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Get a cookie, or biscuits tin and magnetise your bases!


This. This answer. Got a 3€ biscuit metal box at a thrift shop. Minis with N52 magnetized bases. They hold so well I have to be careful to lift them by their base when taking them out of the box, otherwise I risk breaking them by pulling them too strongly. N52 magnets+metal box FTW.


Here you go: https://www.feldherr.com/ EDIT: Not exactly a hard case, though.


Feldherr Mini Plus can fit 3smaller Teams or 2 full roster with oversized models (Ogre/Sicarians/Arquebus) + the starter box rulebook and in the pouch on the top all dice, marker range ruler and barricades you need.


I ride a motorcycle and lug my minis to games, so magnetizing was never an option for me. My favourite choices were both Citadel skirmish cases. Their zig zag foam is really good for impacts and will suspend your models really well, but taking them in and out of the foam can easily break and small spikes on your minis. Their new rubber spikey skirmish case is great too, but it does rub a lot on paint. I've had little corners of unvarnished paint kinda rub off, but it's minor and works great otherwise.


Warganizer cases are pretty good. Comes with trays for all the tools/tokens/cards and you can 3d print them yourself


I’m printing off the warganizer 1.5 on my ender right now. Ideal size for kill team


Magnetized bases / tin with metal on the bottom, work excellent for the small amount of models kill team needs. But if you want more traditionally foam and hard shell, sites like KR Multicase have a million sizes and options.


I like these but probably more suitable for a whole 40k army. https://amzn.eu/d/dncivy2


I used a plastic bin from ReallyUsefulBox, put HVAC sheet metal at the bottom, and then magnetized my bases. Idk where you live but GreenStuffWorld has a lot of good products. Their prices for shipping to the US are a hurdle though.