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Am tradie Blokes can be a bit thoughtless about this type of thing without being malicious. Your best bet is to just go to the site and ask the builder if he'd mind taking the bollards away on Sunday because it gets busy. Most builders realise the value of having the neighbors on good terms. If more and more blokes start showing up and fucking up the parking, you can check with council to see if they have a Work Zone Permit for bollarding the road. Most builders sort this kind of thing out properly, but some dickheads just rely on the power of fuck you got mine.


If you check the DA, there will probably be a restriction on them parking on that street. Sometimes the restriction will be on a different street entirely because someone in planning forgot to change the address when they copy and pasted from the last one they did, which is always funny


I don't park anywhere near builds in my area. Dings, scratches, screws in the tires, overspray, boxed in by unloading trucks etc.


Three renovations in our street over the last year. I got a screw in my tyre from each one. You don't need to park close for them to fuck you.


when they are not there move them to somewhere else. they have no more right to those spots than you.


In most councils you can apply for a "work zone permit" to park trade vehicles associated with a construction site. It is legal to put bollards, rope, etc around the permit zone. Whether or not the permit applies only to "working times" or at all times depends on the council.


>Whether or not the permit applies only to "working times" or at all times depends on the council. And whether or not the council worker reads those details is yet another variable. I recall parking in a work zone outside of the work times in a street that is normally permitted. When I produced photos of the signs that explicitly ended the permit zone on either size of the work zone, the council withdrew the ticket created by an over-zealous enforcement officer.


Most councils have work zone permits for exactly this. The tradies are supposed to get one but probably haven't bothered.


Dick move.




Bollards on the road all weekend is likely outside the allowed hours (very rarely accommodative of Sundays). That's a dick move. And, depending on the area, residents may also need to approve of this permit. So cool your jets, champ.


I mean, just to play devils advocate: another post on r/Melbourne could be “my neighbor keeps starting construction at 5:45am what can I do?!” With a top comment of “set up a recorder so you have a record of them starting before the legal time”. Ppl hearing one side of a story and making sweeping statements, classic reddit.


Speak with tradies (never believe them) engage with council. If council didn't agree then you can fuck the bollards off.


>you can fuck the bollards off Just assume that they were accidentally left out by a careless worker and take them inside, to avoid any unscrupulous passer-by pinching them. Then return them at your next convenience. Clearly state that you are not asking for any kind of cash reward for performing your good deed.


No more spots will be reserved, but the house will take 3 years to build Put your pitchforks away. Ease up on the coffee, and go have another bong


It is what it is today in building. Imagine losing two days pay because you didnt know you needed a footpath permit from the council as a tradie. Every second day, a council ranger says, you can't park there... Councils empowered ratepayers to complain, and now there is a paper shuffler wanting a fee or permit at every turn. Its also increased the cost of building a house now, by a lot, hence the lack of houses being built. Everything is in triplicate, including the fines Insurances are skyrocketing, especially in Victoria. Now you know why no one is building houses Here's ya cup of concrete!


Demolishin team might need space for giant machinery out front for access Monday at 7am, like a wreckin ball Media have done a good job at hating on tradies. But we cant get any houses built Thats because everyone is sick of losing money in suburbs with no parking. Imagine going to work and losing two days pay, because council wont let you start work due to a complaint. Working out in new estates where there are no Karens is best Welcome to contemporary living in a Greens sardine suburb where you will own a Chinese push bike and be happy