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Even with his lackluster debate performance he is a much better president than Trump


It was one bad night. Trump has shown us years and years of bad nights.


One of my observations about the debate is that both candidates were opposites of how they have been at events recently. Biden struggled, but he’s been lively and had no issues otherwise. Trump had a good night, which just means lies without the rambling, but at every other event he’s spoken at recently, he’s slurring his words and going off on crazy, senseless rants. It was an off night for both of them, and it’s so bizarre to me


I wonder how much having the debate at 9pm affected things. I haven't paid enough attention to Bidens recent performances to be able to say what time of day they occurred. At his age, having a cold + a late start time it would make sense that he wouldn't be at his best. Trump being an adderall junky, I'm sure he's more than used to late nights (speaking from experience here. Lol)


Biden spoke **after** the debate and sounded much better.  I think he frankly had a cold + a rough 20 min + criminally dogshit presentation and moderating by CNN.  It is what it is and it’s not going to matter- except that I have a fresh batch of pundits I get to block and never listen to ever again 


CNN of all venues, have been pining for trump for a while.


"When you fall, get right back up", as G.I. Joe said. He knows he's old. He may not walk as easily as he used to, he may not talk as smoothly as he used to, he may not even debate as well as he used to, but he STILL knows how to tell the truth. And G.I. Joe will keep fighting for America and NOT leave the race. That is his oath as a Biden. And sure enough, Lichtman doesn't believe G.I. Joe will back out from the race.


Lucky for us Being President doesn't require any late nights or working while sick. s/ obvi.


That’s what happens when Trump goes unchallenged. A good night from Biden will make him look terrible.


Is it possible that Biden was under the impression that there was going to be fact checking and assumed that would do a lot of the heavy lifting?


I think you could be right. Also I’m sure they drilled so many facts at him while prepping him that when Stump spewed so many weird lies , Biden tried to address them and just got so flustered


Could also.have been thinking "What the fuck am I doing here? Hunter and I could have just had a quiet life and now I have some idiot yelling about how he sold out a US ally to Russia."


I remember when everyone thought Romney was gonna blow Obama out of the water in the election after the first debate they had.


Yes, this is exactly right. Anyone who thinks a single poor debate performance from Biden is somehow worse than the absolute insanity we've seen from Trump - while he also had a terrible performance - is utterly insane.


Yup... 1. President Biden fought for and signed the American Rescue Plan which protected workers’ pensions, provided funding to communities and businesses devastated by COVID-19, lowered or eliminated insurance premiums for millions of lower- and middle-income families, provided funds for affordable housing, provided money for public safety and crime reduction, provided support to small business, expanded food assistance programs in homes and schools, expanded child care programs, invested in mental health and health care centers, added $40 billion for investing in American workers, provided funding to the economies of tribal nations, and supported families with children. Child poverty has already been cut in half as a result of his efforts. 2. He signed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill to repair our roads, waterways, bridges and railroads, and bring high-speed internet to rural communities. Also included is money for public transit and airports, electric vehicles and low emission public transportation, power infrastructure, and clean water. 3. Biden signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. This law provides incentives for states to pass red flag laws, expands the law that prevents people convicted of domestic abuse from gun ownership, expands background checks on young people between 18 and 21 who want to buy a gun, and allocates funds for the mental health of young people. 4. He instituted an executive order raising standards for law enforcement agencies, with particular emphasis on use-of-force policies, availability of body cameras, and recruitment and retention of officers. 5. He brought the unemployment rate down to a low of 3.5%, matching the lowest rate before the pandemic. It has now climbed a bit to 3.8%, but this compares very favorably to the rates of other countries throughout the world. Biden’s administration has added 13.2 million jobs since he came into office, replacing all of the jobs that were lost at the beginning of the COVID pandemic. Today there are more people in America working today than ever before! 6. He signed a bill to help veterans who have long been suffering from the effects of burn pits. 7. Biden ended the war in Afghanistan, the longest war in U.S. history. Over 120,000 people were safely evacuated, double the number calculated by the most optimistic experts. 8. He has steadfastly supported Ukraine after this democratic country was unjustly invaded by Putin and Russia, and has successfully led the free world by lobbying NATO and other allies to add their financial and military support. 9. He signed the Inflation Reduction Act, making health insurance plans more affordable, lowering drug costs, preventing millions of Americans from losing their Affordable Care Act insurance, and requiring Medicare to negotiate the cost of 10 high-cost prescription drugs. 10. Biden signed the CHIPS and Science Act, providing funding to produce semiconductor chips for automobiles, cellphones, laptops, gaming consoles, washing machines, etc. here in the Unites States rather than continuing to rely on China. 11. His administration has provided over $369 million to reduce greenhouse emissions by 40% in the next seven years and promote clean energy technologies, moving our country to greater self-sufficiency in energy production. 12. He signed the Postal Service Reform Act to modernize and stabilize the U.S. Post Office and also to help it continue to deliver mail six days every week, focusing on on-time delivery. Other accomplishments include the reestablishment of respect among our allies on the world stage, the Violence Against Women Act, the Respect for Marriage Act, pardoning those convicted of simple marijuana possession, appointing Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson (the first Black woman on the Supreme Court), forgiving certain student loans, and electoral reforms to ensure that election results are not undermined. These significant accomplishments in substantially less than three years reveal the Biden administration as an extremely progressive, productive administration — one that has already had a dramatic and very positive impact on all Americans. [https://www.recorder.com/my-turn-Grosky-Biden-s-Record-and-Accomplishments-52422040](https://www.recorder.com/my-turn-Grosky-Biden-s-Record-and-Accomplishments-52422040)




You+'re from New Zealand, right?




Be sure to let us know when your next elections are so we can all weigh in on topics with which we're unfamiliar.


Seriously dude he's 81 years old, he said I'm sick, he came out and performed sickly, but the things he said were accurate, he said the right things with the exception of a couple of mistakes.


I was literally concerned for him but he seemed much more himself the next day. I have no problem voting for Biden. To me it’s about the direction. Much more so than Obama Vs McCain or Romney. If McCain had won I wouldn’t be concerned but for me Trump is evil and is boosting an evil ideology trying to take control of the Government.


Not just for you, friend, he's evil for all of us, even those in his cult.


The old fascist primer: First they came for…


A friend of mine called what Biden said "nothing but lies" and i wonder how that holds up. We both know Trump's a lying sack of shit, but he's still swinging for right leaning policies.


The CNN fact checker called Biden on 9 mistakes, some of which were not in Biden's favor, so he wasn't "lying" per se. Trump was dinged for over 30 of them.


He could be dead, he'd still be a much better president.


Joe could quote War from 1975 "Sometimes, I don't speak right, But yet, I know what I'm talking about". Evidently several influencers just learned Joe stutters.


Agreed, between the two I'm not voting for a guy who parks and mingles with the Russian government at an isolated location, brags about intelligence information and then shows it to Russian agents, and convicted of (currently) 37 felonies.


The undecided swing voters in swing states aren't paying that much attention. Their biggest exposure is going to be the debates and media coverage about the debates.




Trump is the worse president. A felon. A liar. A rapist and probable pedophile. Biden is a few years older. He doesn't have upcoming trials for treason. Or election interference. Which one looks better. See you at the next debate


Exactly. How come perception only matters with Biden? What perception did Trump give undecided voters at the debate that they’re going to vote him over Biden? Not to mention four months until the election with half the summer left is a lifetime in politics especially when they’re courting the low informed voter.


Every person asking for Biden to drop will probably vote for him anyway. Trump fans want him to stay in because he's clearly not doing well.


The people saying he should drop out are not Biden voters. Guess who they are


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new America. You know... morons.


Why would Trump fans want Biden to drop? This straight up could not have gone better for them


Lol perception says biden is still best option


Was thinking the same…




I'd vote for a steaming pile of shit before I'd vote for the orange diaper full of shit.


Perception wins elections? Optics are superficial, and substance wins votes.


He also won't shut up on his social media platform https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/s/ZKRFKU1sVe




No. Vote for the better man with better policies. That man isn't trump


How can people remain this dense? The plutocracy we live in wants us to continue to have to pick between these two candidates When you are given a choice between a criminal and a cadaver, the correct answer is c) revolt. Period.




Biden is clearly better. He was handed Trump's mess and is doing a great job


I think there's a lot of Russian shills pushing the "abandon Biden" rhetoric. Their desperation is showing.


Well, yeah. Check out some of the profiles of the people who comment. Bonus points when you find the same comments word for word by different users on different threads. Redditors seriously need to get more savy about recognizing astroturfing. It's been going on here for ages. I have no problem pretending an aita post is real when I'm bored- realistically a lot are fake- but there's a different level of manipulation that goes on here, too


Or the account is pretty new with not much other activity or their activity is from years ago


Social media users on all platforms need to get better at it. It’s become so blatantly obvious.


ive said reddit doesnt do enough on a bunch of subs, like news, politics, askreddit. Other subs were capable of preventing such trolling behaviour because they have niche requirements. i got astroturfed out of worldnews because i was pointing out the instigator of gaza conflict, instant 3 day suspension lol. all because someone decided to rant about my comment.


You are so right. In my ten years on this site I have seen nothing like it.




That’s my take on it. Trying to push the no vote, third party, or write in. Drives me crazy.








Even the progressives I know aren't saying that stupid shit. I don't believe it at all.


They also want anyone else but Trump….notice how most aren’t saying “abandon Trump”?






A liar and a cheat is weaker than an old frail man who stands by his morals.


trump is 78, is not that much younger than biden,


My grandma at 95 was in better shape mentally and physically than Trump is at 78


trump is on adderall and mcdonalds all day. chased it down with some wine maybe, but most coke.


*Old frail liar and a cheat


I honestly don’t even understand why people are overreacting like this. That debate was exactly what you should have expected. Joe sounding old and Prison Don confidently lying.


It wasn't just old, though. Old would have been fine. It was incoherent and lethargic. People on this sub seem to be forgetting that Biden was losing before this debate. This was supposed to be his comeback. The panic is not just a Republican hype train. It's real.


Well no shit it helps trump, whose campaign do you think is pushing that fucking idea in the first place? 🙄 


Are there really people who haven’t figured out “replace Biden” is coming from Republicans?


Been encountering a ton of troll bots pushing this. I call them on their bullshit and then come back a day later to find their comment is deleted.


I've been saying it for awhile and get the same responses over and over


I mean. I’ve wanted to replace Biden for a hot minute, but for my political views being way far left of his. I know that replacing a candidate this late in election season is a recipe for losing


Right. I’m not saying Biden is the GOAT, I’m saying suddenly calling for his replacement is lunacy at this point in time, under these circumstances.


How does this explain Andrew Yang, former Democratic candidate also calling for Biden to step aside? Hmmmm? …oh, Yang is actually kind of a dipshit? Very well, as you were


Happy Cake Day! Well said!


I’m in a few left leaning groups and abandon Joe has been the call to arms all weekend. Democrats love to eat their own.


Are you sure it’s actually Democrats falling for this nonsense? I’m sure some are fooled but I think most aren’t taking the bait. I’ve caught several Trump supporters pretending to be Dems in Dem subs calling to “Replace Biden”.


I have a friend who is a moderate that wants Biden to step down. He’s still voting for Biden though…don’t think the debate changed as much as what people think it did. Especially since Biden can still bring it. If we had an honest media his rally the next day would be all over the news.


It’s basically this. Sure, they don’t want Biden and would like him to step down, but they don’t like any of the alternatives and HATE Trump, so they’ll settle for Biden cause at least he’s not a crazy lunatic 


No, I’m not sure of any population beyond “chronically online”. Myself included. Reddit was nothing but hand wringing and gloating for the past 3 days. I’m waiting to see what polls for the next few weeks prove, but that’s not a definite, either.


or russian trolls. its the same people "muslims are not voting for biden anymore"


If you mean the Muslim/Arab contingency, Biden has a 79% disapproval among Arab-Americans. That’s a very real issue that could harm the election and just putting on the horse blinders towards groups who genuinely feel disenfranchised feels like we’re also asking for Biden to lose.


Fetterman can speak from experience. In 2022, Fetterman took part in a debate against Dr. Oz for the Senate seat here in PA. He was still recovering from a stroke at the time, and as a result, he put in an even worse performance than Biden had on Thursday. He won the election regardless.


except he showed his true colors recently.


I don't know for sure what you're talking about, but I can guess. And that's *completely irrelevant* to my point.


Abandon Biden is going to be the next usage of the "walk away" campaign Russia used in 2016 to help Trump, by telling Dems to walk away from voting Hillary.


https://vote.gov/ Check your registration.


If any party should be replacing a candidate. it should be the Republican Party, but here we are. Smh. They’ve lost their damn minds supporting Trump as their candidate. They clearly don’t want to win the next election. A tiny fringe base doesn’t win elections.


They do when the media amplifies it to still make it 50/50. There's a reason why "Trump shit himself on national TV in a debate, here's why that's bad for Biden" is a meme at this point.


I hate to agree with Fetterman about things, but this idea is at the top of the dumb list. We've already had the primaries. There are 5 months left. Democrats are dumbasses to put Biden up, but at this point it would be particularly dumbass to remove him let alone tear him down and not remove him. Just circle the wagons and lets go. Personally I would vote for Biden's corpse attached by strings to the unlikable Harris and stockmarket millionaire Pelosi before voting to lose what remains of our democracy in an effort to become Russia.


I think one thing that's particularly wild about it to me is no thought is given to the dissonance between preaching about the importance of democracy and the vote of the people for so many years, and then summarily replacing the guy who won the primary a few months before election day and telling his voters sorry, we know better.


Agreed. Maybe if it were January or February but we’re some three odd weeks out from nfl summer camp and the election is just after like NFL week 8 or something.


lol - thanks for translating into NFL time XD


Found my people


why is it a dumbass, when biden already legislated so much compared to trump only tax cuts and installing partisan judges.


Four months.




Even the “keys to the White House” guy who has accurately predicted all but 1 US election over the past 50 years said (before the debate) that replacing Biden would all but hand the election to the republicans


He was actually correct, technically, with his one wrong prediction (Gore).


It literally does help Trump, and makes it ever so obvious that people who are now only months before the next major election calling for Biden’s removal still don’t understand what it is we’re up against. Until people learn - and for once, not by mistakes, not when learning by mistakes may mean never having a free or fair election ever again - we won’t be able to change much. It’s that simple


I do not agree with all Fetterman's statements, but this one is spot on!


That’s why you’re hearing a lot about it, most major news networks would love it.


FOSTERED by Trump world, including the Putin apparatus.


Of course it does. Everything helps Trump, because that's all the media presents to us. Their bosses want a Trump regime.


Their bosses, more than anything, wants eyes on their media - and Trump gets those. More particularly, a close election that's presented as a 50/50 proposition gets those eyes.


Putin bots are everywhere. No one who has been paying attention is gonna switch their vote, we already know Dark Brandon is old, its literally old news. It was the least viewed presidential debate in all of American history. Nothing has changed, get the fuck off of tick tock and calm down yall.




One person stuttered while the other lied the whole debate. Im going with the old stutterer.


That was not just a stutter. His abortion response was utterly incoherent. It should have been his strongest issue. This debate was supposed to be a chance to turn around a losing campaign. Everyone on this sub is acting like we were winning before the debate, instead of getting our asses kicked in every swing state.


The media is saying it I stand with Biden 


Post debate polls show undecided voters liked Biden over Trump. So yeah, Fetterman's right.


And he would be correct on both points


What I find ridiculous is, Biden has one bad debate and all the news media are publishing "concerned" articles about whether he should drop out, and I don't remember at any time along the path when Trump was investigated, charged, booked, tried or convicted where there was this kind of outpouring of outrage that he was still the Republican candidate


What people should be asking is "what do we do about a system that gives us two terrible options?"


You think, ridiculous


Fuck off Fetterman. We know a moldy cum rag is better than Trump. That’s not the point. I don’t want Biden giving more potential voters a reason NOT to vote for him, and ever unforced error like the debate only alienates that demographic. We can’t afford to lose any more votes.


Reddit really wants Biden. I for one am not being gaslit. I know what I saw at that debate. We need someone else.


You also saw an uncogent serial liar who cannot focus on a single topic at one time, that being Trump. He cannot capitalize on off of Biden’s blunder here because the house Trump lives in is very much made out of glass.


Yeah. Her performed as expected. Biden can’t beat him. They can’t spin this. I saw what I saw.


When your team is 20 points behind and your star player blows out their knee, nothing to do but double down!


Fetterman hasn't been right about much lately, but i agree here.






Well its true


It is dumb but we have dumber as a society for awhile now...


It didn’t change my vote


It’s just another corporate media ploy to keep voters from choosing Biden. I would vote for him if he was comatose to prevent Trump from destroying the country.


Even if Joe was braindead I'd still prefer him to NoBrains VonShitzinpants.


3 billion social media videos demonstrating value being deeper than appearances, and it's still such a huge portion of the population that can't look past the optics to qualify good and bad. 


He’s correct


Who cares if Biden lost his damn voice and had to ASL to communicate. He will at least try to save womens rights to abortions. While Trump wants to flood government departments with his own loyalists who will do his bidding. There are plenty of VP candidates who are willing to do what Trump wanted Pence to do on Jan6th. Trump is a threat to the West.


When Democrats bicker, Republicans win elections.


We know the difference and what's at stake.


He's not wrong. It's a pipedream that we're going to be saved last minute by some other candidate waiting in the wings that's gonna perform better against Trump. The American people save themselves, get those friends that aren't registered, registered. And help the undecided decide.


No shit.


I agree. Too many cowards in politics.


Coming from a Trump clone that's deep John.


Well d’uh. Still props to Sen Fetterman for saying what needed to be said.


It was only a few stupid talking heads with nothing better to do with their time, only minutes post-debate, and the Trumper online community picked it up and ran with it.


The only people saying it are fascist talking heads carrying water for the billionaires.


This guy has shown how stupid he really is.


Figures, this is a “get your musket” moment and Dem leadership is clueless.


Don’t care if they had to bring Biden in on a stretcher,he is still a better and more competent moral leader than that POS Trump


Don’t care if they had to bring Biden in on a stretcher,he is still a better and more competent moral leader than that POS Trump


He's not wrong. We \*can't\* abandon Biden, he's the presumptive nominee. *No political party would survive an election where they dumped an incumbent* anyway.




That's just it Trump is showing everyone what he wants and what he's going to do. If you haven't read anything about project 2025 start to. The first thing is he's never leaving. Or those crazy Republicans will stay in power. The second thing that they're going to try to do is make our youth join the military for two years so I hope you're paying attention young people. The third thing they're going to do is come after all women and our bodies and our birth control. We might be safe in a blue state but they're coming for us. So you better rise up and vote even if the man's pulse is weak. I feel for our LGBTQ. Especially our Trans folks. That border they're going to rip people away from their families again and what about those women they sterilized without permission? That supreme court is fragile and not very good for us. We need to stay blue. I adore Joe Biden but I think it's time for him to retire. He was everything they call him in that debate, everything. He sounded frail. He looked lost and confused. He let a bully bully him and two moderator say nothing. It's like what they really wanted deep down inside and set the man up to fail. Whether it was CNN or the people that gave him debate prep. Trump brings ratings. It doesn't matter that he is going to burn down our country. Vote. 🌊


Fetterman is right, and I agree with him on this. Lichtman mentioned the same thing. The Dems who are critical of G.I. Joe can't just throw him under a bus just because of ONE bad debate performance. Heck, Obama even had a bad debate night, and it's worse than G.I. Joe's. Yet he STILL won. That proves that debates are unreliable as the polls. Whether the general public, including the Dem politicians, likes G.I. Joe or not, G.I. Joe made it clear that he's staying in the race.


Biden had a cold plus he just returned from international travel. That’s wven hard on a young healthy person so considering all that I’m surprised he even showed; these debates are totally meaningless too. We have a candidate that spews lies and craziness, why bother to have a ‘debate’ when you can’t debate a pathological liar?




If this were true, why would you guess the right wing media is pushing the "Biden should drop out" narrative?



