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A tourist was also killed recently for tearing/burning quran in pakistan Religion is a cancer


Not to defend their actions or condone anything but thats just a stupid move on his part why would you possibly as a foreigner go to a country just to stir shit that could possibly have very realistically resulted in the consequence he did face? Just incredibly stupid all around.


I think he is the same person in this video. He was a tourist from another Pakistani province not other country


nope this one is from Swat i think the tourist thing was entirely different


Event that was from swat


You're the fucking stupid one. The victim was from Sialkot All those were were allegations. There was no proof. People just found some torn pages in hotel, not even in this guy's room. The police already had him in custody, but these fucking idiots, riled up by the local politicians and the mullahs burned him alive. Pakistan is a failed state and there's no denying that.


what you going off on me for lil man i was working with the information from the comment i replied to take it up with him nowhere does it mention it being just an allegation, and calm your tits while you're at it I wasn't there with a lighter


By the way it was “alleged” that he blasphemed. Pakistan is fucked up


Blasphemy is a made up crime. Religion is a set of ideas and like all other idea it would be critiqued. Muslims need to understand this simple fact and move on.


Yep, i really hate for the fact that sometimes i have to agree with Nordic countries RW. Where Muslims flock to their countries and demand sharia.


As Osho Says : Jitni Hinsa Religions ne failya aur karwai hai, kisi ne nhi krwai. Jo chij ek insaan ko dusre insaan se door krde, jo padosi tak ko dushman bna de, wo kya khakar parmatma se milaega.


You meant hinsa, right? Can you also please share the link of the source in which osho said this, thanks


Wait. Here. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8J3Nj3MN3a/?igsh=MWxtMWZkcTF5N2x0eA==


Thanks :)


I would say that religion is a tool and not a reason. The reason behind anybody weaponsing religion is greed. Pakistan is a compromised democracy controlled by the US. Religious fanatisism is used to distract ppl from the dire economic conditions of pakistan. It is inaccurate to blame this on religion instead of material conditions. Religion has motivated ppl to do good things too - MLK was a reverend. Religion is nothing but a tool. I would also like to point out that in this sub we don't blame lynchings on hinduism - we blame lynchings on bjp.


I appreciate that some people understand the nuances of the effects global politics has on these kinds of acts. And yes, Right wing extremists exist in every country. It's just that in some countries, the extremists are well off enough to not lynch people in public. Trust me, even the most "civilized" countries would actually act like this the moment they couldn't afford their meals.


Also there are other factors too. Like the impact of the cold war and proxies - american proxies being right wing fundamentalists bcaz the left wingers were communist.


I think the biggest mistake of Soviet Russia and communists of that time was their elimination of religion entirely. This gave really bad optics to many impoverished people who've only known morals and lessons through religion. Besides that, I completely agree. Capitalism won. And now we're dealing with its consequences. Also, hello fellow hasanabihead 🥰


Hello 😊🫰🏻 Yeah amen to that. A lotta dumbass liberals like to yap without having read the history


True lol


This is correct but only partly. Fiqh is a HUGE part of what encapsulates islam as a categorical religion just like smiritis & other dharmashastras being a HUGE part of what encapsulates hindusim/casteism. And fiqh reinstates letting aside all reason to listen to those well versed in deeen e fiqhi, falsafa is a small part & mostly used to cater out dawah. With the end of mutazzilites who used aristotlean framework to rationalize islam to debate many other sects like dualist magians (their most freq opponents) to xtians to manicheans to other sects of xtians, the last of the people operating within islamicate framework towards reason died. Al-Gazzali was the final death blow with his work against soldification of fiqhi being the most important of islamicate praxis for all proles (he had a deep hatred for proles doing falsafa so one can safely call him an elitist). The second death blown was Taymiyyah with proto salaf But the blasphemous thing here is subcon islamic movements taking inspiration from the islamicate rationalization against reason formulated by gazzali, tayymiyah etc & using it to "control" masses, keeping them poor via a restrictive economic movement for more religious control. The material conditions are by design. Barelvism & deobandism etc promotes a culture of idolozation in forms for muhmad & sahhaba worship ironically, that leads people towards such depravity in mobs & masses that they operate in a hive-mind dehumanizing others & proudly justifying their moves as entries to heaven. In groups also, with unlimited strength relative to individuals, people reveal their true face. And as this incident tells us, it was the loudspeaker maulvis that instigated this mob murder but the blame squarely lies on the people/mob that brought it into frution as well. So yes, religion restricting itself to just laws/fiqhi via circular hadith reasoning, s indeed The tool for most of societal cancer. The mlk eg is comparing peaches to oranges even if we keep all of mlks mistakes aside.


Okay I'm not going to read all that (bcaz I've been arguing this point all day in a seperate post and i don't wanna start a new thread here and like I'm tired. I'm sorry). I just have five points. If you think those are problematic then hit me up : - Religion and state should be seperate - we should know the historical context of a situation to analyze it in its completeness so that we can deal with the accurate set of people. - we should target particular policies and cultural attitudes. - we should not monolitize - no one has the right to infringe upon the rights of another.


I think u did read it all but it's okay, I don't want to start any thread either. Problems are- 1. Neither the hindoo religion or the Islamic religion can be separate from the state if we check their fundamentals. Hindoos are still segregated but islam is a political collective that will never ever let exist as a secular state. Fundamental changes within that religion are required for that. Ofc its a problem everyone knows of but dont want to speak. The opp end are chuddies who cant even understand anything abt their own religion let alone Islam Secularism is a concept by the progressive wing of protestant xtians post the pondering upon the enlightenment age. 2. Ofc we must target policies & cultural attitudes but most political action in this country either comes religious mobilization or one over caste. Denying to understand fundamental problems within religious structure at the fear of being clubbed anything is pointless & counterproductive.


I don't care what their fundamentals say. If they can be hindus and Muslims in america then they can be hindus and Muslims here as well. Also no, i didn't read it all. You're not that important. The books don't mean shit to me. If i follow something then i follow it for copium purposes. I do not care what somebody's book says. It was written atleast 1500 years ago and nobody follows it by the book today. So any gibberish is not my concern. I don't have a problem with anybody's belief as long as they keep it away from the state and don't shove it down other people's throat. Idk y y'all are being so bent on this. We can't eradicate religion without blowback. So we should aim the next best thing : keep a secular state and have the moral fabric of the society be based on leftist values. Anything other than that is just idealism.


>Religious fanatisism is used to distract ppl from the dire economic conditions of pakistan. YEAH > I would also like to point out that in this sub we don't blame lynchings on hinduism - we blame lynchings on bjp. but we do blame hinduism for caste system and we do blame islam for blashphemy hinduism and islam are bad religions one being barbarous other being inhumane


And we aim to annihilate caste. We have no aims to annihilating hinduism. And if you didn't know - we mostly follow advaita vedanta. Vishitadvita vedanta isnt casteist starting from its founder Humour me : How should one go around eradicating religion?


so now we are taking hinduism as a philosophy , then its totally fine but never as a religion


Vishitadvaita vedanta is a legitimate sect of hinduism that south India follows - which is why they have less problems with caste. I don't follow advaita vedanta bcaz shankara said that women are not allowed to read my work. So i thought, "okay well fuck you too then." (Also i didn't like the concept of an impersonal god.)


south have less caste problem?? look at tamil nadu >I don't follow advaita vedanta bcaz shankara said that women are not allowed to read my work. So i thought, "okay well fuck you too then." (Also i didn't like the concept of an impersonal god.) well good for you


Ig he is sticking to very bodhisatva like defination of dharam here.


The point is RW is mad because they cannot promote their own brand of conservative ideology with this new competition. Whereas the stance of popular left politics has been that religion needs to be eradicated so that we can unite the masses towards a more fair and equal society for all. Goals are not the same.


This is not a widespread phenomenon and you should be careful to not adopt and spew great replacement propoganda


Widespread ho na ho yeh sab India me Muslim population ko na Paisa na political protection hai ki kar dega aisey hi man hua tou. great replacement chutiyapa hai jo aj 35-40 saal se chal rha hai discourse jab Mandela ko power mila tha tabse.


Sorry i replied to the wrong comment haha. I meant to reply to the guy above you


Religion is basically worshipping of one's own fear and greed, instead of facing them it provides a convenient escape. And people don't like it when someone challenges their greatest fear and greatest greed.


The OIC probably has nothing to say about this. But they will expel diplomats if someone in their country burns a Quran. Fucking retards. Although I despise the RW in the West, I'll defintely be okay with them burning a 1000 Qurans in reponse to this. Btw the man was taken from police custody and burnt alive. The Pakistani State at this point is just for terror.


>Btw the man was taken from police custody WTF?


>Police officials in Swat reported that the man, whose identity has not been disclosed, was a tourist from Sialkot, Punjab, who had been accused of “insulting the Quran”. It is unclear precisely what the man did. >“Our police team reached the main market in Madyan to arrest the man and took him to the police station, but the crowd demanded to have him handed over,” a police official told Al Jazeera on condition of anonymity. >Officials added that a large group of hundreds of people gathered outside the Madyan police station where the man was being held by police, attacked the premises and dragged the man out before killing him. How he was killed is unclear, although one police source based at the central Swat police headquarters, about one hour away from Madyan, told Al Jazeera by telephone that the man had been “tortured to death”. Videos circulating on social media show a large crowd chanting religious slogans and surrounding a burning body. >A senior Swat police official, Zahid Ullah Khan, told the media that the group also set fire to the police station and a police vehicle. He added that investigations into the incident were under way. SOURCE: AL JAZEERA


why are you surprised TLP the literal far right political party whose single issue is Blasphemy is part of the ruling PDM voalition


But I thought atleast the police would give that person a shelter.


Buddy the entire system is shit. I mean even if you're a good natured cop genuinely trying to do his job how long do you think you're gonna last in that situation when the CM or Tehsildar or whatever local political chutiya decides to cut your career short??? Also the guy was in police custody. The mob literally broke into the police station to murder the guy and set several police vehicles alight while they were at it Edit:[In case you want to read up further here's the detail of the entire incident](https://www.nation.com.pk/24-Jun-2024/alleged-blasphemy-23-arrested-for-lynching-arson-attack-in-swat)


Buddy why are you, a “pakistani” deeply involved in askmiddleeast sub? You are not associated with the middle east or west asia, stay in south asian subs like this one. Seems like you desperately want to be accepted in Semitic culture, don’t desert your punjabi culture.


>r-slur we're better than this. let's not use slurs


I am saying even if he had done some fukin Blasphemy as these people claim, the guy should have been left unharmed.


It’s all bullshit anyway because Pakistani mullas blaspheme against other religions on a daily basis. It’s just majoritarianism abuse with an Islamic touch - the only thing Pakistan is good at.


Oh, imo blasphemy should be legal everywhere,cuz imagine a fantasy book making you insecure and burn a person


*Islam is fucked up.... Believe me , i come from the very same shitty religion..


Like we didn't just have one incident in orissa a day before of alleged desecration of gaumata


Don't be so smug, we're on the same path.


He got Emmett Till'd. RIP.


You can see the people at front are still kicking and hitting that burning man.


i am from pakistan. our government/army is literally fucking assholes... save ur country before it became another pakistan, i admire the thing about india that yall have freedom of speech and wont get yeeted by ur army( we got NAPAK BOUJ INSTEAD OF PAK FAUJ), this country is fucked up. TLP funded by our army and radicalization of ppl is soo sad, this is another human being, idk how ppl hurt each other like this. i hope they all burn in hell, if there is one


We have a slower descent compared to Pakistan but a descent nonetheless


They are already in hell.


and i think he was foreigner. edit: sorry he's not a foreigner but a tourist from eastern punjab. [here's the article](https://apnews.com/article/pakistan-blasphemy-mob-lynching-police-ddc5d6ec1c34bbf5825208d6b83d548d)


No, he was a local tourist from a different city to Swat, an area that was infiltrated and ruined by Taliban, an aftermarh of the Afghan war.


yeah sorry, i edited it.


Thanks, not that it makes things any better 😞


Post a source incase you have one.




how you got that much karma in like 4 months? dang


eastern punjab as in Indian punjab?


nah, in pak.


I think the tag should be "Musanghi".


Thank you Jinnah fr. Can you imagine all these crazy people adding a burden on India? He did us a favour fr.


mushanghis wanted a separate Islamic country and they got it . This was always the inevitable outcome




What does that mean?


Talk to USI mods, tell them to cleanse their sub from chaddi infiltrators so that griffters like these go back to their usual shiting location.


Rule 2 violation; removed. Brutha, we need to prove our undying loyalty to the Empire 🇬🇧 and King Charlie 🤴 by speaking in as clear English as possible. Ending every submission with 'I beg to remain, Sir, your most humble and obedient servant' is optional but highly recommended. C'mon! Let's make Veer Sorrykar 💂 pr0d!


True united India will never work for now


I disagree. Our govt in its early days was quite secular by the subcontinent's standards. Apart from some backward regions, I think situation would have been quite different.


Agree to disagree. We have a problem with Hindutvavadus today despite the secular upbringing of India. Not sure how the same upbringing could prevent the rampant Islamism we see in Pakistan.


The Hindutva problem is manufactured by the BJP for political purposes just like Jinnah and others exacerbated the Islamic separatism problem for personal gains. It's as simple as that. People need good schools, hospitals, water, electricity, affordable housing and that's almost it. What they are given is Jio and free propaganda. It's not people's fault. I'm actually amazed that after so much investment in propaganda, a majority of Indians still chose to vote against Modi. It's true that India has secular education but the Rath Yatra changed a lot. It influenced public perception beyond imagination. If you notice, it's mostly the gen x and millenials who are very passionate about the Ram Mandir. Because they were young and impressonable at the time. I see that my grandparents don't care about Hindu rashtra and all the way my parents do. People are a product of their situations and situations can be manufactured for political and economic gains of a few.


L take. Jinnah did the stupidest thing because of his personal chutiyap of becoming a leader, despite knowing full well he will die soon of TB.


And idiots want to make India as well this way.


the last time such incident happened in India was in palghar sadhus were lynched in police protection because they thought those shadus were kidnappers


No, that was long time ago. A few days ago a guy was lynched because of suspicion that he has cow meat.


Religion is cancer.


They have the gall to blame India, Afghanistan, Iran and USA for their problems when these people are responsible for 90% of their own problems. Look how they're recording it with their smartphones. This is a man going up in flames and they want to record it.




where are the police? is there no law and order in that country?


Police, if any, would be just an add on. Such is the barbarism in that country.


In every country. Some are just better at covering it up.


How does Pakistan have such an insane level of mob violence and lynchings even when compared to India?


This is exactly what happens when people think religion is more than the life of a fellow human being.


Mob is a lot more organised in Pakistan. This happens when there is no education or no counter speech allowed at all. You have to keep in mind that not only was the country not secular in foundation but also right wing Islamic fundamentalists and militias were allowed free reign with no accountability to law and order . Police and local welfare agencies are basically absent and it’s up to private citizens. India did have some centralisation and nationalisation attempt at least ( what we call little bit of socialism) especially when it came to combatting social hills and even then it’s sooooo hard to reform Indian society and still right wing won and we have no dearth of mob killings for bovine protection or caste purposes. Pakistan was doomed to fail really and sadly India will start on the descent too if it doesn’t rectify now


Right wingers of India want Hindutva to be like this.




Burning Man, Pakistan.


Atleast no one is trying to defend these radical muslims


Info Source : https://www.google.com/amp/s/theprint.in/go-to-pakistan/pakistani-man-accused-of-blasphemy-burnt-to-death-people-say-its-a-lawless-crazy-nation/2141606/%3famp




Honestly it's better to reject both and die of thrist instead. In absence of govt religion seperation or an outright abolishment of religion itself there's nothing that's preventing hindutva to escalate to this levels of dangerous stupidity. Imo religion should be abolished .




Mass mob supporters of Asifa Bano's rapists says hi.


I'm sure the muslim liberals would use the same logic you are using. We lynch ppl here on the daily. What's better we even do it to our own ppl. Dalits live in the fear of death.


The mods are closeted fascists, and hence, they are allowed to exercise their powers to oppress the subreddit's members and pets.


As a Pakistani I agree with post caption 😔


Would be better if you could add some source or article relating to the incident.


Lijiye. https://www.google.com/amp/s/theprint.in/go-to-pakistan/pakistani-man-accused-of-blasphemy-burnt-to-death-people-say-its-a-lawless-crazy-nation/2141606/%3famp


This is how Demons look like


And MPs want india to become more like pakistan




Fuck religion and extremists Islam is the worst religion on this planet.


We really need to remove the blasphemy laws in India to give a heads up to dipshits from all religions that we won't tolerate it in India even if Paxton tolerates it.


Oh that would do us a favour to filter out them and make secular theists thick skinned


Do you guys think similar scenario can happen in the Muslim majority areas of India?


In fairness Hindus have lynched Muslims too over allegations of cattle smuggling. But also, remember those two Muslim guys who beheaded that Hindu tailor on video over some Nupur Sharma bs?


Yes, though its true, there is a big difference. In India, it was some political hack trying to gain clout. Where as in Pakistan, it was the common public. Everyone joined in, videos were taken/shared. Police was on standby. If we leave things the way they are, without criticizing and preventing the beef related lynching, then we are 15 years away from becoming a Pakistan.


So yes. It already happens with Muslims in India. And it can happen to Hindus too. Too much Religion poisons the mind.


It's not a Hindu Muslim thing, Hindus have also lynched based off of rumours of cow smuggling. It's a South Asia thing, rather Northern South Asia thing. Kazakhstan is Muslim majority and you'd never see this happen there in a million years.


It's basically a thing in Backward countries. Countries which can't afford to Progress. When people with Education are Deshdrohis and signs of illiteracy can often make majority feel joyous.


You should read up on the communist purge of Indonesia (1965). This is very much a south asian thing no need to quantify with North.


indonesia isn't south asia, it's south east asia


It wasn't religious, it was CIA backed. Indonesia isn't South Asia. You would be pointing at every death in every corner of the world. I wasn't saying lynching is specific to India and Pakistan, I'm saying that the commonality is region based


lol you’re saying this as Kazakhstan locals recently went out beating up every Pakistani student they could find because they themselves got beat up by Egyptian guys for harassing Egyptian women in Kazakstan.


Do you have a source? I remember this was Uzbekistan


We’re both wrong. It was Kyrgyzstan.


Right, I knew it was one of the three: Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan or Tajikistan. But I knew it wasn't Kazakhstan for sure. I can't tell these three countries apart easily.


Kyrgyzstan is still 90% Muslim and rings out as being a higher Muslim majority than Kazakstan. So no, it’s not strictly a South Asian issue.


It's not a Hindu Muslim thing, it's a hindutva vs Islamists thing But wherever the Islamists are the majority they try to do something similar.




Maybe use that surprise to educate yourself lmao


Jesus fucking Christ.


Religion was made to control masses who gets easily blinded in faith


ig ive found a good punishment for Rapist


23 people have been arrested in this case.






They all are from a single party TTP only they do these type of blasphemy lynching even other muslims are not safe from them they follow barelvi sect & even not consider other muslims as muslims . All hail to army & their policy


Same thing indian do to indian muslim alleging them of cow slaughter


Nothing close to this.




They're saying "There is only one punishment for betraying the prophet, beheading the head from the body."X2 times Then he said "The betrayer of Muhammad, you are not safe anymore"




This sub ain't usi or rindia. We bash every religion over here. After all they are poison. Some are weak and some are strong.


Removed from where ? We're against all religions . Just because we support minority rights doesn't mean we also support the things Muslims extremists do in the Middle East


just wait


this is the top post, right after the pinned posts you clown


and sub depends on mods, not members


What's with this? (Genuinely asking?)


Persecution fetish type kuch hai shyd


Mods? Wtf? 😳


Ah , let me guess you are in the mindset that librandus do Muslim appeasement right? Well you are wrong majority of us are atheist/ agnostic and secular theists we just hate oppression and religious fundamentalism