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Whether you're doing intermittent fasting or not, you still need to be in a caloric deficit. IF just makes it easier. Cutting carbs helped me a lot with losing weight and controlling cravings.


Here’s the answer. You’re probably still eating too much during your window.


Not probably... they are. Counting calories is the way. Get a scale and suck it up. You can do this.




Why isn't it working then?


And that book book is utter trash






Reducing calories is dangerous? Seriously this is utter bs. How the hell do you think people lose weight in IF. Because they eat less calories. Although I am a big IF fan but still.. calorie deficit is the main driver for losing weight. It make’s deficit much easier while fasting




I have read the book and yes I know Jason Fung very well. Have seen his videos. But this is the thing I continue to disagree with him.




There are quite many studies also made, including where they have high carb and high fat consumption compared and what comes to fat loss there is no difference. Fitness competitors for getting ready to compete are eating very low calorie to get competitive shape. They only depend on pretty much calorie count. Additionally there are enough chubby people on keto. I follow one keto lady who is only eating very healthy keto and she literally said she have not lost any weight after she stopped being unhealthy, and yes still she is quite soft. There is no way you can eat endless amount of calories from the healthy food which keeps your insulin down, the excessive calories needs to go somehere. It’s just common sence. On IF when you eat maintenance calories you maintain the weight. Easy! Nothing magical.


That dude is wrong


You won’t lose any weight without changing your diet.


Maybe you are now eating enough calories to maintain, or very gradually lose weight. Perhaps before, you were gaining? Have you counted calories? Do you drink anything other than water?


I lost some weight after childbirth in 2021 (I was 98) but never could really go back to my original weight. I've been around 79-84 since giving birth. I've never counted calories. The one thing I assume might be self sabotage is alcohol, I drink Fridays and Saturdays only. I drink water a lot, 4L a day on average.


Two nights of moderate drinking, lets say 4 or 5 beers/coctails can easily be like 3000 calories.


You drink alcohol twice a week? That can certainly have a significant impact on your results. Alcohol has about the same caloric density as fat essentially drinking a glass of wine you could be looking at it as if it was a glass of water with 14% fat… Also, prior to you starting IF, were you gaining weight? If so you were living in caloric surplus and first of all you had to reduce your intake to just stabilize your weight and secondly you had to reduce it even further to get a caloric deficit. All in all you need to count calories for a month so you get an idea of what your daily caloric intake looks like on a plate. Then you can stop meticulously counting calories.


Ok, dietician here, I see a lot of misinformation here on this sub and I try to not chime in because otherwise I would not have any free time anymore, but.... > alcohol has about the caloric density as fat That is just not true. Pure alcohol is 7kcal/g and fat is 9kcal/g. The reason alcohol easily adds to the caloric input is because a) you drink alcohol, so it is easier to accumulate calories quickly and you don't have a satiation response and b) alcohol is molecular similar to fat so it's very easy to be converted to fat with minimal chemical effort. Furthermore alcohol are "void" calories, it has no secondary nutritional benefit (like for example fatty acids have) so excessive amounts are very bad for your body. I seriously would want people on this sub to be less confident with all the things that is said here, a lot of it are half truths or simply misinformation.


I wrote “about the caloric density as fat”.. 7kcal/g or 9kcal/g is god damn close and completely fine for my next point of what I wrote: Alcohol being easily consumable calories And essentially pointless excess energy intake. That is exactly what I wrote. Why do you feel a need to mark my words as misinformation and then proceed to repeat my two points? Please learn to read and comprehend. Good luck with your “dietician” work.


No, 7kcal and 9kcal is a huge difference, because it's *per gram*. Usually we take in calories in the hundreds of grams. To put it into perspective, if you say 2kcal/g difference is not a great difference, you also say "the difference between 100g sugar and 50g sugar is not a great difference (carbohydrates have approximately 4kcal/g). You see how that sounds? The rest was putting into perspective why calories from alcohol were problematic, while your point was only from a skewed caloric perspective. So cut your bratty behavior, I corrected you because you simply made a very wrong point, this is not about you but to put correct information out there.


Calories pr gram: Sugar: \~4 Protein:\~4 Fat: \~9 Alcohol: \~7 Alcohol and fat are for all purposes approximately twice as energy dense as sugar and protein. Alcohol and fat can easily be said to be “about the same” with regards to their calories or gram, especially considering the "empty" nature of the calories in alcohol. my comment was on how easy energy is to consume when it’s as alcohol. For someone who struggle to lose weight (OP), but consume alcohol twice a week it can be a mental helping hand to picture it having about the same impact as fat. There is absolutely nothing factually wrong in what I wrote. you are, however, officially stupid. Fuck off.


>Alcohol and fat are for all purposes approximately twice as energy dense as sugar and protein. Again, a 2kcal/g difference is not negligible. Also "for all purposes" is wrong as well, see my point on "void" calories vs calories from fatty acids (that have other effects than just being usable for energy). You want to come from a place where every calorie that is consumed is used for energy purposes (or the storage of thereof) and that is only half true as well. But it seems you wish to argue with insults. I won't neither descend on that level nor entertain this conversation further since you ignore the arguments made and continue to rebut with half truths. That's ok, as I said I was making this comment first and foremost for others to get a little perspective.


You know your body best. Dont be harsh on yourself. If you are not counting calories then try to work on portion control.. for example.. instead of twice..drink alchohol once a week.. for food..do the same thing.. decrease your food intake a bit that would be easier to go in calories deficit . You are exercising 3 times a week..you may be building some muscles.. and its heavier than fat.. so, that could be another reason. Dont be harsh on yourself.. just keep going and you will definitely see the progress.. it's working for all.. Good luck and looking forward to see a happy post from you soon.


Not to be mean or anything but You’ve been doing IF for 1 months & you’re drinking alcohol 2 days out of the week but wonder why you’ve only seen almost only a 2lb weight loss? On 20:4, caloric counting can be loose if you’re not eating processed and stick to eating “OMAD” (must be home made) plus a snack (not processed) but on 18:6 you have to be tight with the caloric counting because the window of eating can allow you to have more than one meal and if not careful you might overeat. Remember IF is not a magic pill to weight loss. Anyone trying to lose weight should not be drinking alcohol…if you do it should be like a cheat drink lol but not a daily occurrence every week. It’s empty calories, gets used as a PRIMARY fuel meaning your body will burn the calories from alcohol FIRST before it uses anything else. Also you’re exercising! Are you weight training? If so, you need to get the tape measure and measure yourself instead of using the scale. If you’re experiencing excess bloating and soreness especially after 3 weeks of gym consistency tbh, maybe get checked out for PCOS because high impact should be avoided as it spikes cortisol and can lead to the symptoms your experiencing.


Mom here, I can deal with a lot, but sometimes alcohol is needed to make life a tiny bit easier :) As long it's not a bottle and it fits in window and calories still in deficit..


You should know that you don’t have to give up boozing but it’s a great idea for losing weight. You need to map out your calories for a week and then track your intake for a week. Include the booze. You don’t have to do it forever but you need to identify the easy answers. Knowledge is the first step. I know folks that still drink on a cut. Not like they are stepping on stage… just dropping some lbs. However you should know the damage and issue with a slice a cake or getting rocked on a Friday. Then you can adjust plans and help yourself. Move away from unknown


Many have already said this, but just to throw my 2 cents in, the same thing was happening to me, then about a week ago i started using loseit to count calories and i realized how much i was over eating during my eating window. Im already down 1 1/2 lbs since then


Counting calories is a pain, but if you aren't doing it to confirm you are eating below maintenane then you are just wasting your effort. Using an app makes it much easier. I started using MacroFactor and love it (but it does cost money).


Well if you if haven’t changed diet you might wanna do that. Count macros


It's only been a month. Sometimes it takes our system a while to get with the program. A calorie deficit is important. And another big talking point with IF is insulin levels. Keep them low if you can.


It’s always true that you lose weight in the kitchen, and you get healthy in the gym. You don’t need to work yourself to death for intermittent fasting to function as a weight loss tool. You do, however, need to change the way you eat and make sure your calories are low enough that you allow your body to use your fat for fuel. That’s how it works.


If you aren't making as quick of progress as you'd like, adjusting food intake seems to be a good place to start. You could try eating less than your usual amount a few days per week (reduce by 300-500 calories per day or whatever you feel comfortable with) and see if that helps break down the plateau. Creating more lean muscle mass will burn more energy at rest, so you could intensify your workouts, add more sets or lift heavier weights. Cutting down on sugar and carbs helps a lot of people make faster progress, too.


Are you eating throughout your window? I’ve found the best success in not snacking at all. On days when I’m doing 20:4, for example, I eat at the start of the four hour window. If I feel hungry two hours later, I eat another meal. Sometimes I’m not hungry and I keep going to make it OMAD.


Another big factor is if you just started working out, that soreness is inflamation. For example, sometimes I will gain 5 pounds in water weight (inflammation) after doing squats. So if you are eating a caloric deficit and still not seeing much, it will take some time to see results on the scale. Even though i am losing about 1-2 lbs per week, it takes a month to see much in terms of measurement.


For me it took a few months and then all of a sudden it really took off. A month isn’t that long. Just keep it up.


IF does not make you lose weight. You lose weight by decreasing the amount of energy you consume or increasing the amount of energy you expend. You need to consume less energy or increase your exercise. To consume less energy, just stop eating the least healthy part of your current diet and don’t replace it with anything else. You can increase your exercise by working out more or working out harder.


"intermittent fasting" to me means fasting off and on for a few months, but mostly on. i never adhered to the specific windows of time to eat and not eat, never even looked into it, such as 20:4 etc etc if its time to loose weight for me i will go two or three days and just eat like a stick of cheese each day and drink water. then on day 3 or 4 i will have an actual meal for a few days, then i switch back to fasting and rince and repeat. as far as my losses go, i found if you arent uncomfortably hungery then you arent fasting hard enough imo and i can always loose weight pretty fast, maybe 7lbs a week or so. you get used to the feeling of not being full of food, there is so much more to it than that, but i dont want to type out one of my books again atm there is such a thing as plateauing, but i highly doubt you are at this stage. i wonder if you are building muscle as fast as you are burning fat, making the weight loss appear to be almost nothing


Add in the Wim hof method it'll really open your body up for mobility and reduce the swollenness and inflammation. I know you said you "feel" but are you measuring your progress? Gotta be in a caloric deficit as well as others have said




This is just not true. For people using IF for weight loss it’s due to restricted windows creating a deficit. It’s just plan harder to overeat in a window than a “standard diet” which is free. Whether you track calories or not… your body doesn’t get a macro notebook. It is or it is not.


If your diet has been carb/processed food heavy for a long time, it is likely that reducing carbs and eating in a smaller time window will help you lose weight and get insulin release under control. You will also need to keep an eye on calories though. You will eventually need to exercise too as losing weight gets harder as your body mass drops bringing your TDEE down with it. CICO is fundamental to weight loss for us all. For a lot of us preventing insulin spikes is also necessary. For some people, fasting is the thing that brings it all together. There is no magic to lasting change. Learn what the thing is that’s stopping you. Maybe it’s the occasional alcoholic drink, maybe you are over your calories, maybe it’s all about low carb for you. Mine was the carbs. I found that Keto didn’t suit me after many times of trying. That wasn’t because the premise of Keto was incorrect. I just couldn’t sustain it long term. I’ve found that low carb and intermittent fasting was the key for me. I take thyroid replacement meds as I no longer have a thyroid and went through menopause in my late 30’s. My hormones were all over the place. These things happened in 2015 I put on 35kgs and have not been able to get it down. In January 2024 I combined IF with low carb (under 80g - 100g) and am already down 25kg. I didn’t exercise at all in the beginning as I have joint pain and heat intolerance. 2 weeks ago I started walking and a little resistance training, not because I had to, but because I wanted to. My energy levels and mood have finally picked up. This is all helped by the fact that my body shape has changed so much. Once I’d gotten over the need for sugar/processed food, I found fasting easy. You have to find what your personal blocks are and remove them. Most of us know what they are. It’s just difficult to look that in the eye. I wish you luck and hope you find your way. It is so very worth it!


I agree with most of this. A large part about dieting is about learning about what made you overweight in the first place. Its not that you are a bad person or that you intended for it to be. There is a lot of importance in just learning about the values of food and to keep trying. Diets/plans/whatever are just tools. What matters is making it a lifestyle which everyone speaks to quite a bit. The hardest thing to do is to try to change things like that without more information. You need to show yourself the data. You need to see whats working and what doesnt. No matter what you do, I feel you are doing a disservice to yourself by not paying attention to the details. It can be as simple as finding out a carb you love is easy to overeat and dear lord its a ton of calories. Or even... hey, maybe if I DO drink... dont do this way. Keep trying, keep learning about yourself. Stop assuming anything is an immediate fix. Try things and find out what works for you.


Watch this. This might help clarify https://youtu.be/JG7XFHBk5to?si=l9coJ_-bCxGAUz-G


Yes... this is also idiotic. EDIT: I cant wait to hear about "keeping the body guessing" and "stoking the metabolic fire". Just fun ideas that are stupid.


WTF is wrong with her hands and arms? Do you think they move like that in her everyday conversations. I’d be so distracted! I couldn’t listen for very long at all. I am not a fan of the whiny nasal tone, it certainly doesn’t make me confident that I’m going to be delivered any science. Thanks for sharing though.


Yeah, super American. But I have to thank her. I eat so much, but the right foods now. I have lost 16kg in 12 weeks. Counting calories is too hard 😫


That’s fantastic! However you find your motivation, if it works for you then keep going!