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Love the inclusion of the house elf kitchen from the books


Did you buy two sets? I think I would have the kitchen in the actual basement and save the other rooms for another part of the castle, whenever that is released




Thank you for including the Entrance Hall! The official set feels lacking without it


Jesus, that is huge!


Wow. This is really well done! I love that you’ve got 2 of the common rooms in there & the stairway in the entrance hall! Minifig placement is absolutely perfect, it looks very much like”alive” if you get what I mean…. Very cool. It’s too bad that in order to make it larger, it really still doesn’t have the space in the basement/dungeon area to fit all of the different things there- but if you extended it any further lengthwise, I don’t think it would look as good as it does. I really hope that lego releases more sets with the detail they have in these for the rest of the castle- although the way I want to build my Hogwarts is likely going to end up with me sleeping outside since there are so many details I want to include. Hell- maybe I’ll just build a tower around myself lol. Great job! How long did this take you to come up with? Did you build it digitally first or just as you went?


I thought of buying two sets for a month and had a vage image in my head. I bought the set yesterday and did this in 7 hours.


Holy crap! Well done! I was going to go to my store & pick up a copy today but it’s so terribly humid and hot, every time I walk outside I turn around and sit down inside lol. Dammit.


Ah seriously? Im from the Netherlands so summers arent that hot most of the time.


lol yeah every time I take my dog outside, when I open the door I can literally feel a wall of hot stuffy air. I have to run errands anyway so, if I happen to see this in my travels, I’ll be picking it up for sure lol. Also jealous you live in the Netherlands! I had a few family members move there a while ago- I wish I knew if they were still there lol


Ah where do you live? And you should definitely pick it up, the set is a great build


I’m on the east coast of the US. However, according to the weather, apparently I am in hell temporarily lol.


What did you use to expand it?


Another copy of the set and parts from the older modular


We have a bunch of the old modular stuff but I’m reluctant to take it completely apart. Do you think you could attach the new great hall to the old modular Hogwarts stuff?


No you cant


Bummer. Thanks though!


This is SO goddamn cool


I LOVE how you have Snape chastising Quirrell


Thanks! Its from the movie scene, but the hall itself is based on the third movie, where harry walks around at night with the marauders map


I love it! I also want it to be like this


That's incredible! I love this 😍


What sets did you use?


Two of the great hall and spare parts of the old modulars


I need to do this now. How difficult of a build was it to add on?


I did enjoy the build process and didnt find it too difficult. The exterior is mostly a repeat and i came up with the interior as i went on with it


Beautiful! Awesome work in including what even this bigger rendition lacked!


This is unbelievably good!


Excellent work! (edit: didn't like the way I phrased the rest of the comment that was here before. felt too backhanded compliment-y. I didn't intend to come across that way and I'm sorry if it was taken that way)


Wauw thanks! That means a lot coming from you. I look up to your buildings! :)


Did they release the slave quarters officially, or is that MOC?


It's a MOC.


Great job


If I could only make one suggestion, the window that leads up to the entrance of the Great Hall there's like a big curving Arch window. I don't know how to describe it except see pictures of the exterior for like Hogwarts Castle and Universal Studios or the actual prop and I think you'll see what I mean by that big curved Arch window. Outside of that, GOOD LORD, that's amazing 👏 Well done. I definitely like how you did the common rooms too and the bathroom and gave them more detailed walls than what came in the set