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Fontaine, congratulations you have a son.


Newgate Baked Beans!


The fontaines are the light in the flooding tunnel which is modern main stream music there still great bands but there not as big as mainstream. Can't wait for album


Wonderful song, interesting video. These guys have enormous talent


He doesn't speak with a working class Dublin accent but - for some odd reason - when he sings, he turns into Dustin the Turkey. Odd.


[Sounds fairly similar to me](https://youtu.be/ULYyEVPu2Qg?si=-s8-7vdbTqxWSwFD) Deep voice with a fairly odd speech mannerism. Reflects his music fairly accurately


He *definitely* leans into a working class Dublin accent, I imagine while speaking (consider he's from Skerries) and definitely while singing based on the clip you provided. Personally, I wouldn't get too worked up about it, but it seems to wind some people up something serious.


Has a tone he goes for. Same as CMAT. Love it or hate it.


I find CMAT borderline unlistenable because of the way the weird affectation. Her songs are decent apart from that, but the intentional mispronunciation makes the lyrics unintelligible sometimes.




alive judicious gullible growth towering shy fade correct ripe gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Christ people just cannot leave his accent alone. Why doesn't Mick Jagger get slated for sounding like he's from fucking Philadelphia. Music is performative. Why do we keep doing this. 


Yeah the bloke is from Skerries originally born in england


The lads just keep getting better, honestly. Will be hard to top Skinty Fia for me but it's fantastic to hear their sound progressing and evolving with each album.


Not for me. Liked their earlier stuff and the lyrics are always interesting.  But every tune lately is the same few chords over and over. Pure atmosphere is not enough for me. Can we get a chorus or middle eight sometime lads? 


Forgettable song, good video.


They should be up my alley but I can't get over the voice, it's a pity because there are probably plenty of tanks and Brits who do the same thing but I have no reference point. I know where the lead singer is from so it's a bit hmmmmm


Poor man’s Whipping Boy 🫢


Heartworm is a great album but it's bizarre to compare the two bands. Whipping Boy did 3 album's in the nineties and unfortunately never really went anywhere. Seeing new Irish bands pick up elements of their style should surely be a good thing? Carrying on their legacy and being inspired by it i.e Fontaines, Murder Capital


No disagreement with your second point. I like some Fontaines tracks but find them style over substance a lot of the time. *Heartworm* is one of the best Irish albums ever. Popularity isn’t a factor for assessing quality.


Heartworm was lightning in a bottle, no argument there. But I'd still defend a lot of Fontaines lyricism. Feel like their songs have gotten more layered with each successive album. Think Skinty was a fantastic and refreshing take on an otherwise overdone theme in Irish music.


The Fontaines cover of Twinkle was pretty good I thought. A nice hat tip to Whipping Boy's influence


Had that bookmarked and only listened now when your comment reminded me of it. Go raibh maith agat! I’d imagined them covering Whipping Boy for a while. I find this one a safe, simple cover, but good nonetheless.


I would like to like this, but something's just a little off. Can't put my finger on it.


the voice the lead singer puts on is absolutely insufferable. shame, because jackie down the line was a great song that showed off their potential.


Shockingly bad band.