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it’s kids waiting in line (?) to get the best seats at the twenty one pilots concert at t mobile this monday. they even put up a little faq sign cause everyone was asking them


This is the correct answer, although the concert is this evening (9/9). Some have been out there as early as Wednesday evening when I was leaving work.


There are a few that have been out there since Monday evening.


Why would you camp out for a show for four fucking days when the show isn't even sold out?


And when you already have tickets. Some of them were just straight up in a sleeping bag on the sidewalk. I can't imagine a worse place to sleep.


To get the spots close to the stage obviously. My limit on waiting in line is like 9am day of. And that's extremely rare LOL Like, there is no overnights at any time or sitting there in the dark. No thanks.


maybe for the group fun. but yeah, it's pretty stupid in the heat.


it is quite possible we work in the same building, haha




The Twenty One Pilots super fans have some of the sketchiest practices for ensuring they can get to the front of the line. Plenty of threads about it over on their sub. They'll put their preferred line somewhere other than the venue so they can get away with camping out days in advance. Then they march over to the venue and cut anyone who has lined up there the day of the show. They bully venue security into letting them cut and laugh at anyone who didn't know about their superfan club. Used to be a huge fan of this band, saw em a few times in KC. We camped out for the whole day leading up to their 2016 show and thankfully this exclusive fan line crap hadn't started yet.


they wait "in line" somewhere besides the venue and they thing that counts? wtf.


I like them as a band (*Trench* is one of my top albums of the past decade) but god dammit are their fans annoying. I've seen them twice as a support act, before they were big enough to headline, and there were huge factions of the crowd that gave zero shits about the other bands on the bill and were just obnoxious as hell the entire time when their band wasn't playing. And even more obnoxious when the band *was* playing.


I don’t want to know what’s up at the courthouse, I want to know what’s up at the Westport Dominos


They need a leader and sum assistance from what I've read... Sounds like Street Fighter has been working there.


Every town has that one guy. Street Fighter is KC’s guy.


Adam is alright to me but he's a bit ornery from what I hear around Westport




Yes, and our country’s mental health support system is severely lacking. Hopefully, he can remain non-violent this time, for his and everyone else’s sakes.


He threatened to rape my friend and her mom. Mentally ill or not, that dude needs a safer environment than wandering around. Safer for him and everyone else.


Making shitty pizza as per usual.


during the pandemic i did ordered from several pizza chains and determined that dominos was, by far, the best. i don't know when they changed things up, but the brooklyn style was very good.


Yeah dominos is awesome and I tragically prefer it over some of the few local ones I’ve tried, like the insanely expensive and not very good Minsky’s at River Market. I don’t order pizza much, but I was using the dominos at River Market. We like Spin at Crown Center and Musaletti’s in northeast.


Just had Minsky’s for the first time Friday night before heading to Branson. The pizza was okay, but the service was terrible, not even packed, maybe 7 groups of 3-5 total


Westport somehow always manages to have the shittiest metro location of any business chain with a location there. Shittiest Dominos Shittiest SunFresh Shittiest Chilis (back when it existed) Shittiest GameStop (trust me, I know, I opened that store back in '02 and it had problems from day 1)


How dare thee talk about GunFresh like that...


The Domino's in OP off Quivira definitely gives the Westport one a run for its money. I don't know if these are poorly run franchises or the district manager is inept, but I've had so many bad Domino's experiences I don't even consider them anymore. If I want shitty chain pizza, at least I know Pizza Hut will deliver on time.


Pizza Hut is what I order when I've decided I need to punish my body.


True that. Get the zah from the one off Independence Ave in the old Northeast. You know, the one the health department shut down a few weeks ago. . . Using the app, I can get most of the larges for about $10 and sometimes - not every time - they actually make a decent thin & crispy crust.


Weird GameStop flex bruh.


Was the entire coprorations #1 most burglarized and robbed store for several years running back in the early 2000s right after it opened.


Being #1 takes talent! Did many of the perps get caught? I’ve never been to that GameStop but I have always noted it as a lil cliffside cave along the wonderful deathtrap intersection, wondering how the heck to get to that shop for a split second and then distracted by wondering how to just stay in my present lane. I should go kiss the ring. Pay tribute to top dog. And I love that Half Price Books.


Prospero's books on 39th is better than 1/2 price.


That’s gonna be hard to top. Thanks. I gotta do a KC book store tour!


Weird Reddit comment flex


Shittiest Raising Cane's chicken too.


I have yet to try that location, but I just assume as much at this point


Shittiest Sarpinos too. This was pre-pandemic, ordered a pizza for my group at the office. They said delivery time would be 60-90 minutes, which was annoying but understandable for lunchtime. After 2 hours checked in on it, they said it was on the way. After 2-1/2 hours checked again and they gave some other excuse but assured it was coming. At this point we were starving so I ordered from Minsky's and their pizza arrived in under 30 minutes. Called Sarpino's back to cancel our order once the Minsky's was in hand, this was now more than 3 hours after the original order, and was told that if I needed a pizza that quickly I should have just come to get it myself.


This was also the shittiest sarpino’s to work at because all the drunk idiots from Westport went in around the hours the bars were closing since they’re open til 4am.The customers were insufferable. One actually attacked me when I worked there. The pay was absolute dogshit. The owner didn’t give a fuck about any of us. This was over 7 years ago, mind you. Overpriced too. Sorry your experience was utter garbage.


> Shittiest GameStop (trust me, I know, I opened that store back in '02 and it had problems from day 1) Has it always had that super loud annoying thing that plays whenever you open the door that screams WELCOME TO GAMESTOP that sounds like it was recorded by someone who had a gun to their head?


So thats a by-product of Gamestop under-staffing their stores almost to the point of employee safety issues. We'd have 1 person working alone, and people would run scams where 1 person would distract them at the back of the store while other people snuck in/out stealing stuff. Now no one goes in or out of that door without everyone in a half-mile radius knowing about it. This was obviously 20 years ago, but that Westport store became one of the very few locations in the entire country that was given extra payroll hours so that no one ever had to work alone anymore. It became too dangerous. To easy to rob the lone employee in a store by themselves.


Lol I had the worst experience there the other day. Ordered and went to pick it up and they just had all the doors locked? But the lights were still on and they were accepting the orders just not completing them. Another dude was waiting for like an hour there too and never got his order


You guys didn't torch the place?? Fuck that


Dominos is all MAGAed out.


What does this even mean?


Property auction or KC Tenants protest seems to be the answer 90% of the time.


Auction was a couple of weeks ago that I know of


twenty one pilots concert lol, we’re on venue property now tho




Last time this was asked a few weeks ago it was a property auction


That was the front steps I think, this is behind between the courthouse and holiday inn


Trying to make reservations at the new $250 million detention center...probably.