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I never want to hear about the left wing media bias again. The right wing media and project 2025 are the true dangers to the country and something has to be done about it


There has never been a left wing media bias. Conservatives are great at playing the victim


The torrent of "Biden so old" coverage lately while ignoring the massive amount of Trump debate lies and SCOTUS king maker ruling is proof that the "liberal media" does not exist.


Not to mention news about Trump and Epstein that came out early this week


Oh, was there something that came out about Epstein? Funny, I haven't heard a peep about it on any of the news outlets.


If you google Trump and Epstein , it doesn’t even come up in results really


#THIS! Holy fkn shit man... all those newly released docs and not a single peep from any news media whatsoever! It's all still the same "biden old" bullshit... while they worship someone who is clearly now shown to be a child rapist!


Right? And I've seen a lot of articles where it seems they've already decided the election in Trump's favor.


Trump has been lying consistently for decades. That's not news.


IKR? If Trump tells the truth about something important, ***THAT*** would be the news of the day.


The media is a business, they are in it for the ratings and advertising dollars. Whatever gets the most eyes glued to their content, they will roll with. The whole “left-wing. Media “ tripe is both political and a business strategy, getting people to vote Republican and pay only attention to their media for….you guessed it, ratings and advertising dollars!


They do exist they just don’t have a spine unless it’s about a democrat because they’re spineless and don’t pose a threat


If you know about the SCOTUS ruling and the lies, they did their job. Pretending the debate wasn’t a political earthquake that demands accountability from the only party that even bothers to pretend to care about accountability is asinine.  We’re a democracy or we’re not. If we are, then we should have this debate over whether we what we saw mattered and if so, now what? The media is covering that debate. As it should.


i’d be willing to bet more of us got our information here or somewhere else online way before the msm mentioned it in between the ad nauseum “biden must step down - dem sources” coverage


Despite there being truth to what you're saying, it's endlessly frustrating the asymmetry this creates Trump lied somehow? Does it all the time, not news Trump didn't have a command of policy whatsoever? He never has, not news Trump has no defense for J6, when he tried to overthrow the government? He never has, not news Republicans don't care about any of the above? We've stopped expecting them to care about anything or govern seriously, not news Oh something about a Democrat, a party capable of reflection and course correction? Let's ONLY TALK ABOUT THAT Like, it's 110% worth talking about. Even willing to concede that maybe it's the biggest story. I just wish they could try to find a way to make the other stuff matter too


I assume we’ve been looking into this abyss for broadly similar amounts of time. I remember “death panels”, birtherism, and dragging lynched effigies of Obama through the streets. So let’s say you’re the editor in chief of the New York Times. You don’t have a Time Machine. Biden was already down in the polls before the debate and despite years of polls saying even a majority of democrats think Biden shouldn’t have sought a second term, he did it anyway. Then the debate happens. What do you do? If like me you’ve had sixteen years to think about this, with the last eight being particularly bad, how do you make the right care about the New York Times? Because I see a lot of armchair quarterbacking and wagon circling but no theory of change except clamping down on what the masses are allowed to know about the guy they are supposed to trust to save democracy.


I think you have to pick the demos correctly. There was a poll that said you can break the electorate into pretty clean lines based on media consumption. The coalition on the left is folks that watch non-Fox MSM, read the NYT, etc. The coalition on the right is folks that watch Fox, or get "news" from social media and YouTube, or, notably, don't really consume political news at all I think targeting the "don't really consume political news" folks somehow would be the path of least resistance. I wonder if you could create content for those folks that doesn't seem political until it is. Like sneaky adds or TikTok videos or YouTube shorts kinda thing. I'm not really sure I also think there's a game the left doesn't generally play that it maybe can't ignore any more. The right is ALL OVER talk radio throughout the country. They've positioned themselves as a background noise that people listen to on their way to work. They have their entire political opinions set by like an accidental osmosis


Growing up as a millennial we always complained about the media being right-wing and sometimes during the Obama administration the general consensus and perception was the media wa left wing despite nothing changing. Maybe because he was so charismatic and it was such a contrast to GWB and all the anti Iraq War protests turned into musicians and celebrities lining up to align with him.


By first primarily believing in a world fabricated by Fox News propaganda the right then creates what is, to it, a left wing media bias due to its incongruence with their false reality


…. And projection.


Biden slips into a coma, mass media freaks out...me? I'm voting for the guy in the coma. The last time the mass media decided who I should vote for was...never.


Wouldn't that be the same reasoning repugs vote for trump? 'No matter who, they vote for the person with an R next to their name'


Trump's a criminal. Biden has done a good job. So, nope.


I will vote for a yellow dog before I give up my vote against a guy who says "people like it when I talk about being dictator." No other viable candidate in the history of the nation has ever said that. Before Trump, it would get you out of the running in the Republican party. It's a new era.


You’re voting for the whole administration. Harris as VP can take over if Biden is incapacitated, and there will be a high degree of continuity across the various departments as the people currently in the roles who don’t decide to exit at the start of the best term will remain.


The “liberal” New York Trumpcumguzzlers.


For real. New York Times big shocker is that Joe Biden told his staff to let him get some rest after 8 p.m. omg 😲


I’m 47 and I don’t want to be fucked with after 8 myself.


Exactly. I'm 34 and don't want to either.


I never want to hear that the media wants anything other than views/clicks.


I think the Project 2025 stuff is just now starting to hit the mainstream. That, in conjunction with recent supreme court behavior I think is starting to move voters towards risk-aversion. Also: there are a larger than usual number of undecideds this time around.


You are correct. I'd like to hear how the right wing media is going to defend Project 2025, which is what Trump and Republicans want to implement.


There are right-wing media that are mouth pieces for Dem elites and there are extreme right-wing media that are mouth pieces for GOP elites. Progressive voices in mainstream media get fired.


Well I mean they did act like Biden being old is the biggest thing happening right now… epic ball drop. Like 250 years in the making level fuck up right there


You sound like maga with the “rotten msm media” bit


Trump has literally been out there saying he’s against project 25 for a while now


The conservatives pretending that the Heritage Foundation is a leftwing plant are straight up lying. His campaign people's fingerprints are all over that agenda.




Cover up? What cover up? What media were you watching that wasn’t calling for Biden to step down?


I’ll vote for Biden’s corpse before a republican in today’s world. But if you think the media and the White House hasn’t been truthful about bidens mental health than I’ve got a bridge to sell you. There is a reason he hasn’t done all the normal interviews a regular president does. And there is an obvious reason why. It’s because he’s old as fuck and they are playing prevent defense with him. Check out the daily podcast from earlier this week for more info.




Then you were being very selective about where you were paying attention.




Trump is demanding military tribunals and public executions of anyone documenting who he is but sure that's a "cover up".




Your quote even says "​their obvious political motivations" because... obviously.


I'm not interested in you. There's other people on here. This describes every administration in history "from the obvious political motivations of sources who either want to protect Biden’s image or project a certain image, to the blowback from pursuing such reports, especially from the White House and Democrats.”


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It’s almost as if sane voters realize that it’s a mistake to vote for an unstable, rapist, felon. Perhaps a debate flub doesn’t matter that much when you weigh the consequences of not voting for the kindly old gentlemen that’s doing fairly well running the country


Key word here is “sane.” This election is going to swing heavily on the votes of “independents.” As we’ve seen before, they don’t always make the “sane” choice.


This is only true if Democrats are apathetic. If democrats show up, they don’t need independents. That’s a big if tho.


Glad RFK is in the race to sap some of the independents away…


Trump only appeals to the most dimwitted, entitled people in this country.. and brother, there's *a lot* of them.


Informed is the word you're looking for.


Shame on the Dems who turned against him instead of addressing what matters. I expect nothing else from the media because obviously stirring up drama generates money. That all being said, VOTE. Believe nothing any media or polls say. Remember 2016. And if you forget, remind yourself again.


*had more people marching against him than AIDS* -Colbert


This is one poll from a meh-pollster. Biden had a bad night. He came across as frail and forgetful to the low information voters. Even if you believe the validity of this poll, which I don’t, Biden still loses the electoral college. PA is absolutely critical and trump is up 7 points now in that state. With just PA and GA (which there is no conceivable way Biden will retake), that puts Trump at 270 electoral votes. I agree it’s madness to swap out the nominee this late in the game, but Biden’s path to victory has shrunk close to 0%. Even if you disagree that his debate performance was fine, blood is in the water and the media—biased as they are—is running with the narrative. It’s time to roll the dice with someone else.


You say this poll is meh, yet you cite the PA results as if they're somehow more reliable than the other numbers. Per 538, Trump is up an average of 3.2pts, not 7, which is just about within the margin of error. Pennsylvania is definitely still in play for Biden.


And I'm really wondering how abortion is going to play into this. The Dobbs decision has seen pro-choice candidates and ballot measures perform extraordinarily well, and I'm pretty sure they've defied polls to do so, even in some of the deepest red states in the country. Trump nominated the justices who handed down that ruling. I haven't been studying the state of polling closely, but I really don't see how Trump could escape that trend, considering the likelihood that Alito, Thomas, or both are likely to be replaced by next term. I really don't put stock in these numbers; just in general, I don't think much of anyone has a good idea what is going on.




It turns out the media is even more susceptible to foreign efforts to sow chaos and division than voters.




No, shame on the dem establishment for trying to force Biden onto us under the guise that trump is Hitler returned. He very may well be, but that doesn't mean we should have someone with half a brain vs no brain. There was no reason for biden to run again, his first campaign he even stated he would be a transition president. The dem establishment is to blame for the loss this year. There's many others who would still beat trump AND be way better (Whitmer, Pritzker, etc). Edit: LOL at the downvotes. This shit is a repeat of 2016, the establishment buried their heads in the sand with Hilary and they're doing the same exact thing with Biden. Don't be surprised when it's a repeat of 2016. If this election truly is "the most important" they should be acting like it and putting their best foot forward not expecting a handout from the voters.


I shared my view on this the other day already. They had 8 years, maybe 10, to not only find but also prepare someone else. They didn't. NOW is most certainly not the time to turn their backs on the only candidate - and hope - they have.


THIS. imo too many people are letting their own disapproval of biden cloud things. I’m absolutely not a fan. I would like to have someone other than a skeleton. This is also quite literally the worst time to switch. We’d pull more people with a concrete strategy and hammering in what voters are worried about vs spending a month picking a new person and expecting people to just vote for the new person without any pushback and without time for a full campaign.


Lol some left wing kids think it's all or nothing and no compromise. Someday kids will learn you can't get everything you want in a short time. It takes a while and you need to convince others to join you.


I'm downvoting for the use of 'Dem establishment' 'forcing' anything. It's the equivalent of Trump's 'many people are saying' because it doesn't say anything. Who? Was there a meeting in the basement? Or was it a group chat? I wish Biden had decided early on to be a one term president, but he didn't. The president is the head of the party, by definition. Say Biden made a poor decision, and I'll agree. Say some cabal of 'dem establishment' forced anything, and you're likely going to be correctly downvoted.


Take a look at polling, bud. Biden still performs better in head to head matchups than Kamala, Whitmer, etc. 538 just had an article where they showed Biden performing better in pretty much every swing state compared to Kamala. I don't like that we only have a choice of the half dead guy vs the orange idiot, but that's the choice we have and I'm voting for the half dead one who will at least put forth better policy and provide better appointments for open judicial positions. Debates don't mean shit in the grand scheme of things during an election, and polling this far out from an election isn't all that accurate to what the final result may be. Just look at 2016. This is still anyone's race.


Even if dems need to seriously consider if Biden should continue as the candidate, they should have never played it out in front of the media. Absolutely fucking stupid to damage your own incumbent like that. I sent a an angry email to my dem senators and congressional rep about it. Absolute stupidity 


What if I told you politicians are people and not a collective consciousness? They’re entitled to speak their mind and most have been actually quite careful to avoid hyperbole or to affirmatively declare that it’s time for Biden to go. And it’s the media’s job to let us know this debate is happening, not to be the stenographers of power. In many ways they failed by not pursuing Biden’s decline more aggressively when more could have been done to make whatever comes next less messy. A real primary could have been held rather than every credible candidate staring at their shoes on the sidelines while Biden thumped a faith healer, a nobody, and a guy with a brain worm. We are not supposed to be good little soldiers who fall in line. That’s the right’s job. We’re allegedly the educated and the free thinkers. The people who should debate, question, and demand accountability rather than meekly be governed and praise mediocrity.  Some people have apparently decided to mirror the right instead because trusting other people to wrestle with uncomfortable information is scary so we better scream at the media and politicians to hide any corruption on our own side from us so we don’t have to ask hard questions about what needs to change and what accountability looks like.


I would agree with you in a normal election, but this is not a normal election. The stakes are simply too high to be acting this recklessly without thought of what the outcome will be if we lose. 


I am telling you give Trump more air time on national TV people will remember and will be like do I want to listen to Bif from back to the future every day for 4 more years.


No! Do not give Trump airtime, let’s keep forgetting about him and watch the polls keep getting better. Hear me out, let’s keep taking about Biden and project 2025, we are still far from the election. I’m completely convinced this is what they are doing, it’s been nonstop Biden coverage on TV like 24/7 since the debate. He is been flying around doing rallies, got a spray tan and is done a few interviews. The polls look decent, I say he rides the wave. His campaign is in full swing, it won’t be long before you see him out in the corvette with the sunglasses eating ice cream, but hey maybe he still fumbles it. I say let it ride, at least for another week. Let’s see what things look like then as more people find out about project 2025 and Biden keeps showing up for these interviews and these rallies.


I disagree. I think they should be hammering him and holding him accountable to lies like a proper journalist should. Biden can keep doing interviews and talking policy, showing he's capable. Trump being asked hard questions and fact checked live would be devastating. You say you aren't in favor of project 2025, but here are excerpts from speeches and your own website that match these project 2025. When he doesn't take interviews they should run headlines that he's scared to take interviews that won't let him lie. The media right now just let's him bullshit. They need to go after him. Historically badgering like this looks like bias, but that was with honorable candidates. Jon Stewart would shred him. Professional journalists can do the same. They just fucking don't.


Well, yes he should be hammered and held accountable, but that’s not going to happen. He will if anything just keep doing softball interviews with Fox or newsmax. I tried to be realistic, I just don’t see the American press doing anything against Trump.


He really is Biff from back to the future. The future was bad with Biff as the rich casino owner. I have wondered for years how people don’t seem to see the parallels with Biff and Trump.


Still voting for Biden or whoever is not Trump. The debate for me doesn’t change a thing


don't vote for RFKj


Yeah he has zero chance. A vote is wasted


turns out the Biden Crisis is just manufactured media drama


My sincere hope is that everyone now sees these click harvesters for what they really are. They don't care about what's best for the country or for you, they don't care about truth or facts. Their only obligation is to sell attention to advertisers and they'll hapillly sell you and the country out to do it. 


I mean, I’m not going to lie. I saw the debate and thought, “damn, dude is looking rough.” It didn’t change my opinion on him, his administration, or how I plan on voting, but his age and his mental acuity are a concern. Still not nearly enough to make me change my vote, as the other candidate is trying to destroy the country.


Well, he’s also old and was sick with a cold during the debate, which was only revealed after.


THIS. lmao I genuinely feel crazy that so many people couldn’t see that. Since when did it become rocket science that bad shocking event = initial shock, which levels out as people forget? That seems like the rock bottom basics of the human brain. **no one** is going to spend weeks reflecting on a single debate performance, then think “actually. I thought he was fine but nah” unless he had numerous high profile slip ups just like the debate after. It’s more likely that people would see the debate, immediately think “biden is in significant decline, I can’t elect him,” then (1) see the scotus ruling (2) hear about project 2025 and (3) see him on the campaign trail doing much better, well enough, and think “eh he’s fine—it was a shit performance.” Even uninformed voters aren’t dwelling for months on one performance—like, the only mistake I still remember is “we beat Medicare.” I also remember trump’s “black jobs” and “he’s like a Palestinian”


He's been like this for a few years now. It wasn't just one bad night.


Don’t forget abortions after birth.


What about biden using the "very fine people" lie or saying no service members died during his administration?


(1) it’s not a lie. It’s a logical conclusion. https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/116973/documents/HHRG-118-ED00-20240417-SD006.pdf “you have very fine people on both sides.” One side was neo-nazis and white supremacists. Simple. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/17/fact-check-trump-quote-very-fine-people-charlottesville/5943239002/ (2) that’s not true of him to say—Trump still lied over 30 times.


"I'm not talking about the white supremacists and neo nazis, who should be condemned totally." -same sentence https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/


Except it wasn’t in the same sentence, and that article never said it was. He said that days later. https://newrepublic.com/article/183082/nopes-trump-very-fine-people


https://youtu.be/JmaZR8E12bs?si=S2GJ9pQoqBypRpHe That is a 4 minute clip. He says everything within that clip... I'm blown away that people still don't know this or care to check with their own eyes. Only reason I used snopes initially was cause that was the top fact checker at one point.


That’s fair—but biden never said Trump called neo-nazis very fine people regardless, biden said Trump said there were very fine people on both sides, as Trump did. Also, considering one side was primarily white supremacists and neo-nazis, saying that then “oh but not those who are the vast majority of that side” after the fact doesn’t really help him.


Lmao cope harder. Biden specifically said that.


Did you watch? Lmao u/lottery2641 deleted all his comments after getting rekt. I'm sorry!!!


No they didn’t…


His age is definitely a potential issue, and the debate didn't help that image. That being said, the media freak out seems to be more for clicks and engagement than actual substance. They don't care who wins the election as long as they get viewers.


But we all saw it with our own eyes


The whole Presidential debate format is fucked and needs to be seriously restructured. Only having 60 seconds to respond is absurd. The lack of competent moderation and zero fact checking is outrageous. The fact people actually base their vote off of a sham "debate" is frightening.


Vote blue 💙


Good…. Vote for Biden anyway, don’t get complacent.


This whole debate fiasco, if there is anything positive that came out of it is that people who don’t want Trump to be back in White House should no longer be complacent - they better fcking vote and not assume Biden will win by default.


In a sane world Trump should have 0 votes. Sad pathetic orange conman.


The media wants a horse race narrative so badly that they gave Trump a free pass on the first debate. They decided he “won” before it even started.


That's not good enough. We need to mobilize and especially get word out of project 2025 to the masses. If you don't know about project 2025 look it up. It's scary.


No way I’m ever voting for a pedo or a felon


I think some of that is a realization of exactly 'who' keeps going on about replacing Biden. They are mostly insiders, media, and deep pocket money. Not your typical democrat. Especially the deep pockets threatening to withhold money unless they are appeased. They can kiss my ass.


Yeah, that guy was the pits. Biden was bad as well, but at least he didn't lie throughout.


Obviously I’m voting for Biden, but come on now, you can’t honestly believe the debate was fine. 


It feels like this post is one giant self-delusion. I’m voting for biden or anyone that’s not trump, but Biden is coming across as weak, especially to low information voters. This poll says he might be rebounding a bit, but he’s still underwater on the whole.


I feel the same way. In no way did. Biden do good or even okay. It was a train wreck and plays perfectly into the narrative that he is too old and not mentally capable to be President. It really was the worst case scenario, and we can only hope he can pull off the second debate. Another disaster debate for him might be a death blow


I originally thought that while Biden did poorly in public that he was probably good behind closed doors, but after seeing the debate, I no longer trust him to be able to carry out the responsibilities of the presidency.  He just said that he didn’t plan on having events/important meetings after 8:00pm so that he could sleep more. Well, Russia and China don’t give a shit about that. We need someone who is ready at any moment in case it hits the fan. 


Good. Maybe it's due to more people learning about Project 2025, and hopefully that means the numbers will continue heading in this direction.


It’s really the point, yes Biden is old, but trump is still trump, his vileness is on full display.


> …after debate debacle They’re talking about the guy who just lied every time his mic wasn’t muted right?


Project 2025 will destroy Trump


Because the debate was not a “debacle.” He was ill and could barely speak, but if you read the transcript he made a lot of really important points. And Trump’s performance was disgusting as always. Not sure why that is ignored because people did notice and remembered why they hate him so much.


That’s the thing. Biden looked and sounded bad physically, but he was clearly on the ball mentally. It shows how debates are often not about substance.


I’ll never underestimate the levels of stupidity that our population can achieve, but I have to believe that the participants in these irrelevant polls are mostly Trump/Conservative friendly?


I'm voting for Biden & I've never participated in a poll. And I get contacted way, way too much. My text messages are full of "Stop" reply messages. I *want* polls to skew towards Teump so that rational voters take this election, election very seriously & don't just sit on their asses. And I also want MAGAts head to explode when Trump loses, again.




Total states now amass larger positive positions power play for biden even better than before debate


I am curious to know what amazing things trump said and did during the debate that makes him the better candidate, Hill? 🦗


I’m for Dems winning, and for Biden to stay on if he’s in the strongest position to beat Trump, but this one cherry picked poll among many others that show the opposite result with Biden doing worse in swing states after the debate. Worth recognizing reality as opposed to the GOP who doesn’t


Morning Consult is a pretty mid pollster - according to 538. I think it’s also worth pointing out that this “awesome” poll for Biden would still result in a Trump victory in electoral college, even if you give Biden the margin of error.


I'm ignoring the polls just like the red wave polls.


I understand the desire to do that as both a coping mechanism and based on general perception, but the individual 2022 polling was actually mostly accurate. It mostly was the larger media narrative around a red wave that led to the false expectation. Polling is one of the best methods we have to gauge public sentiment and is an important pro-democratic feedback mechanism between elections to make the voice of the people heard. For those reasons, their credibility shouldn’t be undermined. Source on 2022 polling accuracy: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/2022-election-polling-accuracy/


Up next: why this is bad news for Biden


Girl… did anyone click the link and see the polling numbers? Biden is down SEVEN in Pennsylvania. These polls are the ones people are using to delude themselves into thinking everything is fine? 20% think he’s mentally fit? This is 2016 again.


Thank you. This is fluff for people too afraid to face reality. Biden has lost the lead by a significant margin and something needs to change or we’ll be stuck with trump


Maybe the press will STFU now. Maybe do some journalism and focus on Trump now.


So swing state voters are less brain dead from living off sucking Trumps cum for 5 years than the scum shit that writes for v the New York Times?


Then why does live betting odds have Joe Biden down to a %33 to win after the debate?


Polls taken this far out have large margins for error, and in close contests like this, that makes them almost meaningless. Honestly, what kind of information are we expected to get from a poll that shows candidates three points from eachother with a margin of error of 3.5?


Things are not looking good for us! Voting machines, ballot boxes and are people on the inside might say the day


I think only the pundits thought it was a debacle, then everyone jumped on the gaslighting.


I don't believe Trump has a lead in the swing states. I think the polls are wrong.


So much bullshit propaganda in these comments, gaslighting people into believing the real problem with the debate was there lying eyes. Biden will lose if he is the nominee, anybody saying anything else is either in a bubble or delusionally optimistic. I voted for him in 2020, and will again in 2024 if I absolutely have to, but this is irretrievable. If I am Russia or China, I am doing everything in my power to convince people on Reddit, message boards or otherwise that we should Stick with Biden because it is the only way to get Trump in and sew American chaos.


🥱 no he hasn’t.


The fact that Trump and every one of his handlers are saying they don’t want to run against Kamala tells you everything you need to know. These morons have seen their internal polling post debate and know it’s bad for Trump. They’re like middle schoolers


Biden will lose. Drop out Joe.


Wagon circling, rationalizing, blaming the media, refusing to hold leadership accountable for anything, pretending that it’s fine that the great leader can only word salad, conspiracy theories..: Where have I seen this before? Oh yeah. QAnon. We were supposed to be better than this. QAA was right. BlueAnon is very real. We caught the disease. Rather than deal with any amount of discomfort and hard choices in reality, we’d rather retreat into fantasy.


That's an idiotic response. Take your anti-craycray medication and sit down.


Great response. Lot of substance there. I am properly chastened and see the evidence of nuance, comfort with facts, and a willingness to criticize power everywhere. 10/10 effective persuasion.