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I always felt Syrus put it best when it comes to judging the "Who Do X Like More?" competitions. "Spenny's day felt really forced and insincere, and I really preferred just hanging out with Kenny."


Spenny had to put an insane amount of effort into ensuring he wasn't seen as a bad guy and ironically this made it incredibly insincere like he was overcompensating. Talk to anyone who's "different" and they'll all mention how they just want to be treated like they aren't any different...the key being you know, actually getting to know people who are different


Woman- Cant say im not a girl but i think kenny wouldve won had he played it straight. Spencer even said that he makes a great first impression Kids- I would argue that Spennys day will be more memorable but Kenny day was funner even without the presents. Old ladies- Kenny rightfully won although fuck Jessie. Gay- Spenny shouldve won. This one always pisses me off too because Kenny had it in the bag until he became too cartoony with the gay thing. Disabled people- The real Spenny, although I too would vote for Kenny like the wheelchair dude. (I wonder if her visits this sub?) Black- Kenny. Whether he showed the footage or not Kenny seemed like a more chill day.


Black i could see going either way before the footage. Syrus was with Kenny, dreads(I forget his name but he was cool as hell) I think was with spenny, third guy was very quiet and obviously wasn't a fan of some of the jokes Kenny said at the club. At the end he just says "I guess ill go with you", like he was given no choice after the fake footage. So I think spenny would have won 2 to 3


Stephen the goldsmith!


Yeah thats it!. Guy was awesome


> although fuck Jessie. lol what do you have against Jessie


She’s probably dead rn. RIP jesse


I mean that ep is like 20 years old. Statistically it’s not looking good for any of them


Disabled people is one of my all time favorites in the show. Party squad gets me laughing every single time lmao


You’ve never taken lessons? Well then you shouldn’t be singing…


You get water if you do it RIGHT


“That’s some nice shit gumbo you’re making.” “Clean the fucking toilet!”


Imagine hearing that from 12 year old Spenny as a grown ass woman


Get the shit under the seat!!


Everyone in the disabled episode was great, but the wheelchair dude, being a fan of the show himself, was my favourite. Edit: oh I thought you were asking me which one I liked more out of all the people in the photos.


The gay episode was classic af


It makes me cringe so hard every time, and I love it.


So hard to watch tho


Who does She like more, she committed the crime of being too fine. Got the pink on the wrong side


If you know what I'm sayin




Party squad’s the coolest squad around, call the Party squa-aaaaaaad!


I like Jeff from disabled. Love his drum solo after Kenny tells them to stop and him telling Spenny how pathetic his begging was. Also he's one of us.


When Kenny signs his head shots is pure comedy haha


Party skward


The spenny kid day was actually wholesome and made me crack a smile, props to spenny for being decent for once


Nothing more wholesome than Uncle Erogenous.


I haven't watched who is the more gay in about 10 years, so uncomfortable The black dreaded guy is chill as fuck though. LIKKI BING BA BONGAA


Steven (the guy with the dreads) was the coolest guy on the entire show. Just the way the man spoke, thought and acted felt so genuine. I usually come to watch Kenny having the time of his life torturing Spencer. But with the black guys two parter, I come for Steven and his personality. That man should have his own philosophy program on television where he just hangs out with others while talking about god and the world. I hate making comparisons like that. But he literally came across like a black Bob Ross. So cool and friendly.


I liked the Gay-episode the most, it is clearly and obviously the greatest of these "likes" competitions. Anyone who disagrees is an uncultured infantile homophobe who would take down pride flags from bedrooms just too remain in the closet.