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It really depends how you do it. I got the most muscular of my life doing IF to basically recomp- lots of protein, lifting heavy. I was mostly training fasted too. Fasted + ketosis + heavy compound lifts + protein after = gainz for me. More recently I’ve been on a cutting kick, but still keeping it high protein and lifting, I haven’t noticed significant muscle loss.


Good to know! I planned to fast until my workout around noon then eat high protein most of the day over a few meals, keeping starchy carbs and fats to a minimum for a few weeks.


There have been studies that show that if you are strength training and consuming at least 50g of protein a day, you will maintain your muscles mass. The main issue people run into when dieting(on any diet) is that the average person has no clue just how much actual muscle they have. Often we see ourselves and think the fullness in our bodies is muscle, but often it is a substantial portion of fat and glycogen. This is also why bodybuilders who typically walk around at 250lbs look super small come show time. They have preserved as much muscle as humanly possible via training, diet, and drugs and they still look substantially smaller.


Low carb high fat is what I've found works for me. I do a lot of physical labor throughout the day, and I'm fitter and stronger now than I have been in 20 years.


Hey, this guy has a PhD in sports training and this question gets answered in his channel. Just look up intermittent fasting in his channel search [https://www.youtube.com/@RenaissancePeriodization](https://www.youtube.com/@RenaissancePeriodization)


No I’ve been gaining muscle. My fat is just slowly melting away. People are saying “woah…have you been working out?” My muscle is just getting more defined and I’m able to stay at 265-270 while I’m getting leaner.


Absolutely. I experienced muscle loss. Not sure it’s inevitable. But (without getting into specifics) I consider it a fair trade off.


Hmm. Was it significant? Like 50/50? I feel like I’d be fine waiting till lunch or later to start eating and having bigger, fuller meals while in a deficit but not if it’ll cost me too much muscle.


For IF where you’re still getting your protein at some point in the day, you won’t have to worry about muscle loss. You may lose a little strength simply because you’re at a deficit, but that’s only temporary. You most likely wouldn’t see any actual muscle loss, especially if you’re continuing to lift


Protein during your eating window!!


Do you really think that your ancestors either had no muscles or they were eating proteins every few hours?


I follow macros and am working on my first strict rings muscle up. I seem to be making progress, though slow. I think sleep, progressive overload and hitting protein are more important than when you eat.


Fwiw I blame my slow progress on lack of sleep due to small children 😭😂


Kids and working O/N is my excuse.


Just smash protein in your eating windows. Plenty of eggs and chicken, continue your working out and make sure you recharge your electrolytes. You don't lose true muscle if you fast correctly. Some people lose fat, which they visually thought was muscle.


Your body needs to burn the fat reserves before it touches the muscle. Why would it eat much needed muscle mass before all its useless fat. Which is literally what it's there for, to be consumed during times of starvation. So no. Unless you're for some reason doing less physical activities than before IF. You won't see muscle loss.


As long as your protein in sufficient in a 24 hour period you'll be fine. I eat 170g of protein between 2 meals in my eating window.


the muscle loss through IF is no greater than the loss through any other diet. I can also report that in my experience I got stronger. 18 pushups became 40 the week after starting to fast.


and I did no working out or anything. just the IFing.


oh yeah, and daily pushups


These are my scans at 6th and 12 months of the abdominal area. What do you think about the fat and muscles difference? [https://imgur.com/D8Stkm1](https://imgur.com/D8Stkm1) [https://imgur.com/PkWfHgq](https://imgur.com/PkWfHgq)


Muscle gain for me. But I lift.


I lift which is why I don’t like the idea of going without protein from like 6pm-2pm


I’ve been fasting 9pm to 4pm every weekday and have gained muscle, lifts have gone up. I wasn’t lifting before IF though. But I also switched to carnivore so maybe that has something to do with it. I know it sounds crazy. But hey it’s working. I’m not trying to be a bodybuilder.


Thanks for your feedback! I’ll try it for a couple weeks and see if it’s for me


Yeah I get not liking the idea of going without protein for so long. It doesn’t seem to matter for me though as long as I eat enough in my window.


I do IF + Keto which is low carb and heavier on protein and fat so I haven't see any muscle loss.


I’m in the same boat. Absolutely terrified to workout and then not have protein right after. I’m sure it would be fine but it still scares me haha


Yeah I was thinking of just having protein shakes during the day and then 1-2 food meals with the rest of my protein and calories in the evenings


protein isn't as important as your making it out to be. You only need 1/2 - 1/3 cup a day.


head over to r/leangains


IF is no different than any other diet. If you think it is.. pause.