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For me it's just the feeling of being on a cleaner OS When I was a kid and I wanted to watch anime, I always preferred Ubuntu over Windows XP even if technically the experience was the exact same (I was using MPlayer on both)


I'm just glad that when I boot my PC, there's not some random shit there I didn't ask for Or overriding the custom drivers I installed Or advertising a browser to me while I'm in middle of gaming


Advertising a browser, whilst browsing. *Yo dawg intensifies*


>Or advertising a browser to me while I'm in middle of gaming wut? since when it's a thing?


I have had Windows advertise Edge as a system notification before. It fucking sucks, plays the ding sound and popups.


But when it started to happening? 2 years ago I used w10 and did not have this bs.


Do you live in the EU? Microsoft doesn't dare to do as much over here


https://cdn.neowin.com/news/images/uploaded/2023/02/1677061880_edge_banner_on_chrome_website.jpg You mean like injecting ads into Chromes website while using Edge? Edit: Replied to wrong comment sorry, it was the > Advertising a browser, whilst browsing.


I'm confused. You wrote about ads in the middle of gaming. Then you provide a screenshot of Edge on Chrome website (which is fckdup but unrealated) asking me did I mean it? I'm really confused :D


I've noticed this a lot in the Linux subreddits, Windows is really bad but we shouldn't make shit up to suit a narrative.


Sorry, replied to wrong comment. The screenshot was aimed at > Advertising a browser, whilst browsing. The advertising that happened to me while gaming was BGAUpsell.exe https://www.reddit.com/r/computerviruses/comments/149x25h/bgaupsell_what_is_this_bing_popup/


Sorry, replied to wrong comment. The screenshot was aimed at > Advertising a browser, whilst browsing. The advertising that happened to me while gaming was BGAUpsell.exe https://www.reddit.com/r/computerviruses/comments/149x25h/bgaupsell_what_is_this_bing_popup/


Holy shite. I assume it's only on w11?


It was W10 and W11, but they dropped it https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/08/microsoft-rolls-out-then-pauses-pop-up-that-asked-chrome-users-to-switch-to-bing/ > Microsoft rep Caitlin Roulston told The Verge that this behavior was "unintended" and that the notification had been "paused" pending an investigation. That answer is such an insult to users. Someone had to come up with this idea, get it approved, code it, test it, then get it approved to go into Windows official updates, and then proceeded to push it out. Nothing "unintended" about that at all. Just say "Yes, that was poor choice in disrupting our paying customers, we will aim to do better" and I'd forgive them a little. But no, they didn't. I'm no longer purchasing Windows and donate monthly to my primary Linux distro instead


You do a lot of gaming via Chrome's website?


coolmathgames.com dude show some respect


That's not Chrome's website...


It is now


People still use chrome?


Still the most popular browser by a wide margin unfortunately.


World lives on google services, it's unavoidable.


In other words you don't get advertising while playing a game


Sorry, replied to wrong comment. The screenshot was aimed at > Advertising a browser, whilst browsing. The advertising that happened to me while gaming was BGAUpsell.exe https://www.reddit.com/r/computerviruses/comments/149x25h/bgaupsell_what_is_this_bing_popup/


Hush! Don't give them ideas!


Yes, no push notification about some random BS is bliss.


"random shit there I didn't ask for" Nope, but for me there is usually some random shit on there I put on myself. And since I'm lazy and run any Linux distro until the very last updates stop, then I end up with a lot of shit I forget. šŸ˜‚ Especially weird stuff that breaks auto package updates lol. So you remember what you installed 4 years ago. And now with Ubuntu super long lts ... I'm gonna be so fucked. Hazards of a truly long term OS.


I'm bias, it's been resolved with NixOS for me


You're the kind of user who'd benefit from a rolling release distro if only because it'd spread the breakages out rather than concentrating them to the big releases.


Or force rebooting me in the middle of a game or litterally just after Iā€™ve turned on the pc.


Did that to me the other week. Had a fresh reinstall, had forgotten to set the hours I want rebooted. Left it for a little to go make coffee, food, etc. then come back to find it had restarted. FFS. I was literally working in the middle of the day


my favourite "feature" (the fact it's "remind me in 3 days" and not just a no thank you button should be a crime) https://preview.redd.it/5d8gaksr7j7d1.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=4764868189dee17f8271753b3f1a675b1932af12


I reinstalled windows (on another drive) a while ago and I was honestly shocked by the amount of ads I had to pass during the setup. Please login, please buy our 365 package!!! please i beg you buy xbox live pwwaase!!! Seriously that was kinda shocking.


I have the displeasure of needing Windows for music production, but Iā€™m using a KVM with VFIO for that and I hate having to use windows for it so much, but I need it for my work. Though at least I can contain in rather than have to put up with its bullshit during my leisure time when Fedora justā€¦ works


I use it for vr and Microsoft flight simulator (i have the ms store version)


> Fedora justā€¦ works r/fedora would want to have a word


Maybe Iā€™m lucky then. Iā€™ve not had any issues with it myself but maybe not everyoneā€™s experience is as smooth.


How long have you been using it? Give it time. I'm sure this isn't your case but most people I've seen claiming "smooth sailing" have used it for less than 1 month. It can be quite a [fun](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fedora/comments/1dkytfj/i_regret_upgrading_to_plasma_61/) ride


Iā€™m on Gnome, so I donā€™t have that issue. As for how long Iā€™ve been on it.. I honestly couldnā€™t tell you, but itā€™s definitely not been less than one month


Honestly, the only distro that didn't give me random issues was Debian stable. The problem with that is that you are stuck in the past, since packages update every 2 years (well, if we don't want to count security patches as updates).


Go into settings then click System then on the left click notifications If you're on Windows 10 untick the stuff underneath allow notifications to play sounds I think it's 3 tick boxes. If you're on Windows 11 you need to scroll to the very bottom of the notification list and then there is a thing you can click to expand and that has the 3 tick boxes you need to untick. While you're in notification settings look for "Suggested" and turn that one off too.


It's much "quieter" in that I'm less likely to be distracted by something unexpected, like a forced update or an ad. It's only occasional but it's very frustrating when it happens. SwayWM is also very predictable. It never surprises me. That makes it much more chill.


No kidding, I was watching anime on Ubuntu too back many years ago!


I like how many daemons start up fast and silent on linux. I have next rgb on Linux and it's instant compared to the Corsair RGB program on windows which I have to literally wait for it to start even though my laptop is fast on both OSs.


I dual boot now so I can play games on both windows and Linux(but I prefer Linux). There are some games I just can't get on Linux.


>For me it's just the feeling of being on a cleaner OS Indeed, it is cleaner from the simple fact that Linux has little native compatibility with PC games. Throw Proton into it, not as clean anymore.


How is Proton a bad thing? I understand that some people donā€™t like that proton is essentially taking over native Linux ports but, it makes it significantly easier for developers to add a type of Linux support by targeting Proton as if it were a platform and fix any issues with compatibility that way (for example media codecs that Proton canā€™t use)


Ngl, I have found proton to work better than native games that are not minecraft.


Unlikely that you're using something like a 4000 series nVidia GPU, VR or an HDR monitor.


No I'm not, but I am using a 3080, and a nice 1440p IPS monitor. I can understand HDR not working being a drawback for linux, I hope they can fix that.


I've been running Windows/Linux dual boot setups on my main gaming rig for five years now. Windows has been a far better experience on these setups than Linux. Some things have improved but the situation with VR and advanced monitor setups is still lacking. Sure there is support for VR and HDR but it's nowhere near reliable or robust.


I haven't heard that they have no support for VR, but I don't use VR because it makes my brain spin. I only used it once, and it was very cool, but I would probably never even support anyone trying to use it. It is very bad for your brain.


I had to stop using windows about a month ago, because I wanted to test out if linux worked on my PC, I have a dell alienware aurora from 2022 and it works very well, besides the *Nvidia drivers* that absolutely suck for basic desktop use like scrolling, because it stutters all of the time, or foced to use xorg instead of buggy wayland still and the scroll first is not registered. However, the rest of Nvidia is still my goto, AMD can't do half the stuff Nvidia drivers can do. Maybe I would pick up an AMD gpu if their performance modes and developing support wasn't so poor. For me it just seems like they are GPUs for people who hate Nvidia(which is understandable), are on a budget, and/or only play video games and don't plan on doing that requires any of Nvidias key features like Cuda and other stuff.


I'm not saying Proton is a bad thing. But having native software that's actually built and fully supported for the platform in question is much better.


Native ports will absolutely be better long-term, but they're not going to be more widespread without a higher percentage of user bases for various games and platforms on Linux. For many companies they're not worth the expense to create. Proton lowers the barrier to entry and will allow more and more users to migrate if and when something happens that will make them consider it.


Native ports are more likely to break because Linux, compared to Windows, is actually quite unstable in terms of API. Native games just make 0 sense rn with the current state of Linux


>Native games just make 0 sense rn with the current state of Linux I agree. But if Linux gaming is nothing more than running Windows, I don't see Linux being widely adopted for gaming. Just stick Windows where you know it'll work and get the support. That's critical for a consumer facing platform.


Well I don't use my machine for gaming only. I also just prefer Linux over Windows in general. I am aware that I cannot expect perfect gaming compatibility, but Proton has worked flawlessly for me. I still have a Windows install just in case I wanna pick up my VR headset again or want to play some R6.


I use my main rig for much more than gaming as well. It was built around gaming but as the components are among the best available, it ends up being a powerful workstation with enough support for drives that it's easy to run Linux and Windows dual boot. I use VR heavily and that my main screens are VRR/HDR OLEDs, just basic support is very iffy.


It's just the feeling of using an OS that is designed to be an OS and not a money making product.


Yes it's something about that "but will it ACTUALLY work" thats... Thrilling? I can completely relate. Maybe it's because it feels like your pc belongs to you again too? Hard to explain but yes, same


Haha moved to linux just a week ago i'm literally staying up late just to see if i can make a game work and trying to see how i can get more fps than windows šŸ¤£


Same, wich is mostly underwhelming because... They just work ^^


Takes a little bit of the fun out of it.


I think if you're a tinkerer/like toying with things it genuinely makes things more enjoyable, yea. Clicks something in my brain that loves the feeling of "fixing" something even if I'm just getting old software or games to run


I love tinkering and troubleshooting. Did ever since. So linux seems like a perfect fit for me


i am the same mate! i always loved tinkering but on windows at a certain point you hit a wall where you cant do anything. But on linux you can do everything you want ! You can compile the kernel with different patches/ cpu schedulers, try different kernel commandline parameter and so much more which change the responsiveness, performance and feel of the operating system. And everytime you think you now set up everything perfectly there is a another thing you get to know or something new comes out. (like the echo cpu scheduler) and you can just try them and see if it fits your use case :)


Maybe some day :D I'm using Linux outside of a vm for a week now. Tinkering around with the kernel is something I maybe should not do atm šŸ˜…


That's exactly what I was feeling 7-8 years ago. The thrill and excitement when I was able to play some specific games, because a lot less of them were actually playable back in the time. DXVK and Proton were not out yet. And funny thing is that today so many games work out of the box on Linux, just like that without tweaking, that this thrill is almost gone.


Used linux first nearly 14 years ago. Couldn't get any games to run but i wasn't very tech savy back then. But it sparked my love for technical stuff even more. I'm more on the hardware side but definitely love software too. Getting games to run is nearly flawless now but luckily on Linux there's enough for me to do and learn


It feels weird in the sense that it's very much now Install > Config > Play, done... Rather than the old days of, "Okay so... I've got WINE... Now what..."


Yes, most people who have been using Linux since 2000s will feel the same as you do.


Exactly. The state of gaming on Linux now is like a decades long dream come true.


Yes. That was pretty much my comment before scrolling down.


I enjoy Linux as a whole more than Windows even thou things are not working 100%. I learn a lot. I like how traceable the system is. But Linux is a hobby after all and as a Computer Science guy it's great. I still dual boot for Windows to game sometimes. Also thinking about getting into gamedev and on Windows Unity simply works better. Something I need to test out later is that SteamVR should work on Linux (Plasma 6 Wayland) now. Excited to see that! Just these days on Reddit someone reminded me that Proton Experimental has working RT now. But something feels off. It feels like the effect is far less on Linux than on Windows but the performance is great. Maybe just my imagination.


no, you enjoying your freedom


Not weird at all. Everything just feels better. Obviously, the peace of mind that comes from knowing everything that's running under the hood can't be understated, and a distinct lack of any surveillance or over-sharing of your personal information is very welcome, but that's not gaming-specific, and there's a lot more to it than those aspects. The difference in overall performance is, to me, staggering. It's not that the games themselves somehow magically run better, per se, though that can occasionally happen, too. No, it's more specifically about how fast and clean the OS underneath is running. Booting up is faster, the transition past login is faster, the launching of Steam is faster, and in many cases, the launching of the game is faster. There's simply no bloat. Nothing is running in the background to drag down the experience. Anything that IS running in tandem, I ran it. And if I set up the game to use gamemode, it will always start running at a higher nice level than everything else, too. No more having to open up task manager after every launch of a game to increase its priority. Window management is greatly simplified as well via rules and hotkeys in my i3 config. Ctrl-space to toggle between full screen windowed and windowed, Alt-space to toggle between tiled and float... but I very rarely need to even use them. Most games just do what they're supposed to do and follow whatever rules I configured for them. Anything else I launch has its own rule that ensures it spawns on other designated workspaces instead of crowding my game. Swapping between workspaces is likewise instant and effortless via hotkeys, with no delayed re-rendering or animations to slow down the transition. I usually leave compositing off so all of my frames and hertz are dedicated to the game. No picom, no browser acceleration, no Discord acceleration, all game acceleration. And don't get me started on how comically easy it is to leverage a second gaming rig for the purpose of running two accounts in certain MMOs. I use Barrier to share keyboard and mouse, then set up pactl to cast audio over LAN from one machine to the other, and the result is a nearly seamless experience. Just set up hotkeys to swap screens, and make sure you have the screen lock enabled so Barrier isn't trying to use the calculated screen space across both systems for movement, because that will cause the game mouselook on the second box to go haywire. I will never, ever go back at this point. No single Windows-only game will ever be worth it.


I don't know if it is weird or not but is happening to me too. For sixth year. I am revisiting games with a renewed... "illusion"?, I don't know how express myself but I'm playing like when I was younger and with more time (and I have small way to my 50's). Now with less time maybe but with more energy. Linux in fact have renewed my PC experience as a whole.


Windows feels bloaty and slow for me. When I use linux for gaming, things load faster, I have better audio (because I don't have an external sound card and windows' drivers suck), more performance in some games and I can have many apps open so I can chat, read something online quickly, have multiple tabs on a game's wiki if it's the type of game, all because I have a lot more ram since my DE only takes 1GB and swap memory is, in my experience, much more effective than page files in windows - they feel much faster. But windows is not the worse too if you use some tool to unbloat most of it. I use windows AME and I can finally use windows without hundreds of processes that I didn't choose to start that are using a large chunk of my disk usage and ram, or ads showing up randomly, windows for no reason consuming 100% disk usage, and I could go on and on. Still, linux is my favorite because it isn't windows. Many things I hate on windows are not on linux + it has many others that I would never imagine I wanted if I still used windows.


Dude every time I am running a game on Linux better than Windows it just makes me feel so damn happy! I am literally getting more FPS out of V Rising compared to Windows 11. Linux has came a long way!


For me it's adding key board shortcuts for volume etc... and choosing fun themes on kde plasma which makes the gaming experience even more fun. Windows has themes but they aren't as customizable as kde's.


Not weird at all. In fact, I don't use Windows at all, and I am a gamer. My steamdeck works perfectly fine for me, and even got one for my daughter.


There is absolutely something more fufiling about playing a game, and it running well on Linux. It's more of an achievement. Because you know you could go on Windows and have the same boring experience as everyone else. But that different proton version you clicked, or your specific driver install, made things better. And that's what is great. Everything on Linux when it works is so much more fulfilling.


For most of the games I play, the performance is simply better under Linux, usually about ~30%. And if a game runs, it usually runs much more stable (tabbing in or out, parallel voice chat etc.), so my experience is simply better on LinuxĀ 


30% is huge!


The reason is I have an amd graphics card which has very bad windows drivers šŸ˜…


It's a Linux "Positive" Side effect.. Not only in gaming!


Yep, it's weird, and you're weird, and you should go wash your hands and sit in a corner thinking about how you have harmed Microsoft and capitalism as a whole. EDIT: (/s, if you couldn't tell, it's early and I haven't had my coffee)


As someone who has used Linux for nearly 30 years it just blows me away that I can now run proper games on it. I get a lot of enjoyment from that. It was once a week long struggle just to get a sound card working.


I play all games that run well under Linux. There hardly ever is a need to use Windows anymore. I used to boot into Windows for rumble feed back on my old steering wheel controller. Now it's only when I want to use head tracking in ETS/ATS. I have Windows around as dual boot for some odd other programs and "just in case"


You enjoy not from games on linux its about that you play games on free , clean , and more democratic OS)


It's not weird. Most of my games run lighter and my laptop stopped being a heating pad - I mean, it still heats up, just not as much as running on Windows.


same man, i noticed its much smoother on linux which is amazing (I only play offline games)


Yes it is weird. You're weird. Stop that! Ok, carry on


I got the opposite thing. I couldn't be bothered with compiling baldurs gate 3 shaders on arch and just rebooted into windows. It was faster that way lmao.


ran fine on Mint


Outlaw vibes on Linux. šŸ¤ 


Random question as this thread came across my feed. I am a fan of what steamos has been doing, but is there a desktop distro along the same lines with good hdr support (including calibration) for gaming?


Not weird at all to me, I feel the exact same. It just is a cleaner experience, I have no other word for it.


Only when the game is less challenging than actually getting it running on Linux at all.Ā And when I finally get it running,Ā when it inexplicably fails to launch the next day that's like Level 2.


>when it inexplicably fails to launch the next day that's like Level 2. Deleting shader cache often fixes that.


No, that's Level 3


Itā€™s not weird. Until I finally made the full time switch, I hated playing games on my Windows machine. Playing games on Linux feels fresh and makes me want to go back and play the games I havenā€™t tried in my Steam Library. Iā€™m hoping one day to save up some cash and buy a SteamDeck too. One of these days!


i enjoy the tinkering part of running a windows game on Linux,like GTA SA for example,had to use a patch,tell wine to override a dll and boom,it works,i play it only now and then but damnit i made it work same to music bee,a bit hacky to get to work,but same,tinker enough and it works


can I get that patch? I haven't tried SA on Linux but I'd like to have that safety measure


Silent Patch and Silent's ASI Loader,put the in the folder with the exe fileand checking again,didn't need an argument within lutris for the dll,works perfectly fine with proton GE 9.7


New upgrade feel maybe? Like getting new hardware and running all your old games, only to inevitably end up playing Starbound, Stardew Valley, Terraria, or Vanilla Minecraft again anyway. Errā€¦ or maybe it's the fact that the OS won't try to do an update on it's terms, not yours; and so you won't have to restart your PC fifteen minutes after booting it up to do away with the pestering update messages/icons like an unread chat message. Personally, I felt a strange sense of release once I reformatted that NTFS Windows drive to ext4, the promise that even if a game would only work, or somehow have a better experience on Windows (say, with modding)ā€¦ I'd have no choice but to figure it out somehow, or just move on to something else. It was surprisingly quite nice.


I use my nobara partition a lot more often than my windows partition. Games run smoother and in some cases even have higher fps. Windows drivers are also buggy as hell at least on amd, so i had to switch to the pro drivers to prevent game crashing, which is annoying to say the least.


i feel very similarly. i love Linux. ((':


> Maybe the challenge get a certain game to work makes the game more worth it to play?! If that's your motivation, then I'm afraid you'll lose interest in Linux gaming soon too. Steam/Proton, Lutris/Wine, Bottles, and multiple other Linux game runners are getting better and better.


The Steam Deck just has a great UX IMO. I mainly play gamepad based games like recently Duck Detective and SKALD on it. But I hate booting to Windows, I only do it for DAWs these days really.


Compared to consoles like xbox one and ps4, yes Steam Deck is indeed having one of the best UX. I'm missing having it around


Not weird at all, just unusual.


I've gamed exclusively on linux for over a year, apart from some flickering menus here and there I've had no issues with it.


Same, went to Linux in 2022, and the only thing I miss are a few games with incompatible anticheat. Like twice I had to tinker to make games work after updates, but other than that no issues. I love the quick boot and not having to deal with software bloat/constant pop ups


I'm so happy to hear that GPU driver support has made such huge leaps to support *nix distros. 10 years ago (probably longer) only the most dedicated Linux users were attempting to get Nvidia/ATI hardware stable in Linux. We've come a long way freinds.


i just love how clean Linux compare to windows now. no more getting distracted by copilot and edge app + since most anti cheats don't work on linux, i just stop playing online multiplayer and start finishing the backlog


For me I just play a lot of abandonware games and Bottles is lovely for this due to how I can set up specific wine prefix architecture and backup the bottle and its settings itself on my network drive. If it was windows, I'd have to basically clone the whole drive. It's also nice to have that "I'll bet this game works, and if it doesn't, it would be cool to see what fixes it and share that knowledge with everyone else" level of curiosity.


It happened the same to me. I think it's related to rediscovering your PC and your games catalog, seeing if it works and how it works, tinker, etc, and you already have fun doing that. At least it's what's happening to me. It even reignited my inspiration to produce music again after 2 years. I feel more happy and I get joy for using my PC again, like when I was a kid.


Linux feels way smoother to navigate, so I wouldn't be surprised if games felt better in some cases too due to this. I don't game on it but I'll consider it in the future once I have an AMD card. If your needs are met in Linux, then that's a good thing. I'm jealous as I can't yet make the full switch just yet. I spend most of my time in Linux. I just boot windows to play games, or to access old files I've yet to backup online, or sometimes to use applications that I've paid for (like Ableton or FL Studio).


Different input lag, different frame pacing, no WindowsĀ©ļøā„¢ļø microstutters from background services. Linux DOES feel different compared to Windows.


Can you play Fortnite on linux?


No, but you can use GeForce Now.


The only reason I use Windows is for palying Fortnite.


It is certainly easier to access Windows and play native, prepackaged games. I happen to be using Linux. There are a blizzard of native Linux titles. Personally, I enjoy learning about different APIs and operating systems, and I prefer to install tools via a Linux VM rather then try to get them to work on my hypervisor.Ā 


Tends to happen when your Os is not working overtime trying to stop you from doing what you want to do with your Pc


It's nice taking an OS not even related to the NT kernel and OS built off of it and getting it to do its job. There's something cool about that.


It's because you feel like you're cheating the system by gaming on Linux. You play a game on something that it wasn't meant to work on. Windows has turned into a data harvesting tool, they do all they can to get you to do activities that will make you a better recipient to their ads, like the things you mentioned. I'm new at linux but I feel fred to do whatever I want on it, not whatever Microsoft wants me to do.


If you still have your ally they have different options for Linux distros now. Iā€™m using CachyOS Handheld Edition, been great.


99% of my Steam library is playable on Linux. Of course I splurged on the recent Summer sale too... But I don't even have to check compatibility, I just assume games I buy will automatically work, and they do. On top of a cleaner OS underneath. It's an especially satisfying setup when you read all the news about what Windows is doing and people crying. I simply will never have that AI nonsense in my OS unless I go out of my way to specifically find a way to add it. I could even jump to XFCE and basically keep my workflow identical indefinitely while staying on modern software.


Kinda crazy how some games work better Linux wise due to just how bad older games work on Windows


Linux, pick a distro, is a complete dumpster fire for general desktop and gaming purposes on my main gaming rig which hardware wise is about as good as there is now. Windows kicks the shit out of Linux on this kind of setup.


my gaming rig flourishes on Linux lmao and I use Nvidia


No DLSS 3 frame generation for 4000 series cards is now a deal breaker for me as a lot of these new UE 5 games really need it for the best visuals and performance.


modded FG works nice, tested it and for a mod I was really impressed


All that's on Windows as well and more. Lossless Scaling is amazing and there's no true equivalent on Linux yet.


you can mod FG on Linux (not talking about gamescope)


Lossless Scaling is great tho I've used it


Windows is dead. Only people who like being hacked by Microsoft still use it.


i love Linux bruh but Windows is just as used as it always was (95% market share lol)


Windows is far from dead, lol.


Even dead, Windows still gets first party support for virtually all PC gaming hardware and software. If only Linux could die so gracefully.


This isn't a windows vs linux thing it's just how streamlined the experience is for you because steamOS boots straight into a gaming interface with your games right there ready to go, as well as being able to wake from sleep directly into a game. That being said, try putting bazzite on your ally if you want that back. It's a linux distro that's able to replicate a lot of what makes the deck great. I genuinely don't think you're going to get this same experience using Linux on a desktop, steamOS cuts out a lot of the fluff and is ONLY meant for gaming, getting back into games as fast as possible, etc. You can setup a desktop for that with bazzite but I wouldn't bother.


No. I thought about using Linux myself because of the crap Microsoft is doing, trying to get us to switch over to Windows 11, canā€™t leave us a lone. Games though are compatible with Windows sadly. Some work with Linux.


99% of my entire steam library work fine, what are you playing?


its just funny how man said truth and got downvotaed. Games on linux are shit and it's not linux fault, but it does not change the fact that its shit.


No? I can play Cyberpunk 2077 at 1440p Ultra settings.. on Fedora.


ran 2077 with RTX+DLSS just fine


I mean it depends on what games, the ones with malware root kit anticheat are not going to work on linux thankfully. but most older games and indie games work great and even many new AAA single players game work as far as I know. I mostly just play old games though.