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It's a big issue in some areas. Maybe raise it with a councillor


Send it to Gavin Pepper. He wanted to be a councillor. Let him deal with the things councillors are supposed to deal with. In fact, everyone should be getting on to Gavin Pepper about everything like this they see in the city. Every day.


Nice to meet you Gavin, let me pepper your inbox with emails


You'd probably be better off emailing a councilor in Dublin city centre.


Oh absolutely. Send it to someone in the correct area who actually wants to solve problems (DCC Beta are actually working on a shared bin trial for streets that are reliant on bags at the moment). But send it to Gavin Pepper too.


Send Dr Pepper to Mr Pepper :)


I'm really surprised that we have parts of the country not moved to wheelie bins yet, especially in the capital?


Some streets don't have access to back gardens so there's no place to store a wheelie bin. Edit: why was this downvoted? That's the literal reason for the bags rather than bins.


It's an issue where I live. I've been raising it with councillors since I moved in in 2018. Absolutely nothing has been done.


The council need give you the solution. Collecting bin bags is archaic. They need to be given proper bins


Big bin. Set underground on every other corner. It's how the dutch do it. No bags in Amstedam and the average Joe picks up after themselves. The city is full of dragged up scrotes who don't give a damn.


Problem is that the government thought it was wise to privatise waste collection... It should come from your property tax and be a state ran service.


Was there something they privatized that turned out better?


I’ve got my hand up I’ll answer, Ehh how about Telecom Éireann? Surely privatising national telecommunications to maximise revenue with no accountability was a good idea? Remember those call cards from the 90’s, sure they were great, you could collect them. They sold off Aer Lingus and Iarnród Eireann. And isn’t our infrastructure the business ha? We had An Bord Gais, a profitable retail supply that was sold off to centrica, and now our gas prices are stable. (Astronomically high but stable.) ESB was sold off which resulted in electricity prices going from the lowest in Europe to the highest, as we now have a fully private energy sector which about 10 international suppliers, but I’ll leave them have that one cos the ESB logo is class. The housing market? Didn’t they sell off a load of public housing and land? How has that worked out? It’s not like the penal laws are back in effect is it?? The Banks? Remember when the banks denied about 40000 houses tracker mortgages? At least none of them lost their home. It’s good that it’s no longer an issue so the government didn’t need to step in there. And I know we had to pay about €50 billion to bail out the banks and our grandchildren will still be paying the interest, but ask yourself, what would Jesus do? What about healthcare? Surely allowing a two tier system and allowing public consultants to practice in private hospitals has been for the greater good? And continuing to allow the Catholic Church to run all the public hospitals and receive 1billion in funding every year is nothing more than a blessing? I’m so grateful we still have a secular state and the church runs all the primary schools. Didn’t they give Shell Oil rights to our offshore gas fields? That was a great idea, we’d only fuck it up and cause a natural disaster if we did it. Best leave it to the pros. Similarly all our fishing rights went to Norway in the 70’s. But that’s ok, cos (despite being an island) we decided to focus on agriculture instead. It’ll be a matter of time before they sell off the Office of Public Works and Coillte. I’m open to correction but I can only assume these will serve public interest before massive profits? I think the government are great.


Surely we'll be grand if we just privatised the government?


well i dont know about you but i personaly love the new Big Mac School Dinner initiative by the Coca Cola presents the department of education


Gotta love capitalism.


No more voting? Job. I tire of the political posters anyway


Iarnrod Éireann is fully public


Username checks out! My bad


Don't worry, people fuck it up in the Netherlands aswell. The dutch aren't better people.


It's a much cleaner city. Hands down. My sister has a bar there for the last 20 years. When she visits home, she always comments about the litter. When I go to her I do the opposite.


From what I’ve seen the streets do get a lot of rubbish especially in the evening early morning yet there are in general more bins and most importantly a much greater effort on cleaning the city, employing people to go around and address the rubbish that gathers


Don't they have low level offenders on street cleaning as community service unless I'm mistaken.


Yep I believe you’re correct


> When she visits home, she always comments about the litter. When I go to her I do the opposite. You litter about the comments?


There's definitely less litter and the underground bins are good but people will often forget their card and just leave them beside the bins. Some gemeentes also charge per use which causes a weird sort of bin tourism to areas that don't charge. It's an infrastructure problem rather than any sort of cultural or societal superiority.


Significantly cleaner and significantly more efficient in every way though, some might argue that does make them better


Print the picture in A5 and stick it on their window every day until they stop


Start with A5 and increase in size every day until they stop.


A1 Sharon 👍


Jaysus A1 will be massive


841 mm x 594 mm


Go full A0. Size of the sheet off a king bed


After that A0+




Don’t think the seagulls will care tbh


A5? Thats half an A4, is that what you meant? For bigger size paper, the number has to down, not up. A5 is half an A4, which is half an A3, which is half an A2, etc A0 is the biggest size paper. Which is about 1.1 meter long


Yep meant A3, too early in the morning for clear thinking




This guy papers


over the cracks


Oh? a Painter/Decorator? Do you think he'll quote my job?


You should put up a sign “No Seagulls”


Haha that's the laugh I needed this morning 😁


The Simpsons had a great plan involving snakes, gorillas and winter that I think holds a lot of merit.


I have a rock I'm willing to sell you that keeps seagulls away.


Go on...


How does it work?


The Japanese put their rubbish to be collected into seagull proof nets.


Feathery Japanese bastards!


Laughing at us with pointed wing


Sadly this isn't Japan, but that's a smart move


But it’s a solution


Being Japanese?


Turning Japanese? I really think so.




I've been on to the council for years to do this near where I live. I had these when I used to live in Japan and they were great. But DCC is truly incompetent. Years and years asking for this and at best I get is a reply saying they'll look into it.


Contact the local council, email them all the information with the photos you have and dates.


Already e-mailed them, but kinda forgot the pictures... newbie here on reporting issues like this 😅


They'll probably ask you for photo evidence, so just send them on then. They're actually pretty helpful. Hope you get it sorted.


We have bag collection in my area, beside the Liffey, it’s a nightmare. The little fuckers sit there waiting for the one neighbours who throws them out early without fail, the same one who wouldn’t dream of cleaning up the mess she made by leaving them out early. There isn’t much you can do. I’d rather wheelie bin collection but I’ll still have to see this kinda thing once a week anyway as that’s what they have around here if I change it for myself.


Yeah here a garbage truck comes around 7am, by that time the seagulls alaready have their bellies full since the banquet starts at 4am, I know that coz I wake up to their feasting sounds, better than an alarm clock...


First you need to trap the seagulls.  Once that is achived you'll need to get some string, now comes the difficult part. You'll need to rap string around the gulls feet, then rap the string around a bit or two of the rubbish, for items that are heavy use, two or three gulls rapped around one heavy piece of rubbish.  This allows the gulls to carry the rubbish to another area thus leaving your area clean.  You are welcome. 


But what if - like Milli Vanilli - I can't rap?


Issue on the spot fines to the seagulls.


Try talking to them. 


The seagulls or the take away?


Can't help only know pigeon english


Surely you’re not that gull-ible


Probably easier to talk to the seagulls first. Maybe show them some better options at a new location.


Wheelie bin


>For what I could understand they are not required to have/own a bin That isn't relevant. There's no law saying anyone needs to own a bin but there are laws preventing everyone from littering. 


Send your local councillor this photo and ask them for a wheelie bin.


In Amsterdam they put the bins underground. They also have seagulls but they can’t get the trash


Same in Portugal. But those continentals with all their well thought out city planning are just showing off.


As mentioned it’s a fairly effective method in Portugal and Spain too and having worked in temple bar restaurant, we had zero space for rubbish. The street at the end of the night was the only option and we’d have gladly used these underground bins if they existed. I assume the DCCs objection to implementing them is due to illegal dumping. But surely we could have a fob that allows daily access to dump rubbish. And if they’re worried about someone adding disproportionally more rubbish than others, then measure the weight before and after the fobs used and charge extra. There’s many solutions, but just no innovation Imo 😔 I get that it’s expensive but why can’t we have nice things too…


This excuse didn’t stop councils in other European cities from putting them in. Dumping is driven by a desire from some people to save money that would otherwise have been spent on refuse collection. Make it mandatory to pay for every person who lives in DCC area so it’s not a choice. Then use the money to provide better services


Also ridiculous if illegal dumping is a problem it's easier to illegally dump on the street beside all the proper rubbish than into an underground collection point.


In Spain the same, until its full and then bags are still in the open and get ripped by cats.


Seagulls are developing a system of tunnels similar to Hamas in Gaza.


This is 100% the solution. I've seen this work perfectly in Spain too. I live in the city centre and have rubbish all over the streets. It's frustrating that there is a great example of a better solution in other countries and we don't bring it in here.






at Tiffany's


Real Madrid. In that order.




I love that scene :-)


144 comments so far, not a single coherent answer. Remarkable


Everyone's too busy trying to be a comedian


Businesses are required to leave rubbish outside in plastic bags to be collected, it’s not litter it’s insanity


DCC are introducing bag bins to address this issue https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/dublin/2023/06/21/plastic-bin-bags-to-be-phased-out-in-dublin-city-following-successful-trial-of-bagbins/


I fucking HATE seagulls. They wake me up every morning screeching at 6am. I wish I had an air rifle.


4am here, they like to feast early 🥲


Stop allowing bin companies to dictate how waste is collected ! Make these same companies responsible for this problem if its them that have decided its most profitable to sell stickers or flimsy plastic bags for this purpose


Absolutely. Do you think they stop and sweep this up? Not a chance. And the bag will have a bin tag on it.


Don't worry, the seagulls are taking care of it.


You need a public bin, or the shop needs to stick out a bin. Does the shop clean it up each morning?


If you've any idea what time this is happening at, record them, take photos, etc. Then take it up with them directly with support from others in your area and tell them that it has to stop otherwise you're all going do plaster their name all over social media, boycott them and/or take it up with the relevant authorities for further actions.


A huge proportion of catering businesses do not have out door storage so in turn can’t have wheelie bins. It’s a major problem throughout the city. If we hadn’t privatised the waste collection services we may have been able to implement underground bins but as it stands there is really no solution to this. There was a trial for large hardened plastic collapsing bags on Drury st last year where the businesses would communally put there bagged general waste but but only time will tell if it will be rolled out else where


Just came from Japan and the way they handle this issue is by using nets over piles of rubbish to prevent crows or any animals tampering with the bags, never once saw a ripped up bag so it seems to work as far as I saw. Would also be great for Ireland's windy climate so bags dont get flown away.


I hate these seagulls. They're also making irish amphibians and lizards go extinct




They're after the PET bottles and the cans to claim on those machines. Smart feathery bastards.


Report the take away to the council, I don't know what county you in but the shops around me have to use bins.


I'm in Dublin, already sent an e-mail, waiting for them to tell me how or where to proceed




I have a revolutionary idea...never seen before. We dig a massive hole, install massive bins on it, that only have a lid at street level, and a truck comes, pulls this massive bin out of the ground empties it out inside of the truck, put the bin back. You can have one of this for waste, recycling and even glass. And guess what can be paid with your tax money managed by the public sector and with no extra cost for the citizens. Instead of paying this corrupt government funded private companies and having no bins anywhere like it's the 17th century.


Take a page from Eamon Ryan's book. Reintroduce wolves to the area.


An Air Superiority fighter should do the trick


You need an apex predator to keep the seagull population in check. I suggest re-introducing a population of Lynx, and possibly some Golden Eagles.


Bags are the issue, you see birds as small as robins picking through them, if they can do it, essentially any bird can. The days of plastic bin bags are over, supply domestic and business customers with wheelie bins.


You could talk to the people in the takeaway. Might be they're willing to solve the issue. If not then a counciler would be your best bet


Underground bin storage like the Netherlands


Can anyone explain why nothing is being done about the seagull problem? How can a city just completely ignore it and let some animal trash everything around lol


They should put the rubbish in a solid bin


Legally they're required to have proper waste management systems in place..meaning they should have proper bins for their waste so they'd be up shit creek with the environmental health officers.




5.56nato suppressed


Yes this is littering or waste-mismanagement. If you are in Dublin (it looks like Dublin) contact: [https://www.dublincity.ie/residential/environment/waste-and-recycling/litter-illegal-dumping-and-graffiti/report-litter-or-pollution](https://www.dublincity.ie/residential/environment/waste-and-recycling/litter-illegal-dumping-and-graffiti/report-litter-or-pollution)


Those gulls looks like the new age of hooligans hanging out on the streets, lol


Let me guess, you live on the Northside? The council is dreadful for letting this happen. The whole North Circular Road looks identical to this and it's shocking. Get onto your local TD/politician. 


In my country (Uruguay) we have large containers in which people is obliged to put their trash bags. If the council catches somebody leaving bags in the streets (there is CCTV everywhere) you get a fine for littering. Despite having those containers, homeless people still takes the bags out.




Report a litter offence to DCC via their Citizen Hub portal [here](https://citizenhub.dublincity.ie/service/Litter_Offence). The portal is better on desktop but works on mobile. You upload location of offence, time, and a picture. I regularly report dumping and graffiti on the portal They generally get around to cleaning it up within 24 hours. Anyway if you keep reporting a litter offence DCC’s environmental health team may take action against the takeaway. Remember they cannot do anything without reports! Encourage your neighbours to do the same.




Local councillor would possibly be a help. You could also report it to the guards as technically it's their rubbish and it was left on the street.


Already sent an e-mail to city council (I think it was the right e-mail) so let's see what happens from here


Good..hope it gets sorted.


Fingers crossed


This and the human shit in the city centre, Ulster bank Dame st. Shocking!








Buy a big plastic bin with a closing lid for them and place it there. Kinda cheap solution and may solve a problem temporarily.


Something like, lets say, a....................wheelie bin


didn't know there's a specific word for it, I'm sorry


I think there is a repellent or something you can spray on bin bags that detracts birds.


Wasn’t there a shop in town that stuck up pictures of owls around the food to stop the seagulls from stealing? Maybe put a bunch of owl pictures around the place OR get an owl?


I reckon a gang of seagulls wouldn’t give a single fuck about an owl




Put metal fencing around it - gov approach


Give 'em your chips


Petition local county councilor to install an anti aircraft gun?


Buy one of those falcon kites.


More seagulls to eat it ?


I wonder is there some type of natural repellent you could spray onto the bags


Seems pretty simple. Just work your way through the list until the problem goes away. 1) kill all the seagulls 2) kill all the humans 3) destroy the earth 3) erase the universe


If people would stop littering, It would be a start.


That take away’s food in that pic looks like what it actually is. Nice shot. Seagulls are cute I like them. Humans are a disgrace.


Call liveline tell Joe Duffy about it


Have you tried a shotgun?


Seagull thunderdome, 15 seagulls enter, 1 seagull leaves. You could even charge entry


Befriend the gulls, infiltrate their society and slowly gain their trust until it's time to strike.


What's higher on the food chain?


Pigeon blender


So you'll need a lot of rope, make loads of little lassos, catch the seagulls, once you have enough. Tie them to the building by the laws of physics the seagulls will fly away with the building, problem solved.


We need a new NGO to tackle this problem. Seagulls are only coming here because there's easy access to food and lots of it. They're loitering around takeaways because they know that's where the rewards are. If there was more construction for seagull accomodation & food centres around the country they'd move out of the capital city but as it stands nothing is being done and the problem will only get worse as they breed and take over the place.


Shotgun, buckshot, sorted 👌




Appease them with lots of bread.




Yeah, saw something similar to this on Thomas Street this morning. I guess leaving bin bags on the streets is a bad idea, but it's needed for the bin collection. Maybe ...we ship all the seagulls to the UK.


repeat after me. BB Gun


WE …


need to feed the people....Seagul cassarole


Flamethrower my main man


Seagulls invasion


A scarecrow?


Releasing crows?


Less tasty bins ... I read recently of a sturdy but recyclable/foldable bin container for locations where a solid bin isn't viable and bags get wrecked. I think it is to be introduced early next year


Cats. Cats will do it.


Whatcha need there is a wheelbarrow and a picker


I know exactly where that is and I agree, it’s pretty manky when you have to walk around it. Surely the council can do something about it if you contact them? Not sure though.


Seed the junk with laxatives. Word will soon spread, both amongst the people and the aves.


Is there anything to be said for another mass


I reckon a bin would sort it


I may have the solution to your problem. 10 years ago a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team.


This happens all over the city and its why so many people complain about the city being dirty. I live smack bang in the middle of town and every evening the gulls are shredding bins and making a mess. To be fair to the Council they do a great job cleaning the streets day and night but they can't win this battle. The Gov need to implement some form of plastic bin system for town and also the sea gulls need to be culled, they have become vermin at this stage.


It's an absolute plague at the moment


Procure yourself a Harris hawk and fly it around your neighbourhood daily. The gull’s will soon voluntarily disappear.


Wear a big seagull costume and just sit there or dip a bunch of chips in Whiskey and let them have fun.




That's awful. On the bright side, at least those civic-minded seagulls are helping to clear some of it up. They are keeping the pigeons away too. You are lucky to have those seagulls. They are very good. They start working early in the morning, seven days a week. You would be waiting ages for the council. Even when they do eventually come, they'd probably look at it, shake their heads and go off and have a few reports written up and it would be months before they would do anything. Thank God for the seagulls.


It’s gotten even worse now with the Return Scheme. A lot of people looking for bottles are ripping open bin bags waiting for collection, throwing rubbish everywhere. Then the seagulls do their thing and the place is a dump…


A shotgun maybe