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Waaleykum assalam warahmatulLah As someone with a medical condition you are advised to follow the recommendations of your doctors. You will receive a reward for your struggles and your desire to worship your Creator in a certain way even if you are unable to do so Increase your efforts in other aspects of your religion this will be better for you, spend your time on this day with obtaining the knowledge of Islam (fiqh, tafseer, aqeedah) Some said that a day spent on obtaining the knowledge is better than three months of fasting


Water fasting isn't a thing. If you medically can't fast and your doctor says not to, you can always give food/ration to someone for them to do your fasts.


unfortunately, fasting means no eating AND no drinking (and refrain from a few other things but you get the point), and we cannot change the core of the ibadahs. But, Allah knows the deepest points of the hearts and every intention that lies within. He knows that you would fast if you could, and inshAllah He (who is the most generous of all) will reward you for your niyyah. Alternatively, you can do salah and zhikr. May Allah grant you and every Muslim much good deeds. Ameen.


Fasting does not count if you drink water, so don't water fast as a form of ibadah. Instead, you can read the Qur'an, do dhikr, pray more Salah, make lots of dua etc


Either you fast according to Islamic guidelines or you don't fast at all. You're not going to be rewarded more for water fasting than someone who didn't fast at all. If you have a medical problem that is preventing you from fasting from food and water, then you're excused. Just do other things like read more Quran, pray more, do more Dua, give more in charity, and avoid sins.


You will be rewarded for your niyyah (intention) insha-Allah. As the other brother/sister said, consult your doctor. I don't have enough knowledge/qualification to give any opinion on your actual question.


It's either you are fasting or you aren't. You can do other things instead like praying or reading the Quran, inshallah Allah will reward you for immensely.


i dont think its possible im sorry but dont worry if you have the intention to fast if you werent sick then im sure allah will give you the reward of that fast complete.  The Prophet ﷺ said, “If a servant falls ill or travels, the likes of what he used to do when he was settled and healthy will be recorded for him,” (Bukhari).