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I saw an article has been posted about the decision to delay sentencing, but I wanted to post the documents. Here is the response to the defense’s letter, from the prosecutors: https://www.nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS/press/PDFs/PML-Response-on-Immunity.pdf Here is the order signed by Merchan: https://www.nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS/press/PDFs/People%20v.%20DJT%207-2-24%20Letter.pdf The “if necessary” bit in the last sentence is haunting.


I feel deflated and I don't even live in the US.


I'm with you. I'm in Canada, and there is a political party here that is determined to draw inspiration from the GOP / MAGA playbook, and that shit is steadily leaking North and finding purchase among the electorate. I don't think I've ever been scared about the outcome of an election before...and the kind of scared that you feel in the pit of your stomach. Everything over the past few weeks cumulatively is just neaseau inducing: - Presidential immunity for "official acts" strengthening the executive powers - Project 2025 and it's schedule F proposal which could replace life-long experts and civil servants who execute their duty based upon the constitution, with politically appointed Trump loyalists who's only duty is to a pseudo-king - The existing ability for Trump to then pardon any/all of these sycophants - Bribery effectively legalized - Chevron deference repealed further weakening the administrative state / critical institutions It feels like every day, new, base human instinct is getting rewarded.


Oh dear lord that is an ominous way to write. So this is how it feels to have your country and  future stolen.


why would he do that...KNOWING the horror of the foreshadowing to SO.MANY.AMERICANS.? Is Merchan just rolling over and giving up, too??? When the Law is bent by a clearly religiously-directed, LYING, and BENT scotus, do those others who take the vow to Justice just ROLL OVER? I had hoped for more from the legitimate legal infrastructure of America.




Judge Merchan needs to hold steady. This legal battle is far from over and the supremes aren't so supreme anymore.


What? No, the legal fight is over. If you wanna fight still I support it, but the legal arena is closed.


Sentencing is delayed until September however, the Judge said he's waiting to see how this plays out at the federal level. It sure sounds like there will be challenges to the ruling off the 6. How and when I don't know.


The SCOTUS could not have made more nakedly partisan and legally unfounded rulings as they have this past week. It is over. No matter how anything plays out at the federal level, if it is detrimental to Trump SCOTUS will overturn. This is how we lose, playing by the rules and hoping for the best


and he TOLD us he was a KING and now he is. WTF!


He said he could stand on 5th avenue and shoot someone with no consequences, he said he can "grab em by the pussy" and now he can do whatever he wants so much for democracy and the rule of law


When did SCOTUS declare *pussy grabbin'* an "official act"?


Are we all forgetting that Trump is not currently in power?


Lol. Of course he is. 


LOL, ok that's enough looney toons for today.