i was 16. I’m now 205 at 20 years old after getting in the gym for 6 months but i got down to 185 before that. I’m 5’10. You’re a 6’6 male and you’re still only 17. 120 pounds in a year is a HUGE accomplishment. I understand the self image part because i still struggle with it and I look better than i ever have and get compliments on my physique often but i still don’t feel very confident in myself. Just remember you didn’t gain all the weight in one day so you’re not gonna lose it all in one day. But in all honesty you’re doing amazing for it only being a year. Keep going and don’t get discouraged. It only gets easier from here. Good luck brother!!


congratulations. thanks, it’s just really hard mentally. i worry about my body way too much


I get it man. I struggle with it every single day and i find myself going down a rabbit hole of thoughts about it way too much. It’s been 4 years since i wanted to change and it’s still a struggle for me. sometimes are worse than others tho. just try to love every version of you because you’re still going to change a lot over the coming years.


i will try but it’s just so difficult


Wow! Amazing job


i wouldn’t say so but thank you


Be proud of yourself! Not many people can do what you did, this transformation comes with a transformation of mind also. Start telling yourself that you look and feel good about your appearance and take in all the compliments as proof of your achievement. Just because you don't see it yet doesn't mean it's not true :) I'm proud of you, I hope this new year brings a lot of positivity into your life.


i’ll try. i hope so too, thank you


Looking good pal. Nice work


i wouldn’t say so but thank you


You have to have more confidence in yourself!


i do but it’s hard


Congrats on your progress 🥳🎉👏🏼


thank you, can’t say im satisfied though


Like someone mentioned before, that’s definitely worth working on. Acknowledging and accepting your current achievements will help you progress further. Stay strong 🙂


yeah i’m sure, it’s just really difficult


OP, If I were your Mom I’d say try to relax, you’re still growing, some guys continue to grow to 19! Brain development continues to age 25. When my son left for the military at age 19, he was 6’4”, he came home on leave measuring 6’5”. His cousin is 6’9”. Embrace your height and large frame with joy and humor! Give yourself grace and loving knowledge that you are worthy. ❤️


she does tell me that i just can’t get it inside my head. i’m embracing my height and large frame i just hate being fat and ugly


Fat can be burned off, if you’re not happy with your appearance you could consult with a dermatologist and/or plastic surgeon, or whoever. But truly all surgeries have risks involved. You have only one life, smile often!


fat can be burned off and i’ve already burned off some but i have to burn off a lot more and it’s killing me. i’ve talked to dermatologists and i got treatment for what i can change with topical creams and medicine. both of the ones i’ve went too said i’m too young for plastic surgery. i’m just not satisfied with my appearance and i feel really ugly. i just wish i was more beautiful


My second son had horrible acne on his face in his late teens, early 20’s because he was eating fast foods, processed meats. The dermatologist wanted him to use a medicine but one of the possible side effects was night blindness, so no, son refused. He joined the military, exercises and eats healthy, his skin has cleared up! He has goals and a steady girlfriend. You too can be successful!


well i treated my acne but i’m still ugly. i think i’ve done everything i could change and i’m still ugly. features just don’t change unfortunately. some people are just meant to be ugly i suppose


Some people say “Our Creator does not make mistakes”. I worked in Pediatrics (birth to age six years) with children who were born with a multitude of physical problems yet they never saw themselves as ugly. I learned as a teen we must find humor in everything. Attitude is 99% of life.


i suppose. it’s really difficult though


I know it’s difficult. I had 300 stitches in my face and neck from going through the windshield of a 1961 Comet vs. school bus. But somehow after many reconstructive surgeries and pure grit I have “faked it til I made it” and you will too.


I'm at 247lb and you look way better than me, remember muscle weighs more than fat whenever you look at the scale. Great job!


i’m not sure of that but thanks


Muscle is denser so will take up less space for the same weight


that’s not what i meant, that’s true, but i’m not sure i look way better than you


Trust me you do


alright alright


There's not that many people around who make me look short, you're one of them. You're also slimmer than I. You're young, you have everything going for you. Give yourself credit, and importantly, love yourself, thin or not. Better thin, but you get the gist. Great job! Edit, typo, probably more left


oh wow. it’s just very hard to love myself and give myself credit


God damn bro ! You looking jacked and lean. You’re 6”6 brother. That’s a bonus right there. Some guys will wish you were you. Trust me. You look good. You need to work on your mind and learning to be confident and love yourself.


nah i’m not jacked or lean at all. i don’t think i look good at all but thank you. it’s very hard to be confident and love myself


That is amazing! You rock!


i wouldn’t say so but thank you


Recognizing your own body dis-morphia is literally half the battle. Though frankly, and I laugh sarcastically as I type, it sure as hell doesn't feel like it at the time. But seriously, if you at least "logically" understand that you have a disconnect, that's WILL help. It's just takes a long ass time. honestly, the best thing is to hear people tell you over and over that you are killing it which is literally the advertising/propaganda playbook of, "If you hear something over and over again, you'll believe it to be true." Man, human brains are just completely stupid sometimes.


i’ll try. it also really doesn’t hell that no one in real life ever says anything, and i feel like that’s part of the reason why i’m so insecure. i never ever get told i look good or i lost weight so i feel like there’s no difference


Great results!!


i wouldn’t say so but thank you


I know how you feel. I could see results in my love handles and but I am still not happy but I decided to keep going no matter what because it took me awhile to get in the bad shape I was in so it’s going to take awhile to get the body I want


yeah i’m not satisfied at all


First of all congrats man. Secondly I’m same sort of height / size as you when you started, have you had a lot of lose skin?


thanks although i don’t think i’ve done anything impressive. yes unfortunately i have loose skin on my belly and arms and i hate it but don’t let that stop you from loosing weight just do it


ayyyy keep going! you look really good!


i don’t think i do but thanks


Make a list of 5 or 10 things you like about yourself. Repeat. Repeat. I know it sounds a bit silly, but it will help change your mindset. You can start with "lots of motivation" and "consistency working toward a goal." I'm sure there are others. I think one is "vulnerability." You have put yourself out in front of us all to ask for help. That is a major positive. You are clearly a good person in need of a little help to move along. Keep it up! You're clearly a fantastic person!


i could try. thanks i appreciate that


It sounds like you are doing great! Between fasting and working out you are probably not getting enough protein. In my experience I was doing the same thing. I’ve lost 60 lbs in the last year and felt like I saw the same thing in the mirror. Then I went and got some old clothes that I used to wear and put them on. It looked like they were made by a tent maker. They looked SO big! I’ve done a couple things that are eye opening to me. I’ve purchased a smart scale. I’ve got a Eufy brand from Amazon ($49 or so) and have started using a low carb protein shake. I’ve started losing weight again. You’ve done an incredible job! It’s all about what you say when you talk to yourself. Be nice to yourself!


i don’t think i’m doing great but thanks. yeah i’m probably not getting enough protein and i’m also probably undereating way too much. it’s hard to be nice to myself tbh


I think everyone here struggles or has struggled with body image issues.


i suppose


You look great, keep going!


i don’t think i look good but thanks


Hi 3798 no-big-issues, lol. Happy new year! Look at how much you have achieved with your weight change, something not a lot of people are successful with. Spend a little money, get a good haircut and a good shave from a good place. Make sure it is something you can style yourself! a good haircut makes a big difference on men. I feel like you are wanting to feel happier but you don't know how. Feeling better is about your state of mind. Google the image of the 2 little boys with these words "happiness is a state of mind". That is not just cute but so eye-opening! I survived a lot of hardships in life, feeling good about yourself and your life starts with the desire, and you have that, I think! I hope. From here, you look for things that would give you gratitude and happiness every day. This is a process, I would say between 3-6 months. I go for brisk walks in nature, watch comedies, and play with kids (my nieces) and dogs (volunteer). Focus on gratitude, I started small --i have electricity, clean water, a roof over my head, a comfy bed to sleep on... which is more than what 1 billion people in this world are dealt with. For self-love and self-image, my go to was always the late Ms Louise Hay. She dedicated most of her life to help people with self-love and healing, she is an amazing teacher. YouTube it. For an interesting perspective on life and the meaning of, I got a lot of great insight from book 1 of the Conversations with God. this one you have to really go with it with an open mind. (this got me out of my clinical depression) You and your mind are so much more powerful than you think! I wish you the self-love and the healing you desire and deserve, with lots of enjoyment and joy on your journey.


Hi 3798 no-big-issues, lol. Happy new year! Look at how much you have achieved with your weight change, something not a lot of people are successful with. Spend a little money, get a good haircut and a good shave from a good place. Make sure it is something you can style yourself! a good haircut makes a big difference on men. I feel like you are wanting to feel happier but you don't know how. Feeling better is about your state of mind. Google the image of the 2 little boys with these words "happiness is a state of mind". That is not just cute but so eye-opening! I survived a lot of hardships in life, feeling good about yourself and your life starts with the desire, and you have that, I think! I hope. From here, you look for things that would give you gratitude and happiness every day. This is a process, I would say between 3-6 months. I go for brisk walks in nature, watch comedies, and play with kids (my nieces) and dogs (volunteer). Focus on gratitude, I started small --i have electricity, clean water, a roof over my head, a comfy bed to sleep on... which is more than what 1 billion people in this world are dealt with. For self-love and self-image, my go to was always the late Ms Louise Hay. She dedicated most of her life to help people with self-love and healing, she is an amazing teacher. YouTube it. For an interesting perspective on life and the meaning of, I got a lot of great insight from book 1 of the Conversations with God. this one you have to really go with it with an open mind. (this got me out of my clinical depression) You and your mind are so much more powerful than you think! I wish you the self-love and the healing you desire and deserve, with lots of enjoyment and joy on your journey. ( i decided to put it on here as a main comment too so maybe someone who needs this may see it too.)


hi. thanks. the thing is i don’t think i’ve done anything great. thank you for your advice though i’ll try to look into it


Well you dont have to do anything great to be happy. You are your unique self without having to do anything great. But if greatness is what you seek, make that your goal this year and work towards it. The world is your oyster.


yeah i’m just disappointed with the progress so far