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It’s not a direct answer to your question, but a good part of cholesterol is genetic. Some ethnic groups have high risk of it. Not saying you should or shouldn’t do anything, but sometimes people with consistently high lipids go on statins at fairly young ages now as a risk reducer.




Thanks! I did a dexa back in April and 48lbs of fat! I'm petite and shocked me so I have tried on weight training with kickboxing twice a week. My protein intake has been the problem and why I have been inconsistent. I have been better tracking my protein and food. I just don't know yet if that's enough at this point. I'm 40 and might need to start a station.


What is your carb intake like in your eating periods?   My cholesterol was almost 2x higher, I started a statin last year around this time. Then in Jan I changed how and what I eat. Fasting combined with increased fat intake by eating an avocado, coconut, grass fed beef, sardines and tuna, and taking high dose krill oil, the only carbs I really eat is some fruit once a week. I have greatly increased the amount if leafy greens I eat too.  At this point I am taking half the statin I started with every other day and my last lipid panel my LDL had dropped to 100 from about 215, Triglycerides went from 350 to about 75, total about 275 to 150, hdl hangs at 45-50. I brewed beer for 10 years and drank way more than I should and was eating way too many shit carbs on top of the beer. The almost 40lbs of weight loss certain helps too. 


Mostly veggies, avocado, sweet potato, sprouts,beans. But here's my issue, I eat cookies like Oreos 2 cookies 3-4 times a week and sometimes dessert when we go out or over the weekend. Alcohol, one drink about three times a week. A few times I have more than that if we have company. I do take omega 3 daily.


This is your issue, no offense. Cut the alcohol & desserts/cookies. That kinda counters ALL the good food you eat. Having a dessert or drink once in a RARE occasion is fine for a "cheat/splurge" but if those are all still part of your almost daily diet, you're have the answer to why you are pre-diabetic.


No offense taken. I really didn't think 2 cookies 2-3 times a week and one drink less than a day could do this damage. I cut down way down. Honestly, which is why I am surprised my H1C haven't changed or my cholesterol. My diet is way better than it used to be but numbers are still the same. This is very discouraging.


I again mean no offense and appreciate it. I just know it takes real dedication, and trust me, I know it's super hard! I have, or had, a MAJOR sweet tooth. Never drank, so that wasn't the issue. But now, looking back, all those empty calories that really are not good for anyone, uggh! I allow myself a small or medium sugary treat for Holidays, birthdays & maybe like once a month otherwise if no special event that month. That keeps me in check. Some people go cold turkey altogether & maybe that will be me one day? It used to be probably few times a week, I'd have something like a dessert or snack. And just look up the calories & other "nutritional" (or lack of) on alcohol/wine/beer/mixed drinks. This whole weight-loss and getting healthy lifestyle (bloodwork, etc) is super hard! But if you have the determination, you can do it! It's working for me!




I’m no dietician but how does fat that solidifies at room temperature have anything to do with your body that’s at 98F? I’m dropped my cholesterol eating more avocado, coconut, and beef. 


I know this is probably unpopular, but if they’re high starch vegetables that will be part of it past the cookies, desert, and presumably sugary alcohol drinks. If its a tuber/root vegetable I tend to not eat it unless its a rather low carb variety. If you don’t know, there are multiple sources online to reference average carb load of fruits/vegetables per 100g whatever quantity they use. I check this as I get different vegetables in my crop share since it wasn’t something I ever concerned myself with in the past.  I am far from someone to emulate. If I consume alcohol, which I do 2-3 nights a week, its scotch, bourbon or additive free tequila.  I decide to partake based on my personal goals and where I am at that day. So it will be different for you. 


No usually it is wine. Occasionally a sip of whiskey. Rarely a beer. I don't like sugary drinks. Sweet treats are my kryptonite.


Before having to go down the path of a CGM I would seriously look at those sweet treats and if you’re eating a lot of starchy vegetables.  Blood sugar and cholesterol are pretty tied together.  Plenty to read about and discuss with your doc next appointment. 


Wfpb diet did it for me.


Obviously talk with your doctor about medication but you could try to supplement with apple cider vinegar - it tastes like ass but has shown in studies that it can improve lipid profile and glycemic parameters - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34187442/ I take 2 tablespoons a day during my eating window before a meal.


No Dr here, your triglycerides and HDL #'s are excellent. I would be happy with that LDL level as well.


I don't know if you fast but if you do don't fast longer that the prescribed blood test fast. Eat three meals the day before that fast.


I actually fasted more for my test because it was busy so I return to do my labs during lunch time so I had fasted 18hrs and only had 1 meal and a snack the day prior.


Blood work fasting should be between 12 and 14 hours. Else some blood markers can be skewed. And as the previous poster said you should eat normally 3 days prior to a blood test. However, your triglycerides are at a very healthy level as is your HDL. Not sure why your HbA1C is 5.7 given your trigylcerides are very good. A lot of simple carbs will push up your HbA1C. HbA1C is a three month measure so your fasting for 18 hours wouldn't have effected that. Just get a glucose meter (cheaper than a CGM) and check your morning blood sugar, pre and 1 hour or so after eating glucose levels to see what effect what your eating is having on your blood glucose. Keep it under 140 mg/dl after eating at 1 hour and no more than a 30 mg/dl rise before eating. hth.


I have a glucose monitor. BS before meal was 85 and went to 104 after meal. This morning was 93. That's why I was thinking about CGM. I will see if my insurance will pay for one but I will start keeping track. Tysm


Wait…how overweight are you and how much have you lost since January? I am not sure how this other stuff can be tossed around without it IF doesn’t just fix bloodwork because you are trying it


I'm not overweight anymore, I used to be 2 years ago after my baby which is when I got diagnosed prediabetic. I weigh 123lbs. I do Fasting for the other benefits and caloric restrictions. Numbers are the same despite changes in 2 years. More dramatic changes: I have been exercising 4-6 times a week since January and watching my macros since April. I weigh 130lbs in December.