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The only bad part about Game 1 was that it didnt have any "how did he get that past the filter" names like DADDYFATCOCK


Tefts Pond aka “Tide Pod” was also a legend


Or BungMyGoose lol


McSlappinNasty was one as well or am i tripping?


Laned with tide pod in the bot lane


I need to go back and rewatch that series


I'm sorry, but that word doesn't show up in the dictionary, so no clue as to what would make it inappropriate






*Kassadin flair* I think we all know where this is going




Good job skipper you've saved democracy


That is crazy, I got a chat warning the other day for typing cock. Logs I got back where: "Didn't you die lvl 2" "GG" "Cock"


Thank God riot saved us from you, you absolute menace. Hope you learned and will do better next time.


Hopefully they made him type I Understand so he REALLY learns his lesson


Finally justice


Rare Rito W


A hero, never forget


I wish I could find FatherLargeMember, account seems totally gone now


Lol. I got banned because of my summoner my name that does not mean anything. At the same time "Harry the horsecock" was asking me to play with him and still is going strong.


Literally played with someone named isis member. They’ll moderate our chat tho!


Flowers, I would pay a lot of money to hear you scream that on the desk. A LOT of money.


[The OG bronze cast if anyone hasnt seen it yet](https://youtu.be/Aj1M0NktHGM?si=I_ah36NIkNbySdzJ)


Azael “flying in” from worlds was one of my favorite parts of that one. Those two are in my opinion the best caster duo around. Their just good vibes and always sound like they having fun.


[Azael here saying "OH MY GOD" is fucking hilarious. Him, Cap and Kobe are the best of the best](https://youtu.be/Aj1M0NktHGM?si=g9JpYjMWbIvRM5e5&t=2179)


One of the most legendary pieces of LoL content in existence.


Legendary 50% crit glove


Pure Chad


You either crit or you don’t


Titanic hydra Blitz they're cooking


and rylai on shyvana goes hard as well haha


Damn, I like it and want to try it!


I'm low elo but I never see this stuff...I'm almost disappointed.


love the content from my goat. and i guess the caster was ok as well.


Was anyone else shocked by how good low Iron players are? Like, imagine being totally new to the game and playing against people who can mostly CS, trade, combo some abilities, even make strategic decisions. And then realizing those are the *worst* players.


I started playing league in early 2022 and it's very much like that, I had to very quickly accept that virtually everyone would absolutely destroy me in single combat lol, even with 5 experienced friends to teach me the game It's not like an fps where if you can aim decently then you'll do alright, if you don't have prior moba experience you'll be the only shmuck in the whole aram lobby without a single kill for the next six months (source: me, i was the shmuck who would frequently get zero kills in aram)


League is such a weird fucking game to be legitimately new at in the current era. idk if there are just barely any new players coming into the player pool or what but I started a few years ago and I'd run into another truly new player maybe once every ten games. EVERYONE else was someone coming back to the game after many years, or people on new accounts after getting banned or to smurf. It's such a jarring experience having everyone on the team using lingo that you have no idea the meaning of, talking about concepts and mechanics that are completely foreign to you but they treat you like an absolute imbecile for not knowing about. I avoided playing with friends for the first few months when I played only normals because I knew about hidden elo and getting put in Smurf queues and I didn't want having them on my team to get me matched with experienced players instead of new ones like me...but my god was it a mistake since I was only getting matched with experienced players anyway. It's such hell. I genuinely believe that the only way people come into this game nowadays is if their friends drag them kicking and screaming, because finding this game on your own and being able to make it through that experience by yourself is just something else. 


Who is Mia?


Fwiw, it's fine to play with friends after 5-10 games as a new player - it's just the initial ones that you really need to play solo. I brought a couple friends up to 30 recently and their matchmaking was totally fine.


Honestly feels like this game has passed some sort of event horizon at this point. My friends who have come back to play every year or so since season 1 just... can't keep up anymore. Or at least the gap is too large for them to relearn and catch up in a reasonable amount of time.


God me too. People would flame my Iron IV Jinx gameplay though I would always fire back with “yet you are matched into the same lobby as me”


i think arena helps that a lot. you can just practice champion mechanics without worrying about the rest


I actually felt a noticeable improvement in my gameplay after spamming arena lol


People like to talk about Iron and Bronze as if the players are complete idiots—I’ve legit seen someone on Reddit state, unironically, that you must have a low IQ if you’re in those elos. People take *so much* knowledge about this game for granted. Like, yes, clearly a higher elo player would have a field day, but people forget how much you need to know to even play at a bronze level. And no, I’m not suggesting that bronze players are good by any means, just that the skill floor to play League and not be a liability is much, much higher than the community gives it credit for.


The only thing that seems really impressive to me is the csing. I remember back when I started playing league (S9ish) I was getting about 6-6.5 cs/m in Bronze/Silver and I was constantly the one with the most cs in every game and now I see players even hit 80 ca at 10 minutes and end the game on 7 cs/m. I expected other things to get better but last hitting always seemed like the biggest early hurdle that players run into.


if you go to the op gg of bronze/iron players they will be low CS. in the 4-6 range. they only get high CS if they are playing split pusher and are perma split pushing and became fed early, so they dont miss waves but majority of them just cant get 7+ cs consistently because they are fucking around the map looking for kills and they also dont know how to play the 3 lanes, so everyone groups up and you lose 3 stacked waves to the turret on the sideline


They end up with less cs at the end of the game because the macro is still really bad, true, but early and somewhat mid game people actually last hit. A few years ago 4.5-5 cs/m was the norm and the macro was even worse. You also gotta remember that current Silver is what used to be a good chunk of Bronze back in the day, before Emerald was introduced.


i think the current *iron* is the bronze of yesteryear.


Current Iron is old Iron as ranks went up. Old Bronze and Silver are current Bronze, Silver and Gold.


iron is also low bronze from years before


Current Iron is Bronze 5 from 2018. Bronze 2 players from 2022 are Silver 2-3 right now.


that is just not true (at least the second part, no interest in finding data for bronze5 2018)? I will use following notations going forward: old = November 2022, new = June 2024 old Bronze 4 was top 94.5% of players which is equivalent to new Iron 1/2 old Bronze 2 was top 83.8% of players which is new Bronze 3 old Silver 4 was top 70.1% of player which is new Bronze 1 the big shifts was away from silver (more populated iron, more populated gold+ ranks) old Silver 1 was top 43.8% of players which is new Gold 3 old Gold 2 was top 20.2% of players which is new Plat 1 old Gold 1 was top 15.7% of players which is new Emerald 4 old Plat 2 was top 5.1% of players which is new Diamond 4 old Diamond 4 was top 1.9% of players which is new Diamond 2 and last but not least old Diamond 1 was top 0.47% of players which is new Master source for stats: [https://www.esportstales.com/league-of-legends/rank-distribution-percentage-of-players-by-tier](https://www.esportstales.com/league-of-legends/rank-distribution-percentage-of-players-by-tier)


Have you actually played in Bronze? Because if you do, and look up the stats of the people you play with, you will find that Bronze 1 and 2 contain a lot of players who have been Silver and even Gold in previous seasons. They are there simply because they haven't improved as much as the general player base.


As the other person said: that's partially CS skill (like they won't get 10cs/min no matter what), but what you see far more often in high level games is that farm doesn't get bled everywhere. Like the lower MMR players will have 140 cs at 20 minutes and 170 at 35. The higher elo players will have 190 at 20 minutes and 350 at 35.


Average Iron vs another Iron gets 80cs in the first 10 minutes, partly because all champions start the game with higher base stats now than in the early seasons. You can get yourself an early season lasthitting simulation by picking AP Teemo, starting Q, and trying to last hit with 54 AD and no on-hit. Really hard actually!


Also, no mana issues nowadays. You can spam like a degenerate and not run oom. Players probably got a bit better at it, but the game did a massive part


The thing with cs is that people in low elo get too caught in the action to remember to farm again. Past 20 minutes you can see a fight starting for the most random of reasons. Pair this with people being clueless about what to do when tier 2 has been taken and the wave getting stuck there. Many just don't know how to safely farm when towers start to fall. But the first 15 minutes have been optimized to the point where even in Iron people more or less know what they have to do.


> 7 cs/m There is no way this is true. I mean simply looking at stats in the client shows that this is untrue.


There are Bronze players that hit 7 cs/m. Most of the hover around that number before the ARAM takes over at 20 mins and a few of them manage to keep up, but a few years ago it wasn't unusual to have multiple people end up with double digit cs. I haven't checked the in game stats tab because it's broken 90% of the times, but sometimes I watch games from some of my friends that are low Silver and it's the one thing that I notice.


>I haven't checked the in game stats tab because it's broken 90% of the times I have never seen any issues but I'll admit I do not verify (verify against what?) >There are Bronze players that hit 7 cs/m If you mean 7 cs/m as in, they get 7 minions every two waves, then sure. But thats not 7 cs/m. I bet there are a few, but I also bet that those guys don't play the game so


Most people in Iron are there because their playstyle. They don't practice "playing to improve". Which is fine. They may not even realize that. It's not necessarily because of their skill cap. That's why VOD review can be so shocking, especially the first few times, because the way events played out in people's minds and the way they remember them doesn't resemble what's happening on screen. People in Iron aren't doing VOD reviews and watching YouTube tutorials.


Also there’s players like me : I’m a Quickplay/Draft Andy. I started playing League about 2 months after release. I’ve played off and on for years and years and years. I’ve never really played Ranked : this Season I played the most Ranked I’ve ever played something like ~20 games now… That’s it. I still mostly play Quickplay. I’m Bronze 4 but who knows what my ceiling is? (I like Quickplay more because it’s so much faster queue. People dodging draft drives me crazy like from the moment you queue to the moment you get in the game is sometimes like 15+ minutes due to multiple dodgers. Quickplay isn’t like that)


I’m sure there are thousands of players like you out there making bronze look good. I myself play a lot of draft cause I don’t like ranking with unfamiliar champs or first game of the day (even though often that’s all I have time for.


wish i enjoyed quick play cause i also hate the time it takes between queuing and actually playing the game but in my experience the games are always full on trolling, no one really cares about winning so its just a aram fuckery or one of those limited modes, ends up not really being my jam


Same here. Quickplay has short queue times and you get to play what you wanted to play without facing insane counterpicks half your games. It's also a lot less stressful.


Yeah, Quickplay is great when I just want to get into a game (go figure). The dodging and draft time of normals and ranked is extremely frustrating when you’re on limited time. I enjoy ranked because the quality of games seems more consistent (although still volatile), but between a family and a career I’m obviously not spending a lot of time trying to climb.


> that you must have a low IQ if you’re in those elos. If you are stuck in iron when trying to improve then yeah maybe. Most people are not stuck in iron/bronze. They either A are just really really bad and don't have much of a gaming background but can improve. Or B don't want to improve or care. Lastly C they want to improve but are not great at improving and play 10 ranked games a month. The people that actually play hundreds of ranked games a season and are actually hardstuck iron trying to improve are the specimens.


Maybe is a really important word here, because IQ isn't a great measure of gaming skill, and there are dozens of reasons people actually trying could be iron. I bet there's a fair number of older or younger people, or physically disabled people (there've been a few people to hit masters with like two fingers but they're pretty special). Or lol could just be their first game like you said, a lack of experience thing. The most common reason is definitely because people don't give a shit. Even the people dumping hundreds of games into lol might just be people who tilt insanely hard really fast


Nah, my dad at 58 who hadn't touched a computer game in decades got out of iron within a month, playing ~10-15 hours a week. There's no way anyone who wants to get out of iron would be stuck there unless they're not trying to improve.


I've legitimately never met anyone who consistently does something without wanting to improve at it. Which isn't the same as being unable to improve.


> Even the people dumping hundreds of games into lol might just be people who tilt insanely hard really fast Yes the specimens. That's something you can improve at and figure out. It's not just out of their control because they tilt.


Nearly every player stuck in iron can improve, I'm not sure I get the distinction you're trying to make here


There are people who legitimately play hundreds or even over a thousand games per season in low iron and are hard stuck. Then you see players like Kadeem and it all makes sense


I think you underestimate how bad iron players are. I don't think it has much to do with intelligence, but you really don't need any knowledge to get out of iron, other than "cs good, killing enemies good, killing towers good". If you do the bare minimum, your team will eventually win. My dad who was 58 years old got out of iron within a month, even though he hadn't touched a computer game in decades. He had trouble even controlling his character's movement for the first week. But he just picked Garen, pressed E on waves, pressed Q+E+R on champions who got to close, and hit turrets whenever there weren't enemies around. Also, sometimes he joined his team if he saw they were all together. That alone, along with learning to buy only recommended items, got him out of iron.


Hard disagree. It really doesn’t take much to climb out of iron and bronze. The players in these clips hard tunnel vision on just about every single encounter. Climb a bit higher to gold and that tunnel vision usually expands at least to the edges of their own screen. Get up to plat and E4 and plenty of players actually use their minimap when nothing cool is happening. I am not saying these people are low IQ, but they’re totally failing to use even 10% of the information that’s available on their screen. It’s silly how poorly they understand their damage output that they’re constantly chasing kills they have no chance of getting only to suicide again and again. The classic problem game devs have with convincing players to stick with a game and improve at it is making those improvements feel fun. Combos are fun. Kills are fun. This is what the worst players naturally “work on”. Map awareness is boring. Disengaging is boring. Estimating your damage and realizing you don’t have enough to kill a fleeing enemy is boring. These are the skills iron players don’t tend to even attempt to work on. Obviously, Annie should just chill out, group around her team, and play a bit defensively in lane. That’s all boring so iron players just mindlessly fight over and over and can’t figure out why they can’t climb.


Sure, but I’m talking about the perspective of a new player, rather than someone smurfing in bronze or someone hard stuck bronze because they lack fundamentals. That hard stuck bronzie will still run circles around a new player and not even break a sweat.


>Like, imagine being totally new to the game and playing against people who can mostly CS, trade, combo some abilities, even make strategic decisions. And then realizing those are the *worst* players. this is absolutely me I started league nearly 2 months ago with 0 RTS experience and got absolutely stomped the first time I stepped into ranked I'm around lvl 40 now and in iron and I still metaphorically sweat at what are apperently the worst of the worst league seems unique in just how good players are


If your only goal is to climb in ranked, it's not hard. You don't have to know much about the game other than "cs good, kills good, towers good". You just need to play a champ like Garen who wins 1v1s easily, and just push any lane you want, and kill anyone who comes close, and run if there are multiple enemies. That alone will get you to bronze. I know because I saw my 58 year old dad who hasn't touched a computer game in decades do it. Also, only buy items from the recommended tab.




Worst level 30 players


I get the impression that a lot of Iron players are down there simply because they have a big mental block regarding a single aspect of their game, whilst they are Bronze level at everything else. For Annie, it seemed to be that she would tunnel a lot. She had her target and would completely ignore the other players on the enemy team, and wouldn't even consider what they would do to her.


The issue with Iron usually isn't the mechanical skill. It's almost always the macro level stuff.


I am more shocked to how insanely bad they are. You can learn the basics of the game in 30 minutes. Moving around, autoing, controlling the camera. Iron players just walk around and troll lol. I know that you guys like to shout that league is so insanely hard and that the player base is so fucking good, but this is the dumbest take ever. Iron players dont think, they just do. You can climb by being AFK as an Iron player more or less


i see why blitz is permabanned


Revelation would go hard as a pro player name, ngl


And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. That's the verse the name comes from.


Damn, that's metal


when The Man Comes Around


That song used in the ending scene of the series Generation Kill is just....fucking perfect! Couldn't have picked a better song, honestly! And for those who haven't seen that series, go watch it! It's like Band of Brothers but in modern era, about the invasion of Iraq in was it 2003? 2004?


Haven’t seen it, but I agree, it’s such a powerful song


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2185749373](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2185749373) Link to the full vod if anyone is interested


Post for those wanting to see it. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1dj9j6t/i_have_a_8_win_rate_in_iron_4_rn_and_its/


GG to team Rude Dudes, fearp0polTTV had a rough game today but I'm sure he'll turn it around next time.


Besides some weird items, and perhaps locked cameras, the game play was pretty impressive from the clip.


They really are something. 


This is the kind of content I love


Oh no... Im worse...


The western GOAT caster lets gooo. 


You can tell she actually took a lot of the advice! I think she did a great job. Keep it up!


Alexis actually played pretty decent but the team was just too behind


From what my gold eyes saw her biggest issue was knowing the sphere of influence of enemy champs and using her passive right I'm also surprised this is literally the worst you can be this game now. This looked like a silver game couple years back. The only really iron player that looked like they had 0 clue was the Vi.


Most of the truly mechanically bad players don't queue for ranked or play a few games of it and bounce off because even in Iron you have people who will punish you for poor basics despite their own flaws. Iron is the bottom... Of the people who think they're good enough to fight for a rank.


Yeah true. She definitely missed a lot of chances to out-trade (or went for trades she shouldn‘t have) and her target selection was off a few times but the csing was pretty good, she roamed, followed engages, even did a few outplays. You can tell that most of the players in that particular game didn’t really know what to do with leads or especially what not to do when you are behind but as you say, if that‘s the worst, thats still pretty good. I guess in low iron you have pretty high chances of at least one of your teammates being like that vi. One thing that i‘ve seen mentioned in this sub is the aging playerbase and therefore the lack of new players which i guess would make sense. After a while i‘d hope most people gain a little bit of game knowledge or at least know the abilities of a good portion of the champs.


>One thing that i‘ve seen mentioned in this sub is the aging playerbase and therefore the lack of new players which i guess would make sense. After a while i‘d hope most people gain a little bit of game knowledge or at least know the abilities of a good portion of the champs. It would be interesting to see, how many old/new players are in each Division especially low Division, so you could tell if down there are mostly new players or if they are older players who are not trying/ not able to improve.


Yeah would love to see some stats too. Would also be cool to see some sort of bell curve of rank distribution by user age or account age (or maybe even region?) but i‘m not sure riot possesses these details. At least the player age.


There was/IS a Site where you can See how much time u spent/ wasted on lol, so If a third party has/Had this kind of information, Riot should too.  Userage IS a different story thought, since I Made my Account years ago I'm Not even Sure if you needed to give your birthdate. 


Yeah i remember that site. They used to have it ages ago but they shut down the api a while back so the data there is not entirely true i think. Last time i checked the time i „wasted“ there was less than with the former api because before the changes i was grinding ranked way more than after the changes. So for sure they have the account and they can make some approximations with it as well, but even if so, if someone created an account 10 years ago they could have been 14 or 30 and as you say i think the birthdate wasn‘t necessary (i think).


Yeah the original bronze stream had me laughing constantly for all the weird shit the players did. These guys meanwhile made some mistakes but honestly weren't that different from better players. Any individual play was something I wouldn't be surprised to see in higher elo, they just made bad plays a bit more often.


Yeah my armchair advice is she was overextending w no reliable peel. She can’t be going that far into yone w/o stun up, teammates to peel, or flash / having more health. I was impressed at the CSing and decent roams though, also a few unlucky low HP kills that didn’t roll her way. She wasn’t the problem, but she’ll need to learn to carry to get out of Iron. That said I’ve never been more than gold, I’m sure theres better advice out there than me lol


Honestly would love to see how she'd lane against any other champ. I feel like yone is one of the worst champs to lane against if you're a little off with your positioning


Probably has a little to do with his ability ranges being a little longer than what enemies often expect (if they never played as him).


More please! I could legit watch this all day 😂


This man refuses to attend Saudi because he has principles. Sub to this man.


That's what I wanted to see


I wonder what that rakans ping was


flowers is such a freakin legend


The thumbnail makes him look like hes having a stroke mid cast?


thats somthing , im iron 3 , 90 wins 60 loses , i cant get out and im now happy here


You just can't be iron 3 with that kind of winrate without going 60-90 a season/split prior. Having +30 wins pushes you up more than a full tier.


-25 / +16


LP gains are irrelevant for that reason, it's the MMR that matters and ultimately directs LP gains. You've lost many games in the past at 0 LP, now you're just paying your dues so to speak. MMR never resets with splits/seasons.


god forbid new players starting ranked early (i had a 14 game loss streak when i was a new player)


This is the peak League of Legends, baby!


Flowers needs a new Skarner gif.


DyeCreppare you still play league? Remember MangoFish Puleiontech and old memes?


that zeri just wasnt hitting anyone poor guy


Man like Sensitivity🤣🤣


I think a lot of times it’s people form various striations on new accounts.




so how does casting help Alexis exactly? I thought he'd give a review


Just hype to encourage her to keep playing and improving?


she asked for knowledge, not whatever this is. Giving her a YT link would help her more than this, this did more for him than it did for her.


Theres tons of informative videos on YouTube that are really easy to find for someone that actually wants to improve🤷🏻‍♀️ I don't think one link even comes close to the fountain of knowledge that is YT haha


I mean that is the point I just made, YT would have been better 🤷‍♂️ The thing about this game though is that it appears so casual when it really isnt, I've been saying this for years, a casual wouldn't even know people research their games on YT. I can tell you, cus I was in that position, I was mind blown when I saw stuff about LoL on YT for the first time.


Nobody ever said anything about this helping her. He's not a coach. It's just for fun.


its confusing when when i saw the original post. she came to reddit looking for help and then he commented on the post and everyone was happy for her, so i just cant understand the point of this. I do know he said he wasnt going to help at the start of the video, so that exactly why im like "whats the point?".


>whats the point? Fun.


She didnt ask for some dude to offer "fun" she asked for knowledge. A person actually tries to improve at the game and it turns into the fun circus.


So no one can have fun because she didn't specifically ask for fun in the initial post? She is apparently enjoying the fun circus just as much as everyone else. Just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean it's bad or wrong, it's just harmless fun. Other people have helped her/are currently helping her, what's the problem with one person figuring out a way for everyone to also have fun in the meantime?


dont try to make it about me not enjoying it, if I enjoyed it or not isnt even the point nor has it been mentioned outside of you. You can keep trying to play it off like she asked for "fun" but we both know that isn't what she asked for. Why even distract the player from their own personally set goal? If you ask for an apple and I hand you an orange then attract all this attention to myself as if I did you a favour thats some pointless shit. 🤷‍♂️


Jesus Christ, if i rolled my eyes any harder they'd fall out... Let's see if i can make you understand this without needing to bring out the crayons. >If you ask for an apple and I hand you an orange then attract all this attention to myself as if I did you a favour thats some pointless shit. If i am an orange farmer (as in a caster) and not an apple farmer (as in a coach), and you come by asking for an apple (coaching), and i say "hey dude, im an orange farmer, i can't really offer you any apples, but i can bring you a basket of oranges (cast your games for fun) if you want", and you gleefully agree. Do i suddenly become an asshole when someone posts on reddit a picture of me delivering your basket of oranges? What would you think if some idiot came to me, slapped the basket of oranges out of my hands, and started yelling at me saying im a dochebag because you actually asked for apples, and what am i doing bringing you a whole basket of oranges? Would you think that person is normal? Or just some idiot looking to find problems where there aren't any? Ugh, why do i even bother, you're probably not going to get it anyway...


I'm impressed by how well you explained that. It's a shame it'll still go over his head.




Yet she accepted his offer so she herself is on board with it. So now we have the player agreeing to it, the caster agreeing to it, and majority of the viewers enjoying it, which leaves you as the one pissy dude getting mad at something on other people’s behalf.


I dont have to be mad to think it doesn't help her learn the game


lmaooooo it's no big deal it was a lot of fun!!! <3


He's not trying to help.


Literally the first few seconds of the video...


CaptinFlowers looks like someone who plays league non stop.