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Nah you'll be fine. They'll send a notice to the hostel, the hostel will send it back RTS, and absolutely nothing else will happen. They're not going to bring interpol in on this one.


There was heaps of letters in the hostel when I was actually staying there (I’m not anymore) so I doubt they’d send it back. I’m not really worried about them coming after me about the fine, just stressing about getting back into the country after I leave if I don’t pay it


They will not ban you from entry for having an outstanding MET fine


Yeah fair enough, literally just happened an hour ago so I’ve started thinking the worst lol


You are a quick overthinker 🥇


Yeah but the inspector told me I’d be stopped at the airport or whatever if I didn’t pay it so I was stressing


Haha no he was lying


Don't worry, most inspectors are failed applicants of the police and are the bane to our society. They are just on a power trip.


inspector is full of shit.


"OK Google", queue: Shaggy - It Wasn't Me


Lmao absolutely hilarious how they just talk complete crap. Must make them feel powerful.


Don’t pay. If you end up migrating here at a later date y can worry about it then


Even if they do migrate here later - even if they became a resident tomorrow - who’s going to chase this up? Especially with the little information they have. Definitely don’t pay.


Most likely to come up if/when another fine is issued


Yeah, I guess I’m thinking old school. I’ve no idea what an automated system would do.


It won’t. I had a couple of Myki fines from when I was a backpacker that I never paid, I’ve been here for 7 years, have PR and have travelled in and out of Australia twice - it’s never come up. Ticket inspectors are assholes who think they’re scary. Fuck ‘em and don’t pay it.


It will become an issue when you get another fine, as a previous commenter said


The fact we still don't have credit card tap and go direct on every myki reader in every tram, bus and train station is the real crime here. Having to find some "participating retail outlet" before you get on the very same transportation vehicle you are trying to use to get to a god damn retail outlet is a joke.


Don't pay it.


For me, it would be worth it to just pay and not have to stress about if it's gonna come back to haunt me. Part of travel is not knowing the rules. That's ok, you got unlucky, just pay the fine and move on. That being said, and please note that I'm completely talking out of my ass, but you'll be totally fine not paying. No one's gonna stop you at the border. Likely will never come back to hurt you, especially if you're not gonna return. But if you think you might go back, just pay it.


Cheers bro, seems like I’m gonna have to bite the bullet


Right of passage visiting Melbourne. Cheers.


Enjoy your free travel


The only cost for tourists is having to deal with the ticket inspector thugs. Cost of free travel as a tourist: A nasty conversation with bullies.


I met a tour guide while in Melbourne who told everyone that public transport was free for tourists and that we didn’t need to tap on. When it was just the two of us, I informed him that backpackers get fines all the time (I’ve seen it happen). Thats when he informed me that he just gives the myki people his Canadian ID and have them send the fine to Canada, where he’ll never pay it. Thats all to say, I think you’re totally fine. When you reapply for a visa, they might check whether you have any outstanding debts to the Australian gov, but the likelyhood of them connecting the dots here are slim to none, especially if they don’t have your passport info.


OF COURSE you dont pay it. They cant do anything.


Ignore it they will never chase you anyway and no you will not be stopped at immigration control. Just be careful however that this will not work in New Zealand as they will stop you at their immigration control. Don't get a fine in New Zealand.


If you ever want to come back, pay the fine for peace of mind. If you don't, become an international criminal lol.


Don't pay it, you'll be okay


Fuck paying nothings gonna happen without your passport number


Don’t pay the dogs they don’t deserve it


Can’t believe all the don’t pay advice. OP was fare evading and got caught.  They should pay up like the rest of us.


The inspectors are not respected by the public. They let crack-heads leave needles and start fights but oh boy, if any normal individual even touches a seat with their foot, your getting bullied and fined. Not all fines are just. \*edit grammar\*


Don’t pay it, they don’t even chase up fines for people living here until u hit like 2.5k My co worker has $1800 in myki fines and hasn’t paid any of them lmao


Hasn't paid any of them YET.


I wouldn’t pay it


Don’t pay. You’ll be fine.


Systems don’t talk to each other.


Have you been paying fares at all? Or mainly just evading them?


I only tap on when it’s the bus or train and I’d only get them like once a month.


If you don't intend to move and live in Victoria, then. pff. Worst thing that can happen is they can send angry letters to the hostel you'll never step foot in again. Or maybe if the hostel has your phone number or email you might get some annoying phone calls or email spam.


Send them a photo of yourself giving them the middle finger.


Make a break for it.


You are getting some really bad advice here. The fines will not be wiped, it will eventually escalate to an enforcement order which will 100% get you flagged on reentry. They may or may not have enough details to line this up. Did you declare the address when you entered etc. It isn’t that hard for it to be flagged. It’s a common strategy to rack up fines and leave the country, such as hiring a car and parking anywhere you like. If you want to come back I would pay, they probably wouldn’t reject you on reentry but they will make you pay the fine plus all the admin costs added on


Yeah I’ve seen other people say it escalated further on other posts but they’ve all given their actual addresses. I never declared that as my address when I entered. I’d still be worries about it though because I’ve seen people have to pay like $2000 because they kept ignoring the fine


be a responsible individual and pay it bro




Been here for 15 months mate give it a rest




Never said it did, but surely you can agree that the myki prices are a joke. Sorry I didn’t want to pay $5.30 for 3 stops on a tram…


Damn don't worry about it lol Half of us don't pay on the daily that guy probably dosent either lmao


Then don't catch it...


Yea don't worry about it. Just keep breaking the laws in every country you visit because when you're a visitor, the rules don't apply to you and you can just leave and never have to deal with the consequences. Hope you enjoyed your stay!


I hope you’ve tapped onto every tram you have ever taken herb