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Visibility of game state is important. You opponent can't see your phone screen but it's very important for them to know the health of your models.


Are ya'll marking your operatives wounds with dice? I only use the injured token and just ask my opponent about the models I'm considering attacking, but I don't play in tournaments


Dice on the table, with KTDash backup. I luckily have a set of red and a set of green dice, so we can track wounds taken vs wounds left. It works really well!


I think that's a failure of the game then even though I love it. On Table top simulator it's easy having all the tokens but it's very messy once you start having injured tokens, dice to represent wounds, conceal, equipment, tac ops tokens, any strat or character ploys producing tokens. It's very easy to accidentally knock the table and suddenly you don't know where everything is. I think using a phone app (or pen and paper) is necessary to keep track of all that stuff. Ideally what would be even better was if Vassal has some type of phone app so you can portray the models on a screen with tokens that way while you're playing but that's a lot of work.


I am sorry but I find it exceptionally silly to say its a fault of a **tabletop** game, that you normally use tokens or dice to track wounds instead of an app.. come on. Would it be better yeah sure, but a fault gimme a break man.


My recommendation is don't use injured tokens. You're already showing the wounds - you'll know if they're injured!


My recommensation is to not football-tackle one-legged tables. The idea that you bump the table a bit and lose the entire game-state is absurd.


Imma be honest, but I think you’ve got way too many tokens on the board. IMHO, you need the conceal/engage and dice for HP only once they’ve taken damage. Maybe l can see one of the small ones for like recreating a courier tac op or something like that, but that’s really it. You really shouldn’t be needing to mark out ploys/equipment beyond against a newer player, but even then it’s more likely to cause a headache for them than just telling them at the start of the game


With killteambuild web site you can print datacards with wounds squares to darken. As long as you can't heal or find a way to keep it clear and accessible for your opponent or as a doubling système in case of moved dice of whatever, it can work. Dice on the table remains the easiest to read and track though


You need to buy fancy Augmented reality googles and then develop software where it will show the wounds of each model just by looking at them.


Holy emperor that would be amazing


Kill team scorecard is another good one




Ahh the dashboard feature is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks!


The dashboard lets you add your opponent if they’re using the app too. You can tab to their team and see their wounds, to hit rolls, abilities, their CP, VP, who has activated, etc. All updated in real time as the game progresses. It also automatically subtracts debuffs like the wounded status from your stats. It’s very nice.


KTDASH. It's also got a setting, can't remember if it's default or not, that will modify your weapon profiles if you add certain equipment to that Operative. So say if I give an Intercessor Sergeant a Vengeance Class Scope for Lethal 5+, it'll add Lethal 5+ to the Bolt Rifle profile. Very handy. Plus being able to add pictures of, and name your models makes it very easy to track who's who.


If both players are using it you can actually also see your opponents team.


Woah I didn't know it had THAT feature too. I need to play with the app more but honestly I love it


There's a lot of features that aren't super obvious (check out the Setting section regularly). For checking out your opponent, from the Dashboard you click the 3 dots in the top bar and choose "Select Opponent". From there you and your opponent should be able to figure out what comes next.


To re iterate ktdash, ktdash and err ktdash!


I like these, because it combines wounds with engage/conceal orders for leas clutter https://www.etsy.com/listing/1445074631/kill-team-wound-tracker-6-pack?ref=share_v4_lx


I use the wound tokens that came with Warcry. They are more things on the battlefield but are really easy to use.


I use these token caddies. Holds all the tokens and dice needed for an operative. Comes in 1 and 2 dice sizes https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1366105465/kill-team-operative-token-caddies-1-and?click_key=bce802f917c163d6dc7c3166503f1dc7ed8a045e%3A1366105465&click_sum=7e3a7c8d&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=Kill+team+token+caddie&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&organic_search_click=1&local_signal_search=1


I use the battlescribe app for data cards and equipment, KT scorecard app for keeping match score... duh.. and then dice to mark out wounds