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Someone tell me if I'm wrong....but I guess we have to pay for the cleanup (if it's even possible to clean it up?) rather than him? I'm not saying this because I don't think it should be cleaned up - money is nothing - but...he has a lot of it


To be fair, he might be wealthy, but this sort of environmental cleanup is usually far beyond the means of the typical rich guy, especially an aristocrat who is likely asset rich but cash poor. Also, he doesn't own the farms that ran off fertilizer into the lough.


He was paid to allow sand dredging at the lake bed? Isn't that what kicked off the whole crisis of the last 2-3 years?


The sand dredging isn’t great but that’s not what’s causing the algae blooms which are fed by agricultural runoff. The short explanation is the climate is changing and farming practices around muck spreading need to change along with it.


Maybe not the algal blooms specifically but I think it is contributing to the ecological instability of the lake.


Dredging definitely has an impact on wildlife and would ideally be stopped. Some people will talk about sand dredging, zebra mussels and other things but ultimately the primary and most pressing issue is agricultural runoff and its impact on water quality


I was under the impression it was fertiliser run off. I don't know the details though.




its the zebra mussels


Yes, to a degree, but the main problem is dumping of untreated municipal sewage and factory waste.


> Someone tell me if I'm wrong....but I guess we have to pay for the cleanup (if it's even possible to clean it up?) rather than him? It isn't his fault that it needs to be cleaned up though is it? Why should he have to pay for it? I don't think he or anyone should be able to own it, but I hardly think it fair for the owner to have to pay for other people polluting the water.


Well according to this one article I found, he gets paid per ton of sand illegally dredged. He may not be the only beneficiary but his hands are hardly clean, are they? Anyway, whatever the law is about him having to pay, an utter failure to look after his own property to the detriment of an entire ecosystem is horrific. Is he claiming he didn't know that this was happening? If someone was dumping something in to a lake I owned, I would feel some responsibility for it, yes. [https://friendsoftheearth.uk/nature/lough-neagh-why-europes-wildlife-jewel-needs-space-breathe](https://friendsoftheearth.uk/nature/lough-neagh-why-europes-wildlife-jewel-needs-space-breathe)


Its not illegal dredging. It wasn't covered by planning permission because PP wasn't required when the operations started. It is now covered by PP from DFI. James Orr at FoR would do better making noise about the slurry runoff and eutrophication of the lough, and lack of enforcement on the farmers. Sand dredging didn't cause an algal bloom


When some people read stories like this, one that involves a person with a title and ownership of ground on this island, they see the red mist and all details, facts and nuances about the situation go flying out the window.


I mean *we* don't have to pay for anything tbf, the NI government (or UK if it's bad enough) does.


This absentee landlord changing his tune shows that the public pressure is working, how dare he acts like some sort of “eco-warrior” after the years of habitat destruction he’s allowed to happen under his belt!




Algal infection.


And sad dredging. He’s getting below his belt dredged regularly


If the NI state wanted the lake anytime they could have ordered a CPO as it’s for drinking water. This is great for the NI state as they have an ideal aristocratic scapegoat to blame. The NI government want nothing to do with this lake as they have proven by not purchasing it which is crazy as it supplies so much drinking water.


NI didn't have a sitting government for half of the last decade. Also the DUP are never going to take something away from a British aristocrat


DUP would gladly take something from a British aristocrat but I’m not allowed to say it


I meant state not Government.


I don't think the civil servants would have been able to appropriate the many millions it would cost to CPO the lake. It would need to go into the national budget


What was he supposed to do? Its agriculture run off that caused this


Sue them. But that property does not make money so no incentive to protect it.


The sand dredging he has allowed is the habitat destruction in relation to him


You mean the chemical run off caused by farmers? Who owns the dead lake is irrelevant for so long as that continues.


But this is not only a landlord but a posh Brit one. Basically r/ireland’s antichrist.


Public pressure my hole. He’s just found out how much it’s going to cost.


I think I'll set up an auld charity for waterways and take this from his hands. Does anyone want to set up a piping charity and you can pipe the water to the local water service? If someone could set up a cash charity and the local council could pay you to take the money for the water? I'll then set up another charity to take the cash off your hands! My wife could then set up a charity and I could give her the money and she could use it to look after me as I will be vulnerable because I am doing all this for free! In the meantime, one of ye could go on the charity regulation boards and help a vulnerable man out like, ya know! ![gif](giphy|MqxZxTlvcY5BS|downsized)


Scum. Insane that some Brit aristocrat owns Ireland's biggest lake in this day and age. Where's the guillotine 


He has a difficult background, poor lad, a tragic family. Now he wants to do the decent thing [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas\_Ashley-Cooper,\_12th\_Earl\_of\_Shaftesbury](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Ashley-Cooper,_12th_Earl_of_Shaftesbury)


Where's the /s? 


No /s involved, bloody tragic family. No money could compensate for that.


Ah yes, the tattooed raver earl, who swanned around New York at Daddy's expense and then became earl after his father's third wife, a playboy model murdered him after he wanted to marry a forth wife, an escort. Not being happy with the windmill she was given in divorce proceedings, along with a 700,000 house and a monthly allowance of 10k. He said he would only sell the lake for profit because "he always gets blamed for things outside of his control"  I am supposed to feel sorry for this person? 


It’s the UK’s biggest lake.


You're not wrong, but it's also not wrong to say it's Ireland's biggest lake.


Take the trolling elsewhere.


Did I say something untrue?


Irrelevant, not untrue.




Do you? 




Maybe you need a map




It's in Northern IRELAND, which makes it the island of Ireland's biggest lake. Fool


People in the age of internet still confusing the names of a landmass with the name of a country I assume? You scared the poor chap out of existence.


The scale of British aristicrat ownership of land in Northern Ireland is insane. Scotland is even worse.


Unfortunately they own a lot of land all across Ireland


How generous, the aristocrat wants to hand back irelands lake! A true philanthropist! He was trying to flog it not long ago! https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-66996132


I if it was mountains would it be different, he owns it.


How can you own a Lough?? Ridiculous 🤷


Jaysus. Imagine inheriting Lough Neagh! I had no idea someone owned it. Bonkers.


Post on this news ([Insta](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8kf7UtOWK2/), [FB](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/kLYgbK5CgUAvXSwy/), [X](https://x.com/saveloughneagh_/status/1804969055151120443)) from the local **Save Lough Neagh** campaign


In other words, he realizes it's now a shithole and he doesn't want to deal with it anymore


He’s seen the cost analysis more like.


Oh the auld offer of a gift of land for free! Where have we seen this before! Cries national maternity hospital tears! :'( That's one permanent highly paid board position for Mr Lord cuntsby please!


Bill him for the clean up 1st