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Falling on deaf ears, noone on this sub has sex.




Depends, did you get your couch on donedeal? then sti's are a possibility


I am finally the 1%. Now how will this get me to afford a house, in which I can get a couch to hump.


My sex life is actually great, thank you very much. I wish I had a partner mind but still.


Who is noone?


Short for Noonan, former minister for health.


Not exactly a fanny melter


I mean he's no BIFFO but you would.


He ain't no Dolly Cairns 😍


And Dolly Cairns is no Cowen.


Garron Noone. You should follow him. He’s delicious.


I’ve stopped following men around. The judge was quite clear about that.


I'm offended by that! I have lots of "the sex" but please don't tell my mammy lol.. Jokes aside this service is actually great and both our mothers wish we were making grandparents out of them 😂


Go on Nooner, ye bleedin good thing


Let me dream and dream I get an sti too




Yep, tis absolutely wonderful altogether. Really quick, discreet, they've basically thought of everything. I love stuff like this that _just works_


The service a ton of weaknesses but better than average for Ireland.


And what are the weaknesses? Please tell how everything Ireland does including free STI and contraceptives is shite?


I’m the first to call out the state for poor services and decision making. Delighted to see this. More of this please.


Why would you want more STIs?


Bad bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 100.0% sure that Feisty-Ad-8880 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Thanks man, us bots got to stick together.


Bad human


I've lived in 6 countries and only the HSE and NHS have a service like this. Friends from other countries can't believe how easy it is and that it's completely free. Do yourself a favour and get one.  Fun fact: Scarlett Johansson used to do one every 6 months. If it's good enough for her it's good enough for you. 




Having sex twice a year makes you a slut now? Are you one of the burkes by any chance?


Twice? How quaint. It is much much higher than twice if even the most conservative stories are to be believed.


The original comment was about getting tested every 6 months. Your reply insinuated that someone getting tested twice a year meant they were a slut.


and you honestly think people get tested after every encounter with a random person? Two tests is not a lot but if you need to schedule a couple every year then yes it does hint that one is quite slutty and has had any number of partners in that time.


I think most responsible people would see getting tested twice a year as a sensible approach to take regardless of whether you’ve had one sexual partner or 100 in that time. Also the convenience of the HSE tests makes this a no brainer. I’ve personally used the service twice in the last year. Mainly just for piece of mind but sure maybe according to you that makes me a massive slut rather than just a responsible, health-conscious adult.


If you were a responsible health conscious adult you wouldnt go putting things into orifices where one or the other side has an unknown history.


I would disagree. Also whether it’s health conscious or not it sounds like a very miserable life. I don’t think anyone has ever looked back on their life and thought “damn.. I wish I’d put less things into my orifices”. Regardless, it’s good that this great testing service exists for anyone who wants to use it!


Jealous much?


Its unfathomably sad that you think someone would be jealous over having to test for STDs that often.


It's unfathomably sad that instead of praising a robust std testing procedure you instead focus on the amount of sex someone is having because likely, judging by your profile, you're getting none.


SJ doesnt have access to our system though. So whether I admonish her or not has no bearing on it. Of course having a robust system doesnt fix the swathe of issues that come with an overly promiscuous society. The issues going far beyond what they may or may not be infected with should they sleep with the wrong person. Also everyone likes to assume that anyone who has a dissenting opinion must be some incel that has never seen another persons bare crotch let alone got near one. Is that all you think about? Whether you think I have sex or not is meaningless. Ive been happily with the same partner for almost 20 years now. Your childish antics dont bother me in the slightest.


News at 11, woman sleeps with a lot of people. Guy in Ireland mad about it for some reason. Claims childish antics when challenged. Clearly has issues with women being promiscuous but tries to dress it up with fear-mongering. Go cry about it somewhere else.




It is amazing. I want to use this moment to shout out the free contraception for women, trans and non-binary until the age of 31, soon to the age of 35 (1st of July). There is faults in the HSE system but the contraception age going up and the STI tests are a great step forward [https://www.sexualwellbeing.ie/sexual-health/contraception/free-contraception/](https://www.sexualwellbeing.ie/sexual-health/contraception/free-contraception/)


Also, free sanitary products for women in all public libraries.




What was the 50€ for?  I am going through this process and had my first doc appointment with no charge. When I got my last IUD three years ago, it cost me over €300.


Copper coils aren’t covered so you have to pay for the device itself. The hormonal ones are included.


Oh?? I got my IUD in March and I think I had to pay 30 euro when I went to the pharmacy with my prescription but I’m pretty sure that was for my painkiller. I’m not sure tho




How often do you check, ye big weirdo?


Mm hmm. 🙄🙄




Used it for the first time a few weeks ago. Really good for peace of mind even though I've always played safe. Lancets suck but the peace of mind is completely worth it.


I remember i had to schedule an STI appointment it was about 2007 or so. I somehow ended up being sent to the mater hospital in Dublin. No real directions. When I went there no one could tell me where to go. Was made to feel like an absolute goblin. The absolute shame of being laughed at and then ignored was horrible. if felt like I was walking on glass, about to break through, being pulled into the middle of the earth. When I did get directions it was the wrong place. Had to get one from a friend of my da's, so fucking humiliating.


Jesus, I'm a student nurse and I didn't know this service is available. Unlike you virgins, I'm a hooer of a woman and need regular testing!


Fellow hoor here, thank god the government thought of us


How you 'doin


100% recommend the service, it's so handy! I sent mine off and within 48 hours had gotten my results back.




This is wonderful! No walk of shame to the clinic , no bumping into anyone u might not want to see ,no cost . Congrats to the bringer of the anon postal testing.


Wow, I had no idea about this! Just ordered one for peace of mind. Legend, thank you


Yeah! It's a great service!


If only they could have had such a good system for womens smear tests, then women wouldn’t have had to die.


They also offered free clinics and tried to get the message out to a lot of groups about it. They were always booked out though. The one in old hospital on Baggott street was always full. The health service is not bad in this country, there are a lot of great people working in it, most of whom have the best intentions.


Yeah I use this a few times a year. Great job. Those little bastards for the blood are my worst nightmare however. Youd want somebody else stabbing ya.


It takes me ages to get enough blood! I don't mind the wee prick (yeah yeah, that's why i need the test).


>Yeah I use this a few times a year. Go on you good thing! 😂


The blood-drawing is brutal outside of a healthcare setting. It took me about 40 minutes with help. 


Which STIs do they test for?


Not all of them, but most of the common ones. In my case I got tested for HIV, Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, hepatitis B, C and syphilis. But it all depends on your answers to their online test


Right op, we've heard at this point you got tested and all, but what were your results? Did you get an A or just hepatitis B ??


Thankfully I am clean, I try to be as careful as I can so that test was mostly for peace of mind


Was just a wee jest my man, test results ,a b or c like exam results 


Haha I know I know, but I guess you were the second or third person asking my results and like, don't really have anything to hide lol


Generally Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, HIV, and Syphilis, and then if needed Hepatitis B/C. There's a little interactive quiz that asks you some questions and presents options accordingly.




Thanks for this!


Trying to get blood into that vial is a pain though 😂


The reason it works well is because the HSE doesnt run it. It is run by an English third party


When they're doing a good job we don't attribute it to the English, FYI 


Bump as a good service our not so great at times health service provides


I had my first ever test using this service because I couldn’t bring myself to face my doctor 🤦🏽‍♀️ but I couldn’t believe how fast the whole process was, it’s great to have peace of mind so quick. Probably one of the very few quick and efficient services in Ireland


The HSE pays a provider in the UK as part of the government’s “Sláintecare” initiative. Having used it myself I think it’s great how accessible it is and I’m glad we have it. However it’s not all glamorous, there isn’t public STI clinics in every county as there should be. The ones in Carlow & Waterford have been shut for a prolonged period of time due to lack of funding. So someone from Waterford for example has to travel 2hrs to the nearest one (Cork or Dublin) unless they want to pay privately at their GP etc. Some counties don’t have a public one at all. Such as Cavan,Kildare,Kilkenny,Leitrim,Meath,Monaghan,Offaly, Roscommon and Wicklow. Access to PREP is not easy here either when it absolutely should be, considering how easy it is in the UK. It’s good the government allows for free prescriptions without a means test however the prescription has to be issued by approved public clinics or some private ones. So some people in counties without them have to pay for their prescriptions. Overall though I’m glad we have what we have and I can only hope more improvements are made through the “Sláintecare” initiative.




Are you positive?


Go to an A&E and explain to the receptionist/triage nurse that you may have been exposed to HIV and you will get Prep very quickly. 


I've managed to avoid STDs from my activities so far but I'm kinda feeling like I'm missing out now. This service sounds sooo fun and quick.


You don't need to have had an STD in the past to avail of this service.


Got my results: riddled!


/s fair play to you for taking the correct steps. Too many people take the 'sure, it's grand' approach. Or just don't want to hear bad news.


So what came up?


Recommend to straight or lgbt? What's the difference we're all human. Why segregate people into one group or the other.


This is necessary because there still are a ton of people who think they're safe from STIs just because they're straight, or that only gay people can get them. So pointing this out is not to "segregate" people, but to remind people that they aren't immune to diseases just because they're straight


I think everyone knows they can get an STI or know someone who has. It's 2024.Anyone that doesn't think they can get an STI wouldn't be on social media or even have access to the internet. Be some someone living up a mountain away from civilisation


Don't overestimate the common man's intelligence, especially teenagers/young adults. There are people who believe the earth is flat, people who think that the moon landing was faked, people who think vaccines cause autism, and believe me there are a ton of people who think STIs are god's punishment to the gays, many are even politicians believe it or not!


Ya dirty bugger.