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Neo's alive!


If he is the real Neo.. šŸ˜


What is "real?"


How do you define ā€œrealā€?


If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.


Philosophically... WHO is the real Neo? If it is the version we see inside the matrix at the start of the movie then... when he gets unplugged and wakes up in the real world his mind is blown and fundamentally changed so it can't be. Unless is it him in the real world that is the real neo? Which means the Neo we see at the start of the movie isn't really him either. But then... Is the real Neo the one we see after he dies and is reborn? Which means every other version is not him? But is it him anyway when in reality he is being coerced by Morpheus and those around him to take up the persona of the all powerful one almost making him into the idea of what they want the one to be and he plays along. Which makes him a product of them and he is adopting a persona they want. Really makes you think.


One of them, anyways.


Keanu Reeves


Carrie Ann Moss!


I love how they showed how much of an impact neo had on not only humanity but machines as well


Underrated comment. Freeing themselves from their "fate" and "purpose" was just as true for the humans and the machines. Neo brought that to the world by breaking the cycle


The use of reflections and mirrors in the film is beautiful. An analogy to the self reflection on the franchise. I find the film lovely, though flawed, and not at all diminishing to the original trilogy.


yeah the tiny train mirror was great (closer you get the bigger it looks)


It brought back two of my favorite movie characters of all time and gave them a happy ending. Iā€™m very grateful for that.


We got more of Neo & Trinity's actual personalities compared to the original trilogy where they were much more robotic.Ā Ā  I thoroughly enjoyedĀ the way the story took the social critique elements of the original and updated them to reflect the ways society has changed since the release of the original. I could actually relate to it somewhat more, though this has to do a lot more with the fact that I was a kid when I watched the original and am now an adult entering the workforce.Ā  I was happy that, despite the fact that we learn that Neo's sacrifice did not in fact fully end the war, the movie goes to great lengths to show us that Neo's actions were not in vain.Ā  Piggybacking off of that last point, it was great to see the addition of the Sentients, something which gives us a better look at machine society than we got in the OG trilogy.


Far from in vain, he ushered in an era of true synthesis between the extremes in society. War can never actually end in a single generation, but everything that defines the human and machine society is different.


I saw the interpretation that the film was a mea culpa from Lily as a progressive Gen Xer, showing that her generation had arrogantly thought they'd "fixed" the world, and gotten complacent, and how they needed to recognise that, while they had made a difference, there was more to fight for, and they needed to do it alongside the people.whod followed in their footsteps, rather than looking down on them.


Trinity is still beautiful...


The meta was pretty exquisite. There's fan-service, then there's a bunch of programming dorks sitting around a table reciting Matrix Nerd Lore out loud. I thought it was great, going absolutely nuts with the meta was the exact right call.


I enjoyed the meta because it didn't feel like a cheap punchline. The meta felt like it existed to make you take a step back and examine the situation that the film existed in. It felt like a a message about "the system" (just like the message of the original films). It wasn't the deepest thing in the world, but it still made me think. And that's pretty cool.


Couldnā€™t agree more. The meta piece was on point




I loved when Trinity remembered who she was and kicked butt.


Could you imagine if she stayed with her husband and two horrible fake kids?


I had the thought that Trinity had become a soccer mom and that honestly horrified me.


"Yeah, that's not happening....."




I want a prequel video game: bugs searches though various matrices for Neo.


She should have been the main character. This movie could have been a great opportunity to set the stage for the new generation, but they spent way too much time focusing on characters that we've already seen in previous movies. As much as people shit on the Star Wars sequels, the one thing they did well was having a good balance between old and new characters. They've got the old characters for nostalgia, but you know straight away that Rey and Finn and Kylo Ren are the stars of the show.


That actually would have been cool. I did like how they spent a lot of time developing Morpheus 2.0's character but Bugs felt like she was left on the cutting room floor or something. Besides that one scene where she sees Neo flying that they keep repeating


The first third had me guessing what was going on in a way I hadn't since the original.


Yeah I honestly was wondering if the Matrix really was just a video game he had made


I thought the name "Simulatte" for the coffee shop was a nice touch.


Its a great love letter from the creator to its own characters. Misunderstood and overlooked.


I thought the suiciders were cool


Hell yeah and so messed up


It's genuinely a beautiful movie about the power of love and the way that systems of control will twist even stories of liberation back into their own designs.Ā 


Well put. I loved it.


Exactly. Those who get it, get it. Lana knew she was making a movie for a smaller audience and she was ok with that. And I trust her vision.Ā 


Lana and Lily lost both parents in a relatively short time frame Lana stated that as she couldnā€™t resurrect her parents, she *could* resurrect her other favourite couple; Neo & Trinity


I think it also is that Lana believes in a real way, in reincarnation. So her dad and her mom are Trinity and Neo in another life, and so is Lana and her wife. It's the philosophy and message behind Sense8 and Cloud Atlas as well. I see Resurrections as about reincarnation, fundamentally. But isn't just about reincarnation, is a medium through which reincarnation takes place. How the Eternal Lovers live again.Ā  I feel Lana uses film in a very profound way. One where the film itself becomes a transmission of the very thing they're also a metaphor for. Through watching Neo become the One, we become it ourselves.Ā  So I got that from Resurrections, very strongly. And that's my favourite thing about Lana's other works like Cloud Atlas and Sense8. Which makes sense why all of those were partnerships with David Mitchell.Ā 


Beautifully said


Cloud Atlas is criminally under appreciated. :( I love the book too, and can't imagine how difficult of a task it must have been building the adaptation of such a complex work.


Absolutely, Cloud Atlas changed my life, no exaggeration. It's what caused me to believe in reincarnation myself.Ā 


While I don't believe in reincarnation, I see it as a parable of how people inadvertently "reincarnate" through acts of love and genuine connection with others that echo out in unpredictable ways through others who we'll never meet. Either way of understanding it- it is a beautiful, very human story. :)


Yes, when I say reincarnate I don't mean a soul hops from body to body as traditionally imagined. More like patterns in consciousness are passed from mind to mind, so that the same archetypes and the same feelings recur endlessly. People are born who have the same feelings as those who lived before, and in a sense are a continuation of them, a reincarnation of them, because they are a continuation of that archetype. And the way this occurs is through one's actions, and through art.Ā  "The nature of our immortal lives is in the consequences of our words and deeds, which go on apportioning themselves for all time. Our lives are not our own, from womb to tomb we are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness we birth our future". "I understand now the boundaries between noise and sound are conventions. All boundaries are conventions, waiting to be transcended. One may transcend any convention, as long as one first conceives of doing so. Moments like this, I can feel your heart beating as clearly as I feel my own, and I know that separation is an illusion. My life extends far behind the limitations of me."


Internet stranger, you are really lovely. :) I'm glad we share this understanding of a really wonderful story. I think that is what Lana Wachowski and David Mitchell wanted. I hope you have a great day!


I really appreciated that Neo and Trinity didn't need to use guns. It's a small thing, but a very fitting evolution from the original trilogy.


Itā€™s a movie about loss and how franchises eventually get pulled away from filmmakers who poured themselves into it just so that a corporation can use it to make money when there may not be stories to be told. Lana made a movie about bringing back the Matrix and decided to do it differently than just another kung fu fight movie. Neo never throws a punch or shoots a gun and I think that rules. ā€œFan serviceā€ is a term to describe shameless grabs at what a team thinks fans want to see and fans should not have input on movies. If the fans of the Matrix donā€™t like this movie then they can go watch the Matrix again. This movie was about love and loss and didnā€™t feel bogged down by lore and stupid revolution plots. I like Groff as Smith and the idea behind doing that. Reeves and Moss are terrific and so good together. I could go on and on but Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve already made enough people mad by saying how much I like it. Itā€™s my favorite Matrix sequel no question.Ā  Plus thereā€™s a character named Bugs who says ā€œwhatā€™s up docā€


ā€œPlus thereā€™s a character named Bugs who says ā€˜whatā€™s up doc?ā€™ In a Warner Bros movie no less!


Umm dude, after a 9 minute fist fight neo literally says I still know Kung fu. But I do take your point that the fighting wasn't the spectacle here.


* The idea of Modality as a way of evolution for something or someone was nice. * I liked how they changed how code is laid on everything in the first scene and when Trinity gains Vision. It reminds me of how spiritual vision explained: you see everything as before, everything remains the same, but there is more. * They slightly touched the idea that Matrix can be a safe or reserve for entities from pre-catastrophe era: genetic code for strawberry or work of art can be saved and then recreated in better times.


I loved it. Unironically


Thereā€™s TWO of us!


I think the concept of the initial plot of Neo being trapped as the developer of a video game about the past movies was amusing and a good choice.


It is the story that Lana wanted to tell (whether we liked it or not) instead of a cheap copy of the original (Episode 7, Ghostbusters Afterlife, etc).


I wouldn't call Afterlife a cheap copy of the original. Sure, Gozer is the main villain, and the dogs and Marshmallow Man are also shown, but the overall story is quite original and doesn't that much mirror the story in Ghostbusters. The Force Awakens, however, is basically a carbon copy of A New Hope, so accurate mention on that one.




bugs was my lesbian awakening lmao


But sheā€™s literally there to be a Warner bros analogue.


counter argument: preeety ladey


I am only today right now *JUST* getting the Bugs Bunny/Warner Bros. connection And I am ashamed of myself.


That jump off the building at the end was pretty dope!


It could never measure up to the original, but then I donā€™t think that was the goal. Itā€™s a different chapter of the same story from a very different perspective. That the strongest minds & wills can still become captive again. But breaking free is always an option


I love The Matrix Resurrections.


The scene with the Merovingian was probably the funniest thing I saw that December, he looked like he just got back from Jumanji with Robin Williams. "We had grace, we had style, we had CONVERSATION"


I loved it.


Keanu is back and Iā€™m happy some machines sided with the humans and betrayed their own kind.


I think the point is more that the Sentients and the people of IO had transcended the binary of "machine vs human" and had created a blended society. "That's what you changed, the meaning of "our side"". So the Sentients weren't betraying "their kind", they had decided that they were above tribalism against humans.Ā 


Oh basically in Animatrix plot about machines ever wanted to fight their rights and join peace with the humans. I like that it reconning to Animatrix.


Absolutely the Animatrix really made me sympathise with the robots so I supported their desire to be treated like sentient beings and live among humans. The war only started because of the humans trying to genocide them.Ā 


It is horribly underrated because people went into it with unrealistic expectations based on what Lana had to work with, rather than just appreciating the story she tried to tell.


It is something you just need to be ready to roll with. You can't bring your own expectations into it. It's a gift to Matrix fans, from Lana, imo.


Itā€™s the greatest ā€œfuck youā€ to a movie studio released since Gremlins 2.


Best trailer of the year easily


It really is a great music video for White Rabbit šŸ‡


I canā€™t believe it [was 3 years ago](https://imgur.com/gallery/6hBqwmG)ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


Better than the movie itself, although I did like the movie.


Smith was having WAYYYY To much fun and killing it!


George III is a great actor


Groff looked at the scenery like "is anyone snacking on this?" and didn't even wait for an answer. I fuckin' loved it.


I loved that they changed the coloration of the filters and post production for the movie. The very bright colors was actually a nice touch to the movie.


The Merv spitting head-on but funny commentaries of the current times. šŸ˜†


Wow Iā€™m pleasantly surprised that people loved this movie and understood it the way I did.


Itā€™s got heart.


It's a smart movie that is self aware.


I genuinely liked resurrections.


I enjoyed it more than Barbie.


In an age of corporate nonsense it was really refreshing


NPH was great as the film's villain.


2nd best Matrix movie in my opinion


Woah. I think this is something I felt was true but never accepted. 2 and 3 mean nothing to me. Atleast this film means something.




I hated how part 3 left things with Trinity. While the movie was just okayā€¦ Iā€™m happy Neo and Trinity got a nice ending.


It ends.


I liked the coffee shop scenes


Keanu Reeves


What's not nice to say about it? It's delightful.


Made me cry ā¤ļø, nice close of an era for me.


aw, so true. end of an era


Wasn't as bad as they said, but didn't need it


1. The White Rabbit montage is actually a fantastic representation of the feeling of going through a loop and the drudgery of life when you're having a depressive episode. Neo scrolling on his phone at night and him and Trinity just missing each other in the montage also makes me think of online dating (everyone is hunched over their screens trying to look for The One but if you just look up and engage with those around you, you could find the love of their life but as is they're too wrapped up in the lives/screens to notice). 2. In general I actually really like the Neo the game programmer scenes. For me personally I think it did a much better job than the 1st movie of showing Neo thinking life sucks and wondering/thinking something is wrong with the world. In contrast I think the 1st movie didn't spend enough time on this minus the brief scene of him getting chewed out by his boss. I also think The Machines gas lighting him and the world into thinking The Matrix is just a video game within The Matrix is actually a clever way to stop people from realizing the truth. 3. I love the idea of Io and Mnemosyne. In contrast to the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy which reverted to the Original Trilogy's status quo of a rebellion against the Empire (just with new names and costumes), I like how Neo's efforts in Revolutions paid off and there's a faction of humans and synthetics working together to rebuild the world.


I love that one of the creators got to tell the story she wanted, got some catharsis, and trolled all of us as we tried to control the narrative. I liked seeing a more human version of Neo and Trinity that couldnā€™t realize their true power until they found themselves. I loved this movie.


I loved it. Action isnā€™t as good, but overall itā€™s a worthy successor.


It told the truth.


Pretty cool ending when they fly away together lol & take control of the new world the new matrix


I rewatched the whole series this weekend, and in all honesty, I liked this one a lot better than Part 3. In Revolutions or Revelations or Reverie or Repulsor Rays or whatever the fuck 3 was called, nothing happens until the very end. The rest of the movie is just people endlessly talking.


I love it, one of my favorite movies of all time. Something about it feels special, but I can't really explain what it is. Also, everyone's got great hair.


I actually liked it


Trinity finally gets the powers that the One is supposed to have.


Creative, innovative screenplay.


No matter what people say about it dont listen to them. It is what you want it to be. For me it was a fun ride to experience another chapter to the series without effecting the original 3.


I think this movie is totally underrated. It has a good story that doesn't forget one of The Matrix's core aspects: the relationship between Neo and Trinity. I see why some people don't like it, but I loved The Matrix Resurrections.


People hated it for "being a semi-parody of itself", I called it as "being Sentient". It has "Warner Bros milking THE franchise" scene, ffs. It was golden.


yes! being sentient!


How many of you actually watched the movie? Because it wasn't as bad as the internet makes it out to be, also it's a continuation of the story not reboot like at least I thought. It's at least on par with Matrix 2 and 3. Also some of the returning characters aren't returning characters but new characters with the same names.


It's visually beautiful, it expands the lore in a very interesting way, it had a genuinely wonderful love story, and it was literally a 'fuck you' to Gen X IP navel gazing that treats characters off lunch boxes as sacred relics. It and Blade Runner 2049 were the two of the best follow ups to classic sci fi movies I've seen in a long time and they both took a completely different approach. Hats off to LanaĀ 


I think it was intentionally meant to kill the series and make Warner Brothers never want to touch it again. It pretty much says that out loud.


It is not another soft reboot (like the force awekens for example, and many other "sequels" with new cast and old story) It expands the world (war between the machines, friendly programms and so on) Sequence at the beginning when Neo is living his regular life is GREAT The scenes from previous movies used as flashback, when being criticised, I think it serves the purpose - they are short and appears and dissapears quite quick. Just like memories of something we dont remember, and suddenly get them back. Just as Neo in the movie, it was more for him, then for audience. It is a big F for the studio (saddly because of that we wont get any tv shows, or animatrix 2 anytime soon, which sucks because I love this world) So yes. I have enjoyed this movie. When I walked out of cinema I said to my partner "It is the worst matrix, but it is still a fine matrix movie. I dont understand the criticism". And I stand by it today. But hey, I like the whole trilogy, not just the first one. So maybe thats it.


Y'all didn't like it? Not only was I hyped about a new Matrix but I LOVED it. Especially when they were asking "what is the matrix". Idk I thought it was the writers talking to us trying to figure it out. Guess I should watch it with a critical lens. Also it was a good sci Fi love story.


It stars Keanu Reeves


Keanu Reeves was in the movie


It is genuinely the best matrix sequel and a worthy successor to the original film.


Best comedy of the year.


Patrick Harris did a really good job in it.


This movie could've had Hugo Weaving.


True. Since the character is a program, there was no need to recast. Just make up any excuse for his appearance as an aged version of himself. The new actor was ok but had nowhere near the presence Weaving had.


The movie rules


Trinity is in itšŸ„°


The men were cute.


The trailer and the hordes were good


the first 2/3 of the movie was pretty damn good and had me thinking wtf is going on


The trailer was excellent


It was an enjoyable movie


The meta commentary was great.


It's the 2nd best matrix movie?


Itā€™s amazing


I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed the film.


I actually dug the story. Just the sub par action/ effects, and recasts dragged it down.


neo holding the black cat is canon


I teared up a little in the scene towards the end where theyā€™re reaching for each other but the crowd of people are keeping them apart


Ahh visually it was good.


It is a beautiful epilogue to my favorite film trilogy.




Knowing the context surrounding the creation and execution of this movie makes it 1000% times more enjoyable. Iā€™m a huge fan of it.


I liked the machineā€¦pokemon thing they had.


It's good to see Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss and the Merovingian in the movie :)


I really liked the world building in this movie. It's a really cool idea that some of the machines would reject the brokered peace from Revolutions and how it affected human society in the Real. There's more that I liked, but I didn't see others comment on this in particularĀ 


Bugs is amazing! šŸ¤©


Keanu has NEVER disappointed me, and i didnā€™t know i needed NPH as a villain until this movie!


Addressing the hype of the original matrix in a lovely meta way.


the machine civil war. neo and trinity resurrected by the machines. IO. modal morpheus. okay i liked a lot about this movie.


It really made me appreciate The Matrix




A somewhat subtle note that I caught both in the original trilogy and in the reboot is that neo is supposed to be an everyone and anyone type character for you to self insert and they definitely stuck with that theme correctly imho


It's phenomenal, and I enjoy it a little more every time I watch it.


More Matrix


Jessica Henwick's character was pretty cool.


Bugs is cool!


My favorite author helped write it, David Mitchell.


Ummm.... It was entertaining and cool to see some more matrix. It was like unexpect d and I thought it would be terrible. More watchable than a lot of modern cinema.


It ends.


I liked his nice yellow tartan trousers


The lens flare on the film poster is kinda cool.




It was fun.


Great love story as always


Itā€™s pretty funny in places


Finally we see the noodles Neo's always boasting about.


I honestly enjoyed the movie a lot. The Matrix Resurrections is a great movie about a person dealing with Depression and Disassociation that was being gaslighted by a fake therapist, and Thomas(Neo) trying to reconnect with an important loved one, and then that reunited couple rising above their trauma and being successful to pursue what they choose to do together, and so IMO a great movie. I rare the movie a 9.8 out of 10


Machine and humans come together to fight the bad machines.


All the non action stuff is actually good. The action ruins the movie tbh. A 1hr cut of just the speaking would make for a solid flick


The first ~35-40% of the film is an absolute masterpiece.


It proved that the most intense and hateful fans have always been wrong


It ended.


Keanu Reeves and Carrie Ann Moss have age very well.


The Brass Against cover of Wake Up is awesome.


When they all walked out of the mirror for the first time it just looked so cool. The colors and visual aspect gave me a feeling I hadnā€™t felt from a movie before. The film as a whole reshaped my entire perspective of the matrix and subsequently watched the original three back to back with a brand new understanding.


Neo started a machine civil war


"You know the difference between us? Anyone could've been you, whereas I've always been anyone."


Brilliant commentary on Hollywood's obsession with remakes and sequels


Their drive and "fuck you" attitude of KNOWING they should be together and then finally being able to be together, is one of my favourite romance storyline in a film. It's maybe cheesy opinion but I can't help but feel so happy and reminds me of all the shit me and my husband went through and we still stand together


It was smart, funny, looks amazing in 4K HDR, and was better than either sequel. I actually cared about the characters again.


Itā€™s a great movie.


Bugs, awesome new character


Neo did really change the world and relationships between humans and machines


"*My name is Bugs....as in bunny*" I must have rewound this scene countless times as I just can't get enough of it. Of her šŸ¤©


Honestly? I liked this movie.


Resurrections is pretty good; people are just babies.


I didnā€™t understand what was going on well enough to know if I didnā€™t like it.


It's a poison pill that will keep the studio from milking the franchise, at least for a while?


I enjoyed it. I thought Keanu Reeves' and Carrie Anne Moss' performances as older versions of their characters were very moving. And the story was a cool metanarrative rumination on mythology and hype.


Itā€™s got some fun things to say about corporate art and the futility of remakesā€¦ while also being a corporate forced remakeā€¦


As a die hard fan of the franchise I thought the film was very beautiful and the dialogue was just as poetic as the previous releases. I loved the different vibe of the Analyst. Although I thought I couldnt possibly accept anyone other than Hugo Weaving as Smith, I thought Johnathan Groff knocked it out of the park.


The third act, especially the roof jump, is actually emotionally resonant and I feel like the whole movie was written around that one climax


Did exactly what it set out to do.


Neo and Trinity are actually happy in the end. And they deserve it.


Itā€™s one of the movies Iā€™ve ever seen.


Lawrence Fishburne and Hugo Weaving dodged a bullet by avoiding this. Figuratively speaking.


Nothing will ever compare to the disappointment I felt walking out of the theater that night