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SuperValu. Prick of a manager wouldn't give me the morning off to get my Leaving Cert results so I just never went back.




Hope hes dead! Kiddin..


Don't be a coward


What? Words dont turn things into being. Gimp


Worked in a country pub. Loved pulling pints, but I don't have the personality for bar work. Was far too shy and awkward at the time, so just couldn't have proper banter with the aul lads who came in. Would try to make jokes and would be met with blank stares constantly.


I feel this , was a barman in the local and the locals just didn’t take to me as well as they did with the other barman who had been there longer . It was mainly because I didnt follow the GAA so in there eyes we no longer had anything in common as this was majority of the chat .


I worked for a bookmaker for a few years during college. Pay was great. I come from a horsey family but aside from that I didn't really have much interest in sports, but I was good with numbers. My banter was shite because I didn't know who scored for Wolverhampton in the 1967 semi final or which O'Shea played county for Tipp in '88 or whatever. I just started making vague stuff off or spout off some meaningless phrases like "they were close to making a game of it, right?" and the auld lad would spout off some nonsense, the follow up with "you're not wrong there" and he'd be delighted. Got me though years of it in the end.


The thing about Shergar is he tends to try to walk it in


It's brutal. I'll go back to the same pub for a pint with my Dad and I become mute all over again. It's gas how some places/people have such an effect on you.


I have had ao many "worse jobs imaginable" that it's hard to pick out the worst. We grew up in poverty and ignorance and as a boy i was very keen on nature and birds. At aged 13, my father and his mate gave me a job. They were tasked with poisoning birds that were fouling a major GAA grounds and because i loved birds, they thought it a good idea for me to help. It was my job to go to the area of the grounds at 5am and collect all the dead and dying birds. There were gulls, pigeons and mags, many still alive and i had to break their necks before stuffing them into bin liners. It was distressing for me, and of course the poor birds, but my family were always trying to "make a man out of me" and this was just one of those instances. I had no gloves or help, just the knowledge and certainty that i had no choice, but to do as i was told. In retrospect, i guess they thought as a child, i couldn't be prosecuted or indeed traced. I wish i had had the courage and the wherewithal as a child, to just run away, but fear blinds you to everything except the fear of more fear and the pain of more punishment.


Jesus man, thats fecked.


That's horrible. Disgusting job to have to do in the first instance, but even worse that you love birds.


That's beyond insane. Worst thing I've ever heard. My condolences for the parents.


Well, that's horrible and I hope you have been able to get space and time to heal. Makes my Wexford childhood of fruit picking servitude positively idyllic


That is beyond horrendous. I'm so sorry.


Working the Tesco checkout at 9am on a Sunday morning with a raging hangover doesn't seem so bad in comparison.


Jesus fucking Christ...


Ok. Not as traumatic as Prothalanium yet somewhat similar, at least the dead birds bit. I once worked in a plant nursery/landscape business that was located at the back of a cemetery, on the unused plot space. The cemetery was planted with evergreen oaks which a murmuration of starlings used as a home base for a couple of months. Part of the rental deal was we'd keep the cemetery looking good. Cut the grass, trim hedges and other garden maintenance. In the vicinity there was a young sparrow hawk. My early morning task for weeks was to go around with a wheelbarrow and shovel (sometimes a fork) and pick up all the dead and dying starlings. The sparrow hawk would seemingly kill for the sport, ripping out the throat of the prey mid-flight and discarding the body. Starlings are small birds. I had a big wheelbarrow. I'd fill it 1-3 times each morning. Then I'd burn the bodies. A big meaty feathery cremation. It was pretty gross but better than leaving the cemetery covered in rotting (above ground) carcases.


I am so, so sorry. I hope you've been able to process this shitty experience.


This was a hard read. Your family sound like absolute arse holes.


Oh my god 😭 wtf? Why? Are you okay?


Poisoning birds for pooing on a field? That's unbelievably dumb of them


Call centre. Horrific.


Actual hell. I lasted 6 weeks 😂


Worked on the floor in a bar/nightclub, every weekend cleaned the toilets... one night the toilet was stuffed with toilet paper and wouldn't flush, picked the toilet roll out and there was a pint glass in the toilet, picked out pint glass and there was a lovely shite inside the glass.


I used to do the nightclub aswell , people always talk about the men’s toilets but never the ladies . The ladies toilets have left some sights I can never unsee


Completely agree, ladies were always the worst to clean. Absolute mess, majority time with men's is just pissing on and around the seat.


oh my god.


Lifestyle Sports. We found our security guard dead of a heart attack in the canteen. He was wheeled out the back by paramedics and we were told to go back to work.


holy shit.


Did D2D sales for a charity for a few weeks after my leaving cert, it was fucking shite. You had to pay for your own travel - you could be in Dundrum one day, Mullingar the next. Long hours as well. It was strictly for direct debit subscriptions which deterred 90% of people who, it has to be said, were willing to give money at the door. Obviously most people weren't interested in giving their bank details to a stranger, fair enough. I "bunny hopped" (knocking on doors together, one does even numbers, the other odd) with my supervisor who was a fucking wanker, just an absolute skid mark of a human being. He was mad scauldy, he spat in some woman's driveway after she shut the door on him. He wouldn't let me take off my blazer in 26°c heat or carry a water bottle as "it looked unprofessional". His whole approach was to insult and guilt trip the person at the door, getting mad cheeky as well - "ah so you don't care about curing cancer, got it". He left me stranded in Ashbourne one night, despite saying he'd give me a lift back into Dublin city. He was just your typical "sales" dickhead, he'd regularly drink and drive as well. I quit after two weeks, I made 4 sales in that time. At least we got a base salary, I knew lads who worked on pure commission, if you didn't sell, you didn't get paid.


Door2door for commission only needs to be scrapped. I did it for an electricity company, working for one of those ‘be your own boss, techno music in the team meeting at 9am’ sort of shite. Worked 6 days a week, 10,11 sometimes 12 hours. No rights because “you’re self employed!” One day, went out into “the field” with the boss. He told me that if people don’t know their MPRN then you get them to sign for form, tell them You’ll ring back in the week to get it after they ring their provider. When you leave, you ring the provider because you have their details , pretend to be them, get the number, put the sale through, happy days. Highly illegal obviously, but he told me “I’ll let you keep that one” Anyway long story short, I was one sale off my “7 bells” and low and behold customer doesn’t have to their MPRN. I do what the boss said, they ask for the wife’s name, I panic and hang up. 2 days later I get called into the office and told I’m this closed it being arrested because the provider called the customer, customer called the guards. Bosses boss smoothed it over somehow, but I ended up, at 18 getting a visit from the guards, and banned from working for that provider for life. Ended up selling makeup door to door. Walked out a week later after having an emotional breakdown.


Who did you work for? Sounds so like one I worked for as well & I got accused of fraud because my sales got flagged up for “abnormalities”. Weirdly this concided with the sales he was with me on & basically made for me. I had made 5 sales the day before on my own & been the top seller of the day & the rest of the guys were delighted for me, he just said well done as he seemed annoyed a girl beat him. I was told they were investigating things & he was really moody with me & we were on a road trip & I was like 2 hours from home in a rural area as we had all gone together & the buses had stopped early. He said I’d need to stay longer & work to make them up & it was unpaid now. I left the next morning to go home as I wasn’t staying when I was being accused of things I didn’t do & I didn’t hear a thing about it. Also he left me in a rural area in the pouring rain & went to the bar with the other guys as they’d made their sales for the day & didn’t tell me. Think he’s been done for tax evasion now so sucks to be him 😂


Parent company was called PerDM


Oh no different place then but sounds exactly the same person 😂😂 But then again I’m sure they’re dime a dozen in those jobs. Also the MPRN can be easily found on a bill or something he just didn’t tell you that.


I did it on pure commission. Absolute nightmare.


Door to door sales did not suit me at all. Hated that job.


I’ve done this as well and being a girl it nearly worked in my favour more than the guys I worked with as people were more likely to let me talk or even say why I was there. I done base salary which is fine as at least you know you’re getting paid no matter what happens. A friend done commission only for charities and said it was killer as no one has money to spare and you have days where you’re making no money. One company I worked for we didn’t have to pay for transport or anything as one of the group would drive us usually in groups of 4 so that was something although if you’re an hour from home you’re reliant on someone else to get back to where you started or get home. Another one we were literally tracked on our movements and if you weren’t moving fast enough or they didn’t see you pressing enough doors on the tracker you’d get a phone call asking what you were doing & I was in an area where it was a 20 minute walk to the toilet and they phoned me asking what I was doing & said I shouldn’t be taking long breaks like what was I meant to do? Wet myself? So yea I left that one asap and the guys were jealous that I was making more sales than them as I really didn’t care if I made them or not & people preferred that way of selling to the pushy in your face buy it now shit. The guy that ran that one sounds exactly like the one you worked with as well. We needed to look “professional” but he couldn’t say anything about me as he didn’t want to be accused of being sexist as I was the only girl but he was so pushy and cheeky and moody like if no one made any sales he wouldn’t speak to us the rest of the day. Wasn’t his money he was using either he got paid for us by the company we were selling for. Like you said it was mainly direct debit and people aren’t as willing to give out details to a random at the door. Electric was much easier to sell than charity as you’re saving people money not costing them it. I enjoyed it in ways and others it was a nightmare. Bucketing rain, Baltic cold & being soaked to the skin wasn’t fun & not getting home until 10/11pm. Getting to chat to people & see their dogs etc was a good part. First group of guys I worked with it was great fun & we had some crazy days out so it was an interesting time & I probably learnt some good skills from it.


I've met fellas like that before trying to guilt you into signing up. Not a chance.


Buckle up. This is going to be loooooong. Pub connected to a small 'hotel' in a village in West Cork that might as well have been Fawlty towers. The place was a shambles. The owner was some nepo baby punk living off up in dublin that I never met and realistically never had anything to do with the running of the business other than spending on the profits on an extravagant lifestyle, instead it was left to his withered old decrepit mother who ran the place like a slave plantation. She sat at a reserved table in the hotel restaurant all day long, every day watching the staff like a hawk to bark at them for the slightest mistake. Luckely I was out of view in the pub. On my very first shift I got food poisoning from an extra lasagna they let me have from the kitchen for my lunch. The kitchen was basically pandemonium. Their chef quit and walked out before I started so every week we had a new sub chef while they looked around to hire a new full time chef. Because of this, the restaurant had a new menu every week. I had no experience of barwork and was promised training. From the very beginning I was shown nothing and left alone in the pub. Luckily the regular patrons were sound lads and they taught me everything I needed to know like how to pour the perfect pint. I bloody loved those auld feckers. The manager was basically Ebinezer Scrouge if he had been a Kerry man. He micromanaged everything, and was the cause of nearly every problem. He didnt work Mondays and that was the only day of the week that we strangely never had any problems on??? (On mondays he worked in a pub in kerry where he wasnt the manager) The tips from the pub were meant to go to the Polish dishwashers in the kitchen but they never made it from the pub to the kitchen because he kept pocketing the money for himself so the dishwashers ended up quitting. My first week there, I found a massive dead rat in the cold room (which was a shed) and the manager made me deal with it because he hated rats. I didnt mind getting rid of it but I lost all respect for the manager because I was always taught to never make anyone do anything that you wouldnt do yourself. He didnt ask me politely to deal with the rat, he demanded that I deal with the rat and made it very clear that it was only right for "someone like me to do jobs like that" so that it would "build character". He was a bad leader. The bar was infested with Ants and the manager was constantly giving me grief like it was my fault. Anytime he saw an ant I got an earful about how I needed to be more vigilant in hiding the ants so that customers didnt notice them. My second week there, an electric car cought on fire in the carpark and the manager and owner screamed at me to pour a bucket of water on the engine which I refused to do and ran for a fire extinguisher instead. Got disciplined for not following orders. Third week, the waiting staff in the restaurant all quite and walked out. The manager set up a bell and string system between the kitchen and bar so that when the bell rang I had to run to the kitchen and bring food out to the restaurant and then run back to the bar to serve pints. I said if they didnt find replacement staff by the end of week I'd walk too. They hired a crew of teens as replacements and the old biddy that ran the place basically hazed them relentlessly. She made one lad go out in front of the hotel and sweep leaves off the main road in the middle of traffic with a house brush. She asked me to do it first but I refused and said that's a job for the council. I was furious when I found out she'd convinced a younger lad to do it. One day a woman complained about the fish she recieved in the restaurant and when i brought it back to the kitchen to get a replacement the manager went ape and brought it back out to her and ate some of it infront of her at her table with her cutlery proclaiming that it was delicious and shoved a piece in her face demanding that she taste it again. Another day a group of 12 Americans ordered a meal from me but only ordered starters and said that they would order the mains after everyone finished the first dish. When I went in to give the order to the chefs the manager micromanaged me and asked what I was doing. When I explained he went back out to the table without telling me and demanded that the Amercains order their starters and mains together. He then took their order and brought it to the chef after I had already delivered their original order which meant that the chefs ended up making two starters and a main for each american. When we discovered the mistake I was made bring back all the extra starters to the kitchen and one of the Chefs went nuclear on me for backing up the kitchen. Didnt even give me a chance to explain that it was actually the managers fault. He was screaming at me so angrily that he actually got spit on my face. I let him finish, then told him to never speak to me like that again and then told the manager that I would not be setting foot in the restaurant or kitchen again and went back to the bar. One night an obnoxious ponce kept snapping his fingers at me while I was serving other people and as I worked my way towards him he shouted "do you have any idea who I am? I own six hotels" I told him I didnt care how many hotels he owned and that he would have to wait his turn like everyone else. He went and complained to the old woman who basically owned the place and she came and screamed at me infront of all the customers and she literally said "You cant just treat him like the rest of these people, this man is am accomplished gentleman!" I took my break to avoid having to serve him then but later she made me make tea and scones for her and the "gentleman" at her little corner table and made me take everything back and redo it because I didnt use the "good" cups and saucers that I had never been shown before and didnt even know about. Pure power move on her part. Lastly, the old crone made a comment about my grandparents who raised me because my grandmother use to work for her back in the day. She said "at least she used to do what I told her, I guess theres been some bad breeding in the family since her day" I quite right there and then on the spot. The place is closed down now but you can still see the google reviews which are pretty bad. The one thing I look back on proudly is that most of the bad reviews single me out and the lady working at the reception in the hotel saying that we were both delightful, polite and helpful. TL;DR - basically real life Fawlty Towers


I **NEED** the name of this hotel


Love the idea of the auld lads showing you the ropes for pulling pints. Class. Everything else sounds like hell on earth.


awful!!! i'm so glad it's shut down!


Jaysus.. I'm traumatised from just reading that! What an oul bitch.


You have to name it after all that or even DM me


Crushing cans in a local cannery as a summer job.. Ugh...the memory of it, soda pressing..


Reminded me of a boring repetitive job I had as well when I was a cobblers apprentice. I had to take old dirty work boots and cut out the bottom of the thick leather, throw it out and keep the fabric. Every day, over and over again for 1000s of pairs. It was sole destroying.




Worked for a strawberry farmer, was about 14, me and a mate were in charge of pulling 2 year old grow bags off of the 5 foot trestles, dump them outside, fill the space with new grow bags, plant new strawberry seedlings in the grow bags, put the watering system back in place to grow for the next year's season. The 1 year old bags had to be harvested and weeded and the strawberries packed into punnets. If we worked Mon-Fri (9-5) and worked a half day Saturday we got €105... cash in hand. Fucked if my kids will ever do that shit.


That was some shite wage for the euro era, I remember as a teen getting €5 an hour cash around 2004 or so I think which would still have been more than double what you were getting


I had graduated with a degree in quantity surveying but couldn't get a job in the early nineties for 2 years after in my field. Eventually got into a company where I just needed the experience and was rewarded with 75 quid a week.


I've a feeling I worked for the same guy 😅


Drinks promotions for Diageo. It would be me and one or two other girls handing out free samples of drinks in bars and clubs, usually dressed in some awful getup like a slutty pirate or a weird silver bodysuit or the time when we were supposed to be sexy Budweiser bottles and were put in tiny red dresses with weirdly exaggerated hips, red stilettos, a blonde wig, a white stripe of makeup across our eyes and bottle cap fascinators. Drunk men thinking the fact that we were engaging with them because it was our literal job meant they could be disgustingly letchy and grope us, etc. I ‘accidentally’ dropped numerous trays of drinks over men while doing that job. The worst. But it paid €25–50 an hour depending on the location and level of costuming involved.


Not as a student, but as a WHV in Australia, 2001. Worked nights putting Parental Advisory stickers on Eminem CDs.


Someone never had to pick mangos in the 32 degree 100% humidity Queensland heat and it shows if that was your worst working holiday visa job..


my cousin just did something like that in Aus, I could never


I bought a copy of Hustler in Sydney one time. It was hardcore porn but there was little black stickers on every page, covering the most explicit bits. I remember thinking - that's someone's job. Someone was paid to stick those stickers on.


You have to do 3 months rural work in order to get the second year. I done mine earning 2k per week on a tropical island building a yacht club for billionaires. I wish I was this age and not 23 I might have kept some of it 🤣.


Pruning grapevines in Margaret River in Winter. I still have carpal tunnel from those bloody secateurs.


During one of my summers at college, I was working as a waitress in a restaurant. The boss's son was a 16 or 17, walking around like he owned the place, and was sexually harassing all the women there. I was 21 and he was pestering me. It was so messed up. I just didn't show up for work one day and the son calls me. "Are you coming back?" and I answered "Fuck no" and hung up on him. I found out about a year later that the boss's son got fired. LMAO! I wasn't the only one who left, so they took the complaints seriously in the end.


Every Job I had when i was younger was in its own way terrible. Babysitting- fending off the Da....who was eventually caught stuck to the nuts in a girl younger than his daughter. 🤮 Fruit picking....Howya Hun! Bougie giftware store: less than minimum wage to put up with the worst snobbish AH's imaginable...while being worried you were going to be set up for the thievery of the other staff. Factory " Constant sexual harassment, nasty gossip and the existential dread of a conveyor belt. Call center: Customer support....it's where my faith in humanity died.


Cleaner in a supermarket meat dept. I came home every day stinking of blood, meat, and hot grease from the traps. The worst part though was cleaning out the liver drum, had to hang them above the drum on rails thing about beef livers is that they're frikking huge, heavy, and tear easily. Having a few kilos of cow liver land on your back is not fun.


Kitchen Porter in carrickmines, arrived to work at 10am with a mountain of plates ready for me from breakfast, work through the day dealing with burnt pots usually from the one incapable sous chef. Was left by myself after close to clean the entire kitchen, mop, dry mop bring the bins out and lock up. My hands took a year to fully recover from the abuse they got in hot water


Worked in a bar towards the end of the Celtic Tiger. Cleaned a lot of puke, piss, some blood, and the occasional shit.


I got into plenty of heated arguments with owners/managers back when I was working as a chef - busy night and some customer would puke or shit all over the toilet and owner would come into the kitchen looking for the kitchen porter to come clean up. I'd flip and refuse of course and they'd say "sure you'd hardly expect me to ask one of the girls to clean it?". Fucker would have to clean it themselves! 😂


I was a kitchen porter for a summer and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. The rats in the fucking skip outside were treated better.


Did KP for 2 summers in my teens. I found getting stoned prior to my shift helped alot.


The KP is easily the hardest working person in any kitchen, I always looked after mine. But you're right, I've walked away from trials in some absolute shit holes where the KP was treated like shit.


I worked in a bar during the recession and it was exactly the same. Honestly, there's nothing I haven't seen. I've been punched by grown men, sexually assaulted almost every night, pulled middle aged women's knickers up for them with pads in their knickers... it goes on. My very first job was kids entertainment related and I once picked up a seven year old girl five mins after my shift started and she pissed all over me and then her mother shouted at me for being like 'ah!'. I was about 16. Lots of abuse from parents there too.


Wasn’t a student but was in my early 20’s; Starbucks. The staff were very cliquey and so I never fit in, just was polite, up for the bants but never hung out with them outside of work. It wasn’t the staff that were off putting though realistically, it was the customers. They would treat us like absolute shit and beneath them, it was horrible. Someone complained to my manager cus she had to wait a minute and a half to be served (I was in the back getting stock) and I got a verbal warning over it. My hours were reduced without my permission when I was pregnant and one month they paid me drastically wrong and wouldn’t do anything about it until the next month so I was proper broke for a full month. Honestly I went there and stayed there cus I was desperate for a job and then covid happened and maternity leave and i just never went back. It was horrible, I was borderline having panic attacks on the way to that job and was never like that in any other job I had


Ball boy for a League of Ireland team. Got £2 a match for standing in the freezing cold, and a cup of tea or sometimes bovril. Then one day they tried to take the hot drink off the ball boys and make it only for the stewards! Learned a bit about industrial action that night, because the stewards and ball boys all went up to the stands at half time and said we’d stay there unless the tea was given back out to one and all. It was still lethal though, you had to chase the ball into a housing estate, sliding down this tar covered telegraph pole and squeezing through a gap, that was designed to be difficult to get through so as to stop people getting into the match for free 🙄😁


What club? 👀


Did this at UCD bowl for a couple years but it definitely wasn’t anything like this🤣🤣


Stone picking for a 200 acre tillage farm in Meath. By fuck you'd work you weeks wages doing that.


Fruit and veg section of an independent supermarket. Nobody showed me how pull the steel combi things for bringing stock to the floor. I had one fully stacked and was pushing it from behind. Couldn't see anything. Well, I pushed it right into the ankles of an old granny. She went down like a a sniper hit her. I got a bollocking. So I walked out and never went back.


Your fault to be fair


Blindsiding a granny with steel on wheels? Definitely my fault 😂


ah you should have been trained, fault lies with the mgmt


I cut a full soccer pitch with a push lawnmower. I was 16


I wouldn't say it was a bad job just a bit odd. When I was 14 I started working for a dental lab who done work for the dentists round the town, running about delivering false teeth


Kitchen porter when I was like 16. If I finished before 1 a.m., it’d be early. God that was a depressing job but it certainly motivated me to work hard in school!


Worked in a restaurant/b&b when I was a teen, unbeknownst to me he was running some sort of brothel out of it too. Shit, puke, blood you name it, it wasn’t even the worst part it was the poor Eastern European women absolutely out of their minds on drink and drugs. For some reason it took a while for my teenage brain to decipher what was going on…


Five years of retail for a large British fashion chain when I was in college. Wasn’t bad when I started, but through a change of CEO got worse as time progressed. Was a supervisor by the time I left. Between constant robberies from the local scumbags, overnight shifts and dealing with entitled, middle aged Irish people, it wasn’t particularly pleasant. It did teach me to deal with conflict, work on my social skills and to be assertive with the worst of the Irish public. Very handy in my current job.


Is your current job a cross border government official


Bagging cheese on a factory floor in Cork surrounded by mainly Polish people and a grumpy Slovak. I still think the odd time of Terrible Tuesdays - cleaning mould off giant blocks of fancy shite to the point of tears. Sold my car and burned most of clothes after leaving that place but it did give a good glimpse of living abroad and I learned some new curse words.


Cleaning up in an abattoir or doing the doors in a pub both equally disgusting.


Had a short(three weeks) internship in a hospital where I had to do the nurses’ jobs such as cleaning old men and women and doing stuff I shouldn’t have done at the age of 16 so they could relax and they also made me feed a dementia patient that puked( gross green puke)all over my white clothes and that attacked me afterwards. I can’t go to hospitals because of that internship, oh and also had to remove muds from a diabetic patient‘s foot 😔🫶🏻!!


You win! 🤢


Worked as a stock take for about 6 months during college. Easily the most boring job I’ve ever done. Used to just go into Spars all around Ireland and count every last item in the shop. Truly awful. Also worked on the tills in Tesco too, could only last 6 weeks. Got my hours for the upcoming Christmas and just jacked it in. The boredom there too was unimaginable.


Worked as an assistant to a milkman at busy times. Xmas , Bank Holidays etc. You’d arrive at the depot at midnight and load up the van. Refrigerated facility so always cold. A normal night would be finishing about 8am the following morning. The actual milkman would park up and tell me the houses so it was over and back a load of times. Issues with dogs , sensor lights , poor lads off their heads but mostly nearly always cold and raining. Did a double shift one Xmas. One of the areas was Mayfield in Cork and about 9am a lovely family invited me in for tea as I was blue with the cold. That was nearly 30 years ago and I still remember that little kindness fondly. Pay was poorish even for the mid 90’s. £5 an hour.


Oh man, when I was 17 and living in Waterford one of my first jobs was working for a MLM selling makeup door to door. At the time I figured it was a good idea, because I was clueless, but also because I was chronically shy and felt like the experience of knocking on the doors of strangers and trying to sell them a product could help bring me out of my shell. And it did! But my living arrangement was chaos and I was making hardly any money.  If I sold a makeup set to someone for $55, I’d keep $20 and give the rest to the person ahead of me in the MLM. It was just a summer job and I don’t regret it at all, because I made some good friends and had a fun summer travelling around the south of Ireland with those friends to try and sell every day. Turned into different daily road trips which were a laugh, but not at all a sustainable route of employment.  Edit to note that I used $ instead of €, but the amounts are correct! Sorry, emigration got me. 


Pulling lobsters out of Jayne Mansfield's arsehole.


What are the chances? My first job was putting them in.


Selling strawberries and spuds by the side of the road was fucking grim. Shit pay too, and if someone robbed stock off ya it would be taken out of your pay.


I always thought it was pretty dodgy buying strawberries from some kid sitting in a hedgerow on the side of the road. Not that there’d be anything wrong with the strawberries, more that the kid selling them would be there all day, miles from a toilet. Stands to reason that they’d use the bushes to go to the toilet. No way to wash your hands after going to the toilet and also handling cash all day. Then handing someone fruit that they may or may not wash before eating. Seems like a surefire way to get food poisoning. Am I being over dramatic or is there some truth to what I’m saying?


Damn I never thought of having no access to a bathroom


You hit the nail right on the head there. So much about that whole job was kind of shite/dodgy.


Selling doors, door to door.


"Your door sounded a bit dodgy when I knocked, you probably need a new one"


All he needed to do: https://youtu.be/rUHunfH0XbI?si=lfr0zAC4V-2RQ9Bb




Sold catalogues door to door at 15. It was basically Wish/Temu before they existed. On Monday I’ll drop a catalogue, you have a look, I’ll Be back on Thursday, tell me if ya want anything, give me the money, I’ll put the order through and take my catalogue back. Lasted a week, made one sale to the tune of €6.50. Made exactly €2.


Used to work in what was a “marketing agency” no it was a scammy call centre & they had a dialler that would just call people on a loop & try & sell them SEO packages. The calls are done in batches & if you answer you won’t get called for a couple weeks until it comes out of the dialler system again. It was from a mobile number registered in England but depending on where you were calling it would say either the +44 or the +353 so it would look more believable than an unknown number people don’t answer. Once you answer though they know the number works & is connected so will keep ringing. Plus a lot were transferred over from Indian call centres & we usually had no idea what they’d said & how. Still no idea where they got their numbers from but can’t have been legitimate means as a lot of people would be like how’d you get this? It’s unlisted & you were supposed to say “ oh it’s when you made your website” Bullshit they must buy the data from somewhere. Got really sick a couple weeks before Christmas & needed time off as i literally couldn’t speak & had bad ear infection & what they thought was scarlet fever. the manager was like are you really sick when i called in & I had said I would probably need at least 4/5 days. He phoned my dad 2 days later to check I was actually sick & I’ve no idea where he got the number from as it wasn’t on my emergency contact & this wasn’t an emergency & he should have at least contacted me first. Worst 3 months of my life & I even got some people asking why I was doing this job as I sounded like a good person & I really couldn’t tell them except for saying money but as the calls were recorded I didn’t & made my escape soon after.




4th Year I had a week of work experience in PFH. I was given 20 hard drives to format they told me that has to last you the week so pretty fucking boring.


Call centre and on my 1st call had a suicidal grandma 👵. I had no idea what to do. Told her to seek help and speak to someone before passing the headset to the manager and walked out


Working as a chef in Milano. Job was tough but that wasn’t what made it the worst. My manager was the biggest prick I’ve ever met. Wanted to cry after every shift. Only stayed cuz it paid well and women liked that I was a chef


I worked in a cinema for years. Apart from them being outright unrepentant bastards to work for. Almost every manager was a cunt who got off on the smallest bit of power they got. But then there was the customers. People would piss in their empty drinks cups, found "used" tissues under the seats. At one stage someone pulled out one of the cardboard standees, took a shit behind it and put it back.


so disgusting!


I was a general dogs body in Powerscourt Townhouse Centre in Dublin City. 17/18 years old. I was only short of being stuffed up the chimney. There were two cellars for rubbish...infested with rats. I opened the door one day to throw in a rubbish bag and my boss locked me in for about 15 minutes. Rats squeeeling and scurrying around my feet.. I was traumatised ffs! 🤣🥰✌️🙏


working in a Deli. my first job apart from childminding. injured my back due to repetitive strain, was hit in the face with a wrapped sandwich, had many rude customers, was expected to do an unreasonable amount of work on my own as I was weekend staff and for some reason they only rostered one deli worker for the weekend. the shop managers were nice but the owner was horrible. i also barely got breaks. all this for minimum wage. it really opened my eyes to how shit certain jobs can be, I have a huge amount of empathy and patience for service workers. and it makes me angry how poorly the working class/people in such jobs are treated. it was the lowest paid job i've ever had, and it was also the worst. the person whose job i filled had been working in the deli and then went to clean houses afterwards, so gruelling. after my eight hour shifts i went home to nap. i often missed college on Mondays because I was so tired and sore.


Cleaning bird shit out of cuckoo clocks, cunt of a job.


2005 4 quid a hour as a petrol pump attendedtant for a family pretol station / car dealership. Got an increase to 5 quid the following year was 16 at the time had other jobs on the go too so didn't mind. The owners brother and sister horrible way about them. The head mechanic was nothing but a bully would scream at me in front of customers to show them he was important. The man drove like a maniac too even customers cars always tearing around the place in them. One time a car got damaged and of course I was blamed went into the office. The head mechanic all quiet was present as was the owner and managers. Looking back I stood up for myself said and proved it was not me. Pointed out head mechanic was quiet and said it was him. Told all present if I got blamed for this I won't pay for the damage and I'll quit. Walked out of the room and never heard a word again about. A few months later head mechanic died on the way home in a head on collision killing another driver.


Mc closkeys bakery in Drogheda. I was on 1.44 an hour, this was back in 95'. I used to make over 100 a week I was doing so many hours. I was constantly bullied in the workplace. I hated it but it honestly made me a stronger and better person. I made sure in any other jobs I had in later life that younger staff were treated properly. I think thus made a huge difference to staff I worked with in the service industry.


I wasn't a student but early 20s..... I took on a job with an asthma charity where I had to hire and train the volunteers collecting with buckets. The woman training me basically said try to not hire people of colour or foreingers as they don't earn as much money.  I gave my notice that week as I was like nope.   They then paid me the weeks wages in a bag of coins hahaha


Possible controversial one incoming  "Xtra vision" Specific shop problem rather then an issue with the company itself 


I had an interview with them once. At the end the interviewer asked if I had any questions and I had the usual prepared, 'What are the opportunities for progression in the company?' Thought it'd show her that I was a 19-year-old go-getter but she just looked at me like I had six heads and told me there weren't any.


Worked for them for 3 years, worked my way up to management. Horrible company. Worked with some lovely people along the way but from the top down they were sneaky and lacked any loyalty or consideration for their employees.


I worked in a local factory after my leaving cert and my job consisted of heat sealing bags of industrial strength staples and nails and packing them in a box. My only colleague was a fella who had been working there for the previous 15 years and kept talking about being fed up and his plans to move on. I've a feeling he'd been saying that for 15 years. I lasted two weeks, and when I gave my notice my manager accused me of leading them on about wanting a career with them. "A career? Bagging nails? No thanks!" That was that.


Domino's. Hands down the worst fucking place to work. Everyone there agrees to this.


I was stuck for money one summer and went for a job in a furniture warehouse. I didnt mind the work, but the company were cowboys: no contracts, bad pay, no benefits. My supervisor was dodgy as well, and the long term lads there thought they were better than the younger, newer fellas. Bad atmosphere. Lots of snickering, politics, and toxicity. Also utterly depressing. In the ebd I had my fill one day and just walked out.


Irish fast food chain restaurant on O'Connell Street in the mid 90s. Lasted I think 6 weeks. Really bad burn on my 2nd day. Managers on power trips would literally try and stop you leaving when your shift was done. Inappropriate tasks not part of your job. Bullying. Pushed into double shifts for no shows, late nights despite being illegal due to my age, so being screamed at by drunks at 3am. I walked one afternoon after some drunk oul lad went apopleptic at me because we didn't do brown sauce (no idea what he'd be putting it on like). Managers like "you've f*cked up my roster" 🫠. Still like their food though 😂


Shannon airport in the kitchens as a cleaner, had a boss follow me around one night bitching how I wasn't mopping the floor the correct way. He just had to show me a half dozen times, wish I slapped him upside the head with it.


Worked in Unique in Ilac center selling clothes for two weeks for xmas money. It was fuckin shit, I hated the cunts there and I wanted to die. I also worked in fields dragging polythene across the land in the rain/searing sun as a teenager and that was better. 


Worked the nightshift at musgraves freezer warehouse in tallaght when I was 19. Most of my coworkers were fresh out of the joy and were constantly bullying and openly racist to other workers. Was there for about three months then moved to Australia lol.


Probably going to piss off a lot a vegetarians but here goes.! Worked a summer job in a beef factory when I was 20. Did it all and saw it all. The whole line from the lairage where the cattle are dropped off and sorted (not too bad but dangerous) to shooting them for a few weeks to the chills at the end of the line where you’d have to push hundreds of sides of beef a day into the fridges to hang. Shooting 300/400 cattle a day was stressful because one slip up and the whole line would be held up waiting for you and the foreman would be down to chew you out if it. I was a kid basically at the time but it definitely hardened me and made me appreciate the jobs I have now and have had since which are a lot different in nature 😅 Edit: I also worked in SuperValu part time when I was in transition year and on reflection that job was far worse. Boring and the management were a bunch of c**ts.


Waiter in a restaurant, specifically the garden terrace. I made up to 150.- an evening tips, average I would say 75.- to 100.-, but the work was exhausting, soul crushing and I hated to deal with a lot of the people. But I was young and it was a lot of money at that age....


Bag packer in Quinnsworth for £2.50 an hour during 5th Year. Start at 6pm weekdays, pack bags til close at 9, clean checkouts til 10, help the floor staff mop up til 11, go home then get up for school again at 7. At the weekend I was told to come in at 10am Saturday and was put on clean-up duty wandering around and mopping the floor. Til close at 9pm and then finish up cleaning and shelf stacking until 11pm. I lasted a week and a half then fucked off and got a job flipping burgers instead for £2.75/hr and all the grease you could absorb.


Jasus. I completely forgot Quinnsworth even existed until I read your comment. What was it with people called Quinn opening supermarkets in this country.


Have had every shite job going to be honest . Worked in a hotel with a psychotic manager who would insult workers looks and point out things like acne( we were 16/17 ) amongst many many other issues. Moved onto nightclub and local bar work where I would receive so much abuse from crappy drunks that the owner would never kick out and then the nightclub was always a grim cleanup of all sorts of disgusting things. Next moved to call centre work where I then just got abused and berated over the phone as people will say whatever they want anonymously . Finally I am still a student and now work in a shop , this has been the most chill job so far but I’m only in the door so who knows how this will go .


Handing out leaflets for a Christmas market outside the market venue in the absolute freezing cold and being told off if my friends walked by and stopped to said hi! It truly was horribly cold that year I can still feel it in my bones if I think about it! I was 15.


I worked in a mink farm, nasty, vicious, smelly little bastards.


Picking Little Scarlet strawberries for a jam factory.


Cold calling…


The bog


retrieving lobsters from Jayne Mansfield’s arsehole


You cunt


Cleaning staff in a hospital. I cleaned so so so many toilets when I was 16. 🥲 Used to get the bus home high as a kite from all the chemicals I'd be spraying in the tiny ward bathrooms


Recycling toilet paper, hated it.




K, It was in a factory that made toilet paper, My job was to recycle toilet paper that was not packaged properly, 12 hours of unwrapping toilet rolls into a hopper so they could be repackaged. The issue was that we could not even see 10 feet in front of us due to the toilet roll dust in the air, No masks or anything provided back then. Think a few of us died before even reaching 30 back then.




I worked picking mushrooms for a summer. 5:30am start, rooting around in horse shite all day and one day made a total of 50c...and it wasn't in the 1950"s either when it would buy you a bike or a horse or something. An ice cream, a cheap shitty ice cream for a full day's work!


Footing other people's turf. Pure slavery.


Petrol pumps , robbed once a week , the joys of it


working at zara during a sale... jesus what a shit show


AOL in Waterford


Hand digging the Papal Nuncio’s residence foundations with a pickaxe.


Bar man at Copper Face Jacks


McDonald's on Mary Steet as a spotty 16 year old. I lasted two days, the Manager was so mean. I went back to working in a Pub..


Not a bad job, just the one with the most interesting customers. Working in GAME. A good mix of the best and worst customers.


Did waitressing in my local Chinese from transition year all through until my 3rd year of college. Boss and her family were the nicest, sweetest, most lovely people I've ever met. The customers were pure hell. Drinks puking in our lobby trying to get a take out, cranky mothers calling me a "stupid b-word" over a missing fried rice or a less than perfect bag of chips, then trying to be chummy when they saw my parents in the pub the following week. Myself and the mother would have none of it.


Strawberry farm where the owner was a cunt who underpaid workers, also was full of unregistered cash labourers


I (student) was a waitress a year ago, they offered to pay me €10.50 an hour and when I promptly reminded them that I am 20 and minimum wage was €11.30 (at the time) for my age bracket, they fired me!


Content reviewer for google maps. You have to make 106 “successful” calls everyday to confirm the information on the maps. If you call and they don’t confirm literally every detail it’s unsuccessful. Some days you could make over 400 calls to get the 106 successful. If you didn’t make the 106 they would do lots of “training” and “help” but it was really to bully you to leave.


Sounds like my “marketing agency” job. Glorified call centre & you had to make sometimes upwards of 400 calls a day to get your numbers. They then got annoyed when you didn’t make any sales but 50% didn’t answer or hung up & you had like 30 seconds between calls to get info on them. So also weren’t classed as “successful” if it was 30 seconds or less. Left asap as did about 5 others who started when I did.


Looord. It was ironically funny when you’d call an older business owner who would say “I’m not on google maps” , then I’d have to explain that anyone can make a page for their business and how the whole google maps works. Another great response they’d give was “google doesn’t call people” before hanging up.


Got a few of those myself 😂😂 “I don’t have a website so I don’t need SEO” or my business closed down a few years ago but you could clearly see it was still active sometimes you’d get an older person who would literally just chat to you about their million pound house listing or what they sold their business for or whatever too 😂😂 People also thought I worked for Google as that’s where the search results were going and they said similar. “This is a scam I’m hanging up now” tbf the script sounded like it so I didn’t blame them


I worst on a large poultry farm as a young teenager, I think I was around 13-14, collecting the eggs, washing off the poo and sorting them by size. The smell was something else. They paid me £5 an hour cash in hand, then the euro came along and it changed to €5 an hour so basically a big pay cut for no reason.


Smyths Toys.


What was bad about that?


Very abusive managers. A lot of bullying to the staff.


Picking Strawberries for 50 pence a bucket.


Worked in a Chinese takeaway in North Dublin suburb. Lasted two days. They’d make me climb into the ovens to scrub them. And rather than talking to me like a human being, the chef would just hit me on the back with a long spoon and point at whatever he wanted me to do. Bloody horrible. Also, when washing out the rice pots they’d place a colander at the bottom of the sink plumbing and collect the runoff rice; This rice was then reused in their egg fried rice. Put me right off egg fried rice 🤣


Working in any takeaway will put you off them 😂 You’re nearly better just not knowing how they make things especially the smaller one that look run down


Worked in a water bottling plant on my year out. The boxes would come off the line and I’d have to stack them onto a pallet. That was it. Manager was fairly ignorant too, we were supposed to be on rotation for shifts but instead he put me on nights for 6 weeks in a row (00-08). Boredom in there was unimaginable. Never wanted to be back in school more in my life.


Market research company. A standard day was call centre work but I did an additional job that was standing in front of the till booth on the M1 trying to do a survey on electronic till tags. These are people trying to travel on a motorway and we're already being held up by a toll booth they didn't want to slow down for or pay for. You can imagine that a lot of them were less than pleased to be asked questions as well. Between the call centre and the motorway, I was told to go fuck myself, threatened and just generlly treated like a sub human far more times than I care to count.


Meat factory. Mental hours/shifts, extremely hard labour, minimum wage, only lasted a week.


Worked in a Creamery on a line with 2 middle aged Polish fellas who didn’t understand I worked a different shift to them, so I’d get shouted at in Polish 7am every morning when I arrived in. Then it was my job to stack 6 2L cartons of Milk, sometimes 2x3L or worse, cream onto pallets as they flew down the production line. Worst thing was they got shrink wrapped and never had time to cool so if you grabbed the plastic it’d burn you and disintegrate.. so you had to bear hug it and drop it onto the pallet. Still have the scars. Parents thought I was just being soft when I said how much I hated it. Until our rough as nails farmer neighbour called it a ‘god forsaken place’ and I was never made go back!


I worked in a strawberry farm. I wasn't allowed to pick the strawberries (that was a job for the eastern European lads the owner has transported in for that very task - they had to work harder to get paid enough because he also rented house to them) so I was weighing and packing them. On the first day there so set how much I'd be paid per punnett packed he and an far more experienced member of staff (and also his girlfriend) worked together to pack X amount of punnets in 10 mins and divided the min wage to give me €x per punnet - doing it alone was considerably slower. First red flag. So I was left to work on my on from morning to lunch time, then after lunch to the end of the day. Mindlessly packing little punnets for strawberries. Occasionally a middle aged woman who worked a few hours a week would join me. We had a radio in the packing shed, I didn't know until she turned it on one day to Radio 1. Days later I turned it to 2FM or FM104 or some music station. Owner arrives in and says turn it back to Radio 1 as "other people might not like the music being played". Reader, there were NO other people. Red flag two. So. Bored with Sean O'Rourke or whoever was on Radio 1, I bought in my Diskman (and now I have aged myself), listening away to Limp Bizkit or whatever shite I was into at the time. Packing away. Happy out. A few hours later I get a tap on the shoulder. Weird boss says I can use my Diskman in work. Does he cite health and safety concerns, as might be legitimate on a working farm? No. I can't use my Diskman because, he says "Other people might be talking and if you can't hear them you might think they are talking about you and that would lead to a bad working environment". I worked alone all day every day. There was nobody there to talk and if there was all they'd need to do to talk about me was speak in their native language, Romanian. Eventually I went on holiday and never came back. To this day the smell of strawberry jam makes me gag.


Door to door sales on pure commission. Made a sale my first day. Got lauded as a hero for it. They refused to pay me. ... I was fucking homeless at the time.


D2D commission only is exploitation disguised as a job. Making a sale on your first day is really good but they probably didn’t pay you as it was cancelled after you left when they phone the person to confirm. Done it commission based once & never again. You need a base salary for the effort as it’s not an easy job.


No, I was specifically told *after making the sale* that any money I make in the first week goes to my supervisor as a bonus for training me. I walked. It was absolutely exploitative, you're correct there.


Okay that’s wild one of the worst D2D I’ve heard actually. I said that as I know with some commission only ones usually charity, if the sale is cancelled within a week or after the call you get nothing. So you were expected to work for nothing for a week even when you made sales then make your money the next week? Yea I’d have walked too that’s total exploitation.


Worked in a pet farm in kildare a long time ago. Pay was 8 pounds a day for backbreaking labour. The owner was a complete fuckin arsehole but ony place local that a young lad could get. 9am till 5 in the evening and if he was selling at the makets at the weekend it could be a 6am start. He was cruel to the animals, often getting in the enclosures and hitting the animals to make them afraid of him. He had a rotweiler dog that he constantly had changed up so it wouldn't worry the visitors but it was right beside where the grass was dumped from cutting and I made him lock up the dog in its shed because the thing was vicious. His kids were a bit older than me and they treated the staff like shite as well. He managed to get his hands illegally on a ring tailed lemur for the farm. I knew I was leaving soon, so I made sure to inform the guards that he had illegal exotic animals on the premises. And it got confiscated shortly after. I met one of his daughters at a school thing recently for my kid and I made sure to tell her that it was me that informed the police.


Cleaning out the sheds used to grow mushrooms. Can still smell the stench of them when a whole crop was lost to infection. Worked with a few mates so it was good craic at the same time. Good manual labour!


Like so many others here it was just horrible because I was a teenager and was working for an adult who treated me like shit and dealing with the public also treating me like shit. My particular brand of shit was a pub restaurant with a cunt of a boss. I remember one night with a group of about 20 I had a tray full of drinks and a woman pulled out her chair and bumped me hard enough for me to drop them. They were in all night and took the piss out of me for hours. At 15/16 it’s just so horrible and you’re so embarrassed. Would love 30 year old me to be able to go back and tell that stupid bitch it was her fault.


Worked at a meat processing factory. ( literally meat packer ) I would stink of meat after work and all I would do is weigh and pack meat into zip lock bags. Very boring, smelly and not satisfying. However the staff, managers and owners were all really good and if it wasn’t for them I’d have left much sooner than I did.


Had to work in a filling station after school until 9pm closing every night whilst trying to do the school homework on the job) In those days the filling stations didn't have the little supermarkets attached that they have now so was there solo on the dark winter nights. On occasions it could happen to get petrol spillage in the eyes which stung real bad.  Had a summer job at 14 in a furniture factory, mostly sanding down timber tables by hand which was alot tougher than it sounds.  Worked various construction and landscaping jobs in the student years. Money and jobs were scarce in those days and some of those jobs were closer to slavery. Fortunately students can earn much better money these days with less hardship. It was rare for students to have their own cars 30+ years ago.    Thinking back to those student years, one of my buddies and myself were from alot more disadvantaged homes financially than the rest and we both had to work hard labour jobs like construction, carrying the old steel buckets full of concrete up ladders on building sites etc. Was very strenuous and took time to toughen to it. This buddy Brian left one construction job for a painting job and one of our other buddies from a softer wealthier background heard Brian's construction job at weekends and holidays was now vacant so asked Brian to secure the position for him. Brian told me Adam wanted his job. He explained to Adam it was tough physical work but Adam wanted the spending money and insisted that if Brian was tough enough then Adam was certainly tough enough to lift a few blocks and buckets too. The boss of the job was known for being rather tough and demanding so it was very hard work. I met Brian at the end of Adams first day at work. Only a few minutes earlier Brian happened to bump into Adam walking home from the construction site. I asked Brian how did Adam get on with the job. Brian said Adam was actually shaking as he was walking home  from the effort of the day)) We were both very amused to say the least. Of course Adam quit the next day))


Working in a bookies. It was so depressing. I'll never gamble


Easy. Working in the bog.  Hard labor, no pay, eaten alive by midges. 


When I was 15 I worked for a strawberry farmer. So he'd pick you up early in the morning in the van along with a bunch of others, drop each off at the side of a road by a trailer and load up stock, and leave you to it. In theory this is fine, except smartphones weren't a thing so we didn't know where we even were half the time, neither did our parents. At the end of the day you'd have a bum bag filled with cash and be terrified of being robbed - this had happened to others numerous times. It was also mid summer, and there often wasn't a parasol or shade, but you could kinda sit inside the trailer for shade (or shelter in the rain). He hated this, if he arrived to refill stock and saw you there he'd give out that "customers can't see you". I think the big white trailer with a painted strawberry on the side of the road is visible enough 🙄 Oh and if you had to take a wizz you're fucked. Anyway, all that for 9 hours of work and you'd get €50 for your pay :')