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We're not. Those are paid actors working for Tourism Ireland


All 583,000 of us!


Is that how many Irish are in Oz?


No. The number is way lower. Or way higher if you consider ancestry.


Lower, otherwise we don't have a leg to stand on when we're slagging the Yanks.


No, they just reallocated 8% of the HSE admin staff to it.


Oh! We just exiled all those. Their sunny disposition was diluting all our collective misery. We are worse off without them, and that's the way we like it.




Fuck off to the sun with all that happiness


>There have been times I’ve seen someone and thought “I bet they’re Irish” and I’ve been correct - without even hearing them speak That'd be the big Irish head


Or the Kerry jersey, take your pick.


Wore my Kerry jersey to the USA Bolivia game in Dallas on Sunday. Was hardly out of the car when I got a shout out from a random Bolivia fan.


I love the fact “big Irish head” has actual scientific backing, we do have some of the biggest heads in the world


At least 50% bigger than your standard head. At least


We give good head.


Sun burnt ta fuck


There’s only about five Irish faces.


Irish people in Aus think they're on permanent vacation, so they're in a great mood


That's because they are!


Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.


We're like Gollum from lord of the rings but for sunshine vitamin D. We're corrupted by the cold, moulded by the rain and cut from the wind. Can't be sad when your bones are warm and the bottle shop is drive-thru.


We are in winter here and the days are still 22° and sunny, almost no clouds so entirely blue sky. I yearn for a cold miserable winter filled with rain, dull skies, hearty meals and a fireplace. Grass is always greener I suppose


That all sounds very romantic, and it is, but you're missing something key here about Ireland that other cold places don't have and that's "the damp". There's cold and rain, and then there is the bitter cold that gets in your bones making you feel like you'll never be happy or warm again. The opposite of humidity making a 30c day feel like 40c on a Summer's day. It is part of the tragedy of being Irish and conversely why we're good craic when away from these sodden islands. We're just glad to be drying out for awhile.


Our grass is literally greener because of all our lovely rain . That's what I remind myself as it pisses down


I lived in Australia for 2 years, 'winter' was spent BBQ-ing and spending time at the beach with less tourists. It's no wonder Australia is almost recession proof, you can do your outdoor jobs all year round. I see your point about a cold day with the fire on, I miss it, and Christmas doesn't feel like Christmas, but as stated above, the damp is a horrible burden to suffer to enjoy a crisp evening.


We're absolutely miserable here and get all our bitching out of our system in Ireland, so by the time we reach Australia we're completely zen.


I brought my negativity with me and I fit in perfectly.


vitamin D is a hell of a drug


Paging mrs Doyle…




I actually attribute this to our inherited humour. Ireland had it bad, very bad. The only defence for this after so long is humour. Self degradation, wit, piss taking etc. I think Irish people have an innate ability to be positive about everything and anything that isn't positive, we use our humour as a defence


Self-deprecation? Though I too have often degraded myself.


Not to be confused with self defecation. People don't find that funny at all. Learned that the hard way


The hard way is a lot less messy than the soft way, I'll save you the trouble of experimenting


Not to be confused with scat


Can't tell if that was autocorrect or a Freudian slip


ah and here I was thinking I had a kink


The English are also generally extremely funny and self depricating and they had it good, very good. But I do think how bad we had it did effect our expressions of national pride, which when compared to the English tend to go down much better with neutrals and much less often than the English.


England has it good. The Englishmen... Well, just some of them.


Eh they can be but there isn't an undercurrent of humor like we'd have here. You can confuse them pretty quickly tbh when conversing like we'd do here.


> The English are also generally extremely funny and self depricating For the most part, I find English people painfully unfunny and don't react well to mild slagging. Scousers are the exception in my experience, hilarious group of people.


You'll find this in most northern places in England. Very similar to Irish 'pit humour'. You get the odd prick but we all know that's the same here as well.


They're mostly Irish 😅


Liverpool being an Irish city outside of Ireland...


Once you get to know a few Irish people you'll be able to start identifying simply by the clothing choices, haircuts and the shape of the head. Big Irish heads on us. Quite common for young Irish who are on working holiday visas to have a strong zeal for living life.


Wonder how many GAA jerseys Aussies see in their daily life now


We know that under it all, life is tragic. So when the good times come, we fully embrace the craic (fun), knowing it’s ephemeral. Or…. Maybe it’s just that everyone is so happy to see sunshine.


You haven't met me pal.


Wait till you meet a teenager on O'Connell Street


It's the sun, when you live in a country so fucking grey and cold and with sidewards rain it's beyond miserable so when the sun hits the bones it warms to the core, life is easier to deal with.


They're just happy to be out of Ireland, happens to all of us


hit the high chair early, and often ;-)


You want to see our other side? Hang around this subreddit for an hour or so...




Well I for one am a miserable bastard. But only on Tuesdays before 9:17am.


sure look it


They are giddy from all the vitamin D, something we have to supplement heavily over here. One thing the Irish do is laugh through their problems instead of talk about them, which is a recipe for disaster tbh. But I do love the Irish humour, you honestly cannot beat it.


It's called Big Irish Head Syndrome or BIHS. We get a bunch of shots for malaria, diphtheria and BIHS before we go out foreign. The symptoms of BIHS can be quite severe. They include wearing county GAA jerseys or shorts (never both at the same time, thats just wierd Johno!), Comfy clothes (tracksuits) over shtyle, walking around like you own the place (called gatchin), drinking pint bottles of Bulmers (with a side pint full of ice, you savage), cursing like 17th century privateers and rubber neckin at all the hot chung wans in bikini's.


Mother said I was special.


Probably excited by the sun


If you met them in Australia, it may be because that's the farthest away they can get from England.


Feck off /j


Wait till you stay a bit longer..


OP, it's actually due to social geography and a history of colonialism. I mean have you seen just how small some of our towns are outside the cities. Some are absolutely tiny. If somebody is abnoxious to the local supermarket staff - that news will travels quickly. Ditto, the local pub, if somebody is horrible to someone else, that news travels very quickly. It's also down to colonialism (yes, this had to come up didn't it). Under colonialism we had the landlord / tenant arrangement. Those tenants that were troublemakers were usually thrown off the land - making them pretty much destitute overnight.


Some were even sent to….Australia.


Love this small town explanation. It makes total sense.


You're chat to the people who've escaped Ireland lol But really, I think there's a case to be made for people (probably younger people I imagine) who emigrate, and are almost forced into being friendly and proactive, so they can form a friend group/community around themselves.


They're happy because they got out of the depressing shithole


We’re not


I can introduce you to some insular assholes in the backside of Kerry if you want. True story.


You should see me before I get my coffee


Gggday mate! Laughing in Hard times, sure we have a lot of experience with those if you read our history. Telling stories and being story tellers is a huge part of our history too. And when over there, we’re basically on holiday. Even if they have lived their for 20 years


They're all young, fit, on holiday, and likely getting the ride.


Cos there are too many cunts in the world.


Them lads have had too much vitamins D send them back


Its me. Everyone is happy to be jn the same country as me. You're welcome.




We've all been trained to be nice to people outside of Ireland by Tourism Ireland. It's like our deep state. When we hear American accents our programming kicks in. PS I prefer the Australian accent tbh


It's the collective national trauma. You've got to laugh, it's the only way of dealing with it.


Don't be fooled. It is all superficial.


You haven’t met my uncle Kevin.


I'd say because they actually appreciate the sun, for a change.


This works the other way too. Australians in Ireland are cheerful, friendly, and optimistic. I think the difficulty of making the long trip acts as a natural filter which keeps the most crotchety cunts close to their own countries.


You should search on this sub what do Irish think of Australians to get the full picture




Literally right back at you mate..Irish woman married to an Aussie. I have been to Australia 5 times, and literally every single person I met was lovely, friendly, welcoming, and not up their own arse. Love you Aussies.


Tell me you’ve never met a gang of scrotes without saying it. 😁


The Irish in Oz were banished from Ireland because they were too positive


No we are not. We are terrible people and the worst drivers in the world. We know this from the demoralising articles posted here everyday on R/Ireland.


Come back and ask the same question in the dead of winter.


Australia gets the best and brightest of Ireland


Jesus, this is definitely not true. That honour goes to London, San Fran and New York.


Well anyone with a bit of get up and go, get up and go


An aussie having a crack at accents....


For me an Irish accent makes me feel at ease, like I’m in the company of good friends. Hearing an Australian accent anywhere other that Australia puts me right on edge - sometimes even in Australia




OP is an Australian talking about the Irish in Australia


Appreciate the positivity OP.  But as an Irish person living in Australia for many years this sub does not look too kindly on the Irish who migrate to Australia.  Please see below my earlier post on this topic. Don’t know where the bad feelings come from but if you read the responses the pattern is clear.   https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/17aa8n3/negative_views_held_by_irish_people_towards_irish/


Lol, clown. Have you been holding onto this for 8 months?


I’m pretty happy with my life and not moved to insult strangers on the internet. Just enjoying seeing some positivity on this sub about the Irish in Australia.    I enjoy a debate but name calling is not on. 


You say that you enjoy seeing positivity for a change yet you linked a negative post unprompted, for fear that we get too happy?


What clown?! Are you feeling angry? Humiliated? Is that it?! Fool! You don't know what humilation is!